# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2008-2017 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import hashlib import select import random import shutil import string from hashlib import sha256 import os from os import path import subprocess from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT import stat from shutil import copytree, rmtree, copy2 import re import sys from itertools import * import tarfile import tools import fcntl from tools import ignore from glob import glob from contextlib import contextmanager import signal _ = lambda x: x from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate setLocalTranslate('cl_lib3', sys.modules[__name__]) @contextmanager def timeout(seconds): def timeout_handler(signum, frame): pass original_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler) try: signal.alarm(seconds) yield finally: signal.alarm(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, original_handler) try: from magic import (open as type_file, MAGIC_NONE, MAGIC_CONTINUE, MAGIC_MIME_TYPE, MAGIC_COMPRESS, MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING, MAGIC_SYMLINK) except ImportError as e: try: from magic import (open as type_file, NONE as MAGIC_NONE, CONTINUE as MAGIC_CONTNUE, MIME_TYPE as MAGIC_MIME_TYPE, COMPRESS as MAGIC_COMPRESS, MIME_ENCODING as MIME_ENCODING, SYMLINK as MAGIC_SYMLINK) except (ImportError, AttributeError): type_file = None MAGIC_NONE = 0 MAGIC_SYMLINK = 0x002 MAGIC_COMPRESS = 0x004 MAGIC_CONTINUE = 0x020 MAGIC_MIME_TYPE = 0x010 MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING = 0x400 from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate setLocalTranslate('cl_lib3', sys.modules[__name__]) reSearch = lambda pattern, listar: map(lambda x: x.groups(), filter(None, map(pattern.search, listar))) class FilesError(Exception): pass class StdoutableProcess(object): def __init__(self): self.pipe = None def get_stdout(self): return PIPE def close(self): pass class KeyboardInputProcess(StdoutableProcess): def get_stdout(self): return None class PipeProcess(StdoutableProcess): def get_stdout(self): return PIPE class ProcessTimeout(FilesError): pass class process(StdoutableProcess): """Execute system command by Popen Examples: execute program and get result: if process("/bin/gzip","/boot/somefile").success(): print "Gzip success" unzip and process unzip data by cpio (list files): processGzip = process("/bin/gzip","-dc","/boot/initrd") processCpio = process("/bin/cpio","-tf",stdin=processGzip) filelist = processCpio.readlines() execute command and send data: processGrub = process("/sbin/grub") processGrub.write("root (hd0,0)\n") processGrub.write("setup (hd0)\n") processGrub.write("quit\n") isok = processGrub.success() union stdout and stderr: process("/bin/ls","/",stderr=STDOUT) result to stdout: process("/bin/ls",stdout=None) get data from keyboard: process("/bin/cat",stdin=None) """ STDOUT = STDOUT PIPE = PIPE def __init__(self, command, *params, **kwarg): super(process, self).__init__() if "stdin" not in kwarg: stdin = PipeProcess() else: if kwarg["stdin"] is None: stdin = KeyboardInputProcess() else: stdin = kwarg["stdin"] self.stdout = kwarg.get("stdout", PIPE) self.envdict = kwarg.get("envdict", os.environ.copy()) self.envdict["LANG"] = kwarg.get('lang', 'C') self.langc = "langc" in kwarg self.timeout = kwarg.get("timeout", None) self.stderr = kwarg.get("stderr", PIPE) self.cwd = kwarg.get("cwd", None) self.command = getProgPath(command) if not self.command: raise FilesError(_("Command not found '%s'") % command) self.command = [self.command] + list(params) self.stdin = stdin self.iter = None self.cacheresult = None self.cacheerr = None self.communicated = False self._cachedata = [] def _open(self): """Open pipe if it not open""" if not self.pipe: self.pipe = Popen(self.command, stdout=self.stdout, stdin=self.stdin.get_stdout(), stderr=self.stderr, cwd=self.cwd, close_fds=True, env=self.envdict) def get_stdout(self): """Get current stdout""" if self.pipe: self.close() self._open() self.cacheresult = "" return self.pipe.stdout def write(self, data): """Write to process