#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2008-2010 Calculate Ltd. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import string from random import choice import os from os import path import types import subprocess from subprocess import Popen,PIPE,STDOUT import stat from shutil import copytree, rmtree import cl_overriding import re import sys import getpass from types import StringType try: from magic import open as type_file, MAGIC_NONE as MAGIC_NONE except ImportError: try: from magic import open as type_file, NONE as MAGIC_NONE except: type_file = None MAGIC_NONE = None import cl_lang tr = cl_lang.lang() tr.setLocalDomain('cl_lib') tr.setLanguage(sys.modules[__name__]) class _error: # Здесь ошибки, если они есть error = [] def getError(self): """Выдать ошибки""" if not self.error: return False error = "" for e in self.error: error += e + "\n" return error def setError(self, error): """Установка ошибки""" self.error.append(error) return True class _warning: # Здесь предупреждения warning = [] def getWarning(self): """Выдать ошибки""" if not self.warning: return False warning = "" for w in self.warning: warning += w + "\n" return warning def setWarning(self, warning): """Установка ошибки""" self.warning.append(warning) return True class proxy_type_file: def __init__(self,flags): self.flags = flags def load(self): pass def setflags(self,flags): self.flags = flags def close(self): pass def file(self,filename): if path.exists(filename): if self.flags == 0x410: processFile = process("file","-bi",filename) if processFile.success(): return processFile.read().rstrip() else: processFile = process("file","-bz",filename) if processFile.success(): return processFile.read().rstrip() return None class typeFile: """Получение типа файла""" def __init__(self, magic=0x410): if type_file is None: self.magicObject = proxy_type_file(MAGIC_NONE) else: self.magicObject = type_file(MAGIC_NONE) self.magicObject.load() self.magicObject.setflags(magic) def __del__(self): """Закрываем magic""" self.magicObject.close() def getMType(self, filename): """Информация о типе файла""" return self.magicObject.file(filename) def isBinary(self, filename): """является ли файл бинарным""" mime = self.getMType(filename) # В случае ошибки if mime.count("`"): return mime elif mime.count("binary"): return True return False class scanDirectory: """Класс для cканирования директории""" def processingFile(self, pathname, prefix): """Обработка в случае файла""" return True def processingDirectory(self, pathname, prefix): """Обработка в случае директории если возвращаем None то пропуск дир.""" return True def scanningDirectory(self, scanDir, skipFile=[], skipDir=[], prefix=None, flagDir=False): """Сканирование и обработка шаблонов в директории scanDir""" ret = True if not prefix: prefix = path.join(scanDir,"")[:-1] if not flagDir: # проверка корневой директории retDir = self.processingDirectory(scanDir, scanDir) if retDir is None: return None elif retDir is False: return False if flagDir or stat.S_ISDIR(os.lstat(scanDir)[stat.ST_MODE]): for absPath in sorted(listDirectory(scanDir,fullPath=True)): relPath = absPath.split(prefix)[1] stInfo = os.lstat(absPath) statInfo = stInfo[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISREG(statInfo): # Обработка файла if relPath in skipFile: continue if not self.processingFile(absPath, prefix): return False elif stat.S_ISDIR(statInfo): # Обработка директории if relPath in skipDir: continue retDir = self.processingDirectory(absPath, prefix) if retDir is None: continue elif retDir is False: return False ret = self.scanningDirectory(absPath, skipFile, skipDir, prefix, True) if ret is False: return False return ret class process: """Execute system command by Popen Examples: execute program and get result: if process("/bin/gzip","/boot/somefile").success(): print "Gzip success" unzip and process unzip data by cpio (list files): processGzip = process("/bin/gzip","-dc","/boot/initrd") processCpio = process("/bin/cpio","-tf",stdin=processGzip) filelist = processCpio.readlines() execute command and send data: processGrub = process("/sbin/grub") processGrub.write("root (hd0,0)\n") processGrub.write("setup (hd0)\n") processGrub.write("quit\n") isok = processGrub.success() union stdout and stderr: process("/bin/ls","/",stderr=STDOUT) result to stdout: process("/bin/ls",stdout=None) get data from keyboard: process("/bin/cat",stdin=None) """ def __init__(self,command,*params,**kwarg): if