# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2015-2016 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from collections import OrderedDict from itertools import chain import re import sys import time import stat import json from calculate.core.server.gen_pid import search_worked_process2 from calculate.core.setup_package import ChainProgressTemplate from calculate.lib.cl_template import templateFunction, SystemIni from calculate.lib.datavars import DataVars, Variable, DataVarsError from calculate.lib.utils.colortext import (TextState, get_color_print) from calculate.lib.utils.common import CmdlineParams, getTupleVersion from calculate.lib.utils.portage import (BinaryPackage, get_binary_file, EixVersionParser, clear_binhost_garbage, WorldFile) from calculate.lib.utils.text import _u from calculate.lib.utils.binhosts import Binhosts from calculate.lib.utils.files import ( pathJoin, PercentProgress, getProgPath, process, STDOUT, removeDir, makeDirectory, writeFile, readLinesFile, chmod, chown, FilePermission, find, FindFileType, removeFileWithEmptyDirectory, check_rw, tar_xz_directory, sha256sum, quite_unlink, copyWithPath, countFiles, listDirectory, getRunCommands, readFile, readFileEx, DirectoryRCS, RCSError, readLinesFile) from calculate.lib.utils.mount import isMount from calculate.lib.utils.git import Git from .variables.action import Actions from calculate.lib.utils.portage import (ReposConf, EmergeLog, EmergeLogFiltered, EmergeLogNamedTask, InstalledPackageInfo, EbuildInfoError, EbuildInfo, ChrootEix, getRequires, get_packages_files_directory, get_manifest_files_directory, PackageList, VDB_PATH, hide_packages, unhide_packages, LibraryProviders, PackageError, getInstalledAtom) from calculate.lib.utils.tools import ReverseKey from itertools import groupby from calculate.update.emerge_parser import (EmergeParser, EmergeError, EmergeCommand, Chroot, Linux32, CommandExecutor, RevdepPercentBlock, EmergeCache) from calculate.lib.cl_log import log from calculate.update.update_tasks import EmergeMark from .build_storage import Build from calculate.update.update import Update, variable_module from calculate.install.distr import (Distributive, IsoDistributive, DistributiveError, ContainerDistributive) import shutil from functools import partial import os from os import path from .datavars import BuilderError from .emerge_fetch import EmergeFetcher, EmergeFetcherError from calculate.lib.utils.grub import GrubCommand from functools import reduce _ = lambda x: x from calculate.lib.cl_lang import (setLocalTranslate, getLazyLocalTranslate) setLocalTranslate('cl_builder3', sys.modules[__name__]) __ = getLazyLocalTranslate(_) class Builder(Update): """Основной объект для выполнения действий связанных со сборкой системы """ class Method(object): Prepare = "builder_prepare" Break = "builder_break" Update = "builder_update" Restore = "builder_restore" Image = "builder_image" Profile = "builder_profile" UpdateMenu = "update_livemenu" Container = "builder_container" All = (Prepare, Break, Update, Restore, Image, Profile) def init(self): self.pretend_package_list = {} self.update_map = {} self.color_print = get_color_print() self.emerge_cache = EmergeCache() self.pkgnum = None self.pkgnummax = None self.world_data = "" self.binhosts_data = None self.refresh_binhost = False self.gpgdata_md5 = [] self.gpg_changed = False self.base = False def mount_target(self, target): dir_distro = target.convertToDirectory() dir_distro.mountSystemDirectories(skip=()) return True def umount_system(self, target): dir_distro = target.convertToDirectory() dir_distro.umountSystemDirectories() return True def detach_target(self, target): """ @type target: Distributive """ if target: target.reserve() return True def close_build(self, build, clear=False, clear_pkg=False): """ @type build:Build """ if build: builder_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') if builder_path: if isMount(builder_path): build.close_distributive() build.remove() if builder_path: if clear: build.distributive.post_clear() pkgdir = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_pkgdir') if clear_pkg: if '/remote/' in pkgdir: if path.exists(pkgdir): removeDir(pkgdir) Distributive.clear_empty_directories(pkgdir) return True def restore_build(self, build): if build: build.restore() return True def save_build(self, build, dv): build.pkgdir = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_pkgdir') if dv: overlays = dv.Get('cl_update_rep_name') build.set_overlays(overlays) build.save() return True def set_builder_action(self, action_name): self.clVars.Set('cl_builder_action', action_name, force=True) return True def prepare_iso(self, dn): self.endTask() self.startTask(_("Prepare ISO data")) root_path = path.relpath(dn, self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path')) self.applyTemplates(self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_target'), False, False, root_path) self.endTask() self.startTask(_("Pack ISO image")) self.addProgress() def prepare_container_data(self, dn): """ Подготовить мета данные rootfs.tar.xz :param dn: :return: """ self.set_builder_action(Actions.ImageContainer) root_path = path.relpath(dn, self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path')) self.applyTemplates(self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_target'), False, False, root_path) self.endTask() return True def pack_container_data(self, dn, image): """ Запаковать содержимое в dn к образу root.tar.xz :param dn: :param image: :return: """ for fn in listDirectory(dn, fullPath=True): if path.isdir(fn): fn_basename = path.basename(fn) tar_xz_directory(fn, path.join(image.basedirectory, "%s.tar.xz") % fn_basename) else: fn_basename = path.basename(fn) shutil.copy(fn, path.join(image, fn_basename)) return True def create_digest_container(self, image): """ Создать контрольную сумму для файлов контейнера :param image: :return: """ sumfn = "SHA256SUMS" with writeFile(path.join(image.basedirectory, sumfn)) as f_sum: for fn in listDirectory(image.basedirectory, fullPath=True): if fn.endswith(sumfn): continue digest = sha256sum(fn) f_sum.write("%s %s\n" % (digest, path.basename(fn))) return True def update_http_meta(self, dn): """ Обновить индексные файлы для lxc-download (meta/1.0/index-user, index-system) :param dn: :return: """ data = [] re_subbuild = re.compile("\/[^-]+-[^-]+-(\d+)-[^-]+$", re.I) for container_dn in listDirectory(dn, fullPath=True): with ContainerDistributive(container_dn) as distro: info = distro.get_information() if not info['cl_profile_name']: continue match_subbuild = re_subbuild.search(container_dn) if match_subbuild: subbuild = int(match_subbuild.group(1)) else: subbuild = 0 data.append({ 'dist': info['os_linux_shortname'], 'release': info['os_linux_ver'], 'arch': info['os_arch_machine'], 'variant': "default", 'name': info['os_linux_name'], 'build': info['os_linux_build'], 'fn': path.join("container", path.basename(container_dn)), 'subbuild': subbuild }) def sort_key(info): return (ReverseKey(getTupleVersion(info['release'])), info['arch'], info['dist'], ReverseKey(info['build']), ReverseKey(info['subbuild']), ReverseKey(info['fn'])) data.sort(key=sort_key) products_data = {} filesize = lambda x: os.stat(x).st_size with writeFile(path.join(dn, 'meta/1.0/index-system')) as indexsystem: with writeFile(path.join(dn, 'meta/1.0/index-user')) as indexuser: for k, grps in groupby(data, lambda x: (x['dist'], x['release'], x['arch'], x['variant'])): info = next(grps) dist_key = "{dist}:{release}:{arch}:{variant}".format(**info) try: indexsystem.write("{dist};{release};{arch};" "{variant};{build};{fn}\n".format(**info)) indexuser.write("{dist};{release};{arch};" "{variant};{build};{fn}\n".format(**info)) aliases = ("{dist}/{release}/{variant}," "{dist}/{release}".format(**info)) root_tar_xz_rel = path.join(info["fn"], "rootfs.tar.xz") root_tar_xz = path.join(path.dirname(dn), root_tar_xz_rel) lxd_tar_xz_rel = path.join(info["fn"], "lxd.tar.xz") lxd_tar_xz = path.join(path.dirname(dn), lxd_tar_xz_rel) combined_sha256 = sha256sum(root_tar_xz, lxd_tar_xz) product = { "aliases": aliases, "versions": { info["build"]: { "items": { "root.tar.xz": { "ftype": "root.tar.xz", "sha256": sha256sum(root_tar_xz), "size": filesize(root_tar_xz), "path": root_tar_xz_rel, }, "lxd.tar.xz": { "ftype": "lxd.tar.xz", "size": filesize(lxd_tar_xz), "sha256": sha256sum(lxd_tar_xz), "combined_sha256": combined_sha256, "combined_rootxz_sha256": combined_sha256, "path": lxd_tar_xz_rel, } } } }, "release_title": info["release"], "release": info["release"], "os": info["name"], "arch": info["arch"] } products_data[dist_key] = product except BaseException as e: if isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt): raise self.printWARNING(_("Failed to index %s") % dist_key) self.printWARNING(str(e)) index_data = { "format": "index:1.0", "index": { "images": { "format": "products:1.0", "datatype": "image-downloads", "products": list(products_data.keys()), "path": "streams/v1/images.json" } } } with writeFile(path.join(dn, 'streams/v1/index.json')) as f: json.dump(index_data, f) images_data = { "content_id": "images", "format": "products:1.0", "datatype": "image-downloads", "products": products_data, } with writeFile(path.join(dn, 'streams/v1/images.json')) as f: json.dump(images_data, f) return True def remove_container_data(self, dn): removeDir(dn) return True def prepare_image(self, image): image.eventPrepareIso.connect(self.prepare_iso) return True def remove_repositories(self, repname): dv = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_linux_datavars') rpath = dv.Select("cl_update_rep_path", where="cl_update_rep_name", eq=repname, limit=1) chroot_path = path.normpath(self.clVars.Get('cl_chroot_path')) rpath_orig = rpath[len(chroot_path):] reposconf = ReposConf(dv.Get('cl_update_reposconf'), dv.Get('cl_update_reposconf_dir'), prefix=self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path')) if repname not in ("gentoo", "portage"): reposconf.remove(repname, rpath_orig) removeDir(rpath) return True def set_profile(self, profile_shortname, chroot_path): profile = self.clVars.Select('cl_builder_profile_path', where='cl_builder_profile_shortname', eq=profile_shortname, limit=1) if not profile: raise BuilderError(_("Failed to determine profile %s") % profile_shortname) chroot_join = lambda x: path.join(chroot_path, x) profile_path = path.relpath(profile, chroot_join('etc/portage')) try: for rm_fn in filter(path.lexists, (chroot_join('etc/make.profile'), chroot_join('etc/portage/make.profile'))): os.unlink(rm_fn) os.symlink(profile_path, chroot_join('etc/portage/make.profile')) except (OSError, IOError) as e: raise BuilderError(_("Failed to set the profile: %s") % str(e)) return True def get_world_snapshot_filename(self, builder_path): return pathJoin(builder_path, "var/lib/calculate/world.snapshot") def world_snapshot(self, builder_path): worldfile = pathJoin(builder_path, "var/lib/portage/world") worldfile_snapshot = self.get_world_snapshot_filename(builder_path) if not path.exists(worldfile_snapshot): with writeFile(worldfile_snapshot) as f: f.write(readFileEx(worldfile, grab=True).decode("UTF-8")) return True def world_diff(self, builder_path): worldfile_snapshot = self.get_world_snapshot_filename(builder_path) worldfile = pathJoin(builder_path, "var/lib/portage/world") self._world_diff(self._chroot_eix_versions(builder_path), readFile(worldfile_snapshot), readFile(worldfile), premess=_("List of worlds differences")) return True def _chroot_eix_versions(self, builder_path): chroot_eix = ChrootEix(builder_path, [], ChrootEix.Option.Exact) chroot_eix.parser = EixVersionParser() return chroot_eix def _display_versions(self, versions): """ Вывести версии как в eix :param versions: :return: """ _print = self.color_print Colors = TextState.Colors def _print_version(ver): __print = _print if ver.stable: __print = __print.foreground(Colors.GREEN) out = ver.version else: if ver.hardmask or ver.missing_keyword: color = Colors.RED else: color = Colors.BROWN if ver.missing_keyword: out = "**%s" % ver.version elif ver.unstable_keyword: out = "~%s" % ver.version else: out = ver.version if ver.hardmask: out = "[M]%s" % out __print = __print.foreground(color) if out and ver.installed: return __print.invert(out) return __print(out) getslot = lambda x:x.slot for slot, data in groupby(sorted(versions, key=getslot), getslot): self.printPre(" {slot} {versions}".format( slot=_print.foreground(Colors.LIGHT_RED).bold("(%s)"%slot), versions=" ".join(_print_version(ver) for ver in data) )) def _world_diff(self, eix, snapshot_data, current_data, premess=None): """ Вывести изменения между двума world файлами :param eix: :param snapshot_data: :param current_data: :return: """ _print = self.color_print Colors = TextState.Colors newsuffix = "[%s]" % _print.invert.foreground(Colors.GREEN)("N") removesuffix = "[%s]" % _print.invert.foreground(Colors.RED)("D") world_snapshot = WorldFile(snapshot_data) world_current = WorldFile(current_data) predisplay = False for pkg, added, removed, ommited in world_snapshot.category_diff( world_current): if not predisplay and premess: self.printSUCCESS(premess) predisplay = True if added: self.printPre("%s %s" % (newsuffix, " ".join(str(x) for x in added))) if removed: self.printPre("%s %s" % (removesuffix, " ".join(str(x) for x in removed))) eix.package = [pkg] self._display_versions(eix.get_packages()) return predisplay def world_snapshot_clean(self, builder_path): worldfile_snapshot = self.get_world_snapshot_filename(builder_path) quite_unlink(worldfile_snapshot) return True def apply_templates(self, target=None, useClt=None, cltFilter=False, root=None, useDispatch=True, action="merge", distro_dv=None, themes=False): """ Применить шаблоны. Args: target: дистрибутив, куда необходимо выполнить шаблоны (/ по умолчанию) useClt: использовать clt шаблоны cltFilter: применять фильтр на clt шаблоны root: каталог, куда будут наложны шаблоны (cl_root_path) """ from calculate.lib.cl_template import (TemplatesError, ProgressTemplate, templateFunction) templateFunction.installProg = {} templateFunction.installCategory = [] if target is None: chroot = '/' elif isinstance(target, Distributive): chroot = target.getDirectory() else: chroot = target if root is None: root = '/' elif isinstance(root, Distributive): root = root.getDirectory() clVars = DataVars() clTempl = None try: clVars.importData() clVars.Set('os_arch_machine', self.clVars.Get('builder.os_builder_arch_machine'), force=True) if distro_dv: clVars.Set('cl_template_path', [pathJoin(chroot, x) for x in distro_dv.Get('cl_template_path')], force=True) clVars.Set('cl_template_path_use', clVars.Get('cl_template_path'), force=True) clVars.Set('cl_env_path', [pathJoin(chroot, x) for x in clVars.Get('cl_env_path')], force=True) clVars.Set('cl_make_profile', path.join(chroot, 'etc/portage/make.profile'), force=True) clVars.Set('cl_action', action, force=True) clVars.Set('cl_chroot_status', 'on', force=True) for copyvar in ("cl_dispatch_conf", "cl_verbose_set", "update.cl_update_world"): clVars.Set(copyvar, self.clVars.Get(copyvar), force=True) clVars.iniCache = {} clVars.flIniFile() cltFilter = True if cltFilter in (True, "on") else False clVars.Set("cl_chroot_path", chroot, True) clVars.Set("cl_root_path", root, True) # определение каталогов содержащих шаблоны dirs_list, files_list = ([], []) useClt = useClt in ("on", True) self.addProgress() nullProgress = lambda *args, **kw: None dispatch = self.dispatchConf if useDispatch else None if themes: for k, v in {'cl_action': 'merge', 'cl_merge_pkg': [None], 'cl_merge_set': "on", 'install.cl_setup': 'themes'}.items(): clVars.Set(k, v, force=True) clTempl = ProgressTemplate(nullProgress, clVars, cltObj=useClt, cltFilter=cltFilter, printSUCCESS=self.printSUCCESS, printWARNING=self.printWARNING, askConfirm=self.askConfirm, dispatchConf=dispatch, printERROR=self.printERROR) def execute_command(cmd, lang): chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') env = dict(os.environ) env['TERM'] = "linux" env['EINFO_QUIET'] = "yes" return