You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

481 lines
20 KiB

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#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2010-2012 Calculate Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import soaplib, sys, time, os
from soaplib.serializers.primitive import String, Integer, Any, Boolean
from soaplib.serializers.clazz import Array, ClassSerializer
from soaplib.service import rpc, DefinitionBase
from calculate.core.server.api_types import ReturnedMessage
from calculate.core.server.api_types import (ChoiceValue, Table, Option, Field,
GroupField, ViewInfo)
from calculate.lib.datavars import VariableError, DataVarsError
from calculate.install.cl_install import DataVarsInstall
from calculate.core.server.baseClass import Basic
class SH2 (ClassSerializer):
#name = String
#times = Integer
#boolvariable = Boolean
#boolvariable2 = Boolean
#radiovariable = String
#radiovariable2 = String
#combovariable = String
#comboEdit1 = String
#comboEdit2 = String
#multichoice_add = String
#multichoice = String
os_location_data = Array(Array(String))
os_install_mbr = Array(String)
os_install_locale_lang = String
r = String
#compliance = {'disk' : 'os_location_data', \
#'mbr' : 'os_install_mbr', \
#'lang' : 'os_install_locale_lang'}
# for check parameters without call method
CheckOnly = Boolean
#class ExampleInfo (ClassSerializer):
#disk = Array(Array(String))
#mbr = String
#lang = String
#CheckOnly = Boolean
class ApiWsdl:
def test2_meth (self, name, times, town) :
print 'name = ', name, 'times = ', times, 'town = ',town
results = []
for i in range( 0, times ) :
results.append('Hello!!!, %s %d'%(name, i))
# Помещение данных в словарь процессов
self.setData (results)
self.startTask("NewTask", True)
self.addMessage(type = 'warning', message = 'enter name!')
# Учёт процесса выполнения
perc = 0
while self.getProgress() < 100:
perc += 20
# Увеличение процента выполнения процесса
self.setProgress (perc)
#question = self.askQuestion('enter name: ', None)
#print question
#print self.askPassword ('Please, your enter pass: ')
self.endTask("Message with result work task 1!")
#if not question in [None, "", []]:
#head = [' ', question, 'two', question]
head = [town,'One','Two','Three','Four']
body = [['One','11','12','13','14'],['Two','21','22','23','24'],\
['Three','31','32','33','34'], ['Four','41','42','43','44']]
self.printTable("Table 1!", head, body)
self.startTask("Second task!", True)
perc = 0
while self.getProgress() < 50:
perc += 10
# Увеличение процента выполнения процесса
self.setProgress (perc)
self.printERROR ('you not entered country!')
self.endTask("Message about error task 2!")
# necessary for correct complete the process
return True
# Обработка сигнала прерывания работы процесса
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Необходимо передать Fasle для сохранения данных о процессе
return False
return False
def check_params (self, dv, info):
errors = []
for var in filter(lambda x:x.lower() == x,
if info.__getattribute__(var) != None:
dv.Set(var, info.__getattribute__(var))
except VariableError, e:
mess = ''
messages = e.message if type(e.message) == list else [e.message]
for error in messages:
mess += str(error) + '\n'
errors.append(ReturnedMessage(type = 'error', field = var,
message = mess))
return errors
from calculate.core.server.baseClass import Basic
from calculate.core.server.decorators import Dec
@rpc(Integer, SH2, _returns = Array(ReturnedMessage))
@Dec.gui('Core.Test', 'test2 install', \
def test2 ( self, sid, rrr):
import threading
curThread = threading.currentThread()
print curThread.lang
curThread.lang = self.get_lang(sid)
name_meth = 'test2'
dv = DataVarsInstall()
#print '++++++++++',rrr.compliance
#print rrr.disk
#print rrr.r
errors = self.check_params(dv, rrr)
if errors:
#print "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$", errors
return errors
#if rrr.mbr:
self.set_cache(sid, name_meth, 'dv', dv)
#if == 'qqq':
#errors = []
#errors.append(ReturnedMessage(type = 'error', field = 'name', \
#message = 'Do not input "qqq"!'))
#errors.append(ReturnedMessage(type = 'error', field = 'boolvariable', \
#message = 'Choose this!'))