not "stdin" in kwarg: stdin=self._defaultStdin else: if kwarg["stdin"] == None: stdin = self._keyboardStdin else: stdin=kwarg["stdin"].getStdout self.stdout = kwarg.get("stdout",PIPE) self.envdict = kwarg.get("envdict",{}) if "lang" in kwarg: self.envdict["LANG"] = kwarg.get('lang') self.langc = "langc" in kwarg self.stderr = kwarg.get("stderr",PIPE) self.command = [command] + list(params) self.stdin = stdin self.iter = None self.pipe = None self.cacheresult = None self.communicated = False def _open(self): """Open pipe if it not open""" if not self.pipe: self.pipe = Popen(self.command, stdout=self.stdout, stdin=self.stdin(), stderr=self.stderr, env=self.envdict) def _defaultStdin(self): """Return default stdin""" return PIPE def _keyboardStdin(self): """Return keyboard stdin""" return None def getStdout(self): """Get current stdout""" self.close() self._open() return self.pipe.stdout def write(self,data): """Write to process stdin""" self._open() self.pipe.stdin.write(data) self.pipe.stdin.flush() def close(self): """Close stdin""" if self.pipe: self.pipe.stdin.close() def read(self): """Read all data""" try: self._open() if self.cacheresult is None: self.cacheresult = self.pipe.communicate()[0] return self.cacheresult except KeyboardInterrupt: self.kill() raise KeyboardInterrupt def readlines(self): """Read lines""" return self.read().split('\n') def __iter__(self): """Get iterator""" if not self.iter: self.iter = iter(self.readlines()) return self.iter def kill(self): """Kill this process""" if self.pipe: self.pipe.kill() def next(self): """Next string from stdout""" return self.__iter__().next() def returncode(self): """Get return code""" self.read() return self.pipe.returncode def success(self): """Success or not""" return self.returncode() == 0 def failed(self): """Failed or not""" return self.returncode() != 0 class processProgress(process): """Execute system command by Popen for parse stdout.""" def __init__(self,command,*params,**kwarg): process.__init__(self,command,*params,**kwarg) self.readsize = kwarg.get("readsize",10) self.init(**kwarg) def init(self,**kwarg): pass def read(self): """Read data with parsing ability""" try: self.processInit() self._open() if self.cacheresult is None: self.cacheresult = [] self.buf = "" part = self.pipe.stdout.read(1) while part: if self.buf: self.buf += part else: self.buf = part if self.processStdout(): self.processDraw() self.cacheresult.append(part) part = self.pipe.stdout.read(self.readsize) self.pipe.poll() self.processEnd(self.success()) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.cacheresult = "".join(self.cacheresult) self.pipe.kill() self.processEnd(False) raise KeyboardInterrupt() self.cacheresult = "".join(self.cacheresult) return self.cacheresult def processInit(self): """Called when read first byte""" pass def processDraw(self): """Called when processStdout return True""" pass def processStdout(self): """Called when read readsize byte from stdout""" return True def processEnd(self,res=True): """Called when process end""" pass def runOsCommand(cmd,in_str=None, env_dict=None): """Run system command Параметры: cmd внешняя программа in_str данные передаваемые программе на страндартный вход. env_dict словарь переменных окружения Возвращает (код возврата, список stdout+stderr) """ pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env_dict, close_fds=True, shell=True) fout, fin, ferr = (pipe.stdout, pipe.stdin, pipe.stderr) # если есть данные на вход, передать их if in_str: fin.write(in_str) fin.close() res = map(lambda x: x.rstrip(), fout.readlines()) fout.close() res += map(lambda x: x.rstrip(), ferr.readlines()) ferr.close() # Код возврата retcode = pipe.wait() return retcode, res def genpassword(passlen=9): """Return random charset specified lenght (passlen)""" return ''.join(map(lambda x:choice(string.ascii_letters+string.digits), xrange(0,passlen))) def getpathenv(): """Return path for run utilities""" bindir=set(filter(path.exists, ['/sbin','/bin','/usr/sbin','/usr/bin'])) env=os.environ envPath = set(env.get('PATH','').split(":")) | bindir return ":".join(envPath) class MultiReplace: """MultiReplace function object Usage: replacer = MultiReplace({'str':'efg','in':'asd'}) s = replacer("string") """ def __init__(self, repl_dict): # string to string mapping; use a regular expression keys = repl_dict.keys() keys.sort(reverse=True) # lexical order pattern = u"|".join([re.escape(key) for key in keys]) self.pattern = re.compile(pattern) self.dict = repl_dict def replace(self, s): # apply replacement dictionary to string def repl(match, get=self.dict.get): item = match.group(0) return get(item, item) return self.pattern.sub(repl, s) __call__ = replace def str2dict(s): """Convert string to dictionary: String format: {'key1':'value1','key2':'val\'ue2'} """ value = r'(?:\\\\|\\\'|[^\'])' pair = r""" \s*' # begin key (%(v)s*) ' # end key \s*:\s* # delimeter key/value ' # begin value (%(v)s*) '\s* # end value """ % {"v":value} reDict = re.compile(pair, re.X) reMatchDict = re.compile(""" ^{ # begin dict ((%(v)s,)* # many pair with comma at end %(v)s)? # pair without comma }$ # end dict """ % {'v':pair}, re.X) if reMatchDict.match(s.strip()): d = dict(reDict.findall(s)) replaceSlash = MultiReplace({'\\\\':'\\','\\\'':'\''}) for i in d.keys(): d[i] = replaceSlash(d[i]) return d else: cl_overriding.printERROR(_("wrong dictionary value: %s"%s)) cl_overriding.exit(1) def str2list(s): """Convert string to list: String format: ['value1','val\'ue2'] """ value = r'(?:\\\\|\\\'|[^\'])' element = r""" \s*' # begin value (%(v)s*) '\s* # end value """ % {"v":value} reList = re.compile(element, re.X) reMatchList = re.compile(""" ^\[ # begin dict ((%(v)s,)* # many elements with comma at end %(v)s)? # element without comma \]$ # end dict """ % {'v':element}, re.X) if reMatchList.match(s.strip()): replaceSlash = MultiReplace({'\\\\':'\\','\\\'':'\''}) return [replaceSlash(i) for i in reList.findall(s)] else: cl_overriding.printERROR(_("wrong list value: %s"%s)) cl_overriding.exit(1) def list2str(list): """Convert list to string Return string with escaped \ and '. """ replaceSlash = MultiReplace({'\\':'\\\\','\'':'\\\''}) return "[%s]" % ','.join(["'%s'"%replaceSlash(str(i)) for i in list ]) def dict2str(dict): """Convert dictionry to string Return string with escaped \ and '. """ replaceSlash = MultiReplace({'\\':'\\\\','\'':'\\\''}) return '{%s}' % ','.join(["'%s':'%s'" % (str(k),replaceSlash(str(v))) \ for (k,v) in dict.items()]) def convertStrListDict(val): """Convert data between string, list, dict""" # if val is list if type(val) == types.ListType: return list2str(val) # if val is dictionary elif type(val) == types.DictType: return dict2str(val) # else it is string else: # detect dictionary if re.match("^{.*}$",val): return str2dict(val) # detect list elif re.match("^\[.*\]$",val): return str2list(val) # else is simple string else: return val def _toUNICODE(val): """Convert text to unicode""" if type(val) == types.UnicodeType: return val else: return str(val).decode('UTF-8') def getModeFile(nameFile, mode="all"): """Выдает информацию о файле mode=="all" права файла, владелец, группа файла mode=="mode" права файла mode=="owner" владелец, группа файла """ fst = os.lstat(nameFile) if mode == "all": return (stat.S_IMODE(fst.st_mode), fst.st_uid, fst.st_gid) if mode == "mode": return stat.S_IMODE(fst.st_mode) if mode == "owner": return fst.st_uid, fst.st_gid def chownR(directory, uid, gid): """Recusive chown""" def chownPaths(rootPath, listPath, uid, gid): for chPath in listPath: chownPath = path.join(rootPath, chPath) statInfo = os.lstat(chownPath)[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISLNK(statInfo): os.lchown(chownPath, uid, gid) else: os.chown(chownPath, uid, gid) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): # меняем владельца директории os.chown(root, uid, gid) # Меняем владельца директорий chownPaths(root, dirs, uid, gid) # Меняем владельца файлов chownPaths(root, files, uid, gid) return True def copyDir(srcDir, destDir): """Копируем директорию srcDir в destDir При копировании сохраняются владелец, группа, права """ def ignoreFile(pathname, names): """Игнорирование сокетов при копировании""" ignore = [] for name in names: if stat.S_ISSOCK(os.lstat(path.join(pathname, name))[stat.ST_MODE]): ignore.append(name) return ignore copytree(srcDir, destDir, ignore=ignoreFile) return True def removeDir(rmDir): """Рекурсивное удаление директории""" rmtree(rmDir) return True def getRunCommands(): """List run program""" def getCmd(procNum): cmdLineFile = '/proc/%s/cmdline'%procNum try: if path.exists(cmdLineFile): return open(cmdLineFile,'r').read().strip() except: pass return "" if not os.access('/proc',os.R_OK): return [] return map(getCmd, filter(lambda x:x.isdigit(), listDirectory('/proc'))) def isFstabMount(pathname,mapDevUuid={},listFstab=[]): """Get mount point or device from fstab""" def