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9 years ago
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2008-2016 Mir Calculate.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
import re
13 years ago
import os
from os import path
from import deprecated
from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate
9 years ago
setLocalTranslate('cl_lib3', sys.modules[__name__])
# используется для кэша функции getLvmPartitions()
_lvm_partitions_cache = []
def getUUIDDict(revers=False, devs=()):
"""Get dict UUID -> dev"""
9 years ago
blkidProcess = process("/sbin/blkid", "-s", "UUID", "-c", "/dev/null",
if revers:
9 years ago
datafunc = lambda x, y: (y, x)
9 years ago
datafunc = lambda x, y: (x, y)
DEV, UUID = 0, 1
reSplit = re.compile('^([^:]+):.*UUID="([^"]+)"', re.S)
return dict(
9 years ago
map(lambda x: datafunc("UUID=%s" % x[UUID],
9 years ago
map(lambda x: x.groups(),
filter(lambda x: x,
from files import (getProgPath, pathJoin, listDirectory,
checkUtils, process)
def detectDeviceForPartition(dev):
"""Detect parent device for partition by udev and return property"""
prop = udev.get_device_info(name=dev)
9 years ago
if prop.get('DEVTYPE', '') != 'partition':
return ''
9 years ago
parentpath = path.dirname(prop.get('DEVPATH', ''))
if parentpath:
devProp = udev.get_device_info(path=parentpath)
9 years ago
return devProp.get('DEVNAME', '')
return None
9 years ago
def countPartitions(devname):
"""Count partition for specified device"""
syspath = udev.get_device_info(name=devname).get('DEVPATH', '')
if not syspath:
return 0
deviceName = path.basename(syspath)
if not syspath.startswith("/sys"):
9 years ago
syspath = pathJoin("/sys", syspath)
return len(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(deviceName),
def getLvmGroups():
"""Get LVM groups"""
pvdisplayCmd = getProgPath('/sbin/pvdisplay')
9 years ago
pvdata = process(pvdisplayCmd, "-C", "-o", "vg_name", "--noh")
return filter(lambda x: x,
9 years ago
def getLvmPartitions(vg_name, lv_name, cache=None):
"""Get lvm partitions"""
9 years ago
if cache is None:
cache = _lvm_partitions_cache
if not cache:
pvdisplayCmd = getProgPath('/sbin/pvdisplay')
9 years ago
pvdata = process(pvdisplayCmd, "-C", "-o",
"vg_name,lv_name,pv_name", "--noh")
if pvdata.success():
9 years ago
lambda x: x and len(x) == 3,
map(lambda x: x.split(),'\n'))))
if cache:
9 years ago
res = map(lambda x: x[2],
filter(lambda x: x[0] == vg_name and x[1] == lv_name, cache))
if res:
return res
return []
9 years ago
def getPartitionDevice(syspath):
"""Get real parent device by partition,lvm,mdraid"""
if not syspath.startswith('/sys'):
9 years ago
syspath = pathJoin('/sys', syspath)
prop = udev.get_device_info(path=syspath)
# real device
9 years ago
if (prop.get('DEVTYPE', "") == "disk" and
(prop.get('ID_TYPE', "") == "disk" or
path.exists(path.join(syspath, "device")))):
return prop.get('DEVNAME', "")
# partition
if prop.get('DEVTYPE') == "partition":
return getPartitionDevice(path.dirname(syspath))
# md raid
9 years ago
if prop.get('MD_LEVEL', "").startswith("raid"):
syspath = pathJoin(syspath, "md")
for rd in filter(lambda x: path.basename(x).startswith('rd'),
listDirectory(syspath, fullPath=True)):
rdBlockPath = path.join(rd, "block")
if path.exists(rdBlockPath):
return getPartitionDevice(path.realpath(rdBlockPath))
return ""
# lvm
9 years ago
if prop.get('DM_LV_NAME', "") != "":
parts = getLvmPartitions(prop.get('DM_VG_NAME', ''),
prop.get('DM_LV_NAME', ''))
if parts:
propPartLvm = udev.get_device_info(name=parts[0])
if 'DEVPATH' in propPartLvm:
return getPartitionDevice(propPartLvm['DEVPATH'])
return ""
9 years ago
def lspci(filtername=None, shortInfo=False):
"""Get hash of lspci, filtred by filtername. If shortInfo, then
type,vendor and name get only first word
9 years ago
reData = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s"([^"]+)"\s+"([^"]+)"\s+"([^"]+)"', re.S)
