You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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9 years ago
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2008-2016 Mir Calculate.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import sys
import re
9 years ago
import pty
import fcntl
from subprocess import Popen
from os import path
from itertools import *
from calculate.install.distr import (FlashDistributive, DistributiveError,
9 years ago
from calculate.lib.datavars import (TableVariable, Variable, VariableError,
ReadonlyVariable, ReadonlyTableVariable,
SourceReadonlyVariable, VariableInterface,
import calculate.lib.utils.device as device
from calculate.lib.utils.device import (getPartitionSize,
from calculate.install.variables.autopartition import Sizes
from calculate.lib.utils.files import getProgPath
from calculate.lib.utils.mount import isMount, FStab, DiskSpace, Btrfs, \
BtrfsError, try_umount
from calculate.install.fs_manager import FileSystemManager
9 years ago
from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate, _
from calculate.lib.variables.system import RootType
9 years ago
setLocalTranslate('cl_install3', sys.modules[__name__])
class DeviceHelper(VariableInterface):
rePassDevice = re.compile("^/block/(?!%s)" % "|".join(['sr', 'fd',
9 years ago
'ram', 'loop']))
def getBlockDevices(self):
"""Get interest devices from sys block path"""
return filter(,
def separateDevice(self, dev):
Separate device word and number on tuple
Using for sort. (Example: sda2 ("sda",2), md5p1 ("md",5,"p",1)
return map(lambda x: int(x) if x.isdigit() else x,
re.findall('\d+|\D+', dev))
9 years ago
def mapUdevProperty(self, var, prop, default):
"""Get each element from var through udev [prop]"""
return [device.udev.get_device_info(name=x).get(prop, default)
for x in self.Get(var)]
def getPerfectName(self, dev, defaultValue=None):
Get dev name or human-readable lvm name
info = device.udev.get_device_info(name=dev)
if 'DM_VG_NAME' in info and 'DM_LV_NAME' in info:
lvmDeviceName = '/dev/{vg}/{lv}'.format(vg=info['DM_VG_NAME'],
if path.exists(lvmDeviceName):
return lvmDeviceName
if defaultValue is None:
9 years ago
return info.get('DEVNAME', '')
return defaultValue
def getLvmName(self, dev):
Get lvm name
return self.getPerfectName(dev, defaultValue="")
9 years ago
# Devices variables
class VariableOsDeviceData(ReadonlyTableVariable):
Information about disk devices
type = 'table'
source = ['os_device_dev',
9 years ago
class VariableOsDeviceInvalidator(ReadonlyVariable):
Переменная используемая для автоматического сброса значений переменных
если во время работы программы произошли изменения среди блочных устройств
master = None
def get(self):
"""Get device /dev name"""
if self.master is None and not self.Get('cl_ebuild_phase'):
self.master, slave = pty.openpty()
except OSError:
raise VariableError('Failed to create PTY')
udevAdm = getProgPath('/sbin/udevadm')
9 years ago
self.monitor = Popen([udevAdm, "monitor", "--kernel",
"--subsystem-match=block"], stdout=slave,
9 years ago
fl = fcntl.fcntl(self.master, fcntl.F_GETFL)
fcntl.fcntl(self.master, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)
return "Device invalidator"
def close(self):
if self.monitor:
9 years ago
except Exception:
def refresh(self):
if self.monitor:
9 years ago
res =, 65535)
if res:
while len(res) == 65535:
9 years ago
res =, 65535)
except OSError as e:
class VariableOsDeviceDev(DeviceHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Disk devices
type = "list"
re_disk_raid = re.compile("^disk-.*-raid\d+$", re.I)
def init(self):
def get(self):
"""Get device /dev name"""
# get devices from block sys directories(discard mem,sr,loop and other)
devices = (x for x in self.getBlockDevices() if x.count('/') == 2)
devnames = device.udev.syspath_to_devname(
x for x in devices
if device.udev.is_device(device.udev.get_device_info(x)) or
return list(sorted((x for x in devnames),
class VariableOsDeviceFulltype(ReadonlyVariable):
Полный тип
type = "list"
def get(self):
"""Get device /dev name"""
return [
for x in self.Get('os_device_syspath')
9 years ago
class VariableOsDeviceType(ReadonlyVariable):
Device type (hdd,cdrom,usb-flash)
type = "list"
def getType(self, dev):
info = device.udev.get_device_info(name=dev)
if device.udev.is_raid(info):
return info["MD_LEVEL"]
device_name = path.basename(dev)
if device_name in self.usbdevices:
if, device_name,
"removable").strip() == "1":
9 years ago
return "flash"
9 years ago
return "usb-hdd"
9 years ago
return "hdd"
def get(self):
# get usb device by '/dev/disk/by-id'(usb devices contain 'usb' in name)
diskIdPath = '/dev/disk/by-id'
if device.devfs.exists(diskIdPath):
self.usbdevices = \
9 years ago
map(lambda x: \
device.devfs.realpath(diskIdPath, x).rpartition('/')[2],
9 years ago
filter(lambda x: x.startswith('usb-'),
device.devfs.listdir(diskIdPath, fullpath=False)))
self.usbdevices = []
return map(self.getType,
9 years ago
class VariableOsDeviceParent(ReadonlyVariable):
Базовые устройства RAID массива
type = "list"
def get(self):
"""Get disk parent"""
return [",".join(device.udev.get_all_base_devices(name=dev))
if "raid" in _type
else ""
for dev, _type in self.ZipVars(
'os_device_dev', 'os_device_type')]
class MbrEfiHelper(VariableInterface):
boottype = ""
def get_boot_partition(self, sysdevice):
basename = path.basename(sysdevice)
for devname in device.udev.syspath_to_devname(
device.sysfs.glob(sysdevice, "%s*" % basename),
partid ='os_disk_id', os_disk_dev=devname,
if partid.upper() == self.boottype:
return devname
return ""
class VariableOsDeviceMbr(MbrEfiHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Разделы на устройстве, которые могут быть bios_boot
type = "list"
boottype = "EF02"
def get(self):
def generator():
for dev, sysdevice, _type, table in self.ZipVars(
'os_device_dev', 'os_device_syspath', 'os_device_type',
if "raid" in _type:
yield ""
elif table == "dos":
yield dev
if self.get_boot_partition(sysdevice):
yield dev
yield ""
return list(generator())
class VariableOsDeviceEfi(MbrEfiHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Разделы на устройстве, которые могут быть EFI
boottype = "EF00"
type = "list"
def get(self):
def generator():
for dev, sysdevice, _type, table in self.ZipVars(
'os_device_dev', 'os_device_syspath', 'os_device_type',
if "raid" in _type or table == "dos":
yield ""
yield self.get_boot_partition(sysdevice) or ""
return list(generator())
class VariableOsDeviceMap(ReadonlyVariable):
Map number for grub
Using for legecy grub (DEPRECATATED)
type = "list"
def get(self):
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: str(x[0]),
class VariableOsDeviceArraySet(ReadonlyVariable):
Диски массивы (при создании разделов на таких дисках перед
номером раздела добавляется "p": nvme0n1p1 вместо nvme0n11
type = "list"
devnames = ("nvme", "mmcblk")
def get(self):
"""Get device partition table"""
def isArray(device, name):
if any(x in device for x in self.devnames):
return "on"
return "off"
return map(lambda x: isArray(*x),
class VariableOsDeviceSsdSet(ReadonlyVariable):
Ssd property
type = "list"
ssd_names = ("SSD", "OCZ", "PLEXTOR")
udev_property = 'ID_ATA_ROTATION_RATE_RPM'
# считаем, что nvme диски - SSD
devnames = ("nvme",)
def get(self):
"""Get device partition table"""
9 years ago
def isSsd(dev, name):
prop = device.udev.get_device_info(name=dev)
rpm = prop.get(self.udev_property, None)
if (any(x in dev for x in self.devnames)
or rpm == "0" or any(x in name for x in self.ssd_names)):
return "on"
return "off"
return map(lambda x: isSsd(*x),
9 years ago
class VariableOsDeviceSyspath(ReadonlyVariable):
Table on device
type = "list"
udev_property = 'DEVPATH'
def get(self):
"""Get device partition table"""
9 years ago
def getSysPath(dev):
prop = device.udev.get_device_info(name=dev)
syspath = prop.get(self.udev_property, "")
return syspath
return [getSysPath(x) for x in self.Get('os_device_dev')]
class VariableOsDeviceVirtualSet(ReadonlyVariable):
Table on device
type = "list"
virtual_names = ("VBOX", "VMWare", "QEMU")
virtual_syspath = ("virtio",)
def get(self):
"""Get device partition table"""
9 years ago
def isVirtual(device, name, syspath):
if any(x in name for x in self.virtual_names):
