# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2010-2016 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re import sys import time from os import path from random import choice import string import glob import shutil from time import sleep from calculate.core.server.func import MethodsInterface from calculate.core.server.admin import Admins from calculate.lib.utils.files import (pathJoin, isMount, process, listDirectory, checkUtils, readFile, find, copyWithPath, readLinesFile, getProgPath) from calculate.lib.utils.device import (detectDeviceForPartition, getUdevDeviceInfo, refreshLVM, refreshUdev, countPartitions) from datavars import DataVarsInstall from calculate.install.variables.autopartition import AutoPartition from distr import DistributiveError from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from itertools import * class InstallError(Exception): """Installation Error""" from migrate_users import migrate from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate, getLazyLocalTranslate, _ setLocalTranslate('cl_install3', sys.modules[__name__]) __ = getLazyLocalTranslate(_) class Install(MethodsInterface): """Primary class for templates applying and system installation""" def __init__(self): self.clVars = None # refresh information about LVM refreshLVM() # refresh information about device in udevadm info refreshUdev() def initVars(self, datavars=None): """Primary initialization of variables""" if not datavars: self.clVars = DataVarsInstall() self.clVars.importInstall() self.clVars.flIniFile() else: self.clVars = datavars def canInstallGrub2(self, target): """Check that system has grub2 in current and installed system""" if self.clVars.Get('os_grub2_path'): return bool( filter(lambda x: (x.startswith('grub-1.99') or x.startswith('grub-2')), listDirectory('/var/db/pkg/sys-boot'))) return False def prepareBoot(self, target_distr): """Prepare system for boot""" if self.clVars.Get('os_install_root_type') == "flash": self.installSyslinuxBootloader(target_distr) else: if self.canInstallGrub2(target_distr): self.installGrub2Bootloader(target_distr) else: self.installLegacyGrubBootloader(target_distr) return True def setActivePartition(self, partition): """ Установка активного раздела для dos и gpt таблицы разделов """ device_name = detectDeviceForPartition(partition) if device_name is None: raise DistributiveError( _("Failed to determine the parent device for %s") % partition) # device hasn't any partition elif device_name == "": return True fdisk_cmd, gdisk_cmd, parted_cmd = checkUtils('/sbin/fdisk', '/usr/sbin/gdisk', '/usr/sbin/parted') disk = self.clVars.Select('os_install_disk_parent', where='os_install_disk_dev', eq=partition, limit=1) partition_table = self.clVars.Select('os_device_table', where='os_device_dev', eq=disk, limit=1) partition_number = ( getUdevDeviceInfo(name=partition).get('ID_PART_ENTRY_NUMBER', '') or getUdevDeviceInfo(name=partition).get('UDISKS_PARTITION_NUMBER', '') ) device_partition_count = countPartitions(device_name) if device_name and not partition_number: raise DistributiveError( _("Failed to determine the partition number for %s") % partition) boot_flag = "boot" if partition_table == "dos" else "legacy_boot" if partition_table == "dos": fdisk = process(fdisk_cmd, "-l", device_name) DEVICENUM, AFLAG = 0, 1 change_active = map( lambda x: x[DEVICENUM], filter( lambda x: (x[DEVICENUM] != partition_number and x[AFLAG] == "*" or x[DEVICENUM] == partition_number and not x[AFLAG] == "*"), list(map( lambda x: [str(x[0]), x[1][1].strip()], # enumerate partitions enumerate(filter(None, map( lambda x: x.split()[:2], # drop string before information about partitions dropwhile( lambda x: not x.lstrip().startswith( "Device"), fdisk.readlines()))))))[1:])) else: parted = process(parted_cmd, "-m", device_name, "print") DEVICENUM, FLAGS = 0, 6 change_active = map( lambda x: x[DEVICENUM], filter( lambda x: (x[DEVICENUM] != partition_number and boot_flag in x[FLAGS].strip(';').split(', ') or x[DEVICENUM] == partition_number and boot_flag not in x[FLAGS].strip(';').split(', ')), filter(lambda x: len(x) >= 7, map(lambda x: x.split(':'), parted.readlines()[2:])))) if not change_active: return True if partition_table == "dos": pipe = Popen([fdisk_cmd, device_name], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) for part_num in change_active: pipe.stdin.write("a\n%s\n" % part_num) pipe.stdin.write("w\n") pipe.stdin.close() pipe.wait() elif partition_table == "gpt": pipe = Popen([gdisk_cmd, device_name], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) if device_partition_count > 1: pipe.stdin.write("x\n") for part_num in change_active: pipe.stdin.write("a\n%s\n2\n\n" % part_num) pipe.stdin.write("w\nY\n") else: pipe.stdin.write("x\na\n2\n\nw\nY\n") pipe.stdin.close() pipe.wait() for wait_time in (0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 4): if path.exists(partition): return True else: sleep(wait_time) raise InstallError( _("Failed to find partition %s after changing the activity") % partition) def installSyslinuxBootloader(self, target): """ Установить syslinux загрузчик (используется для flash) """ if not self.clVars.Get('os_install_mbr'): return # прописать MBR dd_process = process("/bin/dd", "if=/usr/share/syslinux/mbr.bin", "of=%s" % self.clVars.Get('os_install_mbr')[0], stderr=STDOUT) if dd_process.failed(): raise DistributiveError( _("Failed to write the master boot record\n%s") % dd_process.read()) target.close() # выполнить установку syslinux загрузчика install_root_dev = self.clVars.Get('os_install_root_dev') syslinux_process = process("/usr/bin/syslinux", install_root_dev, stderr=STDOUT) if syslinux_process.failed(): raise DistributiveError(_("Failed to install syslinux\n%s") % syslinux_process.read()) # установить загрузочный раздел активным return self.setActivePartition(self.clVars.Get('os_install_root_dev')) def installGrub2Bootloader(self, target): """ Установка GRUB2 загрузчика """ # проверить наличие grub2 cmd_grub_install = self.clVars.Get('os_grub2_path') if not cmd_grub_install: raise DistributiveError(_("Failed to install the bootloader")) process("sync").success() # если установка GRUB2 производится на текущую систему # загруженную в builder режиме if (self.clVars.Get('os_install_scratch') == "on" and self.clVars.Get('cl_action') != "system"): prefix_boot = "/mnt/scratch" else: prefix_boot = "/" # установка UEFI if self.clVars.GetBool('os_install_uefi_set'): self.install_grub_uefi(cmd_grub_install, prefix_boot, target) # не UEFI установка else: self.install_grub_biosboot(cmd_grub_install, prefix_boot, target) def install_grub_biosboot(self, cmd_grub_install, prefix_boot, target): """ Установить GRUB, загрузчик MBR (GPT) """ # получить загрузочный раздел (если есть /boot, то # он является загрузочным иначе корень) for boot_path in ("/boot", "/"): boot_disk = self.clVars.Select("os_install_disk_dev", where="os_install_disk_mount", eq=boot_path, limit=1) if boot_disk: self.setActivePartition(boot_disk) break # если GRUB2 версии 2.00 и выше, обычная установка требует # параметра --target=i386-pc, иначе GRUB2 может попытаться # прописать себя как UEFI if filter(lambda x: "2." in x, process(cmd_grub_install, '--version')): platform = ["--target=i386-pc"] else: platform = [] # прописать GRUB2 на все указанные диски for mbr_disk in self.clVars.Get('os_install_mbr'): grub_process = process(cmd_grub_install, "--boot-directory=%s" % pathJoin( prefix_boot, target.getBootDirectory()), mbr_disk, "--force", *platform, stderr=STDOUT, envdict=os.environ) if grub_process.failed(): raise DistributiveError( _("Failed to install the bootloader")) def install_grub_uefi(self, cmd_grub_install, prefix_boot, target): """ Установить grub с UEFI загрузчиком """ grub_params = [ "--boot-directory=%s" % pathJoin( prefix_boot, target.getBootDirectory()), "--target=x86_64-efi", "--efi-directory=%s" % target.getEfiDirectory(), "--force"] # проверяем наличие в nv-ram нужной нам записи для исключения повтора efi_boot_mgr = getProgPath('/usr/sbin/efibootmgr') efi_disk = self.clVars.Select("os_install_disk_dev", where="os_install_disk_mount", eq="/boot/efi", limit=1) if efi_disk: efi_uuid = getUdevDeviceInfo( name=efi_disk).get("ID_PART_ENTRY_UUID", "") if efi_uuid: p_efibootmgr = process(efi_boot_mgr, "-v") data = p_efibootmgr.read() if re.search(r"Boot.*calculate.*GPT,{uuid}.