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<h1 id="Installation-Guide">Installation Guide<a href="#Installation-Guide" class="wiki-anchor">&para;</a></h1>
<h2 id="Thank-you-for-using-Calculate-Linux">Thank you for using Calculate Linux!<a href="#Thank-you-for-using-Calculate-Linux" class="wiki-anchor">&para;</a></h2>
<p>We do our best to offer you a most convenient system for work, using the original installer, redesigned user interface, templates, Calculate utilities and Gentoo Portage. The system is distributed as an installation image, which contains chosen software. Most of the software we have included come under the free license, thus allowing you to install, distribute and modify the source code.</p>
<p>Below is the complete list of our distributions with their abbreviations:</p>
<li>CLD - Calculate Linux Desktop KDE</li>
<li>CLDG - Calculate Linux Desktop GNOME</li>
<li>CLDX - Calculate Linux Desktop XFCE</li>
<li>CLS - Calculate Linux Scratch</li>
<li>CMC - Calculate Media Center</li>
<li>CDS - Calculate Directory Server</li>
<li>CSS - Calculate Scratch Server</li>
<p>To obtain administrator privileges on a system booted from a LiveCD, log in as <em>root</em> with the password <strong>root</strong>. Access to the CLD, CLDG and CLDX desktop can be obtained by the user <em>guest</em> with the password <strong>guest</strong>.</p>
<h2 id="Network-configuration">Network configuration<a href="#Network-configuration" class="wiki-anchor">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Network Setup in CLD, CLDG and CLDX is performed with the Networkmanager. The program has a graphical interface with which you can configure both wired and wireless networks. When you load the program, it tries to bring up a network interface and obtain an IP address from a DHCP server. Start the program by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.</p>
<p>Network Configuration of CLS, CDS and CSS is performed via the configuration file <code>/etc/conf.d/net</code>; help on setting up a network can be found in <code>/usr/share/doc/openrc/net.example</code>. Once you have edited the settings, restart the network interface:</p>
/etc/init.d/net.eth0 restart
<h2 id="Partition-management">Partition management<a href="#Partition-management" class="wiki-anchor">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Before installing, you may need to change the partitions on your hard disk. To install CLD, CLDG or CLDX, we recommend that you use the partition of at least 10 GB. More detailed hardware requirements can be found <a href="" class="external">here</a>. The swap partition (swap) will normally be twice the size of RAM. If the swap partition already exists, the system will use it. It is wise to have a separate partition for your personal files (/home). See more detailed recommendations on partitioning <a href="" class="external">here</a>.</p>
<p>CLD, CLDG and CLDX distro use <em>Gparted</em> to change the disk partitioning. Note that CLS and CDS contain only the command line utilities: <em>fdisk</em>,<em>gdisk</em> or <em>cfdisk</em>.</p>
<p>To view the list of all existing partitions, open the console as <em>root</em> and type:<br /><pre>
fdisk -l
<p>Note: To obtain <em>root</em> rights in console mode, use <code>su</code> or <code>sudo</code>.</p>
<p>If you are new to Linux, it may be a while before you get used to the differences between partition names.<br />In Linux, partitions are referred to as <em>sda1, sda2, ...</em> instead of the common C:\, D:\, ...</p>
<p>You can also use the existing partitioning or create it from <em>Windows</em>. To define a given partition in Linux, remember its location and size. Usually, drive C:\ corresponds to sda1, disk D:\, to sda2.</p>
<p><h2 id="Installation">Installation<a href="#Installation" class="wiki-anchor">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Since Calculate Linux 10.9, we use the <code>cl-install</code> utility for installation. A graphical front-end is provided for CLD, CLDG, CLDX and CLS versions: <code>cl-console-gui</code>. To run this program, click on the icon "Calculate Linux Install" on your desktop.</p>
<p>To install the system on the second partition of your hard disk with <code>cl-install</code>, run the following in the terminal with <em>root</em> privileges:<br /><pre>
cl-install -d /dev/sda2
Here is the list of most commonly used parameters:
<li><strong>--hostname HOSTNAME</strong> - set a short or a full hostname;</li>
<li><strong>-l</strong> - the system locale. The supported languages are en_US - American English, bg_BG - Bulgarian, de_DE - German, es_ES - Spanish, fr_FR - French, it_IT - Italian, pl_PL - Polish, pt_BR - Portuguese, ru_RU - Russian, and uk_UA - Ukrainian;</li>
<li><strong>--mbr DEVICE</strong> - disk with master boot record; if set to 'off', changes will be disabled.</li>
<p>During installation, the program will extract <em>stage4</em> - that is, the image of your future system - and perform the initial configuration via templates.</p></p>
<h2 id="Installing-on-a-USB-Flash">Installing on a USB Flash<a href="#Installing-on-a-USB-Flash" class="wiki-anchor">&para;</a></h2>
<p><em>Before you begin, we highly recommend that you make a backup of your data on a flash drive.</em></p>
<p>To install the system on a USB Flash, you should use the command line utility <code>cl-install</code>. Plug the flash drive to your computer. If you do not know the device name of your stick, run the following in the console with <em>root</em> privileges:<br /><pre>
fdisk -l
<p>If your flash drive was recognized as a <code>/dev/sdb</code> device, type the following in the console to install the system on it:<br /><pre>
cl-install -d /dev/sdb1
<h2 id="The-first-launch">The first launch<a href="#The-first-launch" class="wiki-anchor">&para;</a></h2>
<p>After installing the CLD, CLDX and CLSG you get two users: <em>root</em> and <em>guest</em> (if you have not specified other user accounts). The user <em>guest</em> can get access to the graphical environment: use the username <em>guest</em> with the password <strong>guest</strong> to log in.</p>
<p>CLS, by default, does not prompt for the password in graphical mode. After installation you can login as root and launch the window manager by typing:<br /><pre>
<p>To become <em>root</em>, use the <code>su</code> command. More details on creating user accounts can be found <a href="" class="external">here</a>.</p>
<p>By default, you can log into the system remotely using <code>ssh</code> only as root. To add space for other users or to replace the root user edit the options AllowUsers in <code>/etc/ssh/sshd_config</code>. We recommend to deny the remote access for the <em>root</em> user.</p>
<h2 id="Update">Update<a href="#Update" class="wiki-anchor">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Calculate Linux is a rolling-release distribution. You can update the system virtually unlimited number of times, using the <span class="bluecode" >emerge</span> software manager. Before you update or install packages, execute the following to update the Portage tree:<br /><pre>
<p>For further updates of all your software, run:<br /><pre>
emerge -uDNa world
<p>After that, you can upgrade existing or install new versions of programs with "emerge". A quick reference can be found <a href="" class="external">here</a>. Read also the <a href="" class="external">System Update Guide</a>.</p>
<h2 id="Help">Help<a href="#Help" class="wiki-anchor">&para;</a></h2>
<p>If you have any difficulties installing Calculate Linux, or if you want to share your impressions, visit the IRC channel <em>#calculate</em> (on FreeNode) of our user community. You just have to click on the Xchat icon on your desktop.</p>
<p>Website: <a class="external" href=""></a><br />Newsletter: <a class="external" href=""></a><br />IRC chat: <a class="external" href=""></a></p>
<p><em>Enjoy!</em><br /><em>Calculate Linux Team.</em></p>