if filtername:
9 years ago
if hasattr(filtername, '__call__'):
filterfunc = filtername
filterfunc = lambda x: filtername in x
9 years ago
filterfunc = lambda x: x
if shortInfo:
9 years ago
sfunc = lambda x: x.partition(" ")[0]
9 years ago
sfunc = lambda x: x
lspciProg = checkUtils('/usr/sbin/lspci')
9 years ago
processLsPci = process(lspciProg, "-m")
retData = {}
9 years ago
for device in map(lambda x: x.groups(),
filter(lambda x: x,
retData[device[0]] = {'type': sfunc(device[1]),
'vendor': sfunc(device[2]),
'name': sfunc(device[3])}
return retData
9 years ago
class UdevAdm(object):
Объект взаимодействия с udevadm
9 years ago
def __init__(self):
self.udevadmCmd = getProgPath('/sbin/udevadm')
self.first_run = True
13 years ago
def info_property(self, path=None, name=None):
if self.first_run:
12 years ago
self.first_run = False
if name:
type_query = "--name"
value = name
type_query = "--path"
value = path
udev_output = process(self.udevadmCmd, "info", "--query",
type_query, value).read().split("\n")
return dict(x.partition("=")[0::2] for x in udev_output if "=" in x)
def info_export(self):
return process(self.udevadmCmd, "info", "-e").read().strip()
class Udev(object):
Объект возвращающий преобразованную или кэшированную информацию о системе
из udev
def clear_cache(self):
self.path_cache = {}
self.name_cache = {}
self.udevadm = UdevAdm()
def realpath(self, dn):
return os.path.realpath(dn)
def __init__(self, udevadm=None):
self.path_cache = {}
self.name_cache = {}
if isinstance(udevadm, UdevAdm):
self.udevadm = udevadm
self.udevadm = UdevAdm()
def get_device_info(self, path=None, name=None):
"""Get device info by syspath of name"""
if name:
cache = self.name_cache
value = name
cache = self.path_cache
value = path
value = self.realpath(value)
if value not in cache:
data = self.udevadm.info_property(path, name)
devname = data.get('DEVNAME', '')
devpath = data.get('DEVPATH', '')
if devpath:
devpath = "/sys%s" % devpath
if devname:
self.name_cache[devname] = data
if devpath:
self.path_cache[devname] = data
13 years ago
return data
9 years ago
# print "fromCache",keyCache
return cache[value]
9 years ago
def get_block_devices(self):
block_entries = (x for x in self.udevadm.info_export().split("\n\n")
if "SUBSYSTEM=block" in x)
for block in block_entries:
for entry in (x[3:] for x in block.split("\n")
if x.startswith("P:")):
if "block/" in entry:
yield entry.rpartition("block/")[2]
udev = Udev()
9 years ago
def convertNameToSyspath(name):
dev = udev.get_device_info(name=name).get('DEVPATH', "")
if dev and not dev.startswith('/sys'):
9 years ago
dev = pathJoin('/sys', dev)
return dev
9 years ago
def humanreadableSize(size):
Human readable size (1024 -> 1K and etc)
size = int(size)
except ValueError:
return ""
9 years ago
suffix = (((1024 ** 0), "", False),
((1024 ** 1), "K", False),
((1024 ** 2), "M", False),
((1024 ** 3), "G", True),
((1024 ** 4), "T", True),
((1024 ** 5), "P", True))
suffix = filter(lambda x: size > x[0], suffix)
if suffix:
suffix = suffix[-1]
9 years ago
printSize = int(size / (float(suffix[0]) / 10))
printSizeTail = printSize % 10
9 years ago
printSize /= 10
if suffix[2] and printSizeTail:
9 years ago
return "%d.%d%s" % (printSize, printSizeTail, suffix[1])
9 years ago
return "%d%s" % (printSize, suffix[1])
return str(size)
9 years ago
def getPartitionSize(syspath=None, name=None, inBytes=False):
Get partition size
if name:
dev = convertNameToSyspath(name)
dev = syspath
9 years ago
sizeFile = pathJoin(dev, "size")
if path.exists(sizeFile):
9 years ago
size = int(open(sizeFile, 'r').read().strip()) * SECTORSIZE
if inBytes:
return str(size)
return humanreadableSize(size)
return ""
9 years ago
def getDeviceType(syspath=None, name=None):
"""Get device type (disk,partition,lvm,raid)"""
if name:
prop = udev.get_device_info(name=name)
9 years ago
syspath = prop.get('DEVPATH', '')
prop = udev.get_device_info(path=syspath)
