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9 years ago
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2010-2016 Mir Calculate.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
12 years ago
import os
import sys
import re
12 years ago
from os import path
import pwd
9 years ago
from calculate.lib.datavars import (Variable, VariableError, ReadonlyVariable,
ReadonlyTableVariable, FieldValue,
from calculate.lib.utils.common import getValueFromConfig
from calculate.lib.variables import user
import calculate.lib.utils.device as device
9 years ago
from calculate.lib.utils.files import (readLinesFile, process,
listDirectory, readFile)
from calculate.desktop._cl_keys import getKey
from itertools import *
import glob
9 years ago
from calculate.lib.cl_template import templateFunction
from calculate.lib.cl_ini_parser import iniParser
import hashlib
12 years ago
from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate
9 years ago
_ = lambda x: x
setLocalTranslate('cl_desktop3', sys.modules[__name__])
12 years ago
class VariableUrJidHost(ReadonlyVariable):
Jabber host for user
9 years ago
12 years ago
def get(self):
userJid = self.Get("ur_jid")
if userJid:
return userJid.partition('@')[2]
return ""
9 years ago
class DomainInfoHelper(VariableInterface):
12 years ago
Вспомогательный класс для определения доменный ли пользователь
12 years ago
9 years ago
12 years ago
def getUserDataInFile(self, login, filePasswd):
9 years ago
return filter(lambda x: x[0] == login,
map(lambda x: x.strip().split(':'),
12 years ago
9 years ago
def isDomainUser(self, userName):
12 years ago
if userName:
passwdUserData = self.getUserDataInFile(userName, "/etc/passwd")
9 years ago
except Exception:
return False
12 years ago
if passwdUserData:
passwdUserData = passwdUserData[0]
9 years ago
cacheUserData = self.getUserDataInFile(
12 years ago
9 years ago
except Exception:
return False
12 years ago
if cacheUserData:
cacheUserData = cacheUserData[0]
if cacheUserData == passwdUserData:
return True
12 years ago
return True
return False
9 years ago
class VariableUrDomainSet(ReadonlyVariable, DomainInfoHelper):
Flag for determining domain user or local
type = "bool"
9 years ago
def getUserDataInFile(self, login, file_passwd):
return filter(lambda x: x[0] == login,
map(lambda x: x.strip().split(':'),
def get(self):
return "on" if self.isDomainUser(self.Get('ur_login')) else "off"
12 years ago
9 years ago
12 years ago
class VariableClDesktopXsession(ReadonlyVariable):
User current X session
9 years ago
session_list = ("kde", "gnome", "mate", "xfce", "plasma")
12 years ago
def get(self):
envXsessionFile = "/etc/env.d/90xsession"
9 years ago
xsession = os.environ.get("XSESSION", None)
desktopSession = os.environ.get("DESKTOP_SESSION", None)
12 years ago
if not xsession:
9 years ago
xsession = getValueFromConfig(envXsessionFile, "XSESSION")
12 years ago
if xsession:
9 years ago
if (desktopSession and any(x in desktopSession.lower()
for x in self.session_list)):
12 years ago
xsession = desktopSession
9 years ago
xsession = xsession.lower()
for session in self.session_list:
if session in xsession:
return session
12 years ago
9 years ago
return xsession
12 years ago
return ""
9 years ago
12 years ago
class VariableClDesktopGstData(ReadonlyVariable):
GStreamer data
9 years ago
12 years ago
def get(self):
# try import gst
9 years ago
copyargv = sys.argv
sys.argv = []
olderr = os.dup(sys.stderr.fileno())
12 years ago
import gst
import gst.interfaces
except ImportError:
gst = None
9 years ago
sys.argv = copyargv
os.dup2(olderr, sys.stderr.fileno())
12 years ago
if gst is None:
return {}
outdata = {}
pipeline = "alsamixer"
alsamixer = gst.element_factory_make(pipeline)
res = alsamixer.set_state(gst.STATE_PAUSED)
outdata['device_name'] = alsamixer.get_property("device-name")
