# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2017 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys from .files import grepFile, getRunCommands from .tools import cached, traverse from os import path import os from collections import defaultdict from fnmatch import fnmatch, filter as fnfilter _ = lambda x: x from ..cl_lang import setLocalTranslate setLocalTranslate('cl_lib3', sys.modules[__name__]) class X86(): def __init__(self, rootdn): self.rootdn = rootdn self.usrlib = path.join(rootdn, "usr/lib") self.lib = path.join(rootdn, "lib") self.cusrlib = path.join(rootdn, "usr/lib") self.clib = path.join(rootdn, "lib") self.libmodules = path.join(rootdn, "lib/modules") self.pythonsite = path.join(rootdn, "usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages") self.libopengl = path.join(rootdn, "usr/lib/opengl") class Amd64(): def __init__(self, rootdn): self.rootdn = rootdn self.usrlib = path.join(rootdn, "usr/lib64") self.lib = path.join(rootdn, "lib64") self.cusrlib = path.join(rootdn, "usr/lib") self.clib = path.join(rootdn, "lib") self.libmodules = path.join(rootdn, "lib/modules") self.pythonsite = path.join(rootdn, "usr/lib64/python3.10/site-packages") self.libopengl = path.join(rootdn, "usr/lib64/opengl") @cached(each_instance=True) def SystemPath(rootdn): lib64path = path.join(rootdn, "lib64") libpath = path.join(rootdn, "lib") if path.exists(lib64path): return Amd64(rootdn) else: return X86(rootdn) class SystemType(): """ Тип контейнера текущей системы """ Uml = "uml" VServer = "vserver" OpenVZ = "openvz" LXC = "lxc" Docker = "docker" Xen0 = "xen0" XenU = "xenU" Rkt = "rkt" SystemdNSpawn = "systemd-nspawn" NotDetected = "" @classmethod def detect_container(cls): if grepFile("/proc/cpuinfo", "UML"): return cls.Uml elif grepFile("/proc/self/status", "(s_context|VxID):\s*[1-9]"): return cls.VServer elif (path.exists("/proc/vz/veinfo") and not path.exists("/proc/vz/version")): return cls.OpenVZ elif grepFile("/proc/self/status", "envID:\s*[1-9]"): return cls.OpenVZ #old test elif grepFile("/proc/1/environ", "container=lxc"): return cls.LXC elif grepFile("/proc/1/environ", "container=rkt"): return cls.Rkt elif grepFile("/proc/1/environ", "container=systemd-nspawn"): return cls.SystemdNSpawn elif path.exists("/.dockerenv"): return cls.Docker elif grepFile("/proc/1/environ", "container=docker"): return cls.Docker return cls.NotDetected @classmethod def detect_vm(cls): if path.exists("/proc/xen"): if grepFile("/proc/xen/capabilities", "control_d"): return cls.Xen0 return cls.XenU return cls.NotDetected @classmethod def detect(cls): return cls.detect_container() or cls.detect_vm() class FUser(): def __init__(self, ffilter=None): self.ffilter = ffilter self.ref = defaultdict(list) self.refresh() def get_mnt(self, pid): try: return os.readlink("/proc/%s/ns/mnt" %pid).strip() except Exception: return "" def get_main_mnt(self): return self.get_mnt("1") def refresh(self): self.ref=defaultdict(list) main_mnt = self.get_main_mnt() for p in os.listdir("/proc/"): if not p.isdigit(): continue if self.get_mnt(p) != main_mnt: continue d = "/proc/%s/fd/" % p try: for fd in os.listdir(d): f = os.readlink(d+fd) self.ref[f].append(p) except OSError: pass def search(self, item): keys = fnfilter(self.ref.keys(), item) return traverse(self.ref[k] for k in keys) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.ref def __getitem__(self, item): return self.ref[item] emerge_running = lambda: any(fnmatch(x, "*python-exec/*/emerge*") for x in getRunCommands(True))