#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2010 Calculate Ltd. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys, os, re import cl_install import traceback from cl_install import InstallError __version__ = cl_install.__version__ __app__ = cl_install.__app__ from cl_datavars import DataVars from cl_template import template, templateClt from cl_print import color_print import cl_overriding from cl_lang import lang lang().setLanguage(sys.modules[__name__]) #sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/lib/calculate-2.2/calculate-lib/pym") #packagePath = "/usr/lib/calculate-2.2" #for path in os.listdir(packagePath): #realPath = os.path.join(packagePath,path) #if os.path.isdir(realPath): #pymPath = os.path.join(realPath,"pym") #if len(filter(lambda x:x.startswith("cl_vars_") and\ #x.endswith(".py") or x.startswith("cl_fill_") and\ #x.endswith(".py"), os.listdir(pymPath)))==2: #sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(pymPath)) cl_overriding.exit = cl_install.defaultExit cl_overriding.printERROR = cl_install.defaultPrintERROR class DataVarsObject(DataVars): """Класс переменных для десктопа""" def __init__(self, section): DataVars.__init__(self) self.section=section def importDataObject(self, **args): '''Заполнить конфигурацию переменных, для десктопа''' # Имя секции в calculate.env #envSection = "calculate-desktop" # заполнить переменные окружения алгоритмом по умолнанию self.importData(self.section, ('cl_vars_%s' %self.section, 'cl_fill_%s' %self.section)) self.flIniFile() class updateConfFiles(color_print): """Для обновления конфигурационных файлов""" def __init__(self): clVars = DataVarsObject("install") clVars.importDataObject() self.clVars = clVars self.installProgs = self.clVars.GetList("cl_merges") def applyCltTemplate(self, cltTemplatePath): """Применяем clt шаблон""" realPath = "/usr/lib/calculate-2.2/calculate-install" pymPath = os.path.join(realPath,"pym") if not "calculate-install" in self.installProgs: self.printERROR(_("Can not installed %s") %"calculate-install") self.printWARNING(\ _("To install the program, run 'cl-install --install'")) return False dirsTemplates = self.clVars.Get("cl_template_clt_path") flagFoundPath = False for dirTemplates in dirsTemplates: if cltTemplatePath.startswith(dirTemplates): flagFoundPath = True if not flagFoundPath: self.printERROR(_("Incorrect path %s")%cltTemplatePath) self.printWARNING(_("Use the following directories and their \ subdirectories %s")%', '.join(dirsTemplates)) return False if not os.path.exists(cltTemplatePath): self.printERROR(_("File '%s' does not exist")%cltTemplatePath) return False if not os.access(cltTemplatePath, os.R_OK): self.printERROR(_("Permission denied: '%s'")%cltTemplatePath) return False if not os.path.isfile(cltTemplatePath): self.printERROR(_("'%s' is not file")%cltTemplatePath) return False clTempl = templateClt(self.clVars) if not cltTemplatePath.endswith(clTempl.extFileTemplate): self.printERROR(_("extension of the file '%s' not '.clt'") %cltTemplatePath) return False calcPkg = self.clVars.Get("cl_name")+"-" + self.clVars.Get("cl_ver") # merge self.clVars.Set("cl_action", "merge", True) nameFile = clTempl.applyTemplate(cltTemplatePath) if nameFile is False: self.printERROR(_("Error template in a package %s")\ %calcPkg) for errMess in clTempl.getError().splitlines(): self.printERROR(errMess) return False if nameFile is True: self.printWARNING(_("Template %s not applied")%cltTemplatePath) else: self.printWARNING(_("Package %s has changed files")%calcPkg+":") self.printWARNING(" "*5 + nameFile) return True def printVars(self, opts=["all"]): """Печать существующих переменных""" if opts == ["all"]: self.clVars.printVars() else: self.clVars.printVars() def applyAllTemplates(self, location="all", package=None): """Обновление конфигурационных файлов""" if not "calculate-install" in self.installProgs: self.printERROR(_("Can not installed %s") %"calculate-install") self.printWARNING(\ _("To install the program, run 'cl-install --install'")) return False if package and "/" in package: package = package.partition('/')[2] sectionsWork = map(lambda x: x.rpartition("-")[2], self.installProgs) dictPakkages = {} oldPymPath = "" listIndex = [] clTempl = False for sectName in sectionsWork: realPath = "/usr/lib/calculate-2.2/calculate-%s"%sectName pymPath = os.path.join(realPath,"pym") if not os.path.isdir(pymPath): continue if len(filter(lambda x:x.startswith("cl_vars_") and\ x.endswith(".py") or x.startswith("cl_fill_") and\ x.endswith(".py"), os.listdir(pymPath)))==2: if oldPymPath: sys.path = filter(lambda x: x!=oldPymPath, sys.path) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(pymPath)) oldPymPath = os.path.abspath(pymPath) clVars = DataVarsObject(sectName) clVars.importDataObject() if location in ("local", "remote"): listTemplatePaths = clVars.Get("cl_template_path") if len(listTemplatePaths) != 3: self.printERROR(\ _("Error in template variable 'cl_template_path=%s'")\ %str(listTemplatePaths)) return False elif location == "local": clVars.Set("cl_template_path", [listTemplatePaths[1]], True) elif location == "remote": clVars.Set("cl_template_path", [listTemplatePaths[2]], True) # merge clVars.Set("cl_action", "merge" ,True) # будут применены все шаблоны .clt (cltFilter=False) # и обычные шаблоны clTempl = template(clVars, cltFilter=False, printWarning=False) error = None if(package): clVars.Set("cl_belong_pkg",package,True) try: if location=="clt": # apply clt templates dirsFiles = clTempl.cltObj.applyTemplates() else: # apply all templates dirsFiles = clTempl.applyTemplates() except InstallError,e: error = e except (Exception),e: error = "" for i in apply(traceback.format_exception, sys.exc_info()): error += i finally: if error: for line in filter(lambda x: x,str(error).split('\n')): self.printERROR(line) return False nameAndVerPkg = clVars.Get("cl_name")+"-"+\ clVars.Get("cl_ver") if dirsFiles is False: self.printERROR(_("Error template in a package %s")\ %nameAndVerPkg) for errMess in clTempl.getError().splitlines(): self.printERROR(errMess) return False if dirsFiles and dirsFiles[1]: if not nameAndVerPkg in listIndex: listIndex.append(nameAndVerPkg) dictPakkages[nameAndVerPkg] =\ sorted(list(set(dirsFiles[1]))) if dictPakkages: for calcPkg in listIndex: self.printWARNING(_("Package %s has changed files")%calcPkg+":") for nameF in dictPakkages[calcPkg]: nameFile = nameF if nameFile[:1] != "/": nameFile = "/" + nameFile self.printWARNING(" "*5 + nameFile) if clTempl and clTempl.getWarning(): cl_overriding.printSUCCESS("") for warn in clTempl.getWarning().split("\n"): self.printWARNING(warn) return True