# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit git-2 EGIT_COMMIT="c0bcf1b7ed94a937ce79f840014439458bb2031f" EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.calculate.ru/calculate.git" DESCRIPTION="Program for installation, building and upgrading system" HOMEPAGE="http://www.calculate-linux.org/main/ru/calculate" LICENSE="GPL-3" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64" IUSE="" DEPEND="app-arch/p7zip app-cdr/cdrkit app-portage/layman sys-fs/dosfstools sys-fs/squashfs-tools" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" need_repair_manconf=0 pkg_setup() { [ -e /var/db/pkg/sys-apps/calculate-1.2.7* ] && need_repair_manconf=1 if [ -e /usr/calculate/install ] && \ [ `ls /usr/calculate/install | grep -c ""` -gt 0 ] && \ ! [ -e /var/db/pkg/sys-apps/calculate-[0-9]* ]; then eerror "Finding other copy of calculate in target directory" eerror "Please, remove it, before continue installation." eerror "\trm -rf /usr/calculate/install" die "Cannot continue install. Remove previous calculate installation." fi } src_install() { emake install DESTDIR="${D}" || die "Calculate installation failed." dodoc Change.log } pkg_postinst() { if ! [ -e /usr/calculate/share/addition ]; then mkdir -p /usr/calculate/share/addition fi if ! [ -e /usr/calculate/share/linux ]; then mkdir -p /usr/calculate/share/linux fi if ! [ -e /usr/calculate/share/distfiles ]; then mkdir -p -m 2775 /usr/calculate/share/distfiles chgrp portage /usr/calculate/share/distfiles fi [[ $need_repair_manconf -eq 1 ]] && \ sed -ri 's#/usr/bin/python.*manrc \| ##' /etc/man.conf }