*{efipath}".format( uuid=efi_uuid, efipath=r"\\EFI\\calculate\\grubx64.efi"), data, flags=re.M | re.I): grub_params.append("--no-nvram") # в случае установки на usb-hdd EFI загрузчик не прописывается # в efivars if self.clVars.Get('os_install_root_type') == 'usb-hdd': grub_params.append("--removable") if self.clVars.Get('cl_action') != "system" and \ not isMount('/boot/efi'): raise DistributiveError(_("Failed to install the bootloader. " "/boot/efi is not mounted.")) grub_process = process(cmd_grub_install, *grub_params, stderr=STDOUT, envdict=os.environ) if grub_process.failed(): raise DistributiveError(_("Failed to install the bootloader")) # проверяем успешность создания загрузочной записи # если среди загрузочных записей отсутствует запись # calculate и dmesg содержит сообщение об ошибке efivars - # запись создать не удалось dmesg = getProgPath('/bin/dmesg') if efi_boot_mgr and dmesg: if not re.search('Boot.*calculate', process(efi_boot_mgr).read(), re.M) and \ re.search('efivars.*set_variable.*failed', process(dmesg).read(), re.M): raise DistributiveError( _("Failed to create the UEFI boot record")) def installLegacyGrubBootloader(self, target): """ Install legecy grub boot loader Perform grub installation to disk, which has root partition """ cmd_grub = getProgPath('/sbin/grub') if not cmd_grub: raise DistributiveError(_("Failed to install the bootloader")) grub_process = process( cmd_grub, "--device-map=%s/boot/grub/device.map" % target.getDirectory(), "--batch", stderr=STDOUT) boot_disk = self.clVars.Select('os_install_disk_grub', where='os_install_disk_mount', _in=('/', '/boot'), sort='DESC', limit=1) if not boot_disk: raise DistributiveError(_("Failed to determine the boot disk")) self.setActivePartition(boot_disk) for mbr_disk in self.clVars.Get('os_install_mbr'): mbr_disk_num = self.clVars.Select("os_device_map", where="os_device_dev", eq=mbr_disk) if not mbr_disk_num and mbr_disk_num != 0: raise DistributiveError(_("Failed to determine mbr")) for line in ("root (hd%s)" % boot_disk, "setup (hd%d)" % mbr_disk_num, "quit"): grub_process.write("%s\n" % line) if grub_process.failed(): raise DistributiveError(_("Failed to install the bootloader")) def setupOpenGL(self): """ Выполнить выбор opengl для текущего видеодрайвера """ default_gl = "xorg-x11" path_gl_modules = path.join(self.clVars.Get('cl_chroot_path'), 'usr/lib/opengl') open_gl_env = path.join(self.clVars.Get('cl_chroot_path'), 'etc/env.d/03opengl') open_gl_mods = filter(lambda x: x != "global", listDirectory(path_gl_modules)) map_gl_drivers = {'fglrx': ("ati" if "ati" in open_gl_mods else default_gl), 'nvidia': "nvidia" if "nvidia" in open_gl_mods else default_gl} x11_driver = self.clVars.Get('os_install_x11_video_drv') if x11_driver in map_gl_drivers: new_module_name = map_gl_drivers[x11_driver] else: new_module_name = default_gl current_module_name = map( lambda x: x.strip().rpartition('=')[-1].strip('"\''), filter(lambda x: x.startswith("OPENGL_PROFILE="), readLinesFile(open_gl_env))) if current_module_name: current_module_name = current_module_name[-1] else: current_module_name = "" if current_module_name == new_module_name: return True return process('/usr/bin/eselect', 'opengl', 'set', new_module_name).success() def checkVideoDriver(self): """ Проверить видео драйвер, и если это nvidia, то обновить маску на пакет видеодрайвера """ if self.clVars.Get('hr_video') != 'nvidia': return True mask_file = '/etc/portage/package.mask' nvidia_mask_file = path.join(mask_file, 'nvidia') # если package.mask является файлом - делаем его директорией if path.isfile(mask_file): os.rename(mask_file, mask_file + "2") os.mkdir(mask_file, mode=0755) os.rename(mask_file + "2", path.join(mask_file, "default")) current_nvidia_mask = readFile(nvidia_mask_file).strip() new_nvidia_mask = self.clVars.Get('os_nvidia_mask') if new_nvidia_mask == current_nvidia_mask: return True open(nvidia_mask_file, 'w').write(new_nvidia_mask) return True def changeScheduler(self, scheduler): """ Изменить текущий IO планировщик """ root_dev = self.clVars.Select('os_disk_parent', where='os_disk_mount', eq='/', limit=1) try: scheduler_path = ( "/sys%s/queue/scheduler" % (getUdevDeviceInfo(name=root_dev).get('DEVPATH', ''))) if path.exists(scheduler_path): open(scheduler_path, 'w').write(scheduler) except Exception: raise InstallError(_("Unable to change the I/O scheduler")) return