return "on"
elif any(x in syspath for x in self.virtual_syspath):
return "on"
return "off"
return map(lambda x: isVirtual(*x),
class VariableOsDeviceTable(ReadonlyVariable):
Table on device
type = "list"
def getTableByChild(self, dev):
"""Get table by child partitions"""
syspath = device.udev.get_syspath(name=dev)
shortname = path.basename(dev)
for child in device.sysfs.glob(syspath, "%s*" % shortname):
udevinfo = device.udev.get_device_info(path=child)
9 years ago
map_names = {'mbr': 'dos',
'msdos': 'dos'}
table = (udevinfo.get('ID_PART_ENTRY_SCHEME', '') or
udevinfo.get('UDISKS_PARTITION_SCHEME', ''))
return map_names.get(table, table)
return ""
def get(self):
"""Get device partition table"""
autopartition = self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == 'on'
autoDevice = self.Get('cl_autopartition_device')
9 years ago
def getTable(dev):
prop = device.udev.get_device_info(name=dev)
return prop.get('ID_PART_TABLE_TYPE',
9 years ago
def getByAutopartition(dev):
if autopartition and autoDevice == dev:
return self.Get('cl_autopartition_table')
return getTable(dev)
9 years ago
return map(getByAutopartition,
9 years ago
class VariableOsDeviceName(ReadonlyVariable):
Name of device
type = "list"
nameless_devices = {
'nvme': 'NVME',
'mmcblk': 'Multimedia Card'
def getName(self, dev):
devicepath = device.udev.get_syspath(name=dev)
if devicepath:
vendor =, "device/vendor").strip()
model =, "device/model").strip()
if vendor or model:
return ("%s %s" %
(vendor, model)).strip()
for k, v in self.nameless_devices.items():
if k in devicepath:
return v
return ""
return ""
def get(self):
return map(self.getName,
9 years ago
class VariableOsDeviceSize(ReadonlyVariable):
Name of device
type = "list"
def get(self):
"""Get device size"""
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: getPartitionSize(name=x, inBytes=True),
9 years ago
def humanReadable(self):
return map(humanreadableSize,
9 years ago
# Disk variables
class VariableOsDiskData(ReadonlyTableVariable):
Information about current system partition and mounts
source = ['os_disk_dev',
9 years ago
class VariableOsDiskDev(DeviceHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
List of available partition devices
type = "list"
def get(self):
# получить блочные утсройства, в списке устройства с таблицей раздела
# разделены '/'
re_parent = re.compile("^/block/[^/]+")
disks = self.getBlockDevices()
parents = {
for x in disks if x.count("/") > 2}
dev_names = device.udev.syspath_to_devname(
(x for x in disks if x not in parents),
return list(sorted((x for x in dev_names), key=self.separateDevice))
def humanReadable(self):
return map(self.getPerfectName,
9 years ago
9 years ago
class VariableOsDiskMount(DeviceHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
List mounted points for current operation system
type = "list"
def get(self):
disk_hash = self.Get('os_disk_dev')
9 years ago
fstab = FStab('/etc/fstab', devs=disk_hash)
rootdev = self.Get('os_root_dev')
return map(lambda x: '/' if x == rootdev else fstab.getBy(eq=x) or "",
9 years ago
class VariableOsDiskContent(ReadonlyVariable):
Partition content
type = "list"
def get(self):
TODO: need to write
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: "",
class VariableOsDiskFormat(ReadonlyVariable):
Filesystem on device partitions
type = "list"
def get(self):
"""Get current disk filesystem"""
9 years ago
fstab = FStab('/etc/fstab', devs=self.Get('os_disk_dev'))
def getFormat(dev):
prop = device.udev.get_device_info(name=dev)
fs = prop.get('FSTAB_TYPE') or \
fstab.getBy(what=fstab.TYPE, eq=dev) or \
prop.get('ID_FS_TYPE', '')
if fs == "btrfs":
if "compress" in fstab.getBy(what=fstab.OPTS,
return "btrfs-compress"
if Btrfs(dev).compression != "":
return "btrfs-compress"
except BtrfsError:
return fs
9 years ago
return map(getFormat,
9 years ago
class VariableOsDiskType(ReadonlyVariable):
List type (lvm,raid,partition,disk)
type = "list"
re_raid = re.compile("-raid\d+$")
re_raid_partition = re.compile("-raid\d+-partition$")
def get(self):
"""Get partition scheme"""
types = map(lambda x: (x, device.udev.get_device_type(name=x)),
9 years ago
lvmUsedDisks = {}
raidUsedDisks = {}
9 years ago
def forMember(typeInfo):
9 years ago
diskName, diskType = typeInfo
if diskName in raidUsedDisks:
9 years ago
diskType = "%s-raidmember(%s)" % (diskType,
if diskName in lvmUsedDisks:
9 years ago
diskType = "%s-lvmmember(%s)" % (diskType,
return diskName, diskType
for dev, diskType in types:
prop = device.udev.get_device_info(name=dev)
raiddevice = prop.get('DEVPATH', '')
raiddevice = path.dirname(prop.get('DEVPATH', ''))
raiddevice = None
if raiddevice:
raiddev = device.udev.get_devname(raiddevice)
for x in
raidUsedDisks[x] = raiddev
if diskType.endswith("lvm"):
for x in device.lvm.used_partitions(prop.get('DM_VG_NAME', ''),
prop.get('DM_LV_NAME', '')):
if x in lvmUsedDisks:
lvmUsedDisks[x] = [dev]
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: x[1],
13 years ago
class VariableOsDiskRaid(ReadonlyVariable):
Raids which this partition constructed
type = "list"
def generateRaid(self):
for disktype in self.Get('os_disk_type'):
if "raidmember" in disktype:
yield disktype.rpartition('(')[2][:-1]
yield ""
def get(self):
return list(self.generateRaid())
9 years ago
class VariableOsDiskLvm(DeviceHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
LVM vgname and lvname
type = "list"
9 years ago
def get(self):
"""Get each element from var through udev [prop]"""
return map(self.getLvmName,
9 years ago
9 years ago
class VariableOsDiskUuid(DeviceHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
List uudi for partition devices
13 years ago
type = "list"
def get(self):
9 years ago
return self.mapUdevProperty('os_disk_dev', 'ID_FS_UUID', '')
class VariableOsDiskPartuuid(DeviceHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
List uudi for partition devices
type = "list"
def get(self):
return self.mapUdevProperty('os_disk_dev', 'ID_PART_ENTRY_UUID', '')
class VariableOsDiskParent(ReadonlyVariable):
List parent deivces for partition
type = "list"
def get(self):
"""Get disk parent"""
return [",".join(device.udev.get_disk_devices(name=x))
for x in self.Get('os_disk_dev')]
9 years ago
class VariableOsDiskId(DeviceHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Partition's system id
type = "list"
def get(self):
"""Get disk id"""
9 years ago
mapTypeUUID = {'ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7': '0700',
'0657fd6d-a4ab-43c4-84e5-0933c84b4f4f': '8200',
'a19d880f-05fc-4d3b-a006-743f0f84911e': 'FD00',
'21686148-6449-6e6f-744e-656564454649': 'EF02',
'c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b': 'EF00',
'0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4': '8300'}
return map(lambda x: mapTypeUUID.get(x, x),
map(lambda x: x.rpartition("x")[2],
self.mapUdevProperty('os_disk_dev', 'ID_PART_ENTRY_TYPE',
class VariableOsDiskGrub(ReadonlyVariable):
List grub id for partition devices
type = "list"
def get(self):
"""Get disk grub map"""
devicesMap = dict(zip(self.Get('os_device_dev'),
9 years ago
def getGrubMap(devParent):
dev, disktype, parent = devParent
# grub id вычисляем только для разделов расположенных на диске
# (исключаются lvm, raid и прочие абстракции)
if disktype != "disk-partition":
return ""
prop = device.udev.get_device_info(name=dev)
9 years ago
partnum = int(prop.get('ID_PART_ENTRY_NUMBER', 0))
if parent in devicesMap.keys() and partnum:
9 years ago
return "%s,%d" % (devicesMap[parent], partnum - 1)
return ""
9 years ago
return map(getGrubMap,
9 years ago
9 years ago
class VariableOsDiskPart(ReadonlyVariable):
Type of partition devices
If msdos then(primary, extended or logical)
If gpt then gpt
type = "list"
def get(self):
def generator():
for disk_dev, disk_type in self.ZipVars(
'os_disk_dev', 'os_disk_type'):
if disk_type.endswith("-partition"):
yield device.udev.get_partition_type(name=disk_dev)
yield ""
return list(generator())
9 years ago
class VariableOsDiskSize(ReadonlyVariable):
Partition size
type = "list"
def get(self):
"""Get disk size"""
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: getPartitionSize(name=x, inBytes=True),
def humanReadable(self):
return map(humanreadableSize,
