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migr_to_suds 3.6.10
idziubenko 3 years ago
parent 0ad81c3883
commit 44b3991f79

@ -728,9 +728,10 @@ class HTTPSClientCertTransport(HttpTransport):
# proxy_auth_handler = ProxyManager.HTTPS_PROXY.create_proxy_auth_handler()
# apparently, dslib simply returned None on create_proxy_auth_handler
# if this is ever needed, probably use urllib2.ProxyBasicAuthHandler
proxy_auth_handler = None
# and create_proxy_handler SHOULD HAVE eval'd to this:
# proxy_handler = u2.ProxyHandler({"https" : "https://hostname"})
# proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"https" : "https://hostname"})
# but because no hostname was given, it also just returned None
proxy_handler = None
if ca_certs or (client_keyfile and client_certfile) \