self.chroot_process( chroot_path, cmd, lang=lang, envdict=dict(os.environ)) # замена выполения команд: вместо оычного запуска - запуск через # /usr/bin/chroot clTempl.execute_command = execute_command clTempl.applyTemplates() if clTempl.hasError(): if clTempl.getError(): raise TemplatesError(clTempl.getError()) finally: clVars.close() if clTempl: if clTempl.cltObj: clTempl.cltObj.closeFiles() clTempl.closeFiles() return True def get_prog_path(self, progname): chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('builder.cl_builder_path') return getProgPath(progname, chroot_path) def _eixUpdateCommand(self, eix_cmd, countRep): chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') return PercentProgress("/usr/bin/chroot", chroot_path, eix_cmd, "-F", part=countRep or 1, atty=True) def regenCache(self, repname): with self.clVars.useDefaultModule("update"): return super(Builder, self).regenCache(repname) def prepare_gpg(self): with self.clVars.useDefaultModule("update"): return super(Builder, self).prepare_gpg() def getGit(self): chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('builder.cl_builder_path') sshkey = pathJoin(chroot_path, self.clVars.Get('update.cl_update_sshkey_path')) if path.exists(sshkey): return Git(sshkey) else: return Git() def syncRepositories(self, repname, fallback_sync=False, clean_on_error=True): with self.clVars.useDefaultModule("update"): return super(Builder, self).syncRepositories( repname, fallback_sync=fallback_sync, clean_on_error=clean_on_error) def _regenCache_process(self, progname, repname, cpu_num): chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('builder.cl_builder_path') return self.chroot_process(chroot_path, progname, "--repo=%s" % repname, "--update", "--jobs=%s" % cpu_num, stderr=STDOUT) def clear_log(self, builder_id_path): logname = "build-%s" % builder_id_path mainlog = self.clVars.Get('core.cl_log_path') logpath = path.join(mainlog, logname) if path.exists(logpath): removeDir(logpath) makeDirectory(logpath) return True @variable_module("builder") def _get_log_file(self): logname = "build-%s/%s" % (self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_id_path'), self.clVars.Get('cl_task_name')) mainlog = self.clVars.Get('core.cl_log_path') return path.join(mainlog, logname) def chrootize(self, chroot_path, cmd): """ :param chroot_path: :param cmd: :return: """ arch = self.clVars.Get('os_builder_arch_machine') local_arch = self.clVars.Get('os_arch_machine') # упрощенная проверка так как только 64 может собирать 32 if arch != local_arch: return Linux32(Chroot(chroot_path, cmd)) else: return Chroot(chroot_path, cmd) def emerge_ask(self, pretend, *params): """ Вывести информацию об обновлении """ return self.emerge_list( self.ListAction.Ask if not pretend else self.ListAction.OnlyShow, *params) class ListAction(object): Ask = "ask" OnlyShow = "only_show" ShowAndRun = "show_and_run" def emerge_list(self, action, *params): """ Выполнить сборку пакетов с предварительным отображением списка :param action: действия ask - спросить перед продолжением only_show - только отобразить show_and_run - отобразить и запустить :param params: :return: """ deo = self.get_default_emerge_opts() param = [x for x in params if x.startswith("-")] packages = [x for x in params if not x.startswith("-")] chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') logfile = self._get_log_file() with EmergeParser(self.chrootize(chroot_path, EmergeCommand( list(packages), emerge_default_opts=deo, extra_params=param, logfile=logfile))) as emerge: try: emerge.question.action = lambda x: False emerge.run() if emerge.install_packages.list: emergelike = self.clVars.Get( 'update.cl_update_emergelist_set') == 'on' self._display_install_package(emerge, emergelike) if emerge.skipped_packages: self._display_error(emerge.skipped_packages) if action is self.ListAction.Ask: answer = self.askConfirm( _("Would you like to merge these packages?"), "yes") if answer == "no": emerge.command.send("no\n") raise KeyboardInterrupt elif action is self.ListAction.OnlyShow: return True else: self.printSUCCESS(_("Nothing to merge")) except EmergeError: # self.set_need_update(False) # self.emerge_cache.drop_cache("Emerge error") self._display_install_package(emerge, emergelike=True) self._display_error(emerge.prepare_error) raise self._startEmerging(emerge) return True def depclean(self, without_bdeps=False): """ Выполнить очистку системы от лишних пакетов """ deo = self.get_default_emerge_opts(depclean=True) chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') logfile = self._get_log_file() with EmergeParser(self.chrootize(chroot_path, EmergeCommand( (["--depclean", "--dynamic-deps=n", "--with-bdeps=n", "--ask=y"] if without_bdeps else ["--depclean", "--dynamic-deps=n", "--ask=y"]), logfile=logfile, emerge_default_opts=deo))) as emerge: try: emerge.question.action = lambda x: False emerge.run() if emerge.uninstall_packages.list: self._display_remove_list(emerge) if (self.askConfirm( _("Would you like to unmerge these unused packages " "(recommended)?")) != 'yes'): return True self._startEmerging(emerge) else: self.printSUCCESS(_("Nothing to unmerge")) except EmergeError: self._display_error(emerge.prepare_error) raise return True def chroot_command(self, builder_path, command, *params): """ Выполенине eix-update для репозиторием eix-update выполнятется только для тех репозиториев, которые обновлялись, если cl_update_eixsync_force==auto, либо все, если cl_update_eixupdate_force==force """ cmdpath = self.get_prog_path(command) if not cmdpath: return "skip" p = self.chroot_process(builder_path, cmdpath, *params, stderr=STDOUT) with writeFile(self._get_log_file()) as f: f.write(p.read()) if p.failed(): raise BuilderError(_("Failed to execute %s") % command) return True def update_task(self, task_name): """ Декоратор для добавления меток запуска и останова задачи """ def decor(f): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): logger = EmergeLog(EmergeLogNamedTask(task_name), prefix=self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path')) logger.mark_begin_task() ret = f(*args, **kwargs) if ret: logger.mark_end_task() return ret return wrapper return decor def get_rebuild_changed_packages(self, builder_path, repository_data): """ Получить пакеты ebuild которых изменились Перебираем все пакеты из var/db/pkg (а именно получаем поля из environment.bz2) и сравниваем эти поля с полями из metadata/md5-cache для пакетов. Таким образом в список не попадут те пакеты, у которых RDEPEND и DEPEND были изменены динамически например при исправлении "автомагии" """ var_db_path = path.join(builder_path, 'var/db/pkg') map_rep = {k: pathJoin(builder_path, v) for k, v in repository_data} def rebuild_generator(): for pkg in InstalledPackageInfo.get_install_packages(var_db_path): try: if pkg['repository'] not in map_rep: yield pkg.atom elif pkg != EbuildInfo(pkg.atom, map_rep[pkg['repository']]): yield pkg.atom except EbuildInfoError: pass return ["=%s" % x for x in rebuild_generator()] def rebuild_changed_packages(self, builder_path, repository_data): """ Пересобрать изменённые пакеты """ rebuild_list = self.get_rebuild_changed_packages(builder_path, repository_data) if rebuild_list: return self.emerge_list(self.ListAction.ShowAndRun, "-1", *rebuild_list) return True class Driver(object): Package = None Id = None def __init__(self, builder_path="/", system_ini=None): self.builder_path = builder_path self.system_ini = system_ini def generate(self): raise StopIteration def __iter__(self): yield (self.Id, '', self.Package) for x in self.generate(self.system_ini): yield x class NvidiaDriver(Driver): Id = 'nvidia-drivers' Package = 'x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers' Eclass = 'usr/portage/eclass/nvidia-driver.eclass' SkipVers = ('72.0.0', '97.0.0', '177.0.0', '305.0.0', '341.0.0') SkipVersNew = ('71', '96', '173', '304', '340', '367') def generate_legacy(self): nvidia_eclass = path.join(self.builder_path, self.Eclass) eclassdata = readFile(nvidia_eclass) reBlock = re.compile( r"if has \$\{nvidia_gpu\}\s+\\([^;]+);\s*then(.