9 years ago
9 years ago
class VariableOsDiskName(DeviceHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Label of partitions
type = "list"
def get(self):
"""Get disk label"""
9 years ago
return self.mapUdevProperty('os_disk_dev', 'ID_FS_LABEL', '')
class VariableOsDiskOptions(ReadonlyVariable):
List mount options
type = "list"
def get(self):
9 years ago
fstab = FStab('/etc/fstab', devs=self.Get('os_disk_dev'))
def getFormat(dev):
return fstab.getBy(what=fstab.OPTS, eq=dev)
9 years ago
return map(getFormat,
9 years ago
# Bind mount points
class VariableOsBindData(ReadonlyTableVariable):
Table of bind mount points
source = ['os_bind_path',
9 years ago
class VariableOsBindPath(ReadonlyVariable):
List source bind path
type = "list"
def get(self):
9 years ago
fstab = FStab('/etc/fstab', devs=self.Get('os_disk_dev'))
return fstab.getBy(what=fstab.NAME, where=fstab.OPTS,
contains="bind", allentry=True)
9 years ago
class VariableOsBindMountpoint(ReadonlyVariable):
Mountpoints for directories bind
type = "list"
def get(self):
9 years ago
fstab = FStab('/etc/fstab', devs=self.Get('os_disk_dev'))
return fstab.getBy(what=fstab.DIR, where=fstab.OPTS,
contains="bind", allentry=True)
9 years ago
# Userselect partion parameters
9 years ago
class LocationHelper(VariableInterface):
Location variable
def uncompatible(self):
Network setting up unavailable for flash installation
if self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == "on":
return \
12 years ago
_("The layout is not available with autopartitioning")
return ""
9 years ago
class VariableOsLocationBriefData(LocationHelper, TableVariable):
source = ["os_location_source",
orig_source = [('os_install_disk_dev',
9 years ago
9 years ago
'os_install_bind_mountpoint', '', '', '')]
def init(self):
self.label = _("Mount points")
def get_autopartition(self, hr=HumanReadable.No):
# при авторазметке получаем только информацию о
# /boot/efi разделах
if self.GetBool('cl_autopartition_uefi_set'):
boot = [[dev, mp, fs, _format, size]
for dev, mp, fs, _format, size in self.ZipVars(
'os_install_disk_size', humanreadable=hr)
if mp.startswith('/boot/efi')]
boot = []
# исключаем из устройств авторазметки информацию о efi разделах
# так как она не достоверная
devices = [[dev, mp, fs, _format, size]
for dev, mp, fs, _format, size in self.ZipVars(
if not mp.startswith('/boot/efi')
binds = [[dev, mp, "", "", ""]
for dev, mp in self.ZipVars(
'cl_autopartition_bind_mountpoint', humanreadable=hr)]
autodevs = self.Get('cl_autopartition_disk_dev_full')
bootdevs = [x[0] for x in boot]
def keysort(dev):
if dev in autodevs:
return autodevs.index(dev), -1
return -1, bootdevs.index(dev)
return sorted(boot + devices,
key=lambda x: keysort(x[0])) + binds or [[]]
def get_manual(self, hr=HumanReadable.No):
devs = self.Get('os_disk_dev')
def keysort(dev):
if dev in devs:
return devs.index(dev), -1
return -1, dev
devices = map(list, self.ZipVars(
binds = [[dev, mp, "", "", ""]
for dev, mp in self.ZipVars(
'os_install_bind_mountpoint', humanreadable=hr)]
return sorted(devices,
key=lambda x: keysort(x[0])) + binds or [[]]
9 years ago
def get(self, hr=HumanReadable.No):
if self.GetBool('cl_autopartition_set'):
return self.get_autopartition(hr)
return self.get_manual(hr)
9 years ago
9 years ago
class VariableOsLocationData(LocationHelper, TableVariable):
Select installation disk variable
9 years ago
opt = ["--disk", "-d"]
metavalue = 'DISK[[:MP[:FS[:FORMAT]]]]'
untrusted = True
source = ["os_location_source",
check_after = ["os_install_root_type"]
def init(self): = (_("DISK bound for installation will be mounted to the "
"MP directory. To create a bind mount point, you have "
"to specify the source directory as DISK") + ". " +
_("To change the filesystem, you have to specify it as FS. "
"FORMAT is used for the specifying the need to format "
"partition or not"))
self.label = _("Mount points")
9 years ago
def set(self, value):
return sorted(value, key=lambda x: x and x[0])
9 years ago
class VariableOsLocationSource(LocationHelper, DeviceHelper, Variable):
Source disk or directory
type = "choiceedit-list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Disk or directory")
9 years ago
def availDevs(self, choice=False):
Available devices
if self.Get('cl_install_type') == 'flash':
flashes = self.Select('os_device_dev',
return [disk_dev for disk_dev, disk_parent, disk_type in
self.ZipVars("os_disk_dev", "os_disk_parent",
if disk_type == "disk-partition" and disk_parent in flashes]
if choice:
9 years ago
return self.Get('os_disk_dev') + self.Get('os_bind_path')
dev_from = self.Get('cl_install_dev_from')
return [
disk_dev for disk_dev, disk_mount in self.ZipVars(
"os_disk_dev", "os_disk_mount")
if ((disk_mount not in ("", "/")
or disk_dev == dev_from) and
not disk_mount.startswith("/boot/efi"))
] + self.Get('os_bind_path')
def get(self):
if self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == "on":
return ([device.udev.get_devname(name=x)
for x in self.Get('cl_autopartition_disk_dev')] +
return self.availDevs()
9 years ago
def set(self, value):
def normpath(val):
if type(val) == str and val:
return path.normpath(val)
return val
9 years ago
return map(normpath, value)
def choice(self):
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: (x, self.getPerfectName(x) or x),
self.fixOsDiskDev(self.availDevs(choice=True))) + [("", "")]
9 years ago
def fixOsDiskDev(self, sourcelist=None):
Fix os_disk_dev by autopartitions
if not sourcelist:
sourcelist = self.Get('os_disk_dev')
scheme = self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == "on"
if scheme:
autopartition_devices = self.Get('cl_autopartition_device')
exclude = {
for disk_dev, disk_parent in self.ZipVars("os_disk_dev",
if any(x in autopartition_devices
for x in disk_parent.split(','))
appendDisks = (self.Get('cl_autopartition_disk_dev') +
return [x for x in sourcelist if x not in exclude] + appendDisks
return sourcelist
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
"""Check set location source"""
# check of device specifing
if not value:
raise VariableError(
_("To install the system, you need to specify the root device"))
# check wrong dev
9 years ago
disks = filter(lambda x: x.startswith('/dev/'), value)
12 years ago
# get original /dev names
cnDisks = (device.udev.get_device_info(name=x).get('DEVNAME', x)
for x in disks)
wrongDevices = list(set(cnDisks) -
9 years ago
if wrongDevices:
9 years ago
raise VariableError(_("Wrong device '%s'") % wrongDevices[0])
wrongSource = filter(lambda x: x and not x.startswith('/'), value)
if wrongSource:
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
_("Wrong bind mount point '%s'") % wrongSource[0])
# detect duplicate devices
9 years ago
dupDevices = list(set(filter(lambda x: disks.count(x) > 1,
if dupDevices:
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
_("Device '%s' is used more than once") % dupDevices[0])
class VariableClRootSizeMin(Variable):
Минимальнй размер root раздела
value_format = "{cl_autopartition_root_size_min}"
9 years ago
class VariableOsLocationDest(LocationHelper, Variable):
Desination directory of install disk data
type = "choiceedit-list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Mount point")
def get(self):
if self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == "on":
return self.Get('cl_autopartition_disk_mount') + \
source = self.Get('os_location_source')
installFrom = self.Get('cl_install_dev_from')
singleDevice = self.Get('os_install_disk_single')
9 years ago
def installMountPoint(info):
9 years ago
dev, mount = info
if self.Get('cl_action') == 'system':
if self.Get('cl_install_type') == 'flash':
9 years ago
if dev == singleDevice:
return "/"
return ""
9 years ago
if dev == installFrom:
return "/"
elif mount == "/":
return ""
return mount
9 years ago
return map(installMountPoint,
9 years ago
filter(lambda x: x[0] in source,
self.Get('os_disk_mount')) + \
9 years ago
def set(self, value):
"""Add abilitiy not specify root"""
9 years ago
def normpath(val):
if type(val) == str and val:
return path.normpath(val)
return val
9 years ago
value = map(normpath, value)
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: x or "/", value)
def choice(self):
9 years ago