stdin""" self._open() try: self.pipe.stdin.write(data) self.pipe.stdin.flush() except IOError as e: raise FilesError(str(e)) def close(self): """Close stdin""" if self.pipe: self.pipe.poll() if self.pipe.stdin: self.pipe.stdin.close() self.pipe.stdin = None if self.stdin: self.stdin.close() self.stdin = None def readerr(self): self.read() if self.cacheerr is None: try: self.cacheerr = self.pipe.stderr.read() except IOError: self.cacheerr = "" return self.cacheerr def readByLine(self): _cacheerr = [] try: self._open() if self.cacheresult is None: _stdout = self.pipe.stdout.fileno() _stderr = self.pipe.stderr.fileno() reads = [_stdout, _stderr] self.pipe.stdin.close() self.pipe.stdin = None while True: ret = select.select(reads, [], [], self.timeout) if not ret[0]: self.kill() raise ProcessTimeout() for fd in ret[0]: if fd == _stdout: s = self.pipe.stdout.readline() yield s self._cachedata.append(s) if fd == _stderr: s = self.pipe.stderr.readline() _cacheerr.append(s) if self.pipe.poll() is not None: s = " " while True: s = self.pipe.stdout.readline() if not s: break yield s self._cachedata.append(s) while True: s = self.pipe.stderr.readline() if not s: break yield s _cacheerr.append(s) break except KeyboardInterrupt: self.kill() raise KeyboardInterrupt finally: if self.cacheresult is None: self.cacheresult = "\n".join(self._cachedata) self.cacheerr = "".join(_cacheerr) self.close() def read(self): """Read all data""" try: self._open() if self.cacheresult is None: if self.timeout is None: self.cacheresult, self.cacheerr = self.pipe.communicate() else: for line in self.readByLine(): pass return self.cacheresult except KeyboardInterrupt: self.kill() raise KeyboardInterrupt finally: self.close() def readlines(self): """Read lines""" return self.read().split('\n') def __iter__(self): """Get iterator""" if not self.iter: self.iter = iter(self.readlines()) return self.iter def kill(self): """Kill this process""" if self.pipe: self.pipe.kill() def next(self): """Next string from stdout""" return self.__iter__().next() def returncode(self): """Get return code""" self.read() return self.pipe.returncode def success(self): """Success or not""" return self.returncode() == 0 def failed(self): """Failed or not""" return self.returncode() != 0 def getModeFile(nameFile, mode="all"): """Выдает информацию о файле mode=="all" права файла, владелец, группа файла mode=="mode" права файла mode=="owner" владелец, группа файла """ fst = os.lstat(nameFile) if mode == "all": return stat.S_IMODE(fst.st_mode), fst.st_uid, fst.st_gid if mode == "mode": return stat.S_IMODE(fst.st_mode) if mode == "owner": return fst.st_uid, fst.st_gid def chown(fn, uid=None, gid=None): """ Поменять uid и gid файла если текущие отличаются :param fn: файл :param uid: UID или None :param gid: GID или None """ f_stat = os.stat(fn) if uid is None: uid = f_stat.st_uid if gid is None: gid = f_stat.st_gid if uid != f_stat.st_uid or gid != f_stat.st_gid: os.lchown(fn, uid, gid) class FilePermission(object): """ Права на файл """ UserWrite = 0200 UserRead = 0400 UserExecute = 0100 UserAll = UserWrite | UserRead | UserExecute GroupWrite = 020 GroupRead = 040 GroupExecute = 010 GroupAll = GroupWrite | GroupRead | GroupExecute OtherWrite = 02 OtherRead = 04 OtherExecute = 01 OtherAll = OtherWrite | OtherRead | OtherExecute SetUid = 04000 SetGid = 02000 StickyBit = 01000 def chmod(fn, mode): """ Поменять права на файл если текущие права отличаются :param fn: файл :param mode: права (0755) """ f_stat = os.stat(fn) if f_stat.st_mode != mode: os.chmod(fn, mode) def chownR(directory, uid, gid): """Recusive chown""" def chownPaths(rootPath, listPath, uid, gid): for chPath in listPath: chownPath = path.join(rootPath, chPath) statInfo = os.lstat(chownPath)[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISLNK(statInfo): os.lchown(chownPath, uid, gid) else: os.chown(chownPath, uid, gid) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): # меняем владельца директории os.chown(root, uid, gid) # Меняем владельца директорий chownPaths(root, dirs, uid, gid) # Меняем владельца файлов chownPaths(root, files, uid, gid) return True