# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2012-2016 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from calculate.console.application.function import _print from calculate.console.application.sid_func import get_sid import sys _ = lambda x: x from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate setLocalTranslate('cl_console3', sys.modules[__name__]) client_types = "console" def pid_inf(client, sid, pids): """ get and show information about process """ for pid in pids: s = client.service.pid_info(sid, pid) if s == "": print _("PID not found") return 1 if s[0][0] == "Permission denied": print _("Permission denied") return 1 _print('\n', _(u"Process name: %s") % s[0][4]) print _(u"Process ID: %s") % s[0][0] _print(_(u"%s: process started") % s[0][2]) if s[0][1] == '1': print _(u"Process active") elif s[0][1] == '0': print _(u"Process completed") else: print _(u"Process killed") return 0 def client_list_pid(client): """ get all process id for this session """ sid = get_sid(client.SID_FILE) red = '\033[31m * \033[0m' green = '\033[32m * \033[0m' try: list_pid = client.service.list_pid(sid=sid) if list_pid[0][0] == 0: print red + _("PIDs not found for this session!") return 0 else: for i in list_pid[0]: print green + "pid - %d" % i except Exception: print red + _("Error fetching the PID list from the server") return 1 return len(list_pid[0]) def gen_pid_ls(client): """ generation list with pid for this session """ sid = get_sid(client.SID_FILE) pid_ls = [] try: list_pid = client.service.list_pid(sid=sid) if list_pid[0][0] == 0: print _("PIDs not found for this session!") return 0 else: for i in list_pid[0]: pid_ls.append(i) except Exception: print _("Error fetching the PID list from the server") return 0 return pid_ls def client_pid_info(client): """ get information about selected process (or about all) """ # try: sid = get_sid(client.SID_FILE) pid_ls = gen_pid_ls(client) if pid_ls: pid_inf(client, sid, pid_ls) # except: # print _("Error get data") # return 1 # return 0 def client_list_methods(client): """ get & show all available methods for this certificate """ DAT = 0 # Access to data soap structure RES = 0 # Access to result COM = 0 # Getting command line METH = 1 # Getting method line TR_METH = 3 # Translate method name results = client.service.get_methods(client.sid, client_types) if not results: print _('No methods available') return 1 try: if results[DAT][RES][RES][COM] == '0': print _('No methods available') return 1 except: pass print _("Available methods:") group_dict = {} for group in results.stringArray: if len(group.string) == 4: group_dict[group.string[METH]] = group.string[TR_METH] if len(group.string) == 3: group_dict[group.string[METH]] = group.string[TR_METH - 1] sort_keys = group_dict.keys() sort_keys.sort() for key in sort_keys: print " %s - %s" % (key, group_dict[key]) def client_pid_kill(client, pid): sid = get_sid(client.SID_FILE) result = client.service.pid_kill(pid, sid) if result == 0: print _("Process completed") elif result == 2: print _("Process killed") elif result == 3: print _("Process not found") elif result == -1: print _("Certificate not found on the server") elif result == -2: print _("Session not matching your certificate") elif result == 1: print _("Failed to terminate the process") return 0