outdata['long_name'] = alsamixer.get_factory().get_longname()
outdata['internal_name'] = filter(str.isalnum,
9 years ago
"%s (%s)" % (
12 years ago
outdata['channels'] = []
for t in alsamixer.list_tracks():
if t.flags & gst.interfaces.MIXER_TRACK_OUTPUT:
if t.flags & gst.interfaces.MIXER_TRACK_MASTER or \
9 years ago
any(x in t.label
for x in ("Wave", "Front", "LFE", "Center",
"Head", "Side", "Speaker",
"Surround", "PCM")):
12 years ago
if t.flags & gst.interfaces.MIXER_TRACK_MASTER:
outdata['master_channel'] = t.label
9 years ago
except Exception:
12 years ago
return outdata
9 years ago
12 years ago
class VariableClDesktopGstCard(ReadonlyVariable):
Internal card name for xfce mixer
9 years ago
12 years ago
def get(self):
9 years ago
return self.Get('cl_desktop_gst_data').get('internal_name', '')
12 years ago
class VariableClDesktopGstMasterchannel(ReadonlyVariable):
Master track name
9 years ago
12 years ago
def get(self):
9 years ago
return self.Get('cl_desktop_gst_data').get('master_channel', '')
12 years ago
class VariableClDesktopXfceMixer(ReadonlyVariable):
List of channel for xfce-perchannel mixer
9 years ago
12 years ago
def get(self):
return "\n".join(
9 years ago
map(lambda x: ' <value type="string" value="%s" />' % x,
self.Get('cl_desktop_gst_data').get('channels', [])))
class VariableClDesktopXfcePointers(ReadonlyVariable):
Список устройств-указателей для xfce
type = "list"
def get(self):
def generate():
for input_device_name in sorted(
data =
if data:
yield data.strip().replace(" ", "_").replace("/","")
return list(generate())
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopOnlineData(ReadonlyTableVariable, DomainInfoHelper):
Information about online users
source = ['cl_desktop_online_user',
12 years ago
reDisplay = re.compile(r"^\(?:(\d+\.?\d*)")
9 years ago
def _getDisplay(self, *args):
Get DISPLAY from args
9 years ago
for arg in map(, args):
if arg:
return ""
9 years ago
def get_user_uid(self, username):
return str(pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_uid)
9 years ago
except Exception:
return ""
9 years ago
def get(self, hr=False):
# TODO: need to KISS rewrite
resWho = process("who")
xData = [[]]
if resWho.success():
12 years ago
listProcessing = lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[-1]) \
9 years ago
if len(x) >= 5 else []
xData = groupby(
9 years ago
filter(lambda x: x[0] != "root",
map(lambda x: (x[0], self._getDisplay(x[1], x[2])),
filter(lambda x: x and \
(x[2].startswith("(:") or
map(lambda x: listProcessing(
filter(lambda y: y, x.split())),
key=lambda x: x[0]),
lambda x: x[0])
xData = map(lambda x: (x[0][0], x[0][1],
"on" if self.isDomainUser(
x[0][0]) else "off",
map(lambda x: list(x[1]),
return xData
setValue = Variable.setValue
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopOnlineUser(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable):
Логин пользователя
type = "list"
source_variable = "cl_desktop_online_data"
column = 0
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopOnlineDisplay(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable):
Display пользователя
type = "list"
source_variable = "cl_desktop_online_data"
column = 1
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopOnlineUid(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable):
UID пользователя
type = "list"
source_variable = "cl_desktop_online_data"
column = 2
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopOnlineDomainSet(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable):
Является ли пользователь доменным
type = "list"
source_variable = "cl_desktop_online_data"
column = 3
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopOnlineCount(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable):
Количество сеансов пользователя
