# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2011-2016 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import re from os import path from calculate.lib.datavars import (Variable, ReadonlyVariable, VariableError, TableVariable) from calculate.core.server.api_types import LazyString from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate _ = lambda x: x setLocalTranslate('cl_core3', sys.modules[__name__]) from calculate.lib.utils.files import listDirectory from itertools import * class VarHelper(object): aliases = (('main', 'lib'),) mapName = dict(aliases) mapMethod = {'importLib': 'importVariables', 'importConsolegui': 'importGui'} mapObject = {'DataVarsLib': 'DataVars', 'DataVarsConsolegui': 'DataVarsGui'} mapSection = dict(map(lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), aliases)) class VariableClVariableData(TableVariable): """ Table for modification variables """ type = "table" opt = ["--set"] metavalue = "VAR[=VALUE[:LOCATION]]" # (arg-0:VAR)(arg-1:=(arg-2:VALUE):WRITE) syntax = "^(?P[^=:]+)(?P=(?P[^=]*?)(:?:[a-z]+)?)?$" # "(?:!=(?P\w*)))$") source = ['cl_variable_fullname', 'cl_variable_type', 'cl_variable_location', 'cl_variable_value'] def set(self, value): """ Fix data received from cmdline """ action = self.Get('cl_action') def fix_cmdline_params(fullname, location, v): if location.startswith("="): if re.match("^.*?:[a-z]+$", location): location = location.rpartition(':')[2] else: location = "system" return fullname, location, v def fix_value_for_append(fullname, location, v): if action == 'append': prevval = self.Get(fullname) typevar = self.parent.getInfo(fullname).type val = self.parent.unserialize(typevar, v) prevval.extend(filter(lambda x: x not in prevval, val)) else: return fullname, location, v res = list(starmap(fix_value_for_append, starmap(fix_cmdline_params, value))) return res def init(self): self.label = _("Variables") self.help = _("write to the variable. VAR is the variable name. " "VALUE is the new variable value. LOCATION is where " "the env file is located (system,local,remote). " "Variable will be removed from all env files if " "only VAR is specified.") def raiseReadonlyIndexError(self, fieldname="", variablename="", value=""): """ Behavior on change readonly index """ raise VariableError(_("Variable %s not found") % value) class VariableClVariableModuleName(ReadonlyVariable): """ Available modules """ type = "list" def get(self): site_packages = map(lambda x: path.join(x, "calculate"), filter(lambda x: (x.endswith('site-packages') and x.startswith('/usr/lib')), sys.path)) retlist = [] for module, modDir in chain( *map(lambda x: map(lambda y: (path.basename(y), y), listDirectory(x, True, True)), site_packages)): if path.exists(path.join(modDir, "datavars.py")): retlist.append(module) mod_map = {'lib': 0, 'install': 1, 'core': 2} return sorted(retlist, key=lambda x: mod_map.get(x, x)) class VariableClVariableFullname(VarHelper, ReadonlyVariable): """ Variable name """ type = "list" def init(self): self.label = _("Name") def get_all_var_name(self): """ Init all variable modules and get names """ for moduleName in self.Get('cl_variable_module_name'): module_section = self.mapSection.get(moduleName, moduleName) if module_section not in self.parent.importedModules: self.parent.importVariables( 'calculate.%s.variables' % moduleName) self.parent.flIniFile() for varname, vardata in sorted(self.parent.allVars.items()): if (vardata[0] == module_section and not varname.startswith('cl_variable')): yield "%s.%s" % (module_section, varname) def get(self): return list(self.get_all_var_name()) class VariableClVariableType(VarHelper, ReadonlyVariable): """ Variable type """ type = "list" def init(self): self.label = _("Type") def fill_type(self, var): varobj = self.parent.getInfo(var) return "%s%s" % (varobj.mode, varobj.getCharType()) def get(self): return map(self.fill_type, self.Get('cl_variable_fullname')) class VariableClVariableValue(VarHelper, Variable): """ Variable value """ type = "list" class LazyVal(LazyString): """ Lazy value return string value only before using """ def __init__(self, dv, var): self.var = var self.dv = dv self.dv.flIniFile() def __call__(self): var_val = self.dv.Get(self.var) type_var = self.dv.getInfo(self.var).type return self.dv.serialize(type_var, var_val) def __str__(self): return self() def init(self): self.label = _("Value") def fill_var(self, var): """ Fill all value of variables only lazy call """ if var not in ('cl_variable_value', 'cl_variable_data'): return self.LazyVal(self.parent, var) else: return "" def get(self): return map(self.fill_var, self.Get('cl_variable_fullname')) def check(self, value): checklist = [] for var, write, val in filter(lambda x: x[1] != "", zip(self.Get('cl_variable_fullname'), self.Get('cl_variable_location'), value)): val = str(val) type_var = self.parent.getInfo(var).type # convert list value to list (',' - separator) val = self.parent.unserialize(type_var, val) # increase verbosity of error on set variable checklist.append((var, val)) # double check for i in [0, 1]: for var, val in checklist: try: self.parent.Set(var, val) except VariableError as e: raise VariableError([VariableError( _("Error writing to variable %s:") % var), e]) class VariableClVariableLocation(VarHelper, Variable): """ Flag write variable to ini """ type = "choice-list" def init(self): self.label = _("Location") def choice(self): return [("", "Default")] + map(lambda x: (x, x), self.Get('cl_env_location')) def fill_write(self, var): return self.parent.isFromIni(var) def get(self): return map(lambda x: self.parent.isFromIni(x), self.Get('cl_variable_fullname')) class VariableClVariableFilter(VarHelper, Variable): """ Display variables """ type = "choiceedit" value = "all" opt = ["--filter"] metavalue = "FILTER" def init(self): self.label = _("Filter") self.help = _("display variables ('userset' displays user set " "variables, 'writable' displays only writable " "variables, 'system' displays user set variables " "from the system env file, 'local' displays user " "set variables from the local env file, 'remote' " "displays user set variables from the remote env " "file, 'all' displays all variables or filters them " "by part of name)") def choice(self): return (("userset", _("User set")), ("writable", _("Writable")), ("system", _("System")), ("local", _("Local")), ("remote", _("Remote")), ("all", _("All"))) class VariableClVariableShow(VarHelper, Variable): """ Display only value """ type = "choice" value = "" opt = ["--only-value"] metavalue = "VARIABLE" def init(self): self.label = _("Show the value") self.help = _("show the variable value") def raiseWrongChoice(self, name, choice_val, val, error): re_index = re.compile("((?:\w+\.)?(\w+))(?:\[(\d+)\])?") varname = re_index.search(val) if varname and not varname.group(1) in choice_val: raise VariableError(_("Variable %s not found") % val) def choice(self): return self.Get('cl_variable_fullname')