# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2008-2015 Calculate Ltd. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys import re from os import path from calculate.lib.datavars import Variable, VariableError, ReadonlyVariable from calculate.lib.utils.portage import isPkgInstalled from calculate.lib.utils.files import readFile from calculate.lib.utils.common import (getVideoFromXorgLog, getVideoFromXorgConf, getVideoFromCmdLine, getAvailableVideo, getValueFromCmdLine, getCompositeFromXorgconf, getVideoFromModules, getVideoFromVendor, getInstalledVideo, CmdlineParams) from calculate.install.distr import DistributiveError import fcntl import struct from collections import OrderedDict from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate, _ setLocalTranslate('cl_install3', sys.modules[__name__]) class VideoVariable(Variable): """ Video variables not using for flash installation """ xorg_need = True default_video = "default" driver_names = OrderedDict([ ('default', _("X.Org Server auto detection")), ('radeon', _("AMD Radeon (radeon)")), ('amdgpu', _("AMD AMDGPU (amdgpu)")), ('fglrx', _("AMD Catalyst (fglrx)")), ('intel', _("Intel (intel)")), ('nouveau', _("Nvidia Nouveau (nouveau)")), ('nvidia', _("Nvidia Graphics Driver (nvidia)")), ('vesa', _("Generic VESA (vesa)")), ]) def uncompatible(self): """ Video setting up unavailable for flash installation """ if self.Get('os_install_root_type') == 'flash': return \ _("Video configuration unavailable for Flash install") if (self.Get('install.os_install_x11_server_set') == 'off' and self.xorg_need): return \ _("This distribution does not provide a Xorg server") return "" class ResolutionVariable(VideoVariable): """ Abstract resolution variable """ fbres = False def choice(self): resolutions = ["640x480", "800x480", "800x600", "1024x576", "1024x600", "1024x768", "1200x800", "1280x800", "1280x720", "1280x768", "1280x1024", "1360x768", "1366x768", "1368x768", "1400x1050", "1440x900", "1680x945", "1680x1050", "1920x1080", "1920x1200", "1600x768", "1600x900", "1600x1200", "2048x1152", "2560x1440", "2560x1600"] if self.fbres: return map(lambda x: "%s-32" % x, resolutions) else: return resolutions def check(self, value): """ Check resolution format 1234x567 """ if not re.match('^\d+x\d+(-\d+(@\d+)?)?$', value): raise VariableError( _("Wrong resolution {resolution} {example}").format( resolution=value, example="(%s:%s)" % (_("Example"), "1024x768"))) class VariableOsInstallX11Resolution(ResolutionVariable): """ X.org resolution """ type = 'choiceedit' opt = ['-X'] metavalue = "x" # разрешение по умолчанию пустое - это нужно для livecd # для автоопределения разрешения xorg сервером fallback_resolution = "" def init(self): self.help = _("set the Xorg resolution") self.label = _("Screen resolution") def get(self): # get resolution from xorg.log res = self.Get('os_x11_resolution') if res or self.Get('install.os_install_root_type') in ( 'livecd', 'usb-hdd'): return res or self.fallback_resolution else: return self.fallback_resolution class VariableOsInstallX11VideoAvailable(VideoVariable): """ Get available (already installed or installable drivers """ type = "list" # supported = ["nvidia", "fglrx", "amdgpu", "nouveau", "intel", "radeon"] supported = ["nvidia", "fglrx", "amdgpu", "nouveau", "intel", "radeon"] def get(self): image = self.Get('cl_image') if image: with image: try: distrPath = image.getDirectory() if isPkgInstalled('xorg-server', prefix=distrPath): return (sorted(filter(self.supported.__contains__, getAvailableVideo( prefix=distrPath))) + [self.default_video]) except DistributiveError: pass return [] def humanReadable(self): return map(lambda x: self.driver_names.get(x, x), self.Get()) class VariableOsX11KmsVideoDrv(ReadonlyVariable): """ Список KMS драйверов """ type = "list" value = ["radeon", "intel", "nouveau", "amdgpu"] class VariableOsInstallX11VideoDrv(VideoVariable): """ Video driver used by xorg """ type = 'choiceedit' opt = ['--video'] metavalue = "VIDEODRV" def init(self): self.help = _("set the video driver") self.label = _("Video driver") def choice(self): """Get available (already installed or installable drivers""" if self.Get('os_install_x11_server_set') == 'on': values = self.Get('os_install_x11_video_available') else: values = self.Get('os_x11_kms_video_drv') + [self.default_video] return map(lambda x: (x, self.driver_names.get(x, x)), (x for x in self.driver_names.keys() if x in values)) def get(self): if self.Get('os_install_x11_server_set') == 'on': # get available videodriver list from install or configure distributive list_video = self.Choice('os_install_x11_video_drv') if not list_video: return self.default_video # if type system is usb-hdd then get detect video driver if self.Get('os_install_root_type') == 'usb-hdd': methods = ((getVideoFromModules, ()), (getVideoFromCmdLine, ()), (getVideoFromVendor, (self.Get('hr_video'), list_video))) else: # test current video driver for install system methods = ((getVideoFromXorgLog, ('/', list_video)), (getVideoFromXorgConf, ('/',)), (getVideoFromModules, ()), (getVideoFromCmdLine, ()), (getVideoFromVendor, (self.Get('hr_video'), list_video))) for func, args in methods: drv = func(*args) if drv in list_video: return drv return self.default_video else: for drv in map(lambda x: x[0], self.choice()): videoSysPath = path.join("/sys/module", drv, "refcnt") refcnt = readFile(videoSysPath).strip() if refcnt.isdigit() and int(refcnt) > 0: return {'i915': 'intel'}.get(drv, drv) else: return self.default_video pkgDrvMap = {'nvidia': ('NVidia', 'x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers'), 'fglrx': ('ATI', 'x11-drivers/ati-drivers'), 'vboxdrv': ('VirtualBox', 'x11-drivers/xf86-video-virtualbox')} def check(self, value): if self.Get('os_install_x11_server_set') == 'on': if self.Get('cl_action') == 'system': availDrvs = self.Get('os_install_x11_video_available') if not value in availDrvs: raise VariableError(_("Only %s drivers are available") % ",".join(availDrvs)) else: if not value in getInstalledVideo(prefix="/") and \ not value in ("auto", self.default_video): error = _("video driver %s is unavailable") % value if value in self.pkgDrvMap: error += ". " + (_("Install driver %s with:") % self.pkgDrvMap[value][0]) error += "\n" + ("emerge %s" % self.pkgDrvMap[value][1]) raise VariableError(error) else: availDrivers = self.Get('os_x11_kms_video_drv') + [ self.default_video] if not value in availDrivers: raise VariableError("Only %s drivers are available" % ",".join(availDrivers)) def uncompatible(self): """ Video setting up unavailable for flash installation """ if self.Get('os_install_root_type') == 'flash': return \ _("Video configuration unavailable for Flash install") return "" class VariableHrVideoId(ReadonlyVariable): """ BusID of video card TODO: need realization """ value = "" class VariableOsInstallX11Composite(VideoVariable): """ on/off composite """ type = 'bool' opt = ['--composite'] def init(self): self.help = _("toggle composite") self.label = _("Composite") def get(self): """On/off composite""" defaultCompositeOn = ("nvidia", "intel", "fglrx", # "amdgpu", "nouveau", "radeon", "default") composite = getValueFromCmdLine(CmdlineParams.Calculate, CmdlineParams.Composite) videodrv = getValueFromCmdLine(CmdlineParams.Calculate, CmdlineParams.Video) if videodrv != "auto": composite = {'nocomposite': 'off', 'off': 'off', 'on': 'on', 'composite': 'on'}.get(composite) else: composite = None if self.Get('os_install_x11_video_drv') in defaultCompositeOn: defaultComposite = "on" elif self.Get('hr_virtual') == 'vmware': defaultComposite = "on" else: defaultComposite = "off" if self.Get('os_install_x11_video_drv') == self.Get('os_x11_video_drv'): state = getCompositeFromXorgconf() else: state = None return composite or state or defaultComposite class VariableOsInstallFbResolution(ResolutionVariable): """ Framebuffer resolution """ type = 'choiceedit' opt = ['--fb'] metavalue = "x" xorg_need = False fbres = True def init(self): self.help = _("set the framebuffer resolution") self.label = _("Framebuffer resolution") FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO = 0x4600 def get(self): """Get current framebuffer resolution""" try: fbdev = os.open('/dev/fb0', os.O_RDONLY) data = fcntl.ioctl(fbdev, self.FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, " " * 8) res = struct.unpack("II", data) return "%sx%s" % (res[0], res[1]) except (IOError, OSError): pass return "1024x768"