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9 years ago
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2008-2016 Mir Calculate.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
import re
9 years ago
from calculate.lib.datavars import (Variable, ReadonlyVariable,
ReadonlyTableVariable, FieldValue,
from calculate.lib.utils.common import getValueFromCmdLine, CmdlineParams
from calculate.lib.utils.portage import isPkgInstalled
from calculate.lib.utils.files import readFile, readLinesFile
from calculate.install.distr import DistributiveError
import glob
9 years ago
from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate, _
setLocalTranslate('cl_install3', sys.modules[__name__])
class VariableOsAudio(Variable):
Выбранная аудиосистема
type = "choice"
opt = ['--audio']
metavalue = "AUDIO"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Audio system") = _("set the audio system")
def get(self):
pulseaudio по умолчанию если доступно или вписано в /etc/asound.conf
avail = [x[0] for x in self.Get('os_audio_available')]
if "pulseaudio" in avail:
audio = getValueFromCmdLine(CmdlineParams.Calculate,
if audio and audio == "alsa":
return "alsa"
return "pulseaudio"
return "alsa"
def choice(self):
return self.Get('os_audio_available')
def uncompatible(self):
Audio setting up unavailable for flash installation
if self.Get('os_install_root_type') == 'flash':
return _("Audio configuration unavailable for Flash install")
if self.Get('os_install_alsa_set') == 'off':
return _("This distribution does not provide the ALSA sound")
return ""
class VariableOsAudioAvailable(Variable):
Доступные звуковые системы
type = "list"
def get(self):
mapAudioConf = (
('alsa', None, _('ALSA')),
('pulseaudio', 'media-sound/pulseaudio', _("PulseAudio")),
image = self.Get('cl_image')
if image:
with image as distr:
distrPath = image.getDirectory()
3 years ago
return list(map(lambda x: x[0::2],
filter(lambda x: not x[1] or isPkgInstalled(x[1],
3 years ago
except DistributiveError as e:
return sorted(map(lambda x: x[0::2], mapAudioConf[-1:]),
key=lambda x: x[1])
class VariableOsAudioCardMap(ReadonlyVariable):
Соответствие номеров звуковых карт именам
type = Variable.Types.Table
def get(self):
return [(cardid[17:-3], readFile(cardid).strip())
for cardid in glob.glob('/proc/asound/card[0-9]*/id')]
class VariableOsAudioData(ReadonlyTableVariable):
Information about audio cards
source = ['os_audio_id',
def generate_cards(self, cards):
for card_id, card_name in cards:
for playback_info in glob.glob(
"/proc/asound/card%s/pcm[0-9]p/info" % card_id):
dInfo = (x.partition(":")[::2]
for x in readLinesFile(playback_info))
dInfo = {x.strip(): y.strip() for x, y in dInfo}
if all(x in dInfo for x in ('card', 'device', 'name')):
if card_name == dInfo['name']:
yield ("%s,%s" % (dInfo['card'], dInfo['device']),
"%s" % card_name)
yield ("%s,%s" % (dInfo['card'], dInfo['device']),
"%s, %s" % (card_name, dInfo['name']))
9 years ago
def get(self, hr=HumanReadable.No):
# /proc/asound/card*/pcm*p/info
data = readFile('/proc/asound/cards')
3 years ago
cards = re.findall(r'^\s*(\d+).*\s-\s(.+)\n\s+\S.* at .*$',
data, re.M)
if cards:
return list(self.generate_cards(cards))
return [[]]
setValue = Variable.setValue
9 years ago
class VariableOsAudioId(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable):
Order Id of audio card
type = "list"
source_variable = "os_audio_data"
column = 0
9 years ago
class VariableOsAudioName(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable):
Name of audio card
type = "list"
source_variable = "os_audio_data"
column = 1
9 years ago
class VariableOsAudioCardDefault(Variable):
Идентификатор карты по умолчанию
def get(self):
audio_default = self.Get('os_audio_default')
if audio_default and audio_default != "none":
cardmap = dict(self.Get("os_audio_card_map"))
cardnum = audio_default.split(',')[0]
if cardnum in cardmap:
return cardmap[cardnum]
return "0"
return ""
class VariableOsAudioDeviceDefault(Variable):
Номер устройства по умолчанию
def get(self):
audio_default = self.Get('os_audio_default')
if audio_default and audio_default != "none":
return self.Get('os_audio_default').split(',')[1]
return ""
class VariableOsAudioCardNameDefault(Variable):
Название карты используемое в настройках KDE
def get(self):
audio_default = self.Get('os_audio_default')
if audio_default and audio_default != "none":
cardnum = int(audio_default.split(',')[0])
audionames = self.Get('os_audio_name')
if cardnum < len(audionames):
return audionames[cardnum].split(',')[0]
except ValueError:
return ""
class VariableOsAudioHw(Variable):
Current default audio card
def get_deprecated(self):
asound_data = readFile('/etc/asound.conf')
3 years ago
default_card_re = re.compile(r'defaults.ctl.card\s+(\d+)')
entry =
if entry and entry.groups()[0] in self.Get('os_audio_id'):
return "%s,0" % entry.groups()[0]
default_card_re = re.compile(
3 years ago
r'pcm.!default {[^}]+card\s+(\d+)[^}]+device\s+(\d+)[^}]+}')
entry =
if entry:
entry = "%s,%s" % entry.groups()
if entry in self.Get('os_audio_id'):
return entry
return ""
def get(self):
cardmap = dict(self.Get("os_audio_card_map"))
value = self.get_deprecated()
if not value:
value = self.Select('os_audio_id', where='os_audio_name',
notlike='HDMI', limit=1) or "0,0"
cardnum, devicenum = value.split(",")
if cardnum in cardmap:
return "{},{}".format(cardmap[cardnum], devicenum)
return ""
9 years ago
class VariableOsAudioDefault(Variable):
Current default audio card
9 years ago
type = "choice"
opt = ['--card']
metavalue = "CARD"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Default audio card") = _("set the default audio")
def get(self):
current = self.Get('os_audio_hw')
if current and "," in current:
cardmap = {y:x for x, y in self.Get("os_audio_card_map")}
cardid, devicenum = current.split(",")
if cardid in cardmap:
return "{},{}".format(cardmap[cardid], devicenum)
data = self.Get('os_audio_data')
if data and data[0]:
return "0,0"
return "none"
def choice(self):
data = self.Get('os_audio_data')
if data and data[0]:
return self.Get('os_audio_data')
return [("none", _("Not available"))]
def uncompatible(self):
Audio setting up unavailable for flash installation
if self.Get('os_install_root_type') == 'flash':
return _("Audio configuration unavailable for Flash install")
if self.Get('os_install_alsa_set') == 'off':
return _("This distribution does not provide the ALSA sound")
return ""