#return errors
if rrr.CheckOnly:
returnmess = ReturnedMessage(type = '', message = None)
return [returnmess]
sh = self.get_cache(sid, name_meth, 'dv')
#if sh == None:
#sh = SH2() = name
#times = sh.times
#name =
#sh.iii = 4
#town = sh.combovariable
#print "------->>>", name, times, town
#self.set_cache(sid, name_meth, sh)
test2_meth = type("CommonInstall",(self.Common, ApiWsdl, object), {})
name =
pid = self.startprocess(sid, target=test2_meth, method="test2_meth",\
method_name = 'test2', \
args_proc = (name[0], times, town))
returnmess = ReturnedMessage(type = 'pid', message = pid)
#returnmess.type = "pid"
#returnmess.message = pid
return [returnmess]
@rpc(Integer, Integer, Boolean, _returns = ViewInfo)
def test2_view (self, sid, step, expert = False):
#print "+++++++++++++++++++", step
##if step == 0:
##view = ViewInfo(groups=[])
##group = GroupField(name=_("TEST2_METHOD"),nextlabel=_("Next"),last=False)
##group.fields = []
#import threading
#curThread = threading.currentThread()
#print curThread.lang
#curThread.lang = self.get_lang(sid)
#print curThread.lang
##from func import get_lang
#print 'LANG = ',self.get_lang(sid)
dv = DataVarsInstall()
view = ViewInfo(dv, [(_("First group"), \
('os_location_data', 'os_install_mbr'), (),\
_("Next")), \
(_("Secound group"), \
('os_install_locale_lang', ), (), \
#self.set_cache(sid, 'test2', dv)
return view
#name = "name",
#label = _("YOUR NAME: "),
#type = "str",
#default = 'Vasya',
#opt = Option(shortopt="-n",
#help = \
#_("Please, enter your name"),
#element = "input"))
#name = "times",
#label = _("TIMES: "),
#type = "int",
#opt = Option(longopt="--times",
#help = \
#_("Enter times"),
#element = "input"))
#name = "Partition_table",
#label = _("Mount Points: "),
#opt = Option(longopt="--times",
#element = "table",
## Table
#tablevalue = Table(
#head = ['Partition','Mount Point','Filesystem', \
#'Perform format','Label','Size'],
#body = [['/dev/sda1','swap','swap','off',None,'4G'],\
#values = [ChoiceValue(
#typefield = 'combo',
#values = ['/dev/sda1','/dev/sda2','/dev/sda3'],
#readonly = False,
#onChanged = ['',None,'get_body','get_body','get_body','get_body']),
#typefield = 'comboEdit',
#values = ['/','swap','/var/calculate'],
#readonly = False),
#typefield = 'multichoice_add',
#values = ['swap','reiserfs','ext4'],
#readonly = False),
#typefield = 'check',
#values = ['on','off'],
#readonly = False),
#typefield = 'input',
#values = [],
#readonly = True),
#typefield = 'input',
#values = [],
#readonly = True)]
#name = "expert",
#label = _("Press for advanced settings..."),
#type = "label",
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#help = \
#_("you not human? This is a anti-bot test"),
#element = "expert"))
#name = "boolvariable",
#label = _("you BOT?"),
#type = "bool",
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#help = \
#_("you not human? This is a anti-bot test"),
#element = "bool"))
#name = "boolvariable2",
#label = _("you BOT?"),
#type = "bool",
#default = 'on',
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#help = \
#_("you not human? This is a anti-bot test"),
#element = "bool"))
#name = "combovariable",
#label = _("check city number: "),
#choice = ['Moscow','Piter','New York','London'],
#type = "str",
#default = 'London',
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#help = \
#_("you not human? This is a anti-bot test"),
#element = "combo"))
#name = "Partition_table2",
#label = _("Mount Points: "),
#opt = Option(longopt="--times",
#element = "table",
## Table
#tablevalue = Table(
#head = ['Partition','Mount Point','Filesystem', \
#'Perform format','Label','Size'],
#body = [['/dev/sda1','swap','swap','off',None,'4G'],\
#values = [ChoiceValue(
#typefield = 'combo',
#values = ['/dev/sda1','/dev/sda2','/dev/sda3'],
#readonly = False,
#onChanged = ['',None,'get_body','get_body','get_body','get_body']),
#typefield = 'comboEdit',
#values = ['/','swap','/var/calculate'],
#readonly = False),
#typefield = 'multichoice_add',
#values = ['swap','reiserfs','ext4'],
#readonly = False),
#typefield = 'check',
#values = ['on','off'],
#readonly = False),
#typefield = 'input',
#values = [],
#readonly = True),
#typefield = 'input',
#values = [],
#readonly = True)]
#name = "button_view1",
#label = _("Next Step"),
#value = 'test2_view',
#default = '1',
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#element = "button"))
#return view
#elif step == 1:
#view = ViewInfo(groups=[])
#group = GroupField(name=_("TEST2_METHOD"),nextlabel=_("Next"),last=True)
#group.fields = []
#name = "radiovariable",
#label = _("check city: "),
#choice = ['Moscow','Piter','New York','London'],
#type = "str",
##default = 'London',
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#help = \
#_("you not human? This is a anti-bot test"),
#element = "radio"))
#name = "radiovariable2",
#label = _("check village: "),
#choice = ['aaaaaa','bbbb','ccccc','dddddd'],
#type = "str",
##default = 'bbbb',
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#help = \
#_("you not human? This is a anti-bot test"),
#element = "radio"))
#name = "comboEdit1",
#label = _("check city number: "),
#choice = ['Moscow','Piter','New York','London'],
#type = "str",
##default = 'London',
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#help = \
#_("you not human? This is a anti-bot test"),
#element = "comboEdit"))
#name = "comboEdit2",
#label = _("check population: "),
#choice = ['1000','10000','500000','2000000'],
#type = "str",
##default = '2000000',
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#help = \
#_("you not human? This is a anti-bot test"),
#element = "comboEdit"))
#name = "multichoice_add",
#label = _("check population: "),
#choice = ['aa','bb','cc','dd'],
#type = "str",
#default = '22,33',
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#help = \
#_("you not human? This is a anti-bot test"),
#element = "multichoice_add"))
#name = "multichoice",
#label = _("check population: "),
#choice = ['1000','10000','500000','2000000'],
#type = "str",
#default = 'qwe,ert',
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#help = \
#_("you not human? This is a anti-bot test"),
#element = "multichoice"))
#name = "button_view0",
#label = _("previous step"),
#value = 'test2_view',
#default = '0',
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#element = "button"))
#name = "button_call",
#label = _("call method"),
#value = 'test2',
#opt = Option(longopt="--bot",
#element = "button"))
#return view