#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2008-2010 Calculate Ltd. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import math from cl_utils import process, checkUtils, readFile, listDirectory, \ readLinesFile, getRunCommands import sys import re from os import path import cl_lang tr = cl_lang.lang() tr.setLocalDomain('cl_lib') tr.setLanguage(sys.modules[__name__]) # ip digit from 0|1-255|254 (template) IP_DIG = "[%s-9]|(?:1[0-9]|[1-9])[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-%s]" # ip net 0-32 IP_NET_SUFFIX = "[0-9]|[12][0-9]|3[012]" # ip digs 1-254,0-254,0-255 IP_DIGS = { 'dig1_254' : IP_DIG % (1,4), 'dig0_254' : IP_DIG % (0,4), 'dig0_255' : IP_DIG % (0,5), } # ip addr IP_ADDR = "(%(dig1_254)s)\.(%(dig0_254)s)\.(%(dig0_254)s)\.(%(dig1_254)s)"%\ IP_DIGS IP_MASK = "(%(dig0_255)s)\.(%(dig0_255)s)\.(%(dig0_255)s)\.(%(dig0_255)s)"%\ IP_DIGS # ip addr for net IP_NET = "(%(dig1_254)s)\.(%(dig0_254)s)\.(%(dig0_254)s)\.(%(dig0_254)s)"%\ IP_DIGS # ip and net IP_ADDR_NET = "(%(ipaddr)s)/((%(ipnet)s))"%{'ipaddr':IP_NET, 'ipnet':IP_NET_SUFFIX} reIp = re.compile("^{0}$".format(IP_ADDR)) reNetSuffix = re.compile("^{0}$".format(IP_NET_SUFFIX)) reNet = re.compile("^{0}$".format(IP_ADDR_NET)) reMask = re.compile("^{}$".format(IP_MASK)) def checkIp(ip): """Check ip""" return reIp.match(ip) def checkNetSuffix(netSuffix): """Check net suffix""" return reNetSuffix.match(netSuffix) def checkNet(net): """Check net""" if not reNet.match(net): return False ip,op,cidr = net.partition('/') mask = strIpToIntIp(cidrToMask(int(cidr))) return (strIpToIntIp(ip)&mask) == (strIpToIntIp(ip)) maskDigs = map(lambda x:str(x),(0b10000000,0b11000000,0b11100000,0b11110000, 0b11111000,0b11111100,0b11111110,0b11111111)) def checkMask(mask): """Check net""" if mask.count('.') != 3: return False zero = False for dig in mask.split('.'): if zero or not dig in maskDigs: if dig == "0": zero = True else: return False return True def getIpAndMask(interface="eth0"): """Get ip and mask from interface""" ifconfig = process('/sbin/ifconfig',interface) res = re.search(r"inet addr:(\S+)\s.*Mask:(\S+)",ifconfig.read(),re.S) if res: return res.groups() else: return ("","") def strIpToIntIp(addr): """Convert ip specified by string to integer""" addr = addr.split('.') return ((int(addr[0])<<24)| (int(addr[1])<<16)| (int(addr[2])<<8)| (int(addr[3]))) return reduce(lambda x,y:x+(int(y[1])<<(y[0]*8)), enumerate(reversed(addr.split("."))),0) def intIpToStrIp(addr): """Convert ip specified by integer to string""" return "{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}".format( addr>>24,(addr>>16)&0xff,(addr>>8)&0xff,addr&0xff) def maskToCidr(mask): """Convert mask specified by str to net""" mask = strIpToIntIp(mask) return 32-int(math.log(((~mask) & 0xffffffff)+1,2)) def cidrToMask(cidr): """Convert net to mask specified by str""" return intIpToStrIp((2**cidr-1)<<(32-cidr)) def getIpNet(ip,mask=None,cidr=None): """Get net (xx.xx.xx.xx/xx) by ip address and mask""" ip = strIpToIntIp(ip) if not mask is None: net = maskToCidr(mask) else: net = int(cidr) mask = cidrToMask(net) mask = strIpToIntIp(mask) return "{ip}/{net}".format(ip=intIpToStrIp(ip&mask), net=net) def isIpInNet(checkip,*ipnets): """Check is ip in specified nets""" return map(lambda x:x[0], filter(lambda x:strIpToIntIp(checkip)&x[2] == strIpToIntIp(x[1])&x[2], map(lambda x:(x[0],x[1][0],strIpToIntIp(cidrToMask(int(x[1][1])))), map(lambda x:(x,x.partition('/')[0::2]), ipnets)))) def receiveMac(interface="eth0"): """Get MAC from interface""" ipconfigProg = checkUtils('/sbin/ifconfig') ifconfig = process(ipconfigProg,interface) res = re.search(r"HWaddr\s(\S+)",ifconfig.read(),re.S) if res: return res.group(1) else: return "00:00:00:00:00:00" def receiveIpAndMask(interface="eth0"): """Get ip and mask from interface""" ipconfigProg = checkUtils('/sbin/ifconfig') ifconfig = process(ipconfigProg,interface) res = re.search(r"inet addr:(\S+)\s.*Mask:(\S+)",ifconfig.read(),re.S) if res: return res.groups() else: return ("","") def isDhcpIp(interface="eth0"): """Get ip by dhcp or static""" # dhclient if filter(lambda x:interface in x and ("dhcpcd" in x or "dhclient" in x), getRunCommands()): return True else: return False def getRouteTable(onlyIface=[]): """Get route table, exclude specifed iface""" ipProg = checkUtils('/sbin/ip') routes = process(ipProg,"route") if onlyIface: filterRe = re.compile("|".join(map(lambda x:r"dev %s"%x,onlyIface))) routes = filter(filterRe.search,routes) for line in routes: network,op,line = line.partition(" ") routeParams = map(lambda x:x.strip(),line.split()) # (network,{'via':value,'dev':value}) if network: yield (network,dict(zip(routeParams[0::2],routeParams[1::2]))) def getInterfaces(): """Get available interfaces (discard which hasn't device)""" sysNet = "/sys/class/net" return filter(lambda x:path.exists(path.join(sysNet,x,"device")), listDirectory(sysNet))