class UnixUtilityFile: def __init__(self, flags): self.flags = flags def load(self): pass def setflags(self, flags): self.flags = flags def close(self): pass def errno(self): pass def _get_cmd_by_flags(self, flags): """ Получить команду для выполнения по флагам """ paramdict = {MAGIC_CONTINUE: "-k", MAGIC_SYMLINK: "-L", MAGIC_MIME_TYPE: "--mime-type", MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING: "--mime-encoding", MAGIC_COMPRESS: "-z"} appendParam = map(lambda x: paramdict[x], filter(lambda x: flags & x, sorted(paramdict.keys()))) fileCmd = getProgPath('/usr/bin/file') return [fileCmd, '-b'] + appendParam def file(self, filename): if path.exists(filename): processFile = process( *(self._get_cmd_by_flags(self.flags) + [filename])) if processFile.success(): return processFile.read().rstrip() return None def buffer(self, data): processFile = Popen( self._get_cmd_by_flags(self.flags) + ["-"], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=None) try: out, err = processFile.communicate(input=data) if processFile.returncode == 0: return out.rstrip() finally: try: processFile.terminate() except OSError: pass return None class typeFile(object): """Получение типа файла""" def __init__(self, magic=MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING | MAGIC_MIME_TYPE): if type_file is None: self.magicObject = UnixUtilityFile(MAGIC_NONE) else: self.magicObject = type_file(MAGIC_NONE) self.magicObject.load() self.magicObject.setflags(magic) self.magic = magic def __del__(self): """Закрываем magic""" self.magicObject.close() def getMTypeBuf_(self, buf): try: ret = self.magicObject.buffer(buf) except UnicodeDecodeError: try: ret = self.magicObject.buffer(buf.decode('utf-8')) except UnicodeDecodeError: return None return ret def getMTypeBuf(self, buf): self.magicObject.setflags(self.magic & (~(self.magic&0x4))) rdtype = self.getMTypeBuf_(buf) if not self.magic & 0x4: return rdtype if "LZ4" in rdtype: arch_cmd = '/usr/bin/lz4' elif "XZ" in rdtype: arch_cmd = '/usr/bin/xz' elif "bzip2" in rdtype: arch_cmd = '/usr/bin/bzip2' elif "gzip" in rdtype: arch_cmd = '/bin/gzip' elif "Zstandard" in rdtype: arch_cmd = '/usr/bin/zstd' else: return rdtype self.magicObject.setflags(self.magic) with open(os.devnull, 'w') as DEVNULL: gz = Popen([arch_cmd, "-dc"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL, stdin=PIPE, close_fds=True) try: return "{} ({})".format( self.getMTypeBuf_(gz.communicate(input=buf)[0]), rdtype) finally: try: gz.terminate() except OSError: pass def getMType(self, filename): """Информация о типе файла""" try: return self.magicObject.file(filename) except UnicodeDecodeError: try: return self.magicObject.file(filename.decode('utf-8')) except UnicodeDecodeError: return None # fix for kernel 3.7.7 (bad work samba) if ret is None and self.magicObject.errno() == 5: r, w = os.pipe() devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_WRONLY) cat = subprocess.Popen(['/bin/cat', filename], stdout=w, stderr=devnull, close_fds=True) ret = self.magicObject.descriptor(r) os.close(w) os.close(devnull) cat.wait() return ret def isBinary(self, filename): """является ли файл бинарным""" mime = self.getMType(filename) if mime: if mime.startswith("text"): return False else: return True return None class processProgress(process): """ Generator like process progress """ def __init__(self, command, *params, **kwarg): process.__init__(self, command, *params, **kwarg) self.readsize = kwarg.get("readsize", 10) self.delimeter = re.compile("\n") self.init(**kwarg) self._cachedata = [] self.buf = "" def init(self, *args, **kwarg): pass def processInit(self): pass def processEnd(self): pass def processString(self, strdata): self._cachedata.append(strdata) return strdata def processBuffer(self, buf): return "" def progress(self): try: res = self.processInit() if res is not None: yield res self._open() if self.cacheresult is None: self.buf = "" fd = self.pipe.stdout.fileno() fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK) hasData = True while hasData or self.pipe.poll() is None: hasData = False try: part = self.pipe.stdout.read(self.readsize) if not