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# required by app-emulation/docker-1.11.0[device-mapper]
sys-fs/lvm2 thin
# required by media-gfx/simple-scan-3.18.2
dev-libs/libgusb vala
# exactly-one-of
media-video/openshot python_single_target_python3_4
# required by media-video/openshot-2.0.7-r1
media-libs/libopenshot python_single_target_python3_4
# required by sci-visualization/qtiplot-
dev-libs/quazip qt4
# required by kde-plasma/plasma-pa-5.8.3
media-sound/pulseaudio gnome
# linguas_nl_NL? ( ljr )
net-p2p/bitcoin-qt ljr
# required by sci-libs/scipy-0.16.1
dev-python/numpy lapack
# required by dev-python/pytables-3.1.1-r2
dev-libs/c-blosc hdf5
# The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
# threads? ( !cxx !fortran )
sci-libs/hdf5 -threads
# required by dev-qt/qtwayland-5.6.1
dev-qt/qtgui:5 egl
# required by kde-frameworks/kwayland-5.28.0
dev-qt/qtwayland egl
# required by www-client/firefox-50.0.2[pgo]
x11-base/xorg-server xvfb
# required by kde-apps/libkleo-16.12.0
app-crypt/gpgme qt5
# kde-apps/audiocd-kio:4" is blocking kde-apps/audiocd-kio-16.12.0
media-sound/amarok -cdda
# mikmod? ( mod )
media-libs/sdl2-mixer mod
# any-of (chrome qt4)
net-misc/hotot qt4
# gimp? ( gtk )
media-gfx/ufraw gtk
# required by app-office/calligra-3.0.0[calligra_features_karbon]
media-gfx/pstoedit plotutils
# required by x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1, net-print/cups-2.1.4[X]
app-text/xmlto text
# ERROR: net-p2p/mldonkey-3.1.5-r1 failed
net-p2p/mldonkey -gd
# required by sci-geosciences/qgis-2.18.3-r1
x11-libs/qwt designer qt4