True def autopartition(self, table, devices, data, lvm, lvm_vgname, bios_grub, bios_grub_size): """ Авторазметка диска с таблицей разделов 'table', диски указываются 'device', параметры таблицы 'data', 'lvm' использование LVM, 'lvm_vgname' название группы томов LVM, bios_grub - создавать bios_grub раздел, bios_grub_size - раздел bios grub раздела в байтах """ ap = AutoPartition() ap.clearLvm(devices, self.clVars) ap.clearRaid(devices, self.clVars) ap.recreateSpace(table, devices, data, lvm, lvm_vgname, bios_grub, bios_grub_size) return True def format(self, target): """ Форматировать разделы для 'target' дистрибутива """ target.performFormat() return True def unpack(self, source, target, files_num): """ Распаковать 'source' в 'target', 'filesnum' количество копируемых файлов """ self.addProgress() if files_num.isdigit(): files_num = int(files_num) else: files_num = 0 target.installFrom(source, callbackProgress=self.setProgress, filesnum=files_num) return True def copyClt(self, source, target, cltpath): """ Скопировать clt шаблоны из 'cltpath' в 'target' дистрибутив из 'source' дистрибутива """ target_dir = target.getDirectory() source_dir = source.getDirectory() for f in filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.clt'), chain(*map(lambda x: find(pathJoin(source_dir, x), filetype="f"), cltpath))): copyWithPath(f, target_dir, prefix=source_dir) return True def copyOther(self, source, target): """ Скопировать прочие настройки из текущей системы в новую """ file_mask = re.compile("(/etc/ssh/ssh_host_.*|" "/root/.ssh/(id_.*|known_hosts))") target_dir = target.getDirectory() source_dir = source.getDirectory() for f in filter(file_mask.search, chain(*map(lambda x: find(pathJoin(source_dir, x), filetype="f"), ["/etc", "/root/.ssh"]))): copyWithPath(f, target_dir, prefix=source_dir) return True def rndString(self): """ Получить произвольную строку из 8 символов """ """Get random string with len 8 char""" return "".join([choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in xrange(0, 8)]) def _getFreeDirectory(self, directory): """ Получить название директории """ new_dir_name = directory while path.exists(new_dir_name): new_dir_name = "%s.%s" % (directory, self.rndString()) return new_dir_name def remountNTFS(self): """ Перемонтировать NTFS разделы для работы os-prober """ res = True for disk in self.clVars.Select('os_disk_dev', where='os_disk_format', like='ntfs'): mount_dir = self._getFreeDirectory('/var/lib/calculate/mount.ntfs') try: os.mkdir(mount_dir) except (OSError, IOError): continue if process('/bin/mount', disk, mount_dir).success(): for i in (0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 5): if process('/bin/umount', mount_dir).success(): break time.sleep(i) else: self.printWARNING(_("Unable to umount %s") % mount_dir) res = False try: os.rmdir(mount_dir) except (OSError, IOError): self.printWARNING( _("Unable to remove directory %s") % mount_dir) return False return res def mountBind(self, target): """ Подключить bind точки монтирования у дистрибутива """ target.postinstallMountBind() return True def userMigrate(self, target, migrate_data, root_pwd): """ Перенос текущих пользователей в новую систему, установка пароля пользователя root """ migrator = migrate(target.getDirectory()) if not migrator.migrate([[x[0],x[2],x[3]] for x in migrate_data], root_pwd, [], [], ): raise InstallError(_("Failed to migrate users onto the new system")) return True def umount(self, distr): """ Отключить дистрибутив """ distr.close() return True def drop_xorg_logs(self): """ Сбросить логи загрузки xorg сервера """ for fn in glob.glob("/var/log/Xorg.*.log"): new_name = "%s.old" % fn if path.exists(new_name): os.unlink(new_name) shutil.move(fn, new_name) return True def update_admin_ini(self): """ Обновить список локальных администраторов при установке """ aliases = { 'update': 'system_update', } install_admin = Admins(self.clVars, chroot=True) install_admin.clear() for k,v in self.clVars.select('install.cl_migrate_user', 'install.cl_migrate_admin', install_cl_migrate_admin__ne=""): install_admin[k] = aliases.get(v,v) install_admin.save() return True def init_themes(self): self.clVars.Get('cl_splash_image_hash') self.clVars.Get('cl_grub_image_hash') return True