part: continue except IOError as er: # re-raise not "Resource temporary unavailable" if er.errno != 11: raise continue hasData = True if self.buf: self.buf += part else: self.buf = part res = self.processBuffer(part) if res: yield res while self.delimeter.search(self.buf): strdata, self.buf = self.delimeter.split(self.buf, 1) res = self.processString(strdata) if res: yield res res = self.processEnd() if res is not None: yield res except KeyboardInterrupt: self.pipe.kill() raise finally: if self._cachedata: self.cacheresult = "\n".join(self._cachedata) else: self.cacheresult = "" def countFiles(dirpath, onefilesystem=True): """ Count files in specified dirpath """ num = 1 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirpath): num += len(set(dirnames) | set(filenames)) if onefilesystem: mountDirs = filter(lambda x: path.ismount(path.join(dirpath, x)), dirnames) for dirname in mountDirs: dirnames.remove(dirname) return num def getFilesCount(directory): """Alias for compatibility""" return countFiles(directory, onefilesystem=False) def copyDir(srcDir, destDir): """Копируем директорию srcDir в destDir При копировании сохраняются владелец, группа, права """ def ignoreFile(pathname, names): """Игнорирование сокетов при копировании""" ignore = [] for name in names: if stat.S_ISSOCK(os.lstat(path.join(pathname, name))[stat.ST_MODE]): ignore.append(name) return ignore copytree(srcDir, destDir, ignore=ignoreFile) return True def removeDir(rmDir): """Рекурсивное удаление директории""" rmtree(rmDir) return True def clearDirectory(dn): """ Очистить содержимое директории :param dn: :return: """ for dn in listDirectory(dn, fullPath=True): removeDir(dn) def check_rw(dn): """ Проверить досупена ли указанная директория на запись :param dn: :return: """ def _random_string(l=10): return "".join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in xrange(0, l)) mark_file = None while mark_file is None or path.exists(mark_file): mark_file = path.join(dn, "_mark_%s" % _random_string()) try: open(mark_file, 'w').close() os.unlink(mark_file) return True except (OSError, IOError): return False def quite_unlink(fn): """ Проверить существует ли файл и удалить его, не поднимать Exception если не удалось удалить :param fn: :return: """ with ignore(OSError): if path.lexists(fn): os.unlink(fn) def removeFileWithEmptyDirectory(rmName, stopDirectory="/"): """ Удалить файл и все пустые родительские директории :param rmName: путь до файла или директории """ if rmName != stopDirectory and path.exists(rmName): if path.isdir(rmName): if not listDirectory(rmName, fullPath=True): os.rmdir(rmName) removeFileWithEmptyDirectory(path.dirname(rmName), stopDirectory=stopDirectory) else: os.unlink(rmName) removeFileWithEmptyDirectory(path.dirname(rmName), stopDirectory=stopDirectory) def pathJoin(*paths): """Складывает пути, в отличии от os.path.join, складывает абсолютные пути""" if len(paths) == 1: return paths[0] return reduce(path.join, filter(lambda x: x and x != "/", map(lambda x: x.startswith("/") and x[1:] or x, paths[1:])), paths[0]) def listDirectory(directory, fullPath=False, onlyDir=False): """Get files from directory, if it exists""" if not path.exists(directory): return [] try: if fullPath: if onlyDir: return filter(lambda x: path.isdir(x), map(lambda x: path.join(directory, x), os.listdir(directory))) else: return map(lambda x: path.join(directory, x), os.listdir(directory)) else: if onlyDir: return filter(lambda x: path.isdir(path.join(directory, x)), os.listdir(directory)) else: return os.listdir(directory) except OSError: pass return [] def makeDirectory(pathname, force=False): """ Создать каталог вместе с вышестоящими. force - используется для удаления файла, который является частью пути. Возвращает False при ошибке""" try: parent = path.split(path.normpath(pathname))[0] if not path.exists(parent): makeDirectory(parent) else: if path.exists(pathname): if force and not path.isdir(pathname): os.unlink(pathname) else: return True os.mkdir(pathname) return True except (OSError, IOError): return False def readLinesFile(filename, grab=False): """Read file by line""" try: if