removeQuotes(s): return s.replace('"','').replace("'","") if pathname == "swap": absPath = "swap" else: absPath = path.abspath(pathname) if not mapDevUuid: mapDevUuid.update(getUUIDDict()) # convert fstab to # [['/dev/sda3', '/', '', 'reiserfs', 'noatime', '', '', '0', '2\n'], # ['/dev/sda5', '/var/calculate', 'reiserfs', 'noatime', '0', '0\n']] #if not listFstab: if not listFstab: listFstab.extend( map(lambda x: [mapDevUuid.get(removeQuotes(x[0]),x[0]), x[1] if x[2] != "swap" else "swap"], filter(lambda x: len(x) >= 4, map(lambda x: filter(lambda x: x, x.replace('\t',' ').split(' ')), filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('#') and x.strip(), open("/etc/fstab")))))) # get mount point or device or dir return filter(lambda x: x!=absPath, reduce(lambda x,y: y, filter(lambda x: absPath in x and x[1] != "none", listFstab),[""]))[0] class SingletonParam(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict): super(SingletonParam, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict) cls.instance = {} def __call__(cls,*args,**kw): keyarg = args[0] if args else "" if not keyarg in cls.instance: cls.instance[keyarg] = \ super(SingletonParam, cls).__call__(*args, **kw) return cls.instance[keyarg] class FStab(object): """Data reader for fstab""" __metaclass__ = SingletonParam fstab_file = '/etc/fstab' NAME, DIR, TYPE, OPTS, FREQ, PASSNO = range(0,6) def __init__(self,fstab_file=None): if fstab_file: self.fstab_file = fstab_file self.cache = [] self.rotateCache = [] self.dictUUID = getUUIDDict() self.rebuildCache() def rebuildCache(self): """Rebuild cache from fstab file""" self.cache = \ map(lambda x:map(lambda y:y.strip(),x.split()), filter(lambda x:x and not x.lstrip().startswith("#"), open(self.fstab_file,'r').read().split('\n'))) for data in self.cache: convertDev = lambda x: path.realpath(x) if x.startswith('/') else x data[0] = getUdevDeviceInfo( name=convertDev(self.dictUUID.get(data[0],data[0])) ).get('DEVNAME','') data[1] = data[1] if data[2] != "swap" else "swap" self.rotateCache = zip(*self.cache) def getBy(self,what=DIR,where=NAME,eq=None,noteq=None,allentry=False): """Get data from fstab""" if not eq is None: filterfunc = lambda x: x[where] == eq else: filterfunc = lambda x: x[where] != noteq res = map(lambda x:x[what],filter(filterfunc,self.cache)) if allentry: return res else: return "" if not res else res[-1] def getFields(self,*fields): """Get all data by specifie fields""" return zip(*reduce(lambda x,y:x+[self.rotateCache[y]],fields,[])) def isExists(self,what=DIR,eq=None,noteq=None): """Field with condition exist in fstab""" if not eq is None: filterfunc = lambda x: x[what] == eq else: filterfunc = lambda x: x[what] != noteq return bool(filter(filterfunc,self.cache)) def isMount(pathname): """В случае монтирования директории выдает другой примонтированный путь""" absPath = path.abspath(pathname) mtabFile = '/etc/mtab' if not os.access(mtabFile,os.R_OK): return "" return filter(lambda x: x!=absPath, reduce(lambda x,y: y, filter(lambda x: absPath in x, map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1]], map(lambda x: x.split(" "), open(mtabFile)))), [""]))[0] def commonPath(*paths): """Return common path from list of paths""" paths = map(lambda x:path.normpath(x).split('/'),paths) res = map(lambda x:x[0], filter(lambda x:filter(lambda y:x[0]==y,x[1:]),zip(*paths))) return "/".join(res) def childMounts(pathname): """Get all mount points which contain path""" if pathname != "none": absPath = path.abspath(pathname) else: absPath = pathname mtabFile = '/etc/mtab' if not os.access(mtabFile,os.R_OK): return "" return reduce(lambda x,y: x + [y], filter(lambda x: commonPath(absPath,x[0])==absPath or \ commonPath(absPath,x[1])==absPath, map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1]], map(lambda x: x.split(" "), open(mtabFile)))), []) def pathJoin(*paths): """Складывает пути, в отличии от os.path.join, складывает абсолютные пути""" if len(paths)==1: return paths[0] return reduce(path.join, filter(lambda x:x and x != "/", map(lambda x: x.startswith("/") and x[1:] or x, paths[1:])),paths[0]) def getUserPassword(flag="dialog", pwDialog=False): """Получить пароль у пользователя flag - опция "dalog" или "stdin" - откуда получаем пароль pwDialog - структура для вывода приглашения в режиме диалога """ userPwd = "" if flag == "dialog": if not pwDialog: pwDialog = [_("New password"), _("Retype the new password")] pwdA = getpass.getpass(pwDialog[0]+":") pwdB = getpass.getpass(pwDialog[1]+":") elif flag == "stdin": pwdA = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() pwdB = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() else: cl_overriding.printERROR(_("ERROR in function getUserPassword, \ incorrect option 'flag=%s'")%flag) return False if not pwdA or not (pwdA == pwdB): cl_overriding.printERROR(_("ERROR") + ": " +\ _("wrong password")+ ": " + _("try again")) return False userPwd = pwdA return userPwd def cmpVersion(v1,v2): """Compare versions specified by tuple or string""" if isinstance(v1,StringType): v1 = getTupleVersion(v1) if isinstance(v2,StringType): v2 = getTupleVersion(v2) return cmp((v1[0]+[0,]*(len(v2[0])-len(v1[0])),v1[1]), (v2[0]+[0,]*(len(v1[0])-len(v2[0])),v2[1])) def getTupleVersion(ver): """Get version specified by string as list: Example: 2.6.30 [(2,6,30),('r',0)] 2.6.31-r1 [(2,6,31),('r',1)] """ suffix_value = {"pre": -2, "p": 0, "alpha": -4, "beta": -3, "rc": -1} def toTuple(v): return map(lambda x: suffix_value[x] if x in suffix_value else x, map(lambda x: int(x) if x.isdigit() else x, re.findall("r\d+$|\d+|[a-zA-Z+]+", v.replace('-SNAPSHOT','')))) vers, revision = re.search("(^.*?)(-r\d+)?$",ver,re.S).groups() vers = toTuple(vers) revision = toTuple(revision or "r0") return [vers,revision] def appendProgramToEnvFile(nameProg, objVar): """Append name program to variable cl-merges and save /etc/calculate/calculate.env """ if not objVar.AppendToList("cl_merges", nameProg, force=True): return False if not objVar.WriteList("cl_merges", force=True): return False return True def removeProgramToEnvFile(nameProg, objVar): """Remove name program from variable cl-merges and save /etc/calculate/calculate.env""" if not objVar.RemoveToList("cl_merges", nameProg, force=True): return False if not objVar.WriteList("cl_merges", force=True): return False return True def checkDigestFile(digestfile): """Check digest by digestfile""" reEntry = re.compile(r"# (\S+) HASH\n(\S+) (\S+)",re.S) result = [] for alg,hashdata,filename in \ reEntry.findall(open(digestfile,'r').read()): if hasattr(hashlib,alg.lower()): hashobj = getattr(hashlib,alg.lower()) filename = path.join(path.dirname(digestfile),filename) if os.path.exists(filename): digest = hashobj(open(filename,'r').read()) result.append((alg, digest.hexdigest().upper() == hashdata.upper())) return result def getFilesCount(directory): """Get files count from directory""" if path.exists(directory): return len(reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x:x[1]+x[2], os.walk(directory)),[])) return 0 def listDirectory(directory,fullPath=False): """Get files from directory, if it exists""" if not path.exists(directory): return [] try: if fullPath: return map(lambda x:path.join(directory,x), os.listdir(directory)) else: return os.listdir(directory) except OSError: pass return [] def getInstalledVideo(prefix="/"): """Get installed video drivers""" x11Drivers = path.join(prefix,"usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers") return map(lambda x:x[:-7], filter(lambda x:x.endswith('_drv.so'), listDirectory(x11Drivers))) def getDistfilesVideo(prefix="/"): """Get video drivers from distfiles""" distFiles = path.join(prefix,"usr/portage/distfiles") return list(set( map(lambda x:'fglrx' if x.startswith('ati-driver') else "nvidia", filter(lambda x:x.startswith('ati-driver-installer') or x.startswith('NVIDIA-Linux'), listDirectory(distFiles))))) def getAvailableVideo(prefix="/"): """Get available video drivers (installed and maybe installed)""" return list(set(getInstalledVideo(prefix=prefix) + \ getDistfilesVideo(prefix=prefix))) def readLinesFile(filename): """Read file by line""" try: if path.exists(filename): for line in open(filename,'r'): yield line.rstrip('\n') except (OSError,IOError): pass finally: raise StopIteration def readFile(filename): """Read whole file or return empty string""" try: if path.exists(filename): return open(filename,'r').read() except (OSError,IOError): pass return "" def getUUIDDict(revers=False): """Get dict UUID -> dev""" blkidProcess = process("/sbin/blkid","-s","UUID","-c","/dev/null") if revers: datafunc = lambda x,y: (y,x) else: datafunc = lambda x,y: (x,y) DEV,UUID = 0,1 reSplit = re.compile('^([^:]+):.