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23 lines
647 B

sys-apps/calculate-utils -backup -client console -desktop -qt5 pxe
media-video/ffmpeg -chromium
# Removed unnecessary dependence
app-emulation/qemu -doc
app-misc/mc -samba
dev-lang/erlang -wxwidgets
dev-lang/mono minimal
dev-libs/libxml2 -icu
media-gfx/imagemagick -djvu -svg -wmf
media-libs/imlib2 -shm
media-video/mediainfo -wxwidgets
media-video/vlc -svg
sys-kernel/calculate-sources -themes
sys-libs/glibc -gd
x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers -compat -gtk3 -multilib -static-libs -tools -uvm -wayland -X
# required by net-misc/networkmanager-1.8.4
net-wireless/wpa_supplicant dbus
# required by net-misc/networkmanager-1.8.4
net-dns/dnsmasq dbus