path.exists(filename): for line in open(filename, 'r'): if grab: line = line.strip() if not line.startswith("#"): yield line else: yield line.rstrip('\n') except (OSError, IOError): pass finally: raise StopIteration def isEmptyFile(filename, grab=False): return not any(readLinesFile(filename, grab=grab)) def grepFile(filename, regexp, flags=0): """ Получить из файла данные по регулярному выражению """ data = readFile(filename) match = re.search(regexp, data, flags=flags) if match: return match.group() return "" def readFile(filename): """ Прочитать целый файл или вернуть пустую строку в случае ошибки """ try: if path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: return f.read() except (OSError, IOError) as e: mod, lno = tools.get_traceback_caller(*sys.exc_info()) sys.stderr.write("WARNING: file read error, {}({}:{})\n".format( str(e), mod, lno)) sys.stderr.flush() return "" def readFileEx(filename, tailbyte=None, headbyte=None, grab=False): """ Прочитать целый файл или вернуть пустую строку. tailbyte: прочитать только последнее указанное количество байт headbyte: прочитать только первое указанное количество байт grab: отбросить пустые строки и комментарии (#) """ try: if path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: if grab: filterfunc = lambda s: "\n".join( x for x in s.split("\n") if not x.startswith("#") and x.strip()) else: filterfunc = lambda x: x if tailbyte: seeksize = max(0, os.stat(filename).st_size - tailbyte) if seeksize: f.seek(seeksize) if headbyte: return filterfunc(f.read(headbyte)) else: return filterfunc(f.read()) except (OSError, IOError): mod, lno = tools.get_traceback_caller(*sys.exc_info()) sys.stderr.write("WARNING: file read error, {}({}:{})\n".format( str(e), mod, lno)) sys.stderr.flush() return "" def writeFile(filename): """ Открыть файл на запись и создать необходимые каталоги """ dn = path.dirname(filename) if not path.exists(dn): os.makedirs(dn) return open(filename, 'w') class GetProgPath(object): """Get full path of program or False""" cache = {} def __call__(self, progname, prefix="/"): baseprogname = path.basename(progname) key = (baseprogname, prefix) if key in self.cache: return self.cache[key] bindir = ('/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin') if progname.startswith('/'): if path.exists(pathJoin(prefix, progname)): self.cache[key] = progname return progname for progname in (pathJoin(x, baseprogname) for x in bindir): if path.exists(pathJoin(prefix, progname)): self.cache[key] = progname return progname return False # env = {"LANG":"C"} # env.update(os.environ.items() + [("PATH",common.getpathenv())] +\ # env.items()) # res = runOsCommand("which %s"%baseprogname,env_dict=env) # if path.isabs(progname) and path.exists(progname): # self.cache[baseprogname] = progname # return self.cache[baseprogname] # elif res[0] == 0: # self.cache[baseprogname] = res[1][0].strip() # return self.cache[baseprogname] # else: # return False getProgPath = GetProgPath() def checkUtils(*utils): """Check utils, exit if it not found and return fullpath""" retval = [] for util in utils: utilPath = getProgPath(util) if not utilPath: raise FilesError(_("Command not found '%s'") % path.basename(util)) retval.append(utilPath) if len(retval) == 1: return retval[0] else: return retval def getCmdLineParam(paramName): """Get value of param /proc/cmdline. If param not found then empty. """ cmdLine = '/proc/cmdline' paramName = "%s=" % paramName params = \ map(lambda x: x.partition('=')[2], filter(lambda x: x.startswith(paramName), readFile(cmdLine).split(' '))) if params: return params[-1] else: return "" def tarLinks(rootpath, archpath, skip=()): """ Поместить все симлинки в архив """ links = [] lenprefix = len(path.normpath(rootpath)) + 1 if path.exists(archpath): os.unlink(archpath) # create arch tar = tarfile.open(archpath, "w:bz2") # find links if skip: reSkip = re.compile("|".join(map(lambda x: x.replace("*", ".