if self.Get('cl_install_type') == 'flash':
return ["/", ""]
return ['/', '/boot', '/var/calculate', '/home',
'/usr', '/var', '/tmp', 'swap', '']
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
"""Check set location source"""
if self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == "on":
# check size for root device
minroot = int(self.Get('cl_root_size_min'))
osInstallRootType = self.Get('os_install_root_type')
if osInstallRootType != "flash" and \
9 years ago
not "/usr" in value:
for mp, size in filter(lambda x: x[0] == '/' and x[1].isdigit() and \
int(x[1]) < minroot,
9 years ago
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
_("The root partition should be at least %s") % "7 Gb")
source = self.Get("os_location_source")
# check of root device specifing
if not source:
9 years ago
if not filter(lambda x: x == "/", value):
raise VariableError(_("To install the system, you need to "
"specify the root device"))
9 years ago
disks = filter(lambda x: x[0].startswith('/dev/') and x[1],
zip(source, value))
disksDevs = map(lambda x: x[0], disks)
binds = filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('/dev/') and x[1],
zip(source, value))
# detect efi specifing
reEfi = re.compile("/u?efi", re.I)
if any( for x in value):
if self.Get('cl_client_type') == 'gui':
raise VariableError(
_("Please specify EFI partition by UEFI parameter in "
"advanced options"))
raise VariableError(
_("Please specify EFI partition by UEFI option"))
# detect duplicate mps
9 years ago
dupMP = list(set(filter(lambda x: value.count(x) > 1,
filter(lambda x: x and x != "swap",
if dupMP:
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
_("Mount point '%s' is used more than once") % dupMP[0])
# detect wrong bind
9 years ago
wrongBind = filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith("/") or
not x[1].startswith("/"),
if wrongBind:
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
_("Incorrect mount point (bind '%(bindSrc)s' to "
"'%(bindDst)s')") \
% {'bindSrc': wrongBind[0][0],
'bindDst': wrongBind[0][1]})
# Check '/' in start path of dest pointst
9 years ago
wrongMP = filter(lambda x: x and not x.startswith("/") and x != "swap",
if wrongMP:
9 years ago
raise VariableError(_("Wrong mount point '%s'") % wrongMP[0])
# Check using current root
rootDev = self.Get('os_root_dev')
if rootDev in self.Get('os_install_disk_dev'):
raise VariableError(
_("You may not use the current root partition %s for "
9 years ago
"installation") % rootDev)
# detect using extended partition
extendedPartitions = self.Select('os_install_disk_dev',
9 years ago
eq='extended', limit=1)
if extendedPartitions:
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
_("Unable to use extended partition %s for installation") %
# detect using CDROM disks
cdromPartitions = self.Select('os_install_disk_dev',
9 years ago
like='cdrom', limit=1)
if cdromPartitions:
9 years ago
raise VariableError(_("Unable to use CDROM %s for installation") %
# check cross bind mount points
9 years ago
DEVICE, MP = 0, 1
srcMountPoints = map(lambda x: x[DEVICE], binds)
destMountPoints = map(lambda x: x[MP], binds)
wrongBind = filter(lambda x: x in destMountPoints, srcMountPoints)
if wrongBind:
9 years ago
incompBind = filter(lambda x: x[1] == wrongBind[0],
zip(srcMountPoints, destMountPoints))
raise VariableError(
12 years ago
_("Source directory %(src)s is already used "
9 years ago
"for binding '%(bindSrc)s' to '%(bindDst)s'") \
% {'src': wrongBind[0],
'bindSrc': incompBind[0][0],
'bindDst': incompBind[0][1]})
# check multipart for flash and builder
osInstallRootType = self.Get('os_install_root_type')
if osInstallRootType == "flash":
if filter(lambda x: x and x != '/', value):
raise VariableError(
12 years ago
_("Flash install does not support multipartition mode"))
9 years ago
if filter(lambda x: x == "swap", value):
raise VariableError(
_("Flash install does not support swap disks"))
# check install on member of RAID or LVM
installTypes = zip(self.Get('os_install_disk_dev'),
9 years ago
for checkType in ("raid", "lvm"):
memberData = filter(lambda x: checkType + "member" in x[1],
if memberData:
raise VariableError(
_("Unable to use {part} partition used by active "
"{typepart} for installation").format(
9 years ago
9 years ago
class VariableOsLocationFormat(LocationHelper, Variable):
type = "choice-list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Filesystem")
def get(self):
if self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == "on":
return self.Get('cl_autopartition_disk_format') + \
9 years ago
map(lambda x: "", self.Get('cl_autopartition_bind_path'))
mount = self.Get("os_location_dest")
source = self.Get("os_location_source")
9 years ago
value = [""] * len(source)
return map(self.defaultFormat(),
zip(source, mount, value))
def choice(self):
if self.Get('cl_install_type') == "flash":
9 years ago
return ["", "vfat"]
9 years ago
return [""] + self.Get('os_format_type')
def defaultFormat(self):
"""Describe default value for filesystem"""
diskFormat = dict(zip(self.Get('os_disk_dev'),
9 years ago
osInstallRootType = self.Get('os_install_root_type')
availFS = set(self.Select('os_format_type',
allAvailFS = self.Get('os_format_type')
9 years ago
default_format = None
if self.Get('os_root_type_ext') in RootType.HDD:
root_format =
'os_disk_format', os_disk_mount="/", limit=1)
autoformat = self.Get('cl_autopartition_default_format')
for _format in (root_format, autoformat):
if _format and
'os_format_use', os_format_type=_format, limit=1) == "yes":
default_format = _format
root_format = None
def wrap(info):
9 years ago
dev, mount, fs = info
if mount and not fs and dev.startswith('/dev/'):
if mount == "swap":
return "swap"
elif mount.startswith('/boot/efi'):
return "vfat"
if mount == "/":
if root_format and root_format in allAvailFS:
return root_format
if dev in diskFormat and diskFormat[dev] in allAvailFS:
if mount.count('/') == 1 or mount == "/var/calculate":
if FileSystemManager.checkFSForTypeMount(
osInstallRootType, mount):
return diskFormat[dev]
return diskFormat[dev]
if default_format:
return default_format
return FileSystemManager.defaultFS.get(
osInstallRootType, "ext4")
return fs
9 years ago
return wrap
9 years ago
def set(self, value):
value = map(lambda x: "vfat" if x == "uefi" else x, value)
mount = self.Get("os_location_dest")
source = self.Get("os_location_source")
return map(self.defaultFormat(),
9 years ago
zip(source, mount, value))
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
osInstallRootType = self.Get('os_install_root_type')
devMpFs = zip(self.Get('os_location_source'),
9 years ago
self.Get('os_location_dest'), value)
for dev, mp, fs in devMpFs:
if dev.startswith('/') and not dev.startswith('/dev/') and fs:
raise VariableError(
12 years ago
_("The bind mount point does not use filesystem"))
# check compatible fs for mount point only root dirs
9 years ago
if dev.startswith('/dev/') and mp and (mp.count('/') == 1 or
mp in (
if not FileSystemManager.checkFSForTypeMount(fs,
9 years ago
raise VariableError(
12 years ago
_("The filesystem for '%(mp)s' should not be '%(opt)s'")
9 years ago
% {'mp': mp, 'opt': fs} + " " +
12 years ago
_("for {typedisk} install").format(
if mp == "swap" and fs != "swap":
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
"The swap partition {dev} must be formatted as swap").format(
9 years ago
class VariableOsLocationPerformFormat(LocationHelper, Variable):
type = "boolauto-list"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Format")
def get(self):
if self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == "on":
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: "on",
self.Get('cl_autopartition_disk_format')) + \
map(lambda x: "",
mount = self.Get("os_location_dest")
source = self.Get("os_location_source")
fs = self.Get("os_location_format")
9 years ago
value = [""] * len(source)
return map(self.defaultPerformFormat(),
zip(source, mount, fs, value))
9 years ago
fixNtfs = lambda self, x: {'ntfs-3g': 'ntfs'}.get(x, x)
12 years ago
def is_force_param(self):
return "--force" in self.Get("cl_console_args")
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
"""Check perform format
Check what format will perform for need partition.