*?)fi", re.S) reMask = re.compile('>=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers[^"]+') for block in reBlock.findall(eclassdata): nvidia_ids, mask_data = block m = reMask.search(mask_data) if m: mask_str = m.group() maskver = mask_str.rpartition("-")[2].strip() # пропустить сборку для 71, 96, 304,. 340 if maskver in self.SkipVers: continue yield (self.Id, mask_str, mask_str.replace('>=', '\\<')) def generate_new(self, system_ini): for nvidia_serie in system_ini.getKeys('nvidia'): if _u(nvidia_serie) in self.SkipVersNew: continue mask_str = ">=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-{}".format(int(nvidia_serie)+1) yield (self.Id, mask_str, mask_str.replace('>=', '\\<')) def generate(self, system_ini): if system_ini.getKeys('nvidia'): for x in self.generate_new(system_ini): yield x else: for x in self.generate_legacy(): yield x def pretend_package_install(self, atom, chroot_path, logfile=None): """ Получить список пакетов для установки :return: список пакетов """ deo = self.get_default_emerge_opts() if atom not in self.pretend_package_list: with EmergeParser(self.chrootize(chroot_path, EmergeCommand( [atom], extra_params=['-pv', '--ask=n'], emerge_default_opts=deo, logfile=logfile))) as emerge: emerge.question.default_answer = "n" emerge.run() self.pretend_package_list[atom] = list( emerge.install_packages.list) return self.pretend_package_list[atom] def _display_video_install_package(self, package_list, drv_name): """ Отобразить список устанавливаемых пакетов, если пакет не бинарный и не является непосредственно видеодрайвером - то он отмечен красной "*" :param package_list: список пакетов :param drv_name: имя драйвера (PN) :return: """ # asterisk = self.color_print.bold("*") # ebuild_wrong = TextState.Colors.RED ebuild_color = TextState.Colors.GREEN binary_color = TextState.Colors.PURPLE output_package_list = ", ".join( self.color_print.foreground(binary_color)(str(x)) if x['binary'] else self.color_print.foreground(ebuild_color)(str(x)) for x in package_list if x['PN'] != drv_name ) wrong_package = any(not x['binary'] and x['PN'] != drv_name for x in package_list) if wrong_package: self.printERROR(_("Depends %s") % output_package_list) else: self.printSUCCESS(_("Depends %s") % output_package_list) def fetch_drivers(self, builder_path, builder_distdir, builder_pkgdir): """ Скачать файлы для установки видеодрайверов :param builder_path: :param builder_distdir: :param builder_pkgdir: :return: """ distrdir_perm = (FilePermission.SetGid | FilePermission.UserAll | FilePermission.GroupRead | FilePermission.GroupExecute | FilePermission.OtherRead | FilePermission.OtherExecute) portage_group = 250 root_user = 0 logfile = self._get_log_file() deo = self.get_default_emerge_opts() system_ini = SystemIni(self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_linux_datavars')) driver_list = list(self.NvidiaDriver(builder_path, system_ini)) distrdir = path.join(builder_path, 'usr/portage/distfiles') pkgdir = path.join(builder_path, 'usr/portage/packages') for target_dn in (distrdir, pkgdir): makeDirectory(target_dn) chmod(target_dn, distrdir_perm) chown(target_dn, root_user, portage_group) pkgdir_files = [] distdir_files = [] repeat_driver_list = [] while driver_list or repeat_driver_list: drv_name, drv_mask, drv_atom = driver_list.pop(0) self.startTask(_("Calculating dependencies for %s") % drv_atom.strip('"').replace("\\","").replace("<", "<")) package_list = self.pretend_package_install(drv_atom, builder_path, logfile=logfile) binary_map = {str(x): x['binary'] for x in package_list} self._display_video_install_package(package_list, drv_name) self.startTask(_("Fetching binary packages and sources tarballs") % [x for x in package_list if x['PN'] == drv_name][0]) ef = EmergeFetcher(self.chrootize(builder_path, EmergeCommand( ["=%s" % x for x in package_list], emerge_default_opts=deo, extra_params=["-Of", "--ask=n"], logfile="%s.2" % logfile))) try: for package in ef: pkg_name = str(package) if binary_map.get(pkg_name, False): for fn in package.files: pkgdir_files.append("%s/%s" % (package['CATEGORY'], fn)) else: for fn in package.files: distdir_files.append(fn) if ef.failed(): raise BuilderError(_("Failed to get %s") % drv_name) except EmergeFetcherError as e: if e.extension: self.printPre("\n%s\n" % e.extension) if e.errno == EmergeFetcherError.FetchErrno.NeedManually: raise BuilderError( _("Failed to fetch files for %s") % drv_name) repeat_driver_list.append([drv_name, drv_mask, drv_atom]) if not driver_list and repeat_driver_list: driver_list = repeat_driver_list repeat_driver_list = [] self.printWARNING(_("Waiting for unlock %s") % driver_list[0][0]) time.sleep(10) self.startTask(_("Cleaning and copying driver files")) for source_dn, source, target_dn, target in [ (builder_distdir, distdir_files, distrdir, find(distrdir, filetype=FindFileType.RegularFile, fullpath=False)), (builder_pkgdir, pkgdir_files, pkgdir, find(pkgdir, filetype=FindFileType.RegularFile, fullpath=False))]: # удаляем все ненужные файлы for fn in target: if fn not in source: removeFileWithEmptyDirectory(path.join(target_dn, fn), stopDirectory=target_dn) # копируем отсутствующие файлы for fn in source: if fn not in target: copyWithPath(path.join(source_dn, fn), target_dn, prefix=source_dn) return True def create_video_data(self, builder_path, repository_data): system_ini = SystemIni(self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_linux_datavars')) driver_list = list(chain(self.NvidiaDriver(builder_path, system_ini))) logfile = self._get_log_file() cache_file = self.clVars.Get('builder.cl_builder_video_driver_path') map_rep = dict(repository_data) video_ebuilds = set() with writeFile(cache_file) as f: for drv_name, drv_mask, drv_atom in driver_list: package_list = self.pretend_package_install( drv_atom, builder_path, logfile=logfile) for package in package_list: if package['binary']: s = "{category} {pn} {pv} binary {drv} {mask}\n".format( category=package['CATEGORY'], pn=package['PN'], pv=package['PVR'], drv=drv_name, mask=drv_mask.strip('"')) f.write(s) else: if package['REPO'] not in map_rep: raise BuilderError( _("Failed to determine path " "for %s repository") % package['REPO']) s = "{category} {pn} {pv} {dn} {drv} {mask}\n".format( category=package['CATEGORY'], pn=package['PN'], pv=package['PVR'], dn=map_rep[package['REPO']], drv=drv_name, mask=drv_mask.strip('"')) video_ebuilds.add( "%s/%s/%s"%(map_rep[package['REPO']], package['CATEGORY'], package['PN'])) f.write(s) self.clVars.Set('cl_builder_video_ebuilds', list(video_ebuilds)) return True def remove_video_drivers(self, builder_path): """ Удалить данные и архивы для установки видео драйверов :param builder_path: путь до сборки :return: """ cache_file = self.clVars.Get('builder.cl_builder_video_driver_path') if path.exists(cache_file): removeFileWithEmptyDirectory(cache_file) distrdir = path.join(builder_path, 'usr/portage/distfiles') pkgdir = path.join(builder_path, 'usr/portage/packages') for target_dn, target in [ (distrdir, find(distrdir, fullpath=False)), (pkgdir, find(pkgdir, fullpath=False))]: # удаляем все найденные файлы for fn in target: removeFileWithEmptyDirectory(path.join(target_dn, fn), stopDirectory=target_dn) return True def reading_news(self, builder_path): """ 'Прочитать' новости :param builder_path: путь до сборки :return: """ eselect_command = "/usr/bin/eselect" p = self.chroot_process(builder_path, eselect_command, "--colour=no", "news", "list", stderr=STDOUT) re_new = re.compile(r"^\s+\[\d+\]\s+N?