#!/usr/bin/env python # setup.py --- Setup script for calculate-client #Copyright 2008 Calculate Pack, http://www.calculate-linux.ru # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import glob import sys import re from distutils.core import setup, Extension module1 = Extension('calculate-client.pym._cl_keys', library_dirs = ['/usr/lib'], libraries = ['keyutils'], sources = ['./lib/cl_keys.i','./lib/cl_keys.c']) data_files = [] var_data_files = [] data_dirs_local = ['profile'] share_calculate_dir = "/usr/share/calculate/" data_dirs_share = ['i18n'] data_files += var_data_files def scanDirs(profilesDirs): """Recursive scanning directories""" dirs = [] class dirProf: def __init__(self): self.baseDir = False self.dirs = [] self.files = [] def getFilesDir(dirP, dirname,names): if '/.svn' in dirname: return False for nameFile in names: absNameFile = dirname + "/" + nameFile if '/.svn' in absNameFile: continue if os.path.isfile(absNameFile): dirP.files.append(absNameFile) elif os.path.isdir(absNameFile): dirP.dirs.append(absNameFile) return True for profileDir in profilesDirs: if profileDir: dirP = dirProf() dirP.baseDir = profileDir dirs.append(dirP) os.path.walk(profileDir,getFilesDir, dirP) return dirs def create_data_files (data_dirs, prefix=""): test1_files = [] data_files = [] dirs = scanDirs(data_dirs) i = 0 for obj in dirs: if not obj.dirs: obj.dirs.append(data_dirs[i]) i += 1 for obj in dirs: files_obj_dirs = [] for dir_name in obj.dirs: for file_name in obj.files: if re.match(dir_name,file_name): files_obj_dirs.append(dir_name) break for files_obj_dir in files_obj_dirs: obj.dirs.remove(files_obj_dir) files_obj_dirs.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(len(y), len(x))) for dir_name in files_obj_dirs: wr_sp = (prefix+dir_name,[]) file_dirs = [] for file_name in obj.files: if re.match(dir_name,file_name): file_dirs.append(file_name) for file_name in file_dirs: wr_sp[1].append(file_name) obj.files.remove(file_name) test1_files.append(wr_sp) test1_files.reverse() test2_files = [] for obj in dirs: for dir_name in obj.dirs: wr_sp = (prefix+dir_name,[]) test2_files.append(wr_sp) test1_files = test2_files + test1_files return test1_files data_files += create_data_files (data_dirs_local) data_files += create_data_files (data_dirs_share, share_calculate_dir) setup( name = 'calculate-client', version = "0.0.7", description = "Client for the calculate-server", author = "Calculate Pack", author_email = "support@calculate.ru", url = "http://calculate-linux.ru", license = "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0", package_dir = {'calculate-client': "."}, packages = ['calculate-client.pym'], data_files = data_files, scripts=["./scripts/cl-createhome", "./scripts/cl-client", "./scripts/cl-sync"], ext_modules = [module1], )