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809 B

dev-qt/qtwebkit:4 -gstreamer
# random rebuild the package for no reason
media-libs/babl -cpu_flags_x86_f16c -cpu_flags_x86_sse4_1
# not compiled with app-text/hunspell > 1.3.3
net-im/qutim -hunspell
# ERROR: net-p2p/mldonkey-3.1.5-r1 failed
net-p2p/mldonkey -gd
# not compiled on x86 with qt5
=app-office/texmaker-4.5 -qt5 qt4
# not compiled with ru_RU
=media-video/smtube-15.11.0 -linguas_ru_RU -linguas_lt
# not compiled xfsdump on x86
sys-block/gparted -xfs
# block with imagemagick<7
media-libs/libopenshot -imagemagick
# dev-libs/libsodium:0/18= required by (net-libs/zeromq-4.2.2-r2:0/5
# dev-libs/libsodium:0/18 required by (dev-python/pynacl-1.1.2:0/0
#<www-client/seamonkey-" is blocking x11-plugins/enigmail-