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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 Mir Calculate.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
8 years ago
from calculate.lib.datavars import (ReadonlyVariable, Variable,
VariableInterface, VariableError)
from import repeater
from calculate.lib.cl_ldap import LDAPConnect, LDAPConnectError
from helpers import ServerEnvHelper, HashHelper, RandomPasswordHelper
_ = lambda x: x
from calculate.lib.cl_lang import (setLocalTranslate, getLazyLocalTranslate)
setLocalTranslate('cl_ldap3', sys.modules[__name__])
8 years ago
__ = getLazyLocalTranslate(_)
class VariableLdBaseRoot(Variable):
Имя для базового суффикса
value = "calculate"
opt = ("-b", "--basedn")
metavalue = "BASEDN"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Root base DN") = "set root base DN"
def set(self, value):
if value.startswith("dc="):
return value[3:]
return value
class VariableLdBaseDn(ReadonlyVariable):
Базовый суффикс LDAP
value_format = "dc={ld_base_root}"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Base DN")
class VariableLdBindLogin(Variable):
Пользователь для чтения
value = "proxyuser"
class VariableLdBindDn(ReadonlyVariable):
Bind суффикс LDAP
value_format = "cn={ld_bind_login},{ld_base_dn}"
class VariableLdBindPw(ReadonlyVariable):
Пароль для подключения
value = "calculate"
class VariableLdBindHash(HashHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Хэш рут пароля
source = "ld_bind_pw"
class VariableLdTempDn(ReadonlyVariable):
Временный DN для подключения
value_format = "cn=ldaproot,{ld_base_dn}"
class VariableLdTempPw(RandomPasswordHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Временный пароль для подключения к LDAP
password_len = 9
def get(self):
return "test"
class VariableLdTempHash(HashHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Временный пароль для подключения к LDAP
source = "ld_temp_pw"
class VariableClLdapPreconfigureSet(ReadonlyVariable):
Предварительное наложение шаблонов
type = "bool"
value = "off"
class VariableLdAdminDn(ReadonlyVariable):
DN root пользователя
value_format = "cn={ld_admin_login},{ld_base_dn}"
class VariableLdAdminLogin(ReadonlyVariable):
Имя пользователя root
value = "ldapadmin"
class VariableLdEncrypt(ReadonlyVariable):
Алгоритм шифрования пароля
value = "{SSHA}"
class VariableLdAdminHash(HashHelper, ReadonlyVariable):
Хэш рут пароля
source = "ld_admin_pw"
class VariableLdAdminPw(ServerEnvHelper, RandomPasswordHelper, Variable):
Пароль root
password_len = 9
service = "admin"
parameter = "pass"
def fallback_value(self):
return "test"
# return RandomPasswordHelper.get(self)
class VariableLdServices(ReadonlyVariable):
Имя всех сервисов
value = "Services"
class VariableLdServicesDn(ReadonlyVariable):
DN для всех сервисов
value_format = "ou={ld_services},{ld_base_dn}"
class VariableLdDatabasePath(Variable):
Путь до базы LDAP
value = "/var/lib/openldap-data"
class VariableClLdapHost(Variable):
value = "localhost"
class VariableClLdapBindDn(Variable):
Переменная используется для соединения с LDAP
value = ""
class VariableClLdapBindPw(Variable):
Переменная используется для соединения с LDAP
value = ""
class VariableClLdapConnect(ReadonlyVariable):
Объект соединение с LDAP
type = "object"
def get(self):
bind_dn = self.Get('cl_ldap_bind_dn')
bind_pw = self.Get('cl_ldap_bind_pw')
ldap_host = self.Get('cl_ldap_host')
if bind_dn and bind_pw:
error = ""
for x in repeater(0.2, 0.4, 0.8):
return LDAPConnect(bind_dn, bind_pw, host=ldap_host)
except LDAPConnectError as e:
error = str(e)
raise VariableError(_("Failed to connect to LDAP server")
+ _(": ") + error)
return ""