\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$", re.M) for date, title in reversed(re_new.findall(p.read())[-3:]): self.printSUCCESS("{date} {title}".format(date=date, title=title)) return True def check_obsolete(self, builder_path): """ Проверка на устаревшие установленные пакеты :param builder_path: :return: """ chroot_eix = ChrootEix(builder_path, [], ChrootEix.Option.TestObsolete) l = chroot_eix.get_packages() if l: self.printERROR(_("Obsolete packages list:")) mult = self.color_print.bold("*") for pkg in l: self.printDefault( " {mult} {package}".format( mult=mult, package=pkg['CATEGORY/PN'])) return True def chroot_emergelike(self, builder_path, cmd, *params): """ Запуск команды, которая подразумевает выполнение emerge """ cmd_path = self.get_prog_path(cmd) logfile = self._get_log_file() if not cmd_path: raise BuilderError(_("Failed to find the %s command") % cmd) with EmergeParser(self.chrootize(builder_path, CommandExecutor( cmd_path, params, logfile=logfile))) as emerge: self._startEmerging(emerge) return True def chroot_revdep_rebuild(self, builder_path, cmd, *params): """ Запуск revdep-rebulid """ cmd_path = self.get_prog_path(cmd) logfile = self._get_log_file() if not cmd_path: raise BuilderError(_("Failed to find the %s command") % cmd) with EmergeParser(self.chrootize(builder_path, CommandExecutor( cmd_path, params, logfile=logfile))) as emerge: revdep = RevdepPercentBlock(emerge) self.addProgress() revdep.add_observer(self.setProgress) revdep.action = lambda x: ( self.endTask(), self.startTask(_("Assigning files to packages")) if "Assign" in revdep else None) self._startEmerging(emerge) return True def update_rep_list(self): """ Обновить список доступных репозиториев :param builder_path: :return: """ builder_path = self.clVars.Get("cl_builder_path") cmd = "/usr/bin/eselect" cmd_path = self.get_prog_path(cmd) logfile = self._get_log_file() if not cmd_path: raise BuilderError(_("Failed to find the %s command") % cmd) repsync = self.chrootize(builder_path, CommandExecutor(cmd_path, ["repository", "list"], logfile=logfile)) repsync.execute() return repsync.success() def syncOtherRepository(self, repname): """ Обновить репозиторий через emerge --sync """ chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') emerge = self.get_prog_path('/usr/bin/emerge') if not emerge: raise BuilderError(_("The Emerge tool is not found")) rpath = self.clVars.Select('cl_builder_other_rep_path', where='cl_builder_other_rep_name', eq=repname, limit=1) repdirname = path.basename(rpath) self.stash_cache(rpath, repdirname) try: if Git.is_git(rpath): self.addProgress() p = PercentProgress( "/usr/bin/chroot", chroot_path, emerge, "--sync", repname, part=1, atty=True) for perc in p.progress(): self.setProgress(perc) else: p = self.chroot_process( chroot_path, emerge, "--sync", repname, stderr=STDOUT) if p.failed(): raise BuilderError( _("Failed to update the {rname} repository").format( rname=repname), addon=p.read()) finally: self.unstash_cache(rpath, repdirname) return True cap_file = "/var/lib/calculate/filecaps" def save_file_capabilities(self): """ Сохранить информацию о file capabilities при помощи команды filecap """ chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') filecap = getProgPath("/usr/bin/filecap") p = process(filecap, chroot_path) with writeFile(pathJoin(chroot_path, self.cap_file)) as f: for line in (x.strip() for x in p): if not line or line.startswith("file"): continue fn, caps = line.partition(" ")[::2] fn = fn[len(chroot_path):] f.write("%s %s\n"% (fn, " ".join(x.strip() for x in caps.split(",")))) return True def clear_file_capabilities(self): chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') filecap_fn = pathJoin(chroot_path, self.cap_file) if path.exists(filecap_fn): os.unlink(filecap_fn) return True def restore_file_capabilities(self): """ Восстановить информацию о file capabilities при помощи команды filecap """ chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') filecap = getProgPath("/usr/bin/filecap") p = process(filecap, chroot_path) filecap_fn = pathJoin(chroot_path, self.cap_file) if path.exists(filecap_fn): self.startTask(_("Restoring file capabilities")) for line in readLinesFile(filecap_fn): line = line.strip() if not line: continue fn, caps = line.partition(" ")[::2] fn = pathJoin(chroot_path, fn) caps = [x.strip() for x in caps.split()] process(filecap, fn, *caps).success() self.endTask() return True def _update_binhost_packages(self): """ Выполнить команду обновления файла binhost (Packages.gz) :return: """ chroot_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') pkgdir = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_pkgdir_full') os.system( '/usr/bin/chroot %s /bin/bash -c ' '"PKGDIR=%s /usr/sbin/emaint binhost -f" &>/dev/null' % (chroot_path, pkgdir)) def cleanpkg(self): """ Очистка системы от устаревших distfiles и packages :return: """ builder_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') portdirs = [ pathJoin(builder_path, x) for x in self.clVars.Get("builder.cl_builder_repository_location")] pkgfiles = get_packages_files_directory(*portdirs) distdirfiles = get_manifest_files_directory(*portdirs) distdir = self.clVars.Get('builder.cl_builder_linux_distdir') pkgdir = self.clVars.Get('builder.cl_builder_linux_pkgdir') logfile = self._get_log_file() logger = log("update_cleanpkg.log", filename=logfile, formatter="%(asctime)s - %(clean)s - %(message)s") return self._cleanpkg( distdir, pkgdir, distdirfiles, pkgfiles, logger) def regenPackages(self, chrootPath, pkgDirPath): """Regenerate packages and clean SYNC param""" pathPackages = pathJoin(chrootPath, pkgDirPath, "Packages") # remove Packages if it recreated if path.exists(pathPackages): os.unlink(pathPackages) self._update_binhost_packages() if path.exists(pathPackages): re_keywords = re.compile( '^(KEYWORDS|SYNC):.*$\n', re.M) data = readFile(pathPackages) data_blocks = data.split('\n\n') modified_blocks = [ "%s\nKEYWORDS: amd64 x86" % re_keywords.sub('', x) for x in data_blocks[1:] if x.strip()] with writeFile(pathPackages) as f: f.write("\n\n".join(data_blocks[:1] + modified_blocks)) def binaryCleaning(self): """Clean binary repository""" # imported from calculate_assemble chrootPath = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') pkgDir = pathJoin(chrootPath, self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_pkgdir_full')) dbPkg = pathJoin(chrootPath, 'var/db/pkg') logfile = self._get_log_file() logger = log("binary_cleanpkg.log", filename=logfile, formatter="%(asctime)s - %(message)s") try: if not path.exists(dbPkg): os.makedirs(dbPkg) if not path.exists(pkgDir): os.makedirs(pkgDir) if path.exists(dbPkg) and path.exists(pkgDir): # get pkg list from distro pkgList = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, ((path.join(x, "%s.tbz2" % z) for z in os.listdir(path.join(dbPkg, x))) for x in os.listdir(dbPkg)), []) # get binary packages binList = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, ((path.join(x, y)[len(pkgDir) + 1:] for y in os.listdir(path.join(x))) for x in (z for z in (path.join(pkgDir, o) for o in os.listdir(pkgDir)) if path.isdir(z))), []) # remove files which in binary and not in db/pkg removeList = list(set(binList) - set(pkgList)) if removeList: removelist_str = ",".join( path.basename(x) for x in removeList) logger.info(removelist_str) map(lambda x: os.unlink(x), (pathJoin(pkgDir, x) for x in removeList)) # remove empty directories map(lambda x: os.rmdir(x), (x for x in (path.join(pkgDir, y) for y in os.listdir(pkgDir)) if path.isdir(x) and not os.listdir(x))) self.regenPackages(chrootPath, pkgDir[len(chrootPath):]) except OSError as e: raise BuilderError(str(e)) return True def prepare_update_vars(self): """ Заместить значения update переменных одноимёнными из builder """ vars_map = { #Применить значение переменной для выбора веток репозиториев #при обновлении 'update.cl_update_branch_name': 'builder.cl_builder_branch_name', 'update.cl_update_gpg_force': 'builder.cl_builder_gpg_force', 'update.cl_update_gpg_keys': 'builder.cl_builder_gpg_keys', 'update.cl_update_binhost_revision_path': 'builder.cl_builder_binhost_revision_path', 'update.cl_update_binhost_timestamp_path': 'builder.cl_builder_binhost_timestamp_path', 'update.cl_update_last_timestamp': 'builder.cl_builder_last_timestamp', 'update.cl_update_binhost_stable_set': 'builder.cl_builder_binhost_stable_set', 'update.cl_update_binhost_stable_opt_set': 'builder.cl_builder_binhost_stable_opt_set', 