At example on change filesystem on partition.
9 years ago
DEV, MP, FS, FORMAT = 0, 1, 2, 3
info = zip(self.Get('os_location_source'),
diskFormat = dict(zip(self.Get('os_disk_dev'),
9 years ago
diskMount = dict(zip(self.Get('os_disk_dev'),
9 years ago
unavailFS = set(self.Select('os_format_type',
12 years ago
fixNtfs = self.fixNtfs
9 years ago
for dev, mp, fs, isformat in info:
# should format if change fs or partition is root, but non flash
12 years ago
partitionMustFormat = \
9 years ago
fixNtfs(diskFormat.get(dev, fs)) != fixNtfs(fs) or \
(mp == '/' and
self.Get('os_install_root_type') != 'flash')
# if entry has mount point AND
# partition must was formated
if mp and partitionMustFormat:
# partition use in current system
9 years ago
if diskMount.get(dev, ''):
raise VariableError(
12 years ago
_("{device} must but cannot be formatted, as it is "
9 years ago
"mounted to {mountpoint} on the current system").format(
device=dev, mountpoint=diskMount.get(dev, '')))
if isMount(dev):
if not self.is_force_param() or not try_umount(dev):
raise VariableError(
_("Please unmount {device}, as it will be used for "
# but user select non-format
if not self.isTrue(isformat):
raise VariableError(
12 years ago
_("{device} must be formatted").format(
if self.isTrue(isformat):
if not mp:
raise VariableError(
12 years ago
_("No need to format unused device {dev}").format(
if fs in unavailFS:
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
_("Filesystem '%s' is not available") % fs)
if not dev.startswith('/dev/'):
raise VariableError(
_("Bind mount points should not be formatted"))
9 years ago
elif diskMount.get(dev, "") and isformat:
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
"{device} must but cannot be formatted, as it is mounted to {mountpoint} on the current system"
9 years ago
device=dev, mountpoint=diskMount.get(dev, '')))
elif isMount(dev):
if not self.is_force_param() or not try_umount(dev):
raise VariableError(
_("Please unmount disk {device} to "
"use it for install").format(device=dev))
def defaultPerformFormat(self):
diskFormat = dict(zip(self.Get('os_disk_dev'),
9 years ago
def wrap(info):
9 years ago
source, dest, fs, isformat = info
12 years ago
fixNtfs = self.fixNtfs
if not isformat and source.startswith('/dev/'):
if dest == '/':
return "on"
9 years ago
if dest and fixNtfs(diskFormat.get(source, fs)) != fixNtfs(fs):
return "on"
return isformat or ("off" if source.startswith('/dev/') else "")
9 years ago
return wrap
9 years ago
def set(self, value):
"""Default values for perform format"""
9 years ago
value = Variable.set(self, value)
DEV, MP, FS, FORMAT = 0, 1, 2, 3
info = zip(self.Get('os_location_source'),
return map(self.defaultPerformFormat(),
9 years ago
map(lambda x: [x[DEV], x[MP], x[FS], ""] \
if x[FORMAT] == "off" and not x[DEV].startswith("/dev/")
else x,
9 years ago
class VariableOsLocationSize(LocationHelper, SourceReadonlyVariable):
Location size
type = "list"
indexField = "os_location_source"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Size")
def getMap(self):
9 years ago
mapDevSize = dict(self.ZipVars('os_disk_dev', 'os_disk_size'))
return mapDevSize
def get(self):
return self.get_sizes(self.getMap().get)
def get_sizes(self, method):
devices = (device.udev.get_devname(name=x)
for x in self.Get(self.indexField))
mapped = (method(x) for x in devices)
return [x or "" for x in mapped]
def getMapHumanReadable(self):
mapDevSize = dict(zip(self.Get('os_disk_dev'),
9 years ago
self.Get('os_disk_size', humanreadable=True)))
9 years ago
self.Get('cl_autopartition_disk_size', humanreadable=True)))
return mapDevSize
def humanReadable(self):
return self.get_sizes(self.getMapHumanReadable().get)
9 years ago
class VariableClUuidSet(Variable):
Use or not UUID for /etc/fstab
type = "bool"
opt = ["--uuid"]
value = "on"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Use UUID") = _("use UUID")
def uncompatible(self):
Unavailable for flash installation
if self.Get('os_install_root_type') == 'flash':
12 years ago
return _("Impossible to use UUID for Flash install")
9 years ago
# Install disk parameters
class VariableOsInstallDiskData(ReadonlyTableVariable):
Table of install disk params
source = ["os_install_disk_dev",
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskParent(SourceReadonlyVariable):
Partition parent devices using for install
type = "list"
indexField = "os_install_disk_dev"
def getMap(self):
diskParent = dict(self.ZipVars('os_disk_dev', 'os_disk_parent'))
# replace value for autopartition
if self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == 'on':
disk_parent = self.Get('cl_autopartition_parent')
for disk_dev in self.Get('cl_autopartition_disk_dev'):
diskParent[disk_dev] = disk_parent
return diskParent
humanReadable = Variable.humanReadable
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskDevBase(DeviceHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Variable using for resolv cyclic deps
type = "list"
def get(self):
if self.Get('cl_install_type') == 'flash':
disk = self.Get('os_install_disk_single')
if disk:
return [device.udev.get_devname(name=disk)]
return []
return [dev
for dev, mount in self.ZipVars('os_location_source',
if (dev.startswith("/dev") and mount and
not mount.startswith("/boot/efi"))]
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskParentBase(VariableOsInstallDiskParent):
Partition parent devices using for install
type = "list"
indexField = "os_install_disk_dev_base"
humanReadable = Variable.humanReadable
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskDev(ReadonlyVariable, DeviceHelper):
Disks for installation
type = "list"
def get(self):
return (self.Get('os_install_uefi') +
def humanReadable(self):
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: self.getPerfectName(x, defaultValue=x),
class VariableOsInstallDiskUuid(ReadonlyVariable):
Uudi for install
type = "list"
def get(self):
diskDev = self.Get('os_install_disk_dev')
hashUUID = getUUIDDict(revers=True)
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: hashUUID.get(x, "")[5:], diskDev)
class VariableOsInstallDiskPartuuid(ReadonlyVariable):
Uudi for install
type = "list"
def mapUdevProperty(self, var, prop, default):
"""Get each element from var through udev [prop]"""
return [device.udev.get_device_info(name=x).get(prop, default)
for x in self.Get(var)]
def get(self):
diskDev = self.Get('os_install_disk_dev')
return self.mapUdevProperty('os_install_disk_dev', 'ID_PART_ENTRY_UUID', '')
class VariableOsInstallDiskMountBase(ReadonlyVariable):
List mounted points for installed system
Variable use for resolv cyclic deps by UEFI vars
type = "list"
def get(self):
if self.Get('cl_install_type') == 'flash':
disk = self.Get('os_install_disk_single')
if disk:
return ["/"]
return []
return [mount
for dev, mount in self.ZipVars('os_location_source',
if (dev.startswith("/dev") and mount and
not mount.startswith("/boot/efi"))]
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskMount(ReadonlyVariable):
List mounted points for installed system
type = "list"
def generate_uefi_mountpoints(self):
yield "/boot/efi"
for i in range(2, 20):
yield "/boot/efi%d" % i
def get(self):
"""Get install disk dest"""
mps = self.generate_uefi_mountpoints()