*"), skip))).search else: reSkip = lambda x: False for link in ifilterfalse(reSkip, find(rootpath, filetype=FindFileType.SymbolicLink, onefilesystem=True)): ti = tar.gettarinfo(link) ti.name = link[lenprefix:] tar.addfile(ti) links.append(link) tar.close() return links def getch(): """ Get char from keyboard """ import sys, tty, termios try: fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) ch = sys.stdin.read(1) finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch except Exception: return "" class FindFileType(object): """ Типы файлов для find """ RegularFile = "f" Directory = "d" SymbolicLink = "l" Block = "b" Character = "c" NamedPipe = "p" def find(directory, onefilesystem=False, filetype=None, fullpath=True, depth=None, downfilter=None): """ Поиск файлов в каталоге :param directory: каталог в котором производится поиск :param onefilesystem: искать только в текущей файловой системе :param filetype: тип файла (FindFileType) :param fullpath: выдавать полный путь :param depth: глубина поиска :param downfilter: фильтр поиска :return: генератор списка файлов """ directory = path.normpath(directory) ldirectory = len(directory) if downfilter or onefilesystem or depth: _downfilter = lambda dp: ( (depth is None or dp[ldirectory:].count('/') < depth) and (not downfilter or downfilter(dp)) and (not onefilesystem or not path.ismount(dp))) else: _downfilter = None if filetype: def dirfilter(dp): link = path.islink(dp) return ((FindFileType.SymbolicLink in filetype and link) or (FindFileType.Directory in filetype and not link)) _dirfilter = dirfilter else: _dirfilter = None _dirfullpath = lambda root, fn: path.join(root, fn) if filetype: def filefilter(fp): link = path.islink(fp) return ((FindFileType.SymbolicLink in filetype and link) or (FindFileType.RegularFile in filetype and not link)) _filefilter = filefilter else: _filefilter = None _filefullpath = lambda root, fn: path.join(root, fn) if directory.endswith('/'): clearlen = len(directory) else: clearlen = len(directory) + 1 shortpath = lambda fp: fp[clearlen:] for root, directories, files in os.walk(directory): for fn in files: fp = _filefullpath(root, fn) if not _filefilter or _filefilter(fp): yield fp if fullpath else shortpath(fp) for dn in directories[:]: dp = _dirfullpath(root, dn) if not _dirfilter or _dirfilter(dp): yield dp if fullpath else shortpath(dp) if _downfilter and not _downfilter(dp): directories.remove(dn) def isEmpty(dn): """ Проверить пустая ли директория :param dn: директория :return: """ return not listDirectory(dn) def copyWithPath(fn, dest, prefix=None): """ Копировать файл в dst с созданием каталогов dest: каталог для копирования fn: имя файла prefix: префикс исходного файла Пример: copyWithPath("/etc/conf.d/net", "/tmp/conf", prefix="/etc") /etc/conf.d/net -> /tmp/conf/conf.d/net """ if prefix: destFile = pathJoin(dest, fn[len(prefix):]) else: destFile = pathJoin(dest, path.basename(fn)) try: destDir = path.dirname(destFile) if not path.exists(destDir): os.makedirs(destDir) copy2(fn, destFile) except Exception: raise FilesError( _("Failed to copy '%(src)s' to '%(dst)s'") % {'src': fn, 'dst': destFile}) def getLoopFromPath(directory): """ Получить loop, использующие файлы в данной директории """ losetup = getProgPath('losetup') p = process(losetup, '-a') rePattern = re.compile('(^/dev/loop[^:]+)[^(]+\(([^)]+)\).*') return map(lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x: x[1].startswith(directory), reSearch(rePattern, p.readlines()))) def getMdRaidDevices(): """ Получить словарь: какой mdraid какие использует устройства """ reMdInfo = re.compile('^(\w+)\s+:\s+active.*?raid\d+\s+(.*)') return dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], map(lambda x: x.partition('[')[0], x[1].split())), reSearch(reMdInfo, readLinesFile('/proc/mdstat')))) class PercentProgress(processProgress): """ Объект выдает прогресс, ища в выводе \d+% Args: part: количество прогрессов в программе delimeter: разделители строк по умолчанию \n и \r cachefilter: фильтр вывода программы (регулярная строка) startpart: используется для вывода процентов прогрессбар с определенного места (0 по умолчанию) end: конечный прогрессбар (по умолчанию) atty: для получения данных создается pty """ def init(self, *args, **kwargs): self.rePerc = re.compile("(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%", re.S) self.part = kwargs.get("part", 1) if self.part < 1: self.part = 1 self.add_offset = 100 / self.part self.offset = 0 + kwargs.get("startpart", 0) * self.add_offset self.is_end = kwargs.get("end", True) self.stderr = STDOUT self.delimeter = re.compile("[%s]" % kwargs.get("delimeter", "\n\r")) self.cachedata = re.compile(kwargs.get("cachefilter", "((?:\[31;01m\*|\[33;01m\*|" "Bad Option|No space left|FATAL ERROR|SYNTAX:|mkisofs:|" "error:|warning:|fatal:).