#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2010 Calculate Ltd. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from update_config.cl_update_config import __app__, __version__,\ updateSystemConfigs, updateUserConfigs from cl_print import color_print as old_color_print from cl_opt import opt import sys import cl_lang # Перевод модуля tr = cl_lang.lang() tr.setLocalDomain('cl_lib') tr.setLanguage(sys.modules[__name__]) # Использование программы USAGE = _("%prog [options] package_name") # Коментарии к использованию программы COMMENT_EXAMPLES = _("Update configuration files of package nss_ldap") # Пример использования программы EXAMPLES = _(r"%prog --system --pkg_category net-nds --pkg_version 2.4.19\ --path / openldap") # Описание программы (что делает программа) DESCRIPTION = _("Update configuration files package installed") # Опции командной строки CMD_OPTIONS=[{'longOption':"system", 'help':_("update system configuration files")}, {'longOption':"desktop", 'help':_("update desktop (user) configuration files")}, {'longOption':"path", 'optVal':"PATH", 'help':_("root path for saving the updated configuration files")}, {'longOption':"pkg_category", 'optVal':"CATEGORY", 'help':_("package category name")}, {'longOption':"pkg_version", 'optVal':"VERSION", 'help':_("package version number without the revision")}] class update_cmd: def __init__(self): # Объект опций командной строки self.optobj = opt(\ package=__app__, version=__version__, usage=USAGE, examples=EXAMPLES, comment_examples=COMMENT_EXAMPLES, description=DESCRIPTION, option_list=CMD_OPTIONS + opt.color_control, check_values=self.checkOpts) # Создаем объекты логики self.logicSystemObj = updateSystemConfigs() self.logicUserObj = updateUserConfigs() def setPrintNoColor(self, optObj): """Установка печати сообщений без цвета""" if optObj.color and optObj.color=="never": old_color_print.colorPrint = lambda *arg: \ sys.stdout.write(arg[-1]) or\ sys.stdout.flush() def checkOpts(self, optObj, args): """Проверка опций командной строки""" if not args: errMsg = _("no such argument") + ":" + " %s" %USAGE.split(" ")[-1] self.optobj.error(errMsg) return False if len(args)>1: errMsg = _("incorrect argument") + ":" + " %s" %" ".join(args) self.optobj.error(errMsg) return False if optObj.system and not optObj.path: errMsg = _("no such option") + ":" + " --path" self.optobj.error(errMsg) return False if not optObj.pkg_category: errMsg = _("no such option") + ":" + " --pkg_category" self.optobj.error(errMsg) return False if not optObj.pkg_version: errMsg = _("no such option") + ":" + " --pkg_version" self.optobj.error(errMsg) return False if not filter(lambda x: x, [optObj.system, optObj.desktop]): errMsg = _("no such options") + ":" + " --system " + _("or") +\ " --desktop" self.optobj.error(errMsg) return False return optObj, args def updateSystemConfig(self, nameProgram, category, version, configPath): """Обновление системных конфигурационных файлов""" if not self.logicSystemObj.updateConfig(nameProgram, category, version, configPath): return False return True def updateUserConfig(self, nameProgram, category, version): """Обновление конфигурационных файлов для пользователей в X сеансах""" if not self.logicUserObj.updateConfig(nameProgram, category, version): return False return True