return ([next(mps) for x in self.Get('os_install_uefi')] +
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskUse(ReadonlyVariable):
/dev/sd or UUID= list (by cl_uuid_set)
type = "list"
def get(self):
"""Get real id (by cl_uuid_set) device"""
if self.Get('cl_uuid_set') == "on":
9 years ago
return map(lambda x: "UUID=%s" % x[0] if x[0] else x[1],
return self.Get('os_install_disk_dev')
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskOptions(ReadonlyVariable):
List mount options of installed os
type = "list"
def get(self):
ssd_devices = {
dev for dev, ssd in self.ZipVars('install.os_device_dev',
if ssd == 'on'
old_options = {
dev: options for dev, options in self.ZipVars('os_disk_dev',
if options
def generator():
for disk_dev, disk_format, disk_parent in self.ZipVars(
if disk_dev in old_options:
yield old_options[disk_dev]
all_ssd = all(x in ssd_devices
for x in disk_parent.split(','))
compression = self.Get('os_install_btrfs_compression')
yield FileSystemManager.getDefaultOpt(disk_format, all_ssd,
return list(generator())
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskFormat(ReadonlyVariable):
Install list filesystem for partition devices
type = "choice-list"
def get(self):
_format = [fs for dev, mp, fs in self.ZipVars('os_location_source',
if dev.startswith('/dev/') and mp]
efiformat = ['vfat' for x in self.Get('os_install_uefi')]
return efiformat + _format
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskPerformFormat(ReadonlyVariable):
List need for format
type = "bool-list"
def get(self):
9 years ago
_format = map(lambda x: x[2],
filter(lambda x: x[0].startswith('/dev/') and x[1],
if self.GetBool('cl_autopartition_set'):
efiformat = ['on' for x in self.Get('os_install_uefi')]
res = efiformat + _format
vfatdevs ='os_disk_dev', os_disk_format="vfat")
res = ["off" if dv in vfatdevs else "on"
for dv in self.Get('os_install_uefi')] + _format
return res
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskId(ReadonlyVariable):
Install partition's system id
type = "list"
def get(self):
def generator():
for (disk_dev, disk_part, disk_mount,
disk_format) in self.ZipVars('os_install_disk_dev',
if disk_part in ("gpt", "primary", "extended", "logical"):
if disk_part == "gpt":
if disk_mount.startswith("/boot/efi"):
disk_format = "uefi"
disk_part = "msdos"
fsinfo = FileSystemManager.supportFS.get(
disk_format, FileSystemManager.default_param)
yield fsinfo.get(disk_part)
yield ""
return list(generator())
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskName(Variable):
New labels for disk
type = "list"
9 years ago
def get(self):
9 years ago
diskLabel = dict(self.ZipVars('os_disk_dev', 'os_disk_name'))
def changeLabel(info):
9 years ago
dev, mount = info
if mount == '/':
9 years ago
return "%s-%s" % (self.Get('os_install_linux_shortname'),
9 years ago
return diskLabel.get(dev, '')
return map(changeLabel,
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskSize(SourceReadonlyVariable):
New partition sizes (for feature change partition)
type = "list"
indexField = 'os_install_disk_dev'
def getMap(self):
if self.GetBool("cl_autopartition_set"):
return {
dev: size for dev, size in chain(
self.ZipVars('os_disk_dev', 'os_disk_size'),
self.ZipVars('os_location_source', 'os_location_size'),
return {
dev: size for dev, size in chain(
self.ZipVars('os_disk_dev', 'os_disk_size'),
self.ZipVars('os_location_source', 'os_location_size'))
def getMapHumanReadable(self):
if self.GetBool("cl_autopartition_set"):
return {
dev: size for dev, size in chain(
self.ZipVars('os_disk_dev', 'os_disk_size',
self.ZipVars('os_location_source', 'os_location_size',
return {
device.udev.get_devname(name=dev): size
for dev, size in chain(
self.Get('os_disk_size', humanreadable=True)),
self.Get('os_location_size', humanreadable=True)))
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskType(SourceReadonlyVariable):
New partition scheme (for feature change partition)
type = "list"
indexField = "os_install_disk_dev"
def getMap(self):
9 years ago
diskType = dict(self.ZipVars('os_disk_dev', 'os_disk_type'))
return diskType
humanReadable = Variable.humanReadable
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallDiskPart(SourceReadonlyVariable):
Get new type partitions using for install
type = "list"
indexField = "os_install_disk_dev"
def getMap(self):
9 years ago
diskPart = dict(self.ZipVars('os_disk_dev', 'os_disk_part'))
return diskPart
humanReadable = Variable.humanReadable
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallBindData(ReadonlyTableVariable):
Table of install bind mount points
source = ['os_install_bind_path',
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallBindPath(ReadonlyVariable):
Install directories for bind
type = "list"
def get(self):
"""Get install bind source"""
return self.Select('os_location_source',
9 years ago
func=lambda x: not x[1].startswith('/dev/') and x[0])
class VariableOsInstallBindMountpoint(ReadonlyVariable):
Mountpoint for install directories bind
9 years ago
def get(self):
return self.Select('os_location_dest',
9 years ago
func=lambda x: not x[0].startswith('/dev/') and x[1])
class VariableOsInstallBootloader(ReadonlyVariable):
Bootloader for brief information
9 years ago
def init(self):
self.label = _("Bootloader")
def get(self):
if self.Get('os_install_uefi_set') == 'on':
return "uefi"
return ",".join(self.Get('os_install_mbr'))
def humanReadable(self):
if self.Get('os_install_uefi_set') == 'on':
return _("UEFI")
mbrs = self.Get('os_install_mbr', humanreadable=True)
if not mbrs:
return _("no")
return ",".join(mbrs)
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallBootDevices(ReadonlyVariable):
Физическое устройство с которого будет производиться загрузка системы на
котором находится /boot или /, т.е. если / находится на RAID, расположенном
на двух дисках - будет эти диски
type = "list"
def get(self):
bootDev = (self.Select('os_install_disk_parent',
_in=('/', '/boot'), sort="DESC", limit=1) or'os_disk_parent',
if bootDev:
devices = bootDev.split(',')
return [mbr
for dev, mbr in self.ZipVars('os_device_dev',
if mbr and dev in devices]
return []
class VariableOsUefi(ReadonlyVariable):
UEFI partitions from fstab
def get(self):
return'os_disk_dev', os_disk_mount__startswith="/boot/efi")
class VariableOsInstallUefi(LocationHelper, Variable):
UEFI partitions for install
type = "choiceedit-list"
element = "selecttable"
opt = ["--uefi"]
metavalue = "EFI"
re_not0_raid = re.compile("-raid[1-9]")
def init(self):
self.label = _("UEFI boot") = _("set UEFI boot disks")
def install_to_not_x86_64(self):
return self.Get('os_install_arch_machine') != 'x86_64'
def install_without_uefiboot(self):
return self.Get('os_uefi_set') == 'off'
def install_to_flash(self):
return self.Get('os_install_root_type') == 'flash'
def is_force_param(self):
return "--force" in self.Get("cl_console_args")
def get(self):
# если используется авторазметка список разделов находится в ней
if self.GetBool('cl_autopartition_set'):
return self.Get('cl_autopartition_efi')
# исключаем определение UEFI если оно не может быть использовано
if (self.install_to_flash or self.install_to_not_x86_64 or
return []
