#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright 2008 Calculate Pack, http://www.calculate-linux.ru # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re import cl_base class fillVars(object, cl_base.glob_attr): def get_cl_profile_path(self): """список накладываемых профилей при установке, наложении профилей""" profpath = [] profPaths=['/usr/lib/calculate/calculate-client/client-profiles', '/var/calculate/remote/client-profiles', '/var/calculate/client-profiles'] for profPath in profPaths: if os.path.isdir(profPath): paths = os.listdir(profPath) for path in paths: ph = os.path.join(profPath,path) filesAndDirs = os.listdir(ph) if os.path.isdir(ph) and filesAndDirs: profpath.append(ph) return profpath def getX11Resolution(self): """возвращает текущее разрешение экрана (ширина, высота), X запущен""" lines=self._runos("xdpyinfo") if not lines: return "" reRes = re.compile("dimensions:\s+(\d+)x(\d+)\s+pixels") searchRes=False for line in lines: searchRes = reRes.search(line) if searchRes: break if searchRes: return (searchRes.group(1), searchRes.group(2)) else: return "" def get_hr_x11_height(self): """Получить высоту экрана в пикселах""" resolution = self.getX11Resolution() if resolution: self.Set('hr_x11_width',resolution[0]) return resolution[1] return "768" def get_hr_x11_width(self): """Получить ширину экрана в пикселах""" resolution = self.getX11Resolution() if resolution: self.Set('hr_x11_height',resolution[1]) return resolution[0] return "1024" def get_hr_x11_standart(self): """Получить ближайший стандартный размер изображения к текущему разрешению""" #Стандартные разрешения widthVal = self.Get('hr_x11_width') heightVal = self.Get('hr_x11_height') if not widthVal or not heightVal: return "" width = int(widthVal) height = int(heightVal) res = [(1024,768), (1280,1024), (1280,800), (1440,900), (1600,1200), (1680,1050), (1920,1200)] resolution = [] formats = [] for w, h in res: formats.append(float(w)/float(h)) listFr = list(set(formats)) listFormats = {} for fr in listFr: listFormats[fr] = [] for w, h in res: for fr in listFormats.keys(): if fr == float(w)/float(h): listFormats[fr].append((w,h)) break format = float(width)/float(height) deltaFr = {} for fr in listFormats.keys(): deltaFr[abs(format - fr)] = fr resolution = listFormats[deltaFr[min(deltaFr.keys())]] flagFound = False stResol = [] stHeights = [] stWidths = [] stWidth = False stHeight = False for w, h in resolution: if w >= width and h >= height: stResol.append((w,h)) stHeights.append(h) if stHeights: stHeight = min(stHeights) for w, h in stResol: if stHeight == h: stWidths.append(w) if stWidths: stWidth = min(stWidths) if (not stWidth) or (not stHeight): return "%sx%s"%(resolution[-1][0],resolution[-1][1]) else: return "%sx%s"%(stWidth,stHeight) def get_hr_laptop(self): """Если компьютер ноутбук, то его производитель""" formfactor = self._runos("hal-get-property --udi \ /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer --key system.formfactor") if not formfactor: return "" if formfactor == 'laptop': vendor = self._runos("hal-get-property --udi \ /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer --key system.hardware.vendor") if vendor: vendor = vendor.split(" ")[0] else: vendor = "unknown" return vendor.lower() return "" def get_hr_video(self): """Производитель видеокарты""" lines=self._runos("lspci") if not lines: return "" reVGA = re.compile("vga",re.I) foundVGA = False for line in lines: if reVGA.search(line): foundVGA = True break if not foundVGA: return "vesa" if "nVidia" in line or "GeForce" in line: return "nvidia" elif "ATI" in line: return "ati" elif "Intel" in line: return "intel" elif "VIA" in line: return "via" elif "VMware" in line: return "vmware" else: return "vesa" def get_ur_jid_host(self): """Host Jabber пользователя""" userJid = self.Get("ur_jid") if userJid: return userJid.partition('@')[2] return ""