# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2008-2016 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re from calculate.lib.cl_xml import xpath, xmlDoc from generic import objShare class procmail(objShare): """Класс для обработки конфигурационного файла типа procmail """ _comment = "#" configName = "procmail" configVersion = "0.1" sepFields = "\n" reComment = re.compile("[ \t]*%s" % _comment) reSepFields = re.compile(sepFields) # разделитель названия и значения переменной reSeparator = re.compile("=") def prepare(self): self.docObj = self.textToXML() self.doc = self.docObj.doc def postXML(self): """Последующая постобработка XML""" xmlFields = xpath.Evaluate("child::field", self.docObj.body) # Добавление переводов строк между полями for node in xmlFields: # Добавление перевода строк в если его нет между полями if (self.docObj.getTypeField(node) == "var" and node.getprevious() is not None and (self.docObj.getTypeField(node.getprevious()) not in ("br", "comment"))): self.docObj.body.insertBefore(self.docObj.createField( "br", [], "", [], False, False), node) def setDataField(self, txtLines, endtxtLines): """Создаем список объектов с переменными""" class fieldData: def __init__(self): self.name = False self.value = False self.comment = False self.br = False fields = [] field = fieldData() z = 0 for k in txtLines: textLine = k + endtxtLines[z] z += 1 findComment = self.reComment.search(textLine) if not textLine.strip(): field.br = textLine fields.append(field) field = fieldData() elif findComment: field.comment = textLine fields.append(field) field = fieldData() else: pars = textLine.strip() nameValue = self.reSeparator.split(pars) if len(nameValue) == 2: name = nameValue[0] value = nameValue[1].replace(self.sepFields, "") field.name = name.replace(" ", "").replace("\t", "") field.value = value field.br = textLine fields.append(field) field = fieldData() return fields def textToXML(self): docObj = xmlDoc() docObj.createDoc(self.configName, self.configVersion) if self.text: nodeBody = docObj.getNodeBody() fields = self.splitToFields(self.text) for field in fields: if field.name is not False: fieldXML = self.createFieldTerm(field.name, field.value, field.br, docObj) nodeBody.append(fieldXML) if field.br[-1] == "\n": fieldXMLBr = docObj.createField( "br", [], "", [], False, False) nodeBody.append(fieldXMLBr) elif field.comment is not False: fieldXML = docObj.createField( "comment", [field.comment], "", [], False, False) nodeBody.append(fieldXML) elif field.br is not False: brText = field.br.replace("\n", "") if brText: fieldXML = docObj.createField( 'br', [brText], "", [], False, False) else: fieldXML = docObj.createField( 'br', [], "", [], False, False) nodeBody.append(fieldXML) return docObj def join(self, procmailObj): """Объединяем конфигурации""" if isinstance(procmailObj, procmail): self.docObj.joinDoc(procmailObj.doc) self.postXML()