type = "list"
source_variable = "cl_desktop_online_data"
column = 4
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopLogin(user.VariableUrLogin):
User Login
opt = ["cl_desktop_login"]
def choice(self):
if self.Get('cl_action') == 'logout':
return self.Get('cl_desktop_online_user')
return user.VariableUrLogin.choice(self)
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
"""Does user exist"""
9 years ago
if value not in self.choice() and self.Get('cl_action') == 'logout':
raise VariableError(_("No X session user found"))
if value == "":
raise VariableError(_("Please specify the user name"))
9 years ago
except Exception:
raise VariableError(_("User %s does not exist") % value)
def get(self):
return ""
9 years ago
class VariableUrMountDirs(ReadonlyVariable):
Примонтированные директории в профиле пользователя
type = "list"
def get(self):
homeDir = self.Get("ur_home_path")
if not homeDir:
return []
dirStart, dirEnd = path.split(homeDir)
9 years ago
mountProfileDir = path.join(dirStart, ".%s" % dirEnd)
mountRemoteProfileDir = path.join(dirStart, ".%s.remote" % dirEnd)
directories = filter(lambda x: x != homeDir,
filter(lambda x: (x.startswith(homeDir) or
x.startswith(mountProfileDir) or
map(lambda x: x.split(" ")[1],
# if isMount(homeDir):
# directories.append(homeDir)
9 years ago
return sorted(directories, reverse=True)
class VariableUrPassword(ReadonlyVariable):
Пароль пользователя, получаемый из ключей ядра
9 years ago
def get(self):
return getKey(self.Get('ur_login')) or ""
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopUpdateProfileSet(Variable):
Нужно ли выполнять обновление профиля пользователя на основании
обновлении пакетов
type = "bool"
def is_fastlogin(self):
urLogin = self.Get('ur_login')
fastlogin = self.Get('cl_desktop_fastlogin_path')
fastlogin_user = path.join(fastlogin, urLogin)
if path.exists(fastlogin_user):
return True
return False
def get(self):
lastTimestamp = templateFunction.getLastElog()
9 years ago
iniEnv = path.join(self.Get('ur_home_path'), '.calculate/ini.env')
userIni = iniParser(iniEnv)
9 years ago
userTimestamp = userIni.getVar('main', 'elog')
if userTimestamp:
userTimestamp = userTimestamp.encode('utf-8')
9 years ago
profileSetup = userIni.getVar('main', 'profile_setup')
login_setup = profileSetup == 'on'
if (self.Get('ur_domain_set') == 'on' or
not self.is_fastlogin() or login_setup or
9 years ago
not path.exists(iniEnv) or userTimestamp != lastTimestamp):
return 'on'
return 'off'
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopForceSetupSet(Variable):
Принудительно выполнить обновление пользовательского профиля
type = "bool"
opt = ["--force-setup"]
metavalue = "ON/OFF"
value = "off"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Force configuration") = _("force configuration")
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopFacePath(Variable):
"""Путь к стандартным иконкам пользователей"""
value = "/usr/share/pixmaps/faces"
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopFaceList(Variable):
"""Список доступных иконок по умолчанию для пользователей"""
type = "list"
def get(self):
return sorted(
9 years ago
filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.png'),
class VariableClDesktopHashFace(Variable):
"""Номер иконки пользователя
Номер вычисляется по контрольной сумму md5 логина пользователя
9 years ago
def get(self):
login = self.Get('ur_login')
icon_list = self.Get('cl_desktop_face_list')
if icon_list:
return path.join(self.Get('cl_desktop_face_path'),
9 years ago
icon_list[sum(map(lambda x: ord(x),
login).digest())) % len(
return ""
9 years ago
class VariableClDesktopFastloginPath(ReadonlyVariable):
Путь до каталога в котором указаны пользователи быстрого входа в сеанс
value = "/var/lib/calculate/calculate-desktop/fastlogin"