您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
Mike Hiretsky 4d1aa2c9df
Add missing english messages for bulgarian.
13 年前
bg Add missing english messages for bulgarian. 13 年前
ru Autoformat for po files. 13 年前
LICENSE Fix syntax bug in translations. Update version and time. 13 年前
README Fix syntax bug in translations. Update version and time. 13 年前
setup.cfg Copy localization from calculate utilities projects. 13 年前
setup.py Update version 13 年前


AUTHOR: Calculate Ltd. <support@calculate.ru>


To install calculate-l10n , just execute the install script 'setup.py'.

./setup.py install