# real device
9 years ago
if prop.get('ID_CDROM', ""):
return "cdrom"
# regular disk
9 years ago
if (prop.get('ID_TYPE', "") == "disk" and
prop.get('DEVTYPE', "") == "disk"):
return "disk"
# nvme
if (prop.get('DEVTYPE', "") == "disk" and
return "disk"
# partition
if prop.get('DEVTYPE') == "partition":
9 years ago
return getDeviceType(path.dirname(syspath)) + "-partition"
# md raid
9 years ago
if prop.get('MD_LEVEL', "").startswith("raid"):
if not syspath.startswith('/sys'):
9 years ago
syspath = pathJoin('/sys', syspath)
syspath = pathJoin(syspath, "md")
for rd in filter(lambda x: path.basename(x).startswith('rd'),
listDirectory(syspath, fullPath=True)):
rdBlockPath = path.join(rd, "block")
if path.exists(rdBlockPath):
9 years ago
return getDeviceType(path.realpath(rdBlockPath)) + "-raid"
return "loop"
# lvm
9 years ago
if prop.get('DM_LV_NAME', "") != "":
parts = getLvmPartitions(prop.get('DM_VG_NAME', ''),
prop.get('DM_LV_NAME', ''))
if parts:
propPartLvm = udev.get_device_info(name=parts[0])
if 'DEVPATH' in propPartLvm:
9 years ago
return getDeviceType(propPartLvm['DEVPATH']) + "-lvm"
return "loop"
9 years ago
def getRaidPartitions(raidpath):
"""Get raid partitions"""
prop = udev.get_device_info(path=raidpath)
raidParts = []
9 years ago
if prop.get('MD_LEVEL', "").startswith("raid"):
if not raidpath.startswith('/sys'):
9 years ago
raidpath = pathJoin('/sys', raidpath)
raidpath = pathJoin(raidpath, "md")
for rd in filter(lambda x: path.basename(x).startswith('rd'),
listDirectory(raidpath, fullPath=True)):
rdpath = path.join(raidpath, rd, "block")
if path.exists(rdpath):
9 years ago
"DEVNAME", ''))
return filter(lambda x: x, raidParts)
def getPartitionType(prop):
"""Get type of dos part table (primary,extended or logical)"""
if prop.get('ID_PART_ENTRY_SCHEME') == 'dos':
9 years ago
partId = prop.get('ID_PART_ENTRY_TYPE', '')
partNumber = prop.get('ID_PART_ENTRY_NUMBER', '')
if partId and partNumber:
if partId == "0x5":
return "extended"
9 years ago
elif int(partNumber) > 4:
return "logical"
return "primary"
9 years ago
return prop.get('ID_PART_TABLE_TYPE', '')
def refreshLVM():
"""Run command which refresh information about LVM"""
vgscan = getProgPath('/sbin/vgscan')
vgchange = getProgPath('/sbin/vgchange')
lvchange = getProgPath('/sbin/lvchange')
9 years ago
if vgscan and vgchange and lvchange:
9 years ago
process(vgchange, '-ay').success()
process(vgchange, '--refresh').success()
for group in getLvmGroups():
if not os.environ.get('EBUILD_PHASE'):
9 years ago
process(lvchange, '-ay', group).success()
process(lvchange, '--refresh', group).success()
def loadEfiVars():
Load module with efivars
efivars_path = "/sys/firmware/efi"
from calculate.lib.utils.files import Mounts
modprobe = getProgPath('/sbin/modprobe')
if not path.exists(path.dirname(efivars_path)) and modprobe:
9 years ago
process(modprobe, 'efivars').success()
mount = getProgPath('/bin/mount')
mtab = Mounts()
if mtab.exists(efivars_path) and mtab.readonly(efivars_path):
process(mount, "-o", "rw,remount", efivars_path)
9 years ago
12 years ago
def refreshUdev(onlyTrigger=False):
"""Run command which refresh information about device in udev"""
12 years ago
if not onlyTrigger:
12 years ago
udevadm = getProgPath('/bin/udevadm')
if udevadm:
blkidFile = '/etc/'
if path.exists(blkidFile):
9 years ago
except OSError:
if not os.environ.get('EBUILD_PHASE'):
9 years ago
process(udevadm, "trigger", "--subsystem-match", "block").success()
process(udevadm, "settle", "--timeout=15").success()
def getCommonDeviceName(dev):
Get common device name (example: LVM -> /dev/dm- and etc)
return udev.get_device_info(name=dev).get('DEVNAME', dev)
class _UdevInfoFuncStub(object):
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
return udev.get_device_info(*args, **kw)
def clearCache(self):
return udev.clear_cache()
getUdevDeviceInfo = _UdevInfoFuncStub()