# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2008-2016 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import re from calculate.lib.datavars import (Variable, ReadonlyVariable, ReadonlyTableVariable, FieldValue, HumanReadable) from calculate.lib.utils.portage import isPkgInstalled from calculate.lib.utils.files import readFile from calculate.install.distr import DistributiveError from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate, _ setLocalTranslate('cl_install3', sys.modules[__name__]) class VariableOsAudio(Variable): """ Выбранная аудиосистема """ type = "choice" opt = ['--audio'] metavalue = "AUDIO" def init(self): self.label = _("Audio system") self.help = _("set the audio system") def get(self): return self.choice()[0][0] def set(self, value): return {'none': ''}.get(value, value) def choice(self): return self.Get('os_audio_available') or [('',_('None'))] class VariableOsAudioAvailable(Variable): """ Доступные звуковые системы """ type = "list" def get(self): mapAudioConf = (('pulseaudio', 'media-sound/pulseaudio', _("PulseAudio")), ('alsa', 'media-sound/alsa-utils', _('ALSA'))) image = self.Get('cl_image') if image: with image as distr: try: distrPath = image.getDirectory() return map(lambda x:x[0::2], filter(lambda x: not x[1] or isPkgInstalled(x[1], prefix=distrPath), mapAudioConf)) except DistributiveError as e: pass return sorted(map(lambda x:x[0::2], mapAudioConf[-1:]), key=lambda x:x[1]) class VariableOsAudioData(ReadonlyTableVariable): """ Information about audio cards """ source = ['os_audio_id', 'os_audio_name'] def get(self, hr=HumanReadable.No): data = readFile('/proc/asound/cards') cards = re.findall('^\s*(\d+).*\n\s+(\S.*) at .*$', data, re.M) if cards: return map(list, cards) else: return [[]] setValue = Variable.setValue class VariableOsAudioId(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Order Id of audio card """ type = "list" source_variable = "os_audio_data" column = 0 class VariableOsAudioName(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Name of audio card """ type = "list" source_variable = "os_audio_data" column = 1 class VariableOsAudioDefaultSet(ReadonlyVariable): """ Force write in config 0 """ type = "bool" def get(self): res = self.Select('os_audio_id', where='os_audio_name', notlike='HDMI', limit=1) audio_default = self.Get('os_audio_default') if (audio_default != '0' or res and res != "0" and audio_default == '0' or audio_default != self.Get('os_audio_current')): return 'on' return 'off' class VariableOsAudioCurrent(ReadonlyVariable): """ Current default audio card """ def get(self): default_card_re = re.compile('defaults.ctl.card\s+(\d+)') entry = default_card_re.search(readFile('/etc/asound.conf')) if entry and entry.groups()[0] in self.Get('os_audio_id'): return entry.groups()[0] res = self.Select('os_audio_id', where='os_audio_name', notlike='HDMI', limit=1) return res or '0' class VariableOsAudioDefault(Variable): """ Current default audio card """ type = "choice" opt = ['--audio-card'] metavalue = "CARD" def init(self): self.label = _("Default audio card") self.help = _("set the default audio") def get(self): return self.Get('os_audio_current') def choice(self): data = self.Get('os_audio_data') if data and data[0]: return self.Get('os_audio_data') return [] def uncompatible(self): """ Audio setting up unavailable for flash installation """ if self.Get('os_install_root_type') == 'flash': return _("Audio configuration unavailable for Flash install") if self.Get('os_install_alsa_set') == 'off': return \ _("This distribution does not provide the ALSA sound") return ""