# если происходит обновление загрузчика текущей системы
# для определения используем /etc/fstab
fstabefidevs = self.Get('os_uefi')
if self.Get('cl_action') != 'system':
return fstabefidevs
rootdev = self.Get('os_install_root_dev')
rootscheme ='os_disk_type',
os_disk_dev=rootdev, limit=1)
# определяем список физических дисков на которых находится rootdev
parents = set('os_disk_parent',
os_disk_dev=rootdev, limit=1).split(','))
efidev = [x for x in'os_device_efi',
os_device_dev__in=parents) if x]
allefi = [x for x in'os_device_efi',
os_device_type="hdd") if x]
# если корневое устройство расположено на ненулевом RAID - возвращаем
# полный список иначе только первое устройство
# если диски для установки не содержат EFI - берём efi из /etc/fstab
# если и там нет, то берём первый попавшийся EFI на любом из HDD
return efidev or fstabefidevs or allefi[:1]
# возвращаем первое найденное устройство
return efidev[:1] or fstabefidevs or allefi[:1]
def set(self, value):
def transform(efidev):
if efidev not in self.Get('os_device_efi'):
os_device_dev=efidev, limit=1) or efidev
return efidev
return filter(lambda x: x != "off", map(transform, value))
def choice(self):
deviceParentMap = self.ZipVars('os_device_dev',
'os_device_efi', 'os_device_name')
return [(efidisk, "%s (%s)" % (dev, name or _("Unknown")))
for dev, efidisk, name in deviceParentMap
if efidisk]
def check(self, value):
if value:
efi_boot_mgr = getProgPath('/usr/sbin/efibootmgr')
if not efi_boot_mgr:
raise VariableError(
_("UEFI installation is unavailable, because '%s' command "
"not found") % efi_boot_mgr)
if self.install_without_uefiboot:
raise VariableError(
_("Your system must be loaded in UEFI for using this "
if self.install_to_not_x86_64:
raise VariableError(
_("Architecture of the target system must be x86_64"))
efidevs = self.Get('os_device_efi')
badefi = [x for x in value if x not in efidevs]
if badefi:
raise VariableError(
_("Wrong EFI device %s") % badefi[0])
fstab_disks = [dev
for dev, mp in self.ZipVars('os_disk_dev', 'os_disk_mount')
if mp and not mp.startswith("/boot/efi")
for disk in value:
if disk in fstab_disks:
raise VariableError(
_("Partition {disk} already used by "
"the current system").format(disk=disk))
not_fat_efi ='os_disk_dev',
for efipart in value:
if efipart in not_fat_efi and isMount(efipart):
if not self.is_force_param() or not try_umount(efipart):
raise VariableError(
_("Please unmount {device}, as it will be used for "
for efipart in value:
if efipart in'os_location_source',
raise VariableError(
_("Partition {disk} already used for "
def uncompatible(self):
Uncompatible with autopartition
if self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == "on":
return \
_("The layout is not available with autopartitioning")
if self.Get('os_install_root_type') == 'flash':
return \
_("This option not used for Flash install")
return ""
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallMbr(LocationHelper, Variable):
Disks for boot mbr
type = "choiceedit-list"
element = "selecttable"
opt = ["--mbr"]
metavalue = "MBR"
untrusted = True
check_after = ["os_install_uefi"]
def init(self):
self.label = _("Boot disk") = _("boot disk for the system bound for install")
def get(self):
"""Get default Master boot record install"""
if self.Get('os_install_uefi_set') == 'on':
return []
if self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == 'on':
return self.Get('cl_autopartition_mbr')
9 years ago
if self.Get('os_install_root_type') in ("flash", "usb-hdd"):
rootdev = self.Get('os_install_root_dev')
9 years ago
device = filter(lambda x: x in rootdev,
if device:
return [device[0]]
return []
bootdevices = self.Get('os_install_boot_devices')
# при установке с HDD также устанавливаем загрузчик на первый диск
# если есть возможность
if self.Get('os_root_type') == "hdd":
first_hdd = self.Select(
'os_device_dev', where='os_device_type', eq='hdd', limit=1)
if'os_device_mbr', os_device_dev=first_hdd, limit=1):
return sorted(set(bootdevices))
def choice(self):
deviceParentMap = self.ZipVars('os_device_mbr', 'os_device_name')
return [(mbrdisk, "%s (%s)" % (mbrdisk, name or _("Unknown")))
for mbrdisk, name in deviceParentMap
if mbrdisk]
9 years ago
def set(self, value):
# support off value
9 years ago
return filter(lambda x: x != "off", value)
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
if self.GetBool('cl_autopartition_set'):
rootType = self.Get('os_install_root_type')
if rootType == "flash":
if len(value) > 1:
raise VariableError(
12 years ago
_("For Flash install, you need only one disk"))
if value and self.Get('os_install_uefi_set') == "on":
raise VariableError(_("MBR is not used with the UEFI bootloader"))
useBtrfs = "btrfs" in self.Select('os_install_disk_format',
9 years ago
_in=('/', '/boot'),
for mbrDisk in value:
if self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == 'on':
tableOnBootDisk = self.Get('cl_autopartition_table')
tableOnBootDisk = self.Select('os_device_table',
9 years ago
where="os_device_dev", eq=mbrDisk,
if not tableOnBootDisk:
raise VariableError(
9 years ago
_("Disk '%s' needs a partition table for the boot record") %
if rootType == "flash":
if tableOnBootDisk == "gpt":
raise VariableError(_("You need a disk with a dos "
"table for Flash install"))
9 years ago
if rootType in ("usb-hdd", "hdd") and tableOnBootDisk == "gpt":
bbsizes = (
for size, disk_id, disk_parent in self.ZipVars(
'os_disk_size', 'os_disk_id', 'os_disk_parent'
if disk_id == 'EF02' and mbrDisk in disk_parent
bios_grub_size = self.Get('cl_autopartition_bios_grub_size')
for bbsize in bbsizes:
minsize = "%dMb" % (int(bios_grub_size) / Sizes.M)
if not bbsize:
raise VariableError(
_("Your boot device must have a "
"BIOS Boot partition ({minsize})").format(
# проверка размера EF02 при установке на btrfs
elif useBtrfs:
if (bbsize.isdigit() and bios_grub_size.isdigit() and
round(float(bbsize) / Sizes.M) < round(float(bios_grub_size)/ Sizes.M)):
raise VariableError(
_("Your boot device must have a BIOS Boot "
"partition ({minsize})").format(
if mbrDisk not in self.Get('os_device_mbr'):
raise VariableError(
_("Device {device} has not BIOS Boot partition").format(
if value:
if not self.Get('os_grub2_path'):
def checkForLegacyGrub(self):
"""Check current disk configuration for installation for install
legacy grub"""
9 years ago
bootDiskType, bootDiskFormat = \
9 years ago
_in=('/', '/boot'),
sort="DESC", limit=1)
if "lvm" in bootDiskType or "raid" in bootDiskType:
raise ValueError(
_("Legacy grub requires a separate /boot partition "
"to support boot from a RAID or a LVM"))
9 years ago
if bootDiskFormat in ("btrfs", "nilfs2"):
raise ValueError(
9 years ago
_("To support booting from %s, legacy grub needs a "
"separate /boot partition") % bootDiskFormat)
def uncompatible(self):
Опция несовместима с использованием UEFI
if self.Get('cl_autopartition_set') == "on":
return \
_("The layout is not available with autopartitioning")
return ""
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallRootType(LocationHelper, Variable):
Type of installation
opt = ["--type"]
metavalue = "DISKTYPE"
type = "choice"
def init(self): = _("device type for the system bound for install")
self.label = _("Installation type")
def get(self):
selectRootType = self.Get('cl_install_type')