*UUID="([^"]+)"',re.S) return dict( map(lambda x:datafunc("UUID=%s"%x[UUID], getUdevDeviceInfo(name=x[DEV]).get('DEVNAME',x[DEV])), map(lambda x:x.groups(), filter(lambda x:x, map(reSplit.search, blkidProcess))))) def detectDeviceForPartition(dev): """Detect parent device for partition by udev and return property""" prop = getUdevDeviceInfo(name=dev) if prop.get('DEVTYPE','') != 'partition': return '' parentpath = path.dirname(prop.get('DEVPATH','')) if parentpath: devProp = getUdevDeviceInfo(path=parentpath) return devProp.get('DEVNAME','') return None def getProgPath(progname): """Get full path of program or False""" baseprogname = path.basename(progname) env = {"LANG":"C"} env.update(os.environ.items() + [("PATH",getpathenv())] +\ env.items()) res = runOsCommand("which %s"%progname,env_dict=env) if res[0] == 0: return res[1][0].strip() elif path.isabs(progname) and path.exists(progname): return progname else: return False def checkUtils(*utils): """Check utils, exit if it not found and return fullpath""" retval = [] for util in utils: utilPath = getProgPath(util) if not utilPath: cl_overriding.printERROR(_("Command not found '%s'")% path.basename(util)) cl_overriding.exit(1) retval.append(utilPath) if len(retval) == 1: return retval[0] else: return retval reVerSplit = re.compile(r"^(.*?)-(([^-]+?)(?:-(r\d+))?)(?:.(tbz2))?$",re.S) def reVerSplitToPV(x): """Convert match from reVerSplit to PV hash""" if type(x) == str: x = reVerSplit.search(x) if x: match = x.groups() return {'PN':match[0], 'PF':"%s-%s"%(match[0],match[1]), 'P':"%s-%s"%(match[0],match[2]), 'PV':match[2], 'PR':match[3] or "r0", 'PVR':match[1]} return {'PN':"", 'PF':"", 'P':"", 'PV':"", 'PR':"", 'PVR':""}.copy() def getPkgUses(fullpkg): """Get USE and IUSE from package""" category,slash,pkg = fullpkg.partition('/') pkgCategory = '/var/db/pkg/{0}'.format(category) packages = filter(lambda x:x['PN'] == pkg, map(reVerSplitToPV, filter(lambda x:x, map(lambda x:reVerSplit.search(x), listDirectory(pkgCategory))))) if not packages: return None usePath = path.join(pkgCategory,packages[-1]['PF'],"USE") iusePath = path.join(pkgCategory,packages[-1]['PF'],"IUSE") iuse = open(iusePath,'r').read().strip().split() \ if path.exists(iusePath) else \ [] use = open(usePath,'r').read().strip().split() \ if path.exists(usePath) else \ [] return (map(lambda x:x[1:] if x.startswith("+") else x, filter(lambda x:x, use)), map(lambda x:x[1:] if x.startswith("+") else x, filter(lambda x:x, iuse))) def isPkgInstalled(pkg,prefix='/'): """Check is package installed""" pkgDir = path.join(prefix,'var/db/pkg') if "/" in pkg: category,op,pkg = pkg.partition('/') return bool( filter(lambda x:x['PN'] == pkg, map(reVerSplitToPV, listDirectory(path.join(pkgDir,category))))) else: return bool( filter(lambda x: filter(lambda y:y['PN'] == pkg, map(reVerSplitToPV, listDirectory(x))), listDirectory(pkgDir,fullPath=True))) def getPkgInstalled(pkg,prefix='/'): """Check is package installed""" pkgDir = path.join(prefix,'var/db/pkg') if "/" in pkg: category,op,pkg = pkg.partition('/') return filter(lambda x:x['PN'] == pkg, map(reVerSplitToPV, listDirectory(path.join(pkgDir,category)))) else: return filter(lambda x: filter(lambda y:y['PN'] == pkg, map(reVerSplitToPV, listDirectory(x))), listDirectory(pkgDir,fullPath=True)) def getPkgActiveUses(fullpkg): """Get active uses from package""" res = getPkgUses(fullpkg) if not res: return None return list(set(res[0]) & set(res[1])) def getSquashList(): """Get supprted squashfs compressions method""" wantMethod = set(["lzo","lzma","xz","gzip"]) usesSquashFs = getPkgActiveUses("sys-fs/squashfs-tools") if not usesSquashFs: return ["gzip"] else: return map(lambda x:{"lzma":"xz"}.get(x,x), list(set(usesSquashFs) & wantMethod)) def countPartitions(devname): """Count partition for specified device""" syspath = getUdevDeviceInfo(name=devname).get('DEVPATH','') if not syspath: return 0 deviceName = path.basename(syspath) if not syspath.startswith("/sys"): syspath = pathJoin("/sys",syspath) return len(filter(lambda x:x.startswith(deviceName), listDirectory(syspath))) def getLvmGroups(): """Get LVM groups""" pvdisplayCmd = getProgPath('/sbin/pvdisplay') pvdata = process(pvdisplayCmd,"-C","-o", "vg_name","--noh") return filter(lambda x:x,pvdata.read().split()) def getLvmPartitions(vg_name,lv_name,cache=[]): """Get lvm partitions""" if not cache: pvdisplayCmd = getProgPath('/sbin/pvdisplay') pvdata = process(pvdisplayCmd,"-C","-o", "vg_name,lv_name,pv_name","--noh") if pvdata.success(): cache.extend( filter(lambda x:x and len(x)==3, map(lambda x:x.split(), pvdata.read().split('\n')))) if cache: res = map(lambda x:x[2], filter(lambda x:x[0]==vg_name and x[1]==lv_name,cache)) if