# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2011-2016 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import re from calculate.core.server.core_interfaces import MethodsInterface from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate, getLazyLocalTranslate _ = lambda x: x setLocalTranslate('cl_core3', sys.modules[__name__]) __ = getLazyLocalTranslate(_) VARIABLE, MODE, LOCATION, VALUE = 0, 1, 2, 3 class Variables(MethodsInterface): def writeVariables(self, vardata): """ Write variable to env files, or delete from env files """ dv = self.clVars data = [x for x in vardata if x[LOCATION] or not x[LOCATION] and dv.isFromIni(x[VARIABLE])] if data: head = [_("Variable"), _("Mode"), _("Location"), _("Value")] self.printTable(_("List of variables"), head, data) for varname, mode, location, value in data: if location: value = dv.unserialize(dv.getInfo(varname).type, str(value)) section, op, varname = varname.rpartition('.') if not location: for env_location in dv.Get('main.cl_env_location'): if not dv.Delete(varname, env_location, header=section): self.printWARNING( _("Failed to delete variable {var} from " "{location}").format( var=varname, location=env_location)) else: if varname in dv.iniCache: oldValue = dv.unserialize( dv.getInfo(varname).type, str(dv.iniCache[varname]['value'])) else: oldValue = None if value != oldValue: dv.Write(varname, value, location=location, header=section) else: self.printSUCCESS("Nothing to set") return True def showVariables(self, showVal, filterVal, vardata): """ Show variables by cl_variable_filter """ dv = self.clVars removeQuotes = lambda x: x if x != "''" else "" reIndex = re.compile(r"((?:\w+\.)?(\w+))(?:\[(\d+)\])") if showVal: index = reIndex.search(showVal) if index: varname = index.group(1) index = int(index.group(3)) else: varname = showVal prevVal = str(dv.Select('cl_variable_value', where='cl_variable_fullname', eq=varname, limit=1)) if index is not None: typeVar = dv.getInfo(varname).type val = dv.unserialize(typeVar, prevVal) if index < len(val): self.printDefault(removeQuotes(val[index])) else: self.printDefault("") else: self.printDefault(removeQuotes(prevVal)) return True filter_names = {'all': lambda x: x, 'userset': lambda x: x[LOCATION], 'writable': lambda x: x[MODE].startswith("w"), 'system': lambda x: x[LOCATION] == "system", 'local': lambda x: x[LOCATION] == "local", 'remote': lambda x: x[LOCATION] == "remote"} filterFunc = filter_names.get(filterVal, lambda x: filterVal in x[VARIABLE]) body = [x for x in vardata if filterFunc(x)] dv.close() if body: head = [_("Variable"), _("Mode"), _("Location"), _("Value")] self.printTable(_("List of variables"), head, body) return True else: self.printWARNING(_("No such variables")) return True