You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

177 lines
5.0 KiB

14 years ago
#include "systeminstaller.h"
#include <QtGui>
#include <QStackedWidget>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include "pagemanager.h"
#include "pagelanguage.h"
#include "pagelicense.h"
#include "pagepartitioning.h"
#include "pageconfiguration.h"
#include "pageinstall.h"
#include "pagefinish.h"
#include "pagecfdisk.h"
SystemInstaller::SystemInstaller(QWidget *parent) :
// need for QMainWindow
QWidget* centralWidget = new QWidget(this);
// buttons
QHBoxLayout* hbox_buttons = new QHBoxLayout;
m_butPrev = new QPushButton( tr("Prevoius") );
m_butNext = new QPushButton( tr("Next") );
hbox_buttons->addWidget( m_butPrev );
hbox_buttons->addWidget( m_butNext );
// right pannel = widget for pages + buttons
QStackedWidget* stackPages = new QStackedWidget;
QVBoxLayout* vbox_1 = new QVBoxLayout;
QGroupBox* group_box_page = new QGroupBox;
QVBoxLayout* group_box_page_l = new QVBoxLayout;
group_box_page_l->addWidget( stackPages );
group_box_page->setLayout( group_box_page_l );
vbox_1->addWidget( group_box_page );
vbox_1->addLayout( hbox_buttons );
// left pannel
QLabel* labelPages = new QLabel;
QGroupBox* group_box_list = new QGroupBox;
QVBoxLayout* group_box_list_l = new QVBoxLayout;
group_box_list_l->addWidget( labelPages );
group_box_list->setLayout( group_box_list_l );
// left + right pannels
QHBoxLayout* hbox_2 = new QHBoxLayout;
hbox_2->addWidget( group_box_list, 2 );
hbox_2->addLayout( vbox_1, 9);
14 years ago
// all window
QVBoxLayout* vbox_2 = new QVBoxLayout(centralWidget);
m_labelImage = new QLabel("");
m_labelImage->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter );
// logo
QImage logo( ":/img/calculate-logo.png" );
m_labelImage->setPixmap( QPixmap::fromImage(logo) );
vbox_2->addWidget( m_labelImage );
vbox_2->addLayout( hbox_2 );
setCentralWidget( centralWidget );
// minimum size for window TODO: remove magic numbers
setMinimumSize(800, 600);
14 years ago
QRect scr = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry();
move( scr.width() - scr.width()/2 - 800/2, scr.height() - scr.height()/2 - 600/2 );
14 years ago
// create PageManager and pages
m_PageManager = new PageManager(stackPages, labelPages, this);
PageLanguage* pageLanguage = new PageLanguage( tr("Language") );
connect( pageLanguage, SIGNAL(changeLanguage(int)), this, SLOT(changedLanguage(int)) );
PageLicense* pageLicense = new PageLicense( tr("License") );
connect( pageLicense, SIGNAL(changeNext(bool)), this, SLOT(changedNext(bool)) );
PagePartitioning* pagePartitoning = new PagePartitioning( tr("Partitioning") );
connect( pagePartitoning, SIGNAL(changeNext(bool)), this, SLOT(changedNext(bool)) );
connect( pagePartitoning, SIGNAL(manualyPartitioning(QString)), this, SLOT(doPartitioning(QString)) );
connect( pagePartitoning, SIGNAL(selectedVolume(QString)), this, SLOT(volumeSelect(QString)) );
14 years ago
PageConfiguration* pageConfiguration = new PageConfiguration( tr("Configuring") );
connect( pageConfiguration, SIGNAL(selectedSettings(InstallerSettings)),
this, SLOT(configurationSelect(InstallerSettings))
14 years ago
PageInstall* pageInstall = new PageInstall( tr("Installing"), &m_InstallSettings );
connect( pageInstall, SIGNAL(changeNext(bool)), this, SLOT(changedNext(bool)) );
connect( pageInstall, SIGNAL(changePrev(bool)), this, SLOT(changedPrev(bool)) );
14 years ago
PageFinish* pageFinish = new PageFinish( tr("Complete") );
connect( pageFinish, SIGNAL(changeNext(bool)), this, SLOT(changedNext(bool)) );
connect( pageFinish, SIGNAL(changePrev(bool)), this, SLOT(changedPrev(bool)) );
14 years ago
connect( m_butNext, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_PageManager, SLOT(showNext()) );
connect( m_butPrev, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_PageManager, SLOT(showPrevious()) );
delete m_PageManager;
void SystemInstaller::changedNext(bool state)
void SystemInstaller::changedPrev(bool state)
void SystemInstaller::changedLanguage(int lang)
void SystemInstaller::doPartitioning(QString disk)
14 years ago
m_PageCfdisk = new PageCfdisk("Partitioning", disk);
14 years ago
connect( m_PageCfdisk, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(completePartitioning()) );
void SystemInstaller::completePartitioning()
delete m_PageCfdisk;
void SystemInstaller::volumeSelect(QString volume)
qDebug() << "Selected volume is " << volume;
m_InstallSettings.disk = volume;
void SystemInstaller::configurationSelect(InstallerSettings settings)
qDebug() << "Selected settings: ";
qDebug() << "Host: " <<;
qDebug() << "FS: " << settings.fs;
qDebug() << "Language: " << settings.language;
qDebug() << "Timezone: " << settings.timezone;
// replace selected volume
settings.disk = m_InstallSettings.disk;
m_InstallSettings = settings;