res: return res return [] def getPartitionDevice(syspath): """Get real parent device by partition,lvm,mdraid""" prop = getUdevDeviceInfo(path=syspath) # real device if prop.get('ID_TYPE',"") == "disk" and \ prop.get('DEVTYPE',"") == "disk": return prop.get('DEVNAME',"") # partition if prop.get('DEVTYPE') == "partition": return getPartitionDevice(path.dirname(syspath)) # md raid if prop.get('MD_LEVEL',"").startswith("raid"): if not syspath.startswith('/sys'): syspath = pathJoin('/sys',syspath) syspath = pathJoin(syspath,"md") for rd in filter(lambda x:path.basename(x).startswith('rd'), listDirectory(syspath,fullPath=True)): rdBlockPath = path.join(rd,"block") if path.exists(rdBlockPath): return getPartitionDevice(path.realpath(rdBlockPath)) else: return "" # lvm if prop.get('DM_LV_NAME',"") != "": parts = getLvmPartitions(prop.get('DM_VG_NAME',''), prop.get('DM_LV_NAME','')) if parts: propPartLvm = getUdevDeviceInfo(name=parts[0]) if 'DEVPATH' in propPartLvm: return getPartitionDevice(propPartLvm['DEVPATH']) return "" def getAvailableX11Drivers(prefix="/"): """Get available x11 drivers (Depricated Function)""" xorg_modules_dir = path.join(prefix,'usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers') return map(lambda x: x[:-7], filter(lambda x:x.endswith('_drv.so'), listDirectory(xorg_modules_dir))) def lspci(filtername=None,shortInfo=False): """Get hash of lspci, filtred by filtername. If shortInfo, then type,vendor and name get only first word pcidata(domain,bus,slot,func) 'type' 'vendor' 'name'""" reData = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s"([^"]+)"\s+"([^"]+)"\s+"([^"]+)"',re.S) if filtername: filterfunc = lambda x: filtername in x else: filterfunc = lambda x:x if shortInfo: sfunc = lambda x:x.partition(" ")[0] else: sfunc = lambda x:x lspciProg = checkUtils('/usr/sbin/lspci') processLsPci = process(lspciProg,"-m") retData = {} for device in map(lambda x:x.groups(), filter(lambda x:x, map(reData.search, filter(filterfunc, processLsPci)))): retData[device[0]] = {'type':sfunc(device[1]),\ 'vendor':sfunc(device[2]),\ 'name':sfunc(device[3])} return retData def getUdevDeviceInfo(path="",name=""): """Get device info by syspath of name""" udevadmCmd = getProgPath('/sbin/udevadm') typeQuery = "--path" if path else "--name" value = path if path else name return dict( filter(lambda x:x[0], map(lambda x:x.partition("=")[0::2], process(udevadmCmd,"info","--query","property", typeQuery,value).read().split("\n")))) def getPartitionSize(dev): """Get partition size""" SECTORSIZE=512 sizeFile = pathJoin(dev,"size") if path.exists(sizeFile): size = int(open(sizeFile,'r').read().strip())*SECTORSIZE suffix = (((1024**0),"",False), ((1024**1),"K",False), ((1024**2),"M",False), ((1024**3),"G",True), ((1024**4),"T",True), ((1024**5),"P",True)) suffix = filter(lambda x:size >x[0],suffix) if suffix: suffix = suffix[-1] printSize = int(size / (float(suffix[0])/10)) printSizeTail = printSize % 10 printSize = printSize / 10 if suffix[2] and printSizeTail: return "%d.%d%s"%(printSize,printSizeTail,suffix[1]) else: return "%d%s"%(printSize,suffix[1]) return "" def getDeviceType(syspath): """Get device type (disk,partition,lvm,raid)""" prop = getUdevDeviceInfo(path=syspath) # real device if prop.get('ID_CDROM',""): return "cdrom" if prop.get('ID_TYPE',"") == "disk" and \ prop.get('DEVTYPE',"") == "disk": return "disk" # partition if prop.get('DEVTYPE') == "partition": return getDeviceType(path.dirname(syspath))+"-partition" # md raid if prop.get('MD_LEVEL',"").startswith("raid"): if not syspath.startswith('/sys'): syspath = pathJoin('/sys',syspath) syspath = pathJoin(syspath,"md") for rd in filter(lambda x:path.basename(x).startswith('rd'), listDirectory(syspath,fullPath=True)): rdBlockPath = path.join(rd,"block") if path.exists(rdBlockPath): return getDeviceType(path.realpath(rdBlockPath))+"-raid" else: return "loop" # lvm if prop.get('DM_LV_NAME',"") != "": parts = getLvmPartitions(prop.get('DM_VG_NAME',''), prop.get('DM_LV_NAME','')) if parts: propPartLvm = getUdevDeviceInfo(name=parts[0]) if 'DEVPATH' in propPartLvm: return getDeviceType(propPartLvm['DEVPATH'])+"-lvm" return "loop" def getRaidPartitions(raidpath): """Get raid partitions""" prop = getUdevDeviceInfo(path=raidpath) raidParts = [] if prop.get('MD_LEVEL',"").startswith("raid"): if not raidpath.startswith('/sys'): raidpath = pathJoin('/sys',raidpath) raidpath = pathJoin(raidpath,"md") for rd in filter(lambda x:path.basename(x).startswith('rd'), listDirectory(raidpath,fullPath=True)): rdpath = path.join(raidpath,rd,"block") if path.exists(rdpath): raidParts.append( getUdevDeviceInfo(path=path.realpath(rdpath)).get( "DEVNAME",'')) return filter(lambda x:x,raidParts) def getPartitionType(prop): """Get type of dos part table (primary,extended or logical)""" if prop.get('ID_PART_ENTRY_SCHEME') == 'dos': partId = prop.get('ID_PART_ENTRY_TYPE','') partNumber = prop.get('ID_PART_ENTRY_NUMBER','') if partId and partNumber: if partId == "0x5": return "extended" elif int(partNumber)>4: return "logical" else: return "primary" return prop.get('ID_PART_TABLE_TYPE','') def detectBuild(pathname,dictInfo): """Detect build by root passwd 'root'""" shadowPath = pathJoin(pathname,'/etc/shadow') if r"root:$1$JMvNh5xg$VnV1DyJdTcwuZ0hp5YiJG0:14349:0:::::" in \ readFile(shadowPath): dictInfo['type'] = ' assemble' elif path.exists(pathJoin(pathname,"delta")) and \ path.exists(pathJoin(pathname,"workspace")): dictInfo['type'] = " builder" issue = readFile(pathJoin(pathname,'etc/gentoo-release')) if "Server" in issue: if "Scratch" in issue: dictInfo['name'] = "CSS" else: dictInfo['name'] = "CDS" elif "Desktop" in issue: if "XFCE" in issue: dictInfo['name'] = "CLDX" elif "KDE" in issue: dictInfo['name'] = "CLD" elif "GNOME" in issue: dictInfo['name'] = "CLDG" elif "Scratch" in issue: dictInfo['name'] = "CLS" else: dictInfo['type'] = '' return dictInfo def getOsProberHash(getContentFunc=None): """Get partition content by os-prober""" os_prober = getProgPath('/usr/bin/os-prober') if os_prober: DEV,LONG,SHORT,TYPE = 0,1,2,3 osProberList = \ map(lambda x:[getUdevDeviceInfo(name=x[DEV]).get('DEVNAME',''), x[LONG],x[SHORT],x[TYPE]], filter(lambda x:len(x)>=4, map(lambda x:x.split(":"), process(os_prober)))) for osRecord in osProberList: if "Gentoo" in osRecord[SHORT] and getContentFunc: osDescr = getContentFunc(osRecord[DEV],addFunc=detectBuild) if "name" in osDescr and "march" in osDescr and \ "build" in osDescr and "ver" in osDescr and \ (osDescr["ver"] != "0" or osDescr["build"]): if osDescr['build']: osDescr['build'] = "-%s"%osDescr['build'] else: osDescr['build'] = "-%s"%osDescr['ver'] osRecord[SHORT] = \ "{name}-{march}{build}{type}".format(**osDescr) else: osRecord[SHORT] = "Gentoo" elif "Gentoo" in osRecord[SHORT] and "Calculate" in osRecord[LONG]: osRecord[SHORT] = "Calculate" osProberHash = \ dict( map(lambda x:(x[DEV],x[SHORT]), osProberList)) else: osProberHash = {} return osProberHash def refreshLVM(): """Run command which refresh information about LVM""" vgscan = getProgPath('/sbin/vgscan') vgchange = getProgPath('/sbin/vgchange') lvchange = getProgPath('/sbin/lvchange') if vgscan and vgchange and lvchange: process(vgscan).success() process(vgchange,'-ay','--refresh').success() for group in getLvmGroups(): process(lvchange,'-ay','--refresh',group).success() def refreshUdev(): """Run command which refresh information about device in udev""" udevadm = getProgPath('/sbin/udevadm') if udevadm: process(udevadm,"trigger","--subsystem-match","block").success() def getPasswdUsers(minId=1000,maxId=65000): """ Get users from passwd from minId to maxId """ retList = [] fileName = "/etc/passwd" if os.access(fileName, os.R_OK): reNumb = re.compile("^\d+$") lenData=7 userData = filter(lambda x: len(x)==lenData, map(lambda x: x.rstrip().split(":"), open(fileName))) userData = filter(lambda x:\ reNumb.match(x[2]) and minId<=int(x[2])<=maxId, userData) sortUsers = map(lambda x: x[0], userData) sortUsers.sort() retList = ["root"] + sortUsers return retList def getCmdLineParam(paramName): """Get value of param /proc/cmdline. If param not found then empty. """ cmdLine = '/proc/cmdline' paramName = "%s="%paramName params = \ map(lambda x:x.partition('=')[2], filter(lambda x:x.startswith(paramName), readFile(cmdLine).split(' '))) if params: return params[-1] else: return "" def getSupportArch(): """Get supported architectures by processor. Is support processor x86_64 else only i686. """ if filter(lambda x:x.startswith('flags') and " lm " in x, readLinesFile('/proc/cpuinfo')): return ['i686','x86_64'] else: return ['i686'] def makeDirectory(pathname): """Make directory and parent. If directory exists then return False else True""" try: parent = path.split(path.normpath(pathname))[0] if not path.exists(parent): makeDirectory(parent) else: if path.exists(pathname): return False os.mkdir(pathname) return True except Exception, e: return False