*)")) self.atty = kwargs.get("atty", False) self.alldata = "" def _open(self): self.master, self.slave = None, None if self.atty: if not self.pipe: self.master, self.slave = os.openpty() import termios, struct, fcntl TIOCSWINSZ = getattr(termios, 'TIOCSWINSZ', -2146929561) s = struct.pack('HHHH', 25, 80, 0, 0) fcntl.ioctl(self.slave, TIOCSWINSZ, s) self.pipe = Popen(self.command, stdout=self.slave, stderr=self.slave, cwd=self.cwd, close_fds=True, env=self.envdict) self.pipe.stdout = os.fdopen(self.master, 'r') else: process._open(self) def processInit(self): self.percent = 0 self.showval = 0 if not self.offset: return 0 def processEnd(self): if not self.slave is None: os.close(self.slave) if self.is_end: self.percent = 100 return 100 def processString(self, strdata): self.alldata += strdata match = self.rePerc.search(strdata) resSearch = self.cachedata.search(strdata) if resSearch: self._cachedata.append( re.sub("\[31;01m\*|\[33;01m\*|\[.*?m", "", resSearch.group(1))) if match: percent = int(float(match.group(1))) if percent < self.percent: self.offset += self.add_offset percent /= self.part if percent != self.percent: self.percent = percent showval = min(99, self.percent + self.offset) if showval != self.showval: self.showval = showval return self.showval def set_active_tty(ttynum): """ Установить активный терминал """ chvt = getProgPath("/usr/bin/chvt") if chvt: os.system('chvt %d &>/dev/null' % ttynum) def get_active_tty(): """ Получить активный терминал """ getvt = getProgPath("/usr/bin/fgconsole") if getvt: p = process(getvt) if p.success(): return p.read().strip() return None class scanDirectory(object): """Класс для cканирования директории""" def processingFile(self, pathname, prefix): """Обработка в случае файла""" return True def processingDirectory(self, pathname, prefix): """Обработка в случае директории если возвращаем None то пропуск дир.""" return True def scanningDirectory(self, scanDir, skipFile=(), skipDir=(), prefix=None, flagDir=False): """Сканирование и обработка шаблонов в директории scanDir""" ret = True if not prefix: prefix = path.join(scanDir, "")[:-1] if not flagDir: # проверка корневой директории retDir = self.processingDirectory(scanDir, scanDir) if retDir is None: return None elif retDir is False: return False if flagDir or stat.S_ISDIR(os.lstat(scanDir)[stat.ST_MODE]): for absPath in sorted(listDirectory(scanDir, fullPath=True)): relPath = absPath.split(prefix)[1] stInfo = os.lstat(absPath) statInfo = stInfo[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISREG(statInfo): # Обработка файла if relPath in skipFile: continue if not self.processingFile(absPath, prefix): return False elif stat.S_ISDIR(statInfo): # Обработка директории if relPath in skipDir: continue retDir = self.processingDirectory(absPath, prefix) if retDir is None: continue elif retDir is False: return False ret = self.scanningDirectory(absPath, skipFile, skipDir, prefix, True) if ret is False: return False return ret def calculate_exclude(base_dn, exclude=(), include=()): """ Вычисление исключений с использованием фильтров include """ # корректируем входные данные, чтобы не учитывался первый / exclude = [x[1:] if x.startswith('/') else x for x in exclude] include = [x[1:] if x.startswith('/') else x for x in include] # перебираем все исключения for exclude_dn in exclude: # ищем фильтры для текущего исключения f_include = [x for x in include if x == exclude_dn or x.startswith("%s/" % exclude_dn)] # если фильтра нет - то исключение добавляется полностью if not f_include: yield exclude_dn else: # пребираем все файлы в указанно исключении for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path.join(base_dn, exