您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
Хирецкий Михаил 112a9de890
Update versions
12 年前
data use cl-setup-system instead of cl-template 12 年前
lib Change Mir Calculate Ltd to Calculate Ltd 14 年前
pym Update versions 12 年前
scripts Changed line interpreter in python2 13 年前
LICENSE Creating a calculate-client 14 年前
README Update versions 12 年前
setup.cfg Discard templates. 14 年前
setup.py Update versions 12 年前


AUTHOR: Calculate Ltd. <support@calculate.ru>


calculate-client needs the following library version installed, in order to run:
Python >= 2.5
python-ldap >= 2.0.0
pyxml >= 0.8
calculate-lib >= 2.2.30
calculate-desktop >= 2.2.30

To install calculate-client, just execute the install script 'setup.py'.

./setup.py install