#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2010 Calculate Ltd. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os, sys, re from os import path from cl_apply_template import updateConfFiles, __app__, __version__ from calculate.lib.cl_opt import opt from calculate.install.cl_share_cmd import share_cmd from calculate.lib.utils.files import listDirectory,pathJoin from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate setLocalTranslate('cl_install3',sys.modules[__name__]) USAGE = _("%prog [options] path_to_the_clt_file") COMMENT_EXAMPLES = _("Apply all templates to all packages") EXAMPLES = _("%prog --locate all") DESCRIPTION = _("Calculate Linux Templates Utility") CMD_OPTIONS = [{'shortOption':"l", 'longOption':"locate", 'optVal':"LOCATE", 'type':'choice', 'choices':['all','clt','local','remote'], 'help':_("select location for \ 'all','clt','local','remote' templates")}, {'longOption':'merge', 'optVal':"PACKAGE", 'help':_("apply templates to the specified package only") }, {'longOption':"clt", 'optVal':"CLT_TEMPLATE", 'help':_("process the clt template (by default)") }] class apply_template_cmd(share_cmd): def __init__(self): # Объект опций командной строки self.optobj = opt(\ package=__app__, version=__version__, usage=USAGE, examples=EXAMPLES, comment_examples=COMMENT_EXAMPLES, description=DESCRIPTION, option_list=CMD_OPTIONS + opt.color_control + opt.variable_control, check_values=self.checkOpts) # Создаем объект логики self.logicObj = updateConfFiles() reVerSplit = re.compile(r"^(.*?)-(([^-]+?)(?:-(r\d+))?)(?:.(tbz2))?$",re.S) def checkAtom(self,atom): """Chech if atom is installed""" dbPkg = '/var/db/pkg' if "/" in atom: category,slash,package = atom.partition("/") categoryPath = pathJoin(dbPkg,category) return \ map(lambda x:"%s/%s"%(category,x.groups()[0]), filter(lambda x:x and x.groups()[0] == package, map(self.reVerSplit.search, filter(lambda x:x.startswith(package), listDirectory(categoryPath))))) else: return reduce(lambda x,y:x+self.checkAtom("%s/%s"%(y,atom)), listDirectory(dbPkg),[]) def checkOpts(self, optObj, args): """Проверка опций командной строки""" if optObj.merge: if not self.checkAtom(optObj.merge): errMsg = _("incorrect option")+":"+\ " --%s" %"merge" + \ ": "+_("wrong package") + ": " +\ str(optObj.merge) self.optobj.error(errMsg) return False if len(args) == 0: if not optObj.clt and not optObj.l: errMsg = _("required option")+": --clt "+_("or")+" --locate" self.optobj.error(errMsg) return False elif len(args) == 1: if optObj.clt: errMsg = _("incorrect option")+":"+" --%s" %"clt" + " " + \ str(optObj.clt) self.optobj.error(errMsg) return False if optObj.l: errMsg = _("incorrect option")+":"+" --%s" %"locate" + " " + \ str(optObj.l) self.optobj.error(errMsg) return False else: errMsg = _("incorrect argument") + ":" + " %s" %" ".join(args) self.optobj.error(errMsg) return False self.optobj.checkVarSyntax(optObj) return optObj, args def applyCltTemplate(self, cltTemplate): """Применяем clt шаблон""" if cltTemplate[0] != "/": currentPath = os.getcwd() cltTemplate = os.path.join(currentPath, cltTemplate) return self.logicObj.applyCltTemplate(cltTemplate) def applyAllTemplates(self,pkg): """Применяем все шаблоны""" return self.logicObj.applyAllTemplates(package=pkg) def applyLocalTemplates(self,pkg): """We use local templates""" return self.logicObj.applyAllTemplates(location="local",package=pkg) def applyRemoteTemplates(self,pkg): """We use remote templates""" return self.logicObj.applyAllTemplates(location="remote",package=pkg) def applyCltTemplates(self): """We use all clt templates""" return self.logicObj.applyAllTemplates(location="clt")