#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2008-2010 Calculate Ltd. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re from xml import xpath from cl_template import objShare, blocText, xmlDoc class samba(objShare): """Класс для обработки конфигурационного файла типа samba """ _comment = "#" configName = "samba" configVersion = "0.1" reHeader = re.compile("^[\t ]*\[[^\[\]]+\].*\n",re.M) reBody = re.compile(".+",re.M|re.S) reComment = re.compile("\s*%s.*|\s*;.*"%(_comment)) reSeparator = re.compile("\s*=\s*") sepFields = "\n" reSepFields = re.compile(sepFields) def __init__(self,text): self.text = text self.blocTextObj = blocText() self._splitToFields = self.splitToFields # Объект документ self.docObj = self._textToXML() # XML документ self.doc = self.docObj.doc def postXML(self): """Последующая постобработка XML""" # Для добавления перевода строки между областями если его нет xmlAreas = xpath.Evaluate("child::area", self.docObj.body) for xmlArea in xmlAreas: if xmlArea.previousSibling and\ self.docObj.getTypeField(xmlArea.previousSibling) == "br": continue firstArea = False xmlFields = xpath.Evaluate("child::field", xmlArea) if not (xmlFields and\ (self.docObj.getTypeField(xmlFields[-1]) == "br" or\ self.docObj.getTypeField(xmlFields[-1]) == "comment")): if xmlArea.nextSibling: parentNode = xmlArea.parentNode nextNode = xmlArea.nextSibling parentNode.insertBefore(self.docObj.createField("br", [],"",[], False,False), nextNode) # Добавление переводов строк между полями if xmlFields: for node in xmlFields: # Добавление перевода строк в если его нет между полями if self.docObj.getTypeField(node) == "var" and\ node.previousSibling and\ not (self.docObj.getTypeField(node.previousSibling) in\ ("br","comment")): xmlArea.insertBefore(self.docObj.createField("br", [],"",[], False, False), node) # Удаление лишних переводов строк childNodes = self.docObj.getFieldsArea(self.docObj.body) lenBr = 0 removeBrNodes = [] for node in childNodes: if node.tagName == "field" and\ self.docObj.getTypeField(node) == "br": lenBr += 1 if lenBr > 2: removeBrNodes.append(node) else: lenBr = 0 # Удаление for rmNode in removeBrNodes: self.docObj.body.removeChild(rmNode) def join(self, sambaObj): """Объединяем конфигурации""" if isinstance(sambaObj, samba): self.docObj.joinDoc(sambaObj.doc) self.postXML() def setDataField(self, txtLines, endtxtLines): """Создаем список объектов с переменными""" class fieldData: def __init__(self): self.name = False self.value = False self.comment = False self.br = False fields = [] field = fieldData() z = 0 for k in txtLines: textLine = k + endtxtLines[z] z += 1 findComment = self.reComment.search(textLine) if not textLine.strip(): field.br = textLine fields.append(field) field = fieldData() elif findComment: field.comment = textLine fields.append(field) field = fieldData() else: pars = textLine.strip() nameValue = self.reSeparator.split(pars) if len(nameValue) > 2: valueList = nameValue[1:] nameValue =[nameValue[0],"=".join(valueList)] if len(nameValue) == 2: name = nameValue[0] value = nameValue[1].replace(self.sepFields,"") field.name = name.replace(" ","").replace("\t","") field.value = value field.br = textLine fields.append(field) field = fieldData() return fields def splitCleanBloc(self, txtBloc): """Делим блок на две части (переменные, пустые строки в конце)""" txtLines = txtBloc.split("\n") firstBloc = [] nextBloc = [] txtLines.reverse() z = 0 for txtLine in txtLines: if not txtLine.strip(): nextBloc.append(txtLine) else: break z += 1 txtLines.reverse() firstBloc = txtLines[:-z] nextBloc.reverse() if nextBloc: firstBloc.append("") if nextBloc and "\n".join(nextBloc): return ("\n".join(firstBloc), "\n".join(nextBloc)) else: return False def getFullAreas(self, blocs): """Делит текст на области, (Заголовок, тело) Возвращает два списка: заголовки, тела """ headsAreas = [] bodyAreas = [] if not blocs: return [] lenBlocs = len(blocs[0]) for i in range(lenBlocs): txtBloc = blocs[1][i] clean = self.splitCleanBloc(txtBloc) if clean: headsAreas.append(blocs[0][i]) bodyAreas.append(clean[0]) headsAreas.append("") bodyAreas.append(clean[1]) else: headsAreas.append(blocs[0][i]) bodyAreas.append(blocs[1][i]) return (headsAreas, bodyAreas) def createTxtConfig(self, strHeader, dictVar): """Cоздает область с заголовком создает текст конфигурационного файла в формате samba из заголовка (строка) и словаря переменных """ if not strHeader: return "" outTxt = "[" + strHeader + "]\n" for key in dictVar.keys(): outTxt += "%s = %s\n" %(key,dictVar[key]) return outTxt def _textToXML(self): """Преобразует текст в XML""" blTmp = self.blocTextObj.findBloc(self.text,self.reHeader,self.reBody) blocs = self.getFullAreas(blTmp) headers = [] startHeaders = [] finHeaders = [] docObj = xmlDoc() docObj.createDoc(self.configName, self.configVersion) rootNode = docObj.getNodeBody() # Если пустой текст то создаем пустой документ if not blocs: return docObj for h in blocs[0]: listfinH = h.split("]") finH = listfinH[0] if "[" in finH: startHeaders.append(finH + "]") else: startHeaders.append(finH) if len(listfinH) == 2: finHeaders.append(listfinH[1]) else: finHeaders.append("") headers.append(finH.replace("[","").replace("]","").strip()) bodys = blocs[1] z = 0 for h in headers: if not bodys[z]: z += 1 continue areaAction = False if h: if h[0] == "!": docObj.createCaption(h[1:], [startHeaders[z],""]) areaAction = "drop" elif h[0] == "-": docObj.createCaption(h[1:], [startHeaders[z],""]) areaAction = "replace" else: docObj.createCaption(h, [startHeaders[z],""]) else: docObj.createCaption(h, [startHeaders[z],""]) if "\n" in blocs[0][z]: if self.reComment.search(finHeaders[z]): docObj.createField('comment', [finHeaders[z]]) elif not finHeaders[z].strip() and\ finHeaders[z].replace("\n",""): docObj.createField('br', [finHeaders[z].replace("\n","")]) else: docObj.createField('br') fields = self._splitToFields(bodys[z]) for f in fields: if f.name != False and f.value!=False and f.br!=False: # Обработка условий для samba if f.name[0] == "!" or f.name[0] == "-" or\ f.name[0] == "+": qns = self.removeSymbolTerm(f.br) xmlField = docObj.createField("var", [qns], f.name[1:], [f.value]) if f.name[0] == "!": # Удаляемое в дальнейшем поле docObj.setActionField(xmlField, "drop") else: docObj.createField("var",[f.br.replace("\n","")], f.name, [f.value]) docObj.createField('br') elif f.comment != False: docObj.createField('comment', [f.comment]) elif f.br != False: docObj.createField('br', [f.br.replace("\n","")]) if h.strip(): area = docObj.createArea() if areaAction: docObj.setActionArea(area, areaAction) rootNode.appendChild(area) else: fieldsNodes = docObj.tmpFields.getFields() for fieldNode in fieldsNodes: rootNode.appendChild(fieldNode) docObj.clearTmpFields() z += 1 return docObj