if not selectRootType:
return self.Get('os_root_type')
if selectRootType == "flash":
return "flash"
rootdev = self.Get('os_install_root_dev')
devs = list(device.udev.get_disk_devices(name=rootdev))
if not devs:
return "hdd"
device_type = self.Select(
'os_device_type', where='os_device_dev', eq=devs[0], limit=1)
if device_type in ("usb-hdd", "flash"):
return "usb-hdd"
return "hdd"
def choice(self):
9 years ago
return [("hdd", _("Hard disk")),
("flash", _("USB Flash")),
("usb-hdd", _("USB Hard Disk"))]
class VariableOsInstallRootDev(ReadonlyVariable):
def get(self):
"""Get install root device"""
if self.Get('cl_action') == 'system':
return self.Select('os_install_disk_dev_base',
eq="/", limit=1) or ''
return self.Get('os_root_dev')
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallRootUuid(ReadonlyVariable):
def get(self):
"""UUID корневого устройства"""
if self.Get('cl_action') == 'system':
root_dev = self.Get('os_install_root_dev')
return self.Select('os_install_disk_uuid',
9 years ago
eq=root_dev, limit=1) or ''
root_dev = self.Get('os_root_dev')
return self.Select('os_disk_uuid',
9 years ago
eq=root_dev, limit=1) or ''
9 years ago
class VariableOsInstallFstabMountConf(DeviceHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
FStab.conf contains for mount and bind points
9 years ago
def _commentFstab(self, s, mp, dev):
"""Generate comment for /etc/fstab each line"""
if s.startswith("UUID"):
9 years ago
return "# %s was on %s during installation\n%s" % (mp, dev, s)
return s
def formatFstab(self, used, dev, mp, fs, opts, spec):
if fs in FileSystemManager.supportFS:
fs_orig = FileSystemManager.supportFS[fs].get('orig', fs)
fs_orig = fs
ret = "{dev}\t{mp}\t{fs}\t{opts}\t{spec}".format(
dev=used, mp=mp, fs=fs_orig, opts=opts, spec=spec
if used.startswith("UUID"):
return "# %s was on %s during installation\n%s" % (mp, dev, ret)
return ret
def get(self):
devicesForFstab = self.Select([
func=lambda x: x[0] != "" and x[0] != "swap")
devicesForFstab = sorted(
devicesForFstab, key=lambda x: self.separateDevice(x[1]))
rootLine = "\n".join(
self.formatFstab(used, dev, mp, fs, opts, "0 1")
for used, mp, fs, opts, dev in devicesForFstab[:1]
otherLines = "\n".join(
self.formatFstab(used, dev, mp, fs, opts, "0 0")
for used, mp, fs, opts, dev in devicesForFstab[1:]
bindData = self.ZipVars('os_install_bind_path',
9 years ago
bindLines = "\n".join(map(lambda x: "%s\t%s\tnone\tbind\t0 0" \
% (x[0], x[1]), bindData))
return "\n".join(filter(lambda x: x, [rootLine, otherLines, bindLines]))
class VariableOsInstallFstabEfiConf(VariableOsInstallFstabMountConf):
Переменная содержит часть fstab в которой содержится описание
подключения /boot/efi
def get(self):
devicesForFstab = self.Select([
func=lambda x: x[0].startswith("/boot/efi"))
devicesForFstab = sorted(
devicesForFstab, key=lambda x: self.separateDevice(x[1]))
efiLines = "\n".join(
self.formatFstab(used, dev, mp, fs, opts, "0 0")
for used, mp, fs, opts, dev in devicesForFstab
return "\n".join(filter(lambda x: x, [efiLines]))
class VariableOsInstallFstabSwapConf(VariableOsInstallFstabMountConf):
FStab.conf contains swap partition
9 years ago
def get(self):
9 years ago
return "\n".join(map(lambda x: "%s\tnone\tswap\tsw\t0 0" % \
self._commentFstab(x[0], "swap", x[2]),
class VariableClInstallType(Variable):
Installation type (extension variable describe, that
install must be to flash or hdd
type = "choice"
value = ""
def choice(self):
return ["", "flash", "hdd"]
9 years ago
def check(self, value):
for dn in ("/proc", "/sys", "/dev", "/dev/pts"):
if not isMount(dn):
raise VariableError(_("%s is not mounted") %dn )
check_fn = '/run/.calculate-rw-check-%d' % os.getpid()
with open(check_fn,'w') as f:
except (IOError,OSError) as e:
raise VariableError(_("Failed to create data in /run"))
class VariableOsInstallDiskSingle(Variable):
Installation disk
type = "choiceedit"
opt = ["--disk", "-d"]
metavalue = 'DISK'
untrusted = True
value = ""
def init(self):
self.label = _("Installation disk") = _("set the USB Flash device")
def choice(self):
def generator():
device_names = dict(self.ZipVars('os_device_dev',
for disk_dev, disk_type, disk_parent in self.ZipVars(
'os_disk_dev', 'os_disk_type', 'os_disk_parent'):
if disk_type == "disk-partition":
device_name = device_names.get(disk_parent, _("Unknown"))
yield disk_dev, "%s (%s)" % (disk_dev, device_name)
return list(generator())
def check(self, value):
# проверить, чтобы был выбран именно раздел
if value not in self.Get('os_disk_dev'):
raise VariableError(
_("Wrong device '%s'" % value)
disktype ='os_disk_type', os_disk_dev=value, limit=1)
if disktype and disktype != "disk-partition":
raise VariableError(
_("Wrong device '%s'" % value))
# проверить, чтобы раздел не использовался системой (не описан в fstab)
mp ='os_disk_mount', os_disk_dev=value, limit=1)
if mp:
raise VariableError(
_("The partition {dev} is already in use as {mp}").format(
dev=value, mp=mp))
# если система загружена с флешки (не iso) - нельзя переустановить
# эту систему
root_type = self.Get('os_root_type_ext')
if root_type in RootType.LiveFlash:
if value == self.Get('os_root_flash_dev'):
raise VariableError(
_("You cannot install the new system instead current"))
# detect using extended partition
disk_part ='os_disk_part', os_disk_dev=value, limit=1)
if disk_part == 'extended':
raise VariableError(
_("Unable to use extended partition %s for installation") %
if "cdrom" in disk_part:
raise VariableError(_("Unable to use CDROM %s for installation") %
if not disk_part or disk_part == 'gpt':
raise VariableError(_("You need a disk with a dos "
"table for Flash install"))
class VariableOsInstallFormatSingleSet(Variable):
Форматировать Flash
type = "bool"
opt = ["--format"]
untrusted = True
value = "off"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Format the USB Flash") = _("perform the formatting of the USB Flash drive")
def must_be_formatted(self, dev):
fs ='os_disk_format', os_disk_dev=dev, limit=1)
if fs != "vfat":
return True
return False
def cannot_be_formatted(self, dev):
flash_dev = self.Get('os_root_flash_dev')
return flash_dev and dev == flash_dev
def check(self, value):
devs = self.Get('os_disk_dev')
dev = self.Get('os_install_disk_single')
if dev not in devs:
if value == "on":
if self.cannot_be_formatted(dev):
raise VariableError(
_("You cannot format the USB Flash which "
"contains the current system"))
if self.must_be_formatted(dev):
raise VariableError(
_("{device} must be formatted").format(device=dev))
if dev:
with FlashDistributive(dev) as f:
dn = f.getDirectory()
df = DiskSpace()
free_size = df.get_free(dev)
squash_fn = path.join(dn, "livecd.squashfs")
if not path.exists(squash_fn):
source = self.Get('cl_image')
if isinstance(source, IsoDistributive):
image_size = source.get_squash_size()
if image_size > free_size:
raise VariableError(
_("Not enough free space on the "
"USB Flash"))
except DistributiveError:
class VariableOsInstallBtrfsCompression(Variable):
Алгоритм сжатия для btrfs, в которых выбрано использовать сжатие
type = "choiceedit"
value = "zstd"
def choice(self):
return ["zlib","lzo","zstd"]
def check(self, value):
if not"^(zlib|lzo|zstd|(1[0-9]|1-9))$", value):
raise VariableError(_("Wrong btrfs compression"))