'update.cl_update_binhost': 'builder.cl_builder_binhost', 'update.cl_update_sync_rep': 'builder.cl_builder_sync_rep', 'update.cl_update_other_rep_name': 'builder.cl_builder_other_rep_name', 'update.cl_update_usetag_set': 'builder.cl_builder_usetag_set', 'update.cl_update_sync_overlay_rep': 'builder.cl_builder_sync_overlay_rep', 'update.cl_repository_name': 'builder.cl_builder_repository_name' } try: for k,v in vars_map.items(): self.clVars.Set(k, self.clVars.Get(v), force=True) except DataVarsError as e: error = BuilderError(_("Failed to prepare variables for synchronization")) error.addon = e raise error return True @variable_module("builder") def _get_binhost_logger(self): logname = "build-%s/%s" % (self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_id_path'), "binhost-scan.log") mainlog = self.clVars.Get('core.cl_log_path') return log("binhost-scan.log", filename=path.join(mainlog, logname), formatter="%(message)s") def isohybrid(self, image_file): """ Преобразовать ISO образ в гибридный :param image_file: iso образ :return: """ isohybrid = getProgPath("/usr/bin/isohybrid") if not isohybrid: raise BuilderError(_("Isohybrid utility not found")) if not path.exists(image_file): raise BuilderError(_("Image not found")) if self.clVars.Get('os_builder_arch_machine') == 'x86_64': cmd = [isohybrid, "--uefi", image_file] else: cmd = [isohybrid, image_file] isohybrid_process = process(*cmd) return isohybrid_process.success() def _list_file(self, iso_file): """ .list файл по iso файлу :param iso_file: :return: """ if iso_file.endswith(".iso"): return "%s.list" % iso_file[:-4] else: return "%s.list" % iso_file def _digest_file(self, iso_file): return "%s.DIGESTS" % iso_file def create_package_list(self, chroot, iso_file): """ Создает список установленных пакетов в chroot директории и сохраняет в iso_file :return: """ pkgdir = path.join(chroot, 'var/db/pkg') list_file = self._list_file(iso_file) with writeFile(list_file) as f: f.write("\n".join(sorted( x.atom for x in InstalledPackageInfo.get_install_packages( pkg_dir=pkgdir)))) return True def create_digest(self, isofile): """ Создать контрольную сумму для файла """ template = """# %(alg)s HASH\n%(digest)s %(filename)s\n""" digestfile = self._digest_file(isofile) try: with writeFile(digestfile) as f: f.writelines(map(lambda x: template % { 'alg': x.upper(), 'digest': process("%ssum" % x, isofile).read().partition(' ')[0], 'filename': path.basename(isofile)}, ["md5", "sha1"])) except (IOError, OSError): return False return True def get_arch_machine(self): return self.clVars.Get("builder.os_builder_arch_machine") @property def chroot_process(self): chroot_cmd = getProgPath("/usr/bin/chroot") if not chroot_cmd: raise BuilderError(_("Chroot command not found")) arch = self.clVars.Get('builder.os_builder_arch_machine') local_arch = self.clVars.Get('os_arch_machine') process_func = process if arch != local_arch: process_func = partial(process_func, "/usr/bin/linux32") return partial(process_func, chroot_cmd) def get_default_emerge_opts(self, depclean=False): dv = self.clVars.Get('builder.cl_builder_linux_datavars') if dv: deo = dv.Get('cl_emerge_default_opts') bdeps_val = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_with_bdeps_opt_set') if bdeps_val == "auto": bdeps = " --with-bdeps-auto=y" elif bdeps_val == "on": bdeps = " --with-bdeps=y" else: bdeps = " --with-bdeps=n" return deo + bdeps else: return super(Builder, self).get_default_emerge_opts() def emerge(self, builder_path, use, *params): extra_params = [x for x in params if x.startswith("-")] packages = [x for x in params if not x.startswith("-")] return self._emerge(builder_path, packages, extra_params, use=use) def _emerge(self, builder_path, packages, params, use="", env_update=None): """ Выполнить сборку пакетов :param builder_path: chroot путь :param packages: список атомов для сборки :param params: список параметров :param use: USE флаги строкой :param env_update: обновление env :return: """ logfile = self._get_log_file() deo = self.get_default_emerge_opts() with EmergeParser(self.chrootize(builder_path, EmergeCommand( packages, emerge_default_opts=deo, extra_params=params, use=use, env_update=env_update, logfile=logfile))) as emerge: try: emerge.question.action = lambda x: False emerge.run() if not emerge.install_packages.list: return True except EmergeError: self.emerge_cache.drop_cache("Emerge error") self._display_error(emerge.prepare_error) raise self._startEmerging(emerge) return True def remove_list_digest(self, isofile): for fn in (self._digest_file(isofile), self._list_file(isofile)): if path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) return True def recount_files(self, builder_path, exclude_files): """ Посчитать файлы в собираемой системе и исключить exclude файлы :param builder_path: :param exclude_files: :return: """ builder_path = builder_path.encode('utf-8') all_count = countFiles(builder_path) exclude_sum = sum(countFiles(path.join(builder_path, x)) for x in exclude_files) self.clVars.Set('os_builder_linux_files', str(all_count - exclude_sum), force=True) return True def create_dev_nodes(self, directory): """Create nodes for dev http://dev.gentoo.org/~a3li/openrc.txt""" devPath = path.join(directory, "dev") # clean dev for pathname, dirs, files in os.walk(devPath, topdown=False): map(lambda x: os.unlink(path.join(pathname, x)), files) map(lambda x: os.unlink(x) if path.islink(x) else os.rmdir(x), (path.join(pathname, x) for x in dirs)) for node, mode, dmode, major, minor in [ ("console", 0o600, stat.S_IFCHR, 5, 1), ("tty1", 0o600, stat.S_IFCHR, 4, 1), ("null", 0o666, stat.S_IFCHR, 1, 3), ("zero", 0o666, stat.S_IFCHR, 1, 5)]: nodePath = path.join(devPath, node) os.mknod(nodePath, mode | dmode, os.makedev(major, minor)) os.chmod(nodePath, mode) return True def check_build_run(self): """ Проверить повторный запуск """ build_id = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_id') names = self.Method.All pid = os.getpid() filter_func = lambda x: ('id' in x and x['id'] == build_id and x['name'] in names and x['os_pid'] != pid) dv = self.clVars if any(search_worked_process2(dv, filter_func=filter_func)): raise BuilderError(_("Builder action for %s is already running. " "Try to run later.") % build_id) return True def check_chroot_run(self): """ Проверить наличие chroot процессов :return: """ builder_path = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_path') programs = getRunCommands(chroot=builder_path, withpid=True) if programs: pid, cmd = programs[0] raise BuilderError( _("Chrooted {cmd} has already run into {id}").format( cmd="{}[{}]".format(cmd.split('\x00')[0], pid), id=self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_id') )) return True def update_menu(self, dn): with IsoDistributive(dn) as iso: d = iso.getDirectory() root_path = path.relpath(dn, d) self.clVars.Set('cl_builder_iso_path', dn, force=True) self.clVars.Set('cl_builder_target', iso, force=True) self.clVars.Set('cl_builder_path', d, force=True) self.clVars.getInfo('cl_builder_videodrv_set').autodetect = True self.clVars.Invalidate('cl_builder_videodrv_set', force=True) from calculate.lib.cl_template import templateFunction templateFunction.installProg = {} templateFunction.installCategory = [] self.applyTemplates(d, False, False, root_path) process("sync").success() return True def remove_flash_tmp(self): try: image = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_image') if image: image.close() except DistributiveError: pass flashTmp = path.join(self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_flash_path'), "tmp") if path.exists(flashTmp) and not listDirectory(flashTmp): try: os.rmdir(flashTmp) except (OSError, IOError) as e: self.printWARNING(str(e)) return True def remount_rw(self, dn): """ Перемонтировать каталог для чтения/записи (используется для flash) :param dn: каталог :return: """ if not dn: raise BuilderError(_("Failed to remount Flash drive")) p = process('/bin/mount', '-o', 'remount,rw', dn, stderr=STDOUT) if p.failed(): self.printERROR(p.read().strip()) return False if not check_rw(dn): raise BuilderError("Selected device is read-only") return True def sync_vmlinuz(self, flash_dn): """ Извлечение ядер из iso образов :return: """ boot_dn = path.join(flash_dn, "boot") for fn in listDirectory(boot_dn, fullPath=True): if fn not in ("vmlinuz", "initrd"): try: if not path.isdir(fn): os.unlink(fn) except (IOError, OSError) as e: self.printERROR(str(e)) raise BuilderError( _("Failed to clean /boot directory on Flash drive")) for data in self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_image_data'): isofn = data[2] vmlinuz_orig = data[3] vmlinuz = data[4] initrd_orig = data[5] initrd = data[6] with IsoDistributive(isofn) as iso: dn = iso.getDirectory() vmlinuz_orig = path.join(dn, "boot", vmlinuz_orig) initrd_orig = path.join(dn, "boot", initrd_orig) vmlinuz = path.join(boot_dn, vmlinuz) initrd = path.join(boot_dn, initrd) try: with open(vmlinuz_orig, 'rb') as r_fd: with open(vmlinuz, 'w') as w_fd: w_fd.write(r_fd.read()) with open(initrd_orig, 'rb') as r_fd: with open(initrd, 'w') as w_fd: w_fd.write(r_fd.read()) except (IOError, OSError) as e: self.printERROR(str(e)) raise BuilderError(_("Failed to extract kernel from %s") % isofn) return True def iso_migrate(self, flash_path): """ Миграция образов из flash:/iso в flash:/linux :param flash_path: :return: """ try: old_path = path.join(flash_path, "iso") new_path = path.join(flash_path, "linux") if path.exists(old_path): if listDirectory(old_path): if path.exists(new_path): for fn in listDirectory(old_path): old_fn = path.join(old_path, fn) new_fn = path.join(new_path, fn) if path.exists(new_fn): os.unlink(new_fn) os.rename(old_fn, new_fn) else: os.rename(old_path, new_path) else: os.rmdir(old_path) except OSError as e: self.printWARNING( _("Failed to move the ISO images directory on the Flash")) self.printWARNING(str(e)) return True def _get_default_params(self, drvs): """ Получить параметры загрузки для системы LiveHDD """ proprietary = ["nvidia", "fglrx"] video = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_x11_video_drv') audio = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_audio') locale = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_locale_lang') timezone = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_timezone') clock = self.clVars.Get('install.os_install_clock_type') params = ["%s:%s" % (CmdlineParams.Locale, locale), "%s:%s" % (CmdlineParams.Timezone, timezone)] resolution = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_x11_resolution') if resolution and resolution != "auto": params.append("%s:%s" % (CmdlineParams.Resolution, resolution)) if video != "default" and ( video not in proprietary or Variable.isTrue(drvs)): params.append("%s:%s" % (CmdlineParams.Video, video)) current_video = self.clVars.Get('os_x11_video_drv') if current_video == video and video != "default": composite = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_x11_composite') params.append("%s:%s" % (CmdlineParams.Composite, composite)) if audio == "alsa": params.append("audio:alsa") if clock: params.append("clock:%s"%clock) calculate_param = ",".join(params) if self.clVars.GetBool('cl_builder_docache_set'): return "%s docache" % calculate_param else: return calculate_param def create_iso_grub_cfg(self, dn): gc = GrubCommand() content = [] for label, iso, splash, drvs in self.clVars.ZipVars( 'cl_builder_image_label', 'cl_builder_image_iso', 'cl_builder_image_splash', 'cl_builder_image_drivers'): default_params = self._get_default_params(drvs) entry = ( "menuentry '%(label)s' {\n" "\tset isofile=%(iso)s\n" "\tloopback loop $isofile\n" "\tlinux (loop)/boot/vmlinuz root=live " "iso-scan/filename=$isofile quiet %(splash)s " "calculate=%(defs)s\n" "\tinitrd (loop)/boot/initrd\n}\n\n" % { 'label': label, 'iso': gc.get_relpath(iso), 'splash': templateFunction.splash_cmd(splash), 'defs': default_params }) content.append(entry) fn_grubcfg = path.join(dn, 'grub.cfg') try: write_content = ("\n".join(content)).strip() + "\n" if write_content.strip(): with writeFile(fn_grubcfg) as f: f.write(write_content) else: self.clear_iso_grub_cfg(dn) except IOError: raise BuilderError(_("Failed to write %s") % fn_grubcfg) return True def clear_iso_grub_cfg(self, dn): if dn: cfg_fn = path.join(dn, 'grub.cfg') if path.exists(cfg_fn): try: os.unlink(cfg_fn) except OSError: raise BuilderError(_("Failed to remove %s") % cfg_fn) return True def setup_package(self, package): """ Обновить конфигурационные файлы системы """ clVars = DataVars() try: clVars.importData() clVars.flIniFile() clVars.Set("cl_root_path", "/", True) clVars.Set("cl_merge_pkg", [package], True) clVars.Set("cl_action", 'merge', True) for copyvar in ("cl_dispatch_conf", "cl_verbose_set", "cl_template_path_use", "builder.cl_livemenu_path", "builder.cl_builder_livemenu_path"): clVars.Set(copyvar, self.clVars.Get(copyvar), force=True) useClt = self.clVars.Get('cl_template_clt_set') in (True, "on") # используем объект шаблонов # с clt шаблонами, clt фильтром, без использования postDispatchConf clTempl = ChainProgressTemplate( self.startTask, self.endTask, self.setProgress, clVars, cltObj=useClt, cltFilter=True, printSUCCESS=self.printSUCCESS, printERROR=self.printERROR, printWARNING=self.printWARNING, askConfirm=self.askConfirm, dispatchConf=self.dispatchConf, printWarning=False) clTempl.applyTemplates() finally: clVars.close() self.endTask() return True def pretend_emerge_list(self, builder_path, *packages): """ Получить список устанавливаемых пакетов :param builder_path: :param packages: :return: """ deo = self.get_default_emerge_opts() logfile = self._get_log_file() # в случае использования base binhost env_update = {'PKGDIR': self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_pkgdir_full')} if self.clVars.GetBool('cl_builder_binhost_base_set'): env_update["FEATURES"] = "-getbinpkg" deo += " --with-bdeps=n" with EmergeParser(self.chrootize(builder_path, EmergeCommand( ["=%s" % x for x in packages] + ["@system"], emerge_default_opts=deo, env_update=env_update, extra_params=["-pKve"], logfile=logfile))) as emerge: try: emerge.question.action = lambda x: False emerge.run() for pkg in emerge.install_packages.list: yield pkg except EmergeError: self._display_error(emerge.prepare_error) def check_vardbpkg(self, builder_path): """ Проверка на то, что при проверке на автомагические зависимости /var/db/pkg корректно восстановлен :param builder_path: :return: """ vdb_path = "var/db/.pkg" real_vdb_path = path.join(builder_path, VDB_PATH) hide_vdb_path = path.join(builder_path, vdb_path) real_vdb_path_with_hide = path.join(builder_path, VDB_PATH, ".pkg") if path.exists(hide_vdb_path): raise BuilderError("Wrong build state: /var/db/.pkg found") if path.exists(real_vdb_path_with_hide): raise BuilderError("Wrong build state: /var/db/pkg/.pkg found") if not path.exists(real_vdb_path): raise BuilderError(_("Wrong build state: /var/db/pkg not found")) return True def check_automagic(self, builder_path): """ Проверка на наличие неописанных автоматических зависимостей :param builder_path: :return: """ task = EmergeLogFiltered(EmergeLogNamedTask(EmergeMark.Automagic), prefix=builder_path) task.emerge_type = EmergeLogFiltered.EmergeType.Source cache_list = ("/var/calculate/tmp/%s.checkdep" % self.clVars.Get("cl_builder_id_path")) task_list = list(chain(*[list(getInstalledAtom(x, prefix=builder_path)) for x in readLinesFile(cache_list, grab=True)])) task_list = list(task.list) + task_list vdb_path = "var/db/.pkg" real_vdb_path = path.join(builder_path, VDB_PATH) hide_vdb_path = path.join(builder_path, vdb_path) try: shutil.move(real_vdb_path, hide_vdb_path) except (IOError, OSError): raise BuilderError(_("Failed to hide package database")) automagic = OrderedDict() automagic_waste = {} automagic_clear = {} try: system_ini = SystemIni(self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_linux_datavars')) lp = LibraryProviders(vdb_path=vdb_path, prefix=builder_path) def get_check_data(): for pkg in PackageList(task_list): def get_all_reqs(pkg): for arch, lib in getRequires(pkg, vdb_path=vdb_path, prefix=builder_path): if arch in lp and lib in lp[arch]: yield tuple(lp[arch][lib]) yield pkg, list(set(get_all_reqs(pkg))) check_data = {x: y for x, y in get_check_data() if x["CATEGORY"] != "virtual"} if self.clVars.GetBool('cl_builder_binhost_base_set'): pkgdir = self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_pkgdir_full') # удалить Packages файл, для того, чтобы он переформировался при # следующем вызове emerge index_fn = path.join(pkgdir, "Packages") if path.exists(index_fn): os.unlink(index_fn) for i, data in enumerate(sorted(check_data.items(), key=lambda x:x[0])): package, required_pkgs = data self.startTask(_("Check ({cur} of {maxval}) {package}").format( cur=i + 1, maxval=len(check_data), package=package)) if not required_pkgs: self.endTask(True) continue pretend = list(self.pretend_emerge_list(builder_path, package)) if not pretend: self.endTask(False) self.printERROR(_("Failed to receive the package list")) else: # получаем список пакетов которые необходимых для работы required_pkgs = [x for x in required_pkgs if all(y not in pretend for y in x)] required_pkgs = list(set(chain(*required_pkgs))) clear_req_pkgs = [x for x in [x.strip() for x in system_ini.getVar("automagic-clear", package["CATEGORY/PN"]).split(",")] if x] waste_pkgs = [x for x in clear_req_pkgs if all(y["CATEGORY/PN"] != x for y in required_pkgs)] if waste_pkgs: automagic_waste[package] = waste_pkgs automagic[package] = [] automagic_clear[package] = [] for pkg in required_pkgs: if any(x == pkg["CATEGORY/PN"] for x in clear_req_pkgs): automagic_clear[package].append(pkg) else: automagic[package].append(pkg) self.endTask(True) finally: try: if path.exists(real_vdb_path): os.rmdir(real_vdb_path) shutil.move(hide_vdb_path, real_vdb_path) except (IOError, OSError): raise BuilderError(_("Failed to unhide package database")) self._report_automagic(automagic, automagic_clear, automagic_waste) self._rebuild_automagic(automagic, automagic_clear, builder_path) return True def _report_automagic(self, automagic, automagic_clear, automagic_waste): """ Сообщить информацию о вычисленных автоматических зависимостей :param automagic: :param automagic_clear: :param automagic_waste: :return: """ for pkg, reqs in automagic.items(): if reqs: self.printWARNING( _("Auto depends for package {pkg} from {pkgs} " "will be used").format( pkg=pkg, pkgs=",".join(str(x) for x in reqs))) clear_req_pkgs = automagic_clear.get(pkg, []) if clear_req_pkgs: self.printWARNING( _("Auto depends for package {pkg} from {pkgs} " "will be cleared").format( pkg=pkg, pkgs=",".join(str(x) for x in clear_req_pkgs))) waste_pkgs = automagic_waste.get(pkg, []) if waste_pkgs: self.printWARNING( _("Specified depends for package {pkg} from " "{pkgs} are obsolete").format( pkg=pkg, pkgs=",".join(waste_pkgs))) def _rebuild_automagic(self, automagic, automagic_clear, builder_path): """ Пересобрать пакеты с автоматическими зависимостями :param automagic: :param automagic_clear: :param builder_path: :return: """ automagic_log_dn = "/var/log/calculate/automagic" makeDirectory(automagic_log_dn) self.pkgnum = 0 self.pkgnummax = sum(1 for k, v in automagic.items() if v or automagic_clear[k]) work_dn = '/var/calculate/tmp/xpak-%s' % self.clVars.Get( 'cl_builder_id_path') try: for pkg, reqs in automagic.items(): clear_req_pkgs = automagic_clear.get(pkg, []) if not reqs and not clear_req_pkgs: continue self.pkgnum += 1 if clear_req_pkgs: try: hide_packages(*clear_req_pkgs, prefix=builder_path) # собрать пакет из исходников env_update = { 'PKGDIR': self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_pkgdir_full'), 'FEATURES': "-getbinpkg" } self._emerge(builder_path, ["=%s" % pkg], ["-O"], env_update=env_update) except EmergeError: old_logfile = self._get_log_file() pkg_path = str(pkg).replace("/", "_") new_logfile = '%s/%s-%s.log' % ( automagic_log_dn, self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_id_path'), pkg_path) try: os.rename(old_logfile, new_logfile) except (OSError, IOError) as e: self.printERROR("{message}: {error}".format( message=_("Failed to save build log"), error=str(e))) self.printERROR( _("Failed to merge {package} without " "{hidden_pkgs}").format( package=str(pkg), hidden_pkgs=",".join(str(x) for x in reqs))) raise except PackageError as e: raise BuilderError(str(e)) finally: try: unhide_packages(prefix=builder_path, force=True) except PackageError as e: raise BuilderError(str(e)) if reqs: self.printWARNING( _("({num} of {nummax}) Inject dependences for " "{package} package").format(num=self.pkgnum, nummax=self.pkgnummax, package=str(pkg))) pkg_fn = get_binary_file( pkg, self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_pkgdir_full')) bp = BinaryPackage(pkg_fn, work_dn) try: bp["RDEPEND"] = "{oldpkgs} {newpkgs}".format( oldpkgs=bp["RDEPEND"], newpkgs=" ".join("%s:%s" % ( x["CATEGORY/PN"], x["SLOT"]) for x in reqs)) bp["autodeps"] = "\n".join("%s:%s" % ( x["CATEGORY/PN"], x["SLOT"]) for x in reqs) bp.save() finally: bp.clear() finally: self.pkgnummax = None self.pkgnum = None return True def update_dracut(self, builder_path): """ Обновить initramfs :param builder_path: :return: """ cmd = "/usr/bin/dracut" cmd_path = self.get_prog_path(cmd) logfile = self._get_log_file() if not cmd_path: raise BuilderError(_("Failed to find the %s command") % cmd) kver = self.clVars.Get("builder.cl_builder_kernel_ver") dracut = self.chrootize( builder_path, CommandExecutor(cmd_path, ["--xz", "-f", "--kver", kver], logfile=logfile)) dracut.execute() return dracut.success() def set_base_binhost(self, binhost): """ Использовать базовый бинарный хост :param binhost: :return: """ self.clVars.Write('cl_update_binhost', binhost) self.clVars.Set('cl_update_package_cache_set', 'on') self.clVars.Set('cl_update_binhost_list', [binhost], force=True) self.clVars.Set('cl_update_binhost_unstable_list', [binhost], force=True) self.base = True return True def create_binhost_data(self): dv = self.clVars last_ts = dv.Get('update.cl_update_last_timestamp') if dv.GetBool('update.cl_update_binhost_stable_opt_set'): binhost_list = dv.Get('update.cl_update_binhost_list') else: binhost_list = dv.Get('update.cl_update_binhost_unstable_list') self.binhosts_data = Binhosts( # значение малозначимо, поэтому берётся из собирающей системы dv.GetInteger('update.cl_update_binhost_timeout'), dv.Get('update.cl_update_binhost_revision_path'), dv.Get('update.cl_update_binhost_timestamp_path'), last_ts, binhost_list, self.get_arch_machine(), gpg=dv.Get('update.cl_update_gpg'), base=self.base) return True def index_pkgdir(self, pkgdir, trunkdir, stabledir): """ Спрять pkgdir при использование base binhost, для корректного вычисления зависимостей :param pkgdir: :param trunkdir: :param stabledir: :return: """ try: clear_binhost_garbage(pkgdir) except OSError as e: raise BuilderError(_("Failed to clear binary directory: %s")%str(e)) drcs = DirectoryRCS(pkgdir, trunkdir, stabledir) if drcs.not_prepared(): try: drcs.fixing() except RCSError as e: raise BuilderError( _("Failed to update trunk binaries: %s") % str(e)) else: try: if drcs.is_worked(): drcs.indexing() except RCSError as e: raise BuilderError( _("Failed to prepare stable binaries: %s") % str(e)) return True def fix_pkgdir(self, pkgdir, trunkdir, stabledir): """ Зафиксировать изменения по собранным бинарным пакетам :param pkgdir: :param trunkdir: :param stabledir: :return: """ try: clear_binhost_garbage(pkgdir) except OSError as e: raise BuilderError(_("Failed to clear binary directory: %s")%str(e)) try: drcs = DirectoryRCS(pkgdir, trunkdir, stabledir) drcs.fixing() except RCSError as e: raise BuilderError( _("Failed to merge prepared binaries: %s") % str(e)) return True @variable_module("builder") def update_binhost_list(self): self.invalidateVariables('cl_builder_linux_datavars') self.prepare_update_vars() return super(Builder,self).update_binhost_list( self.clVars.Get('cl_builder_linux_datavars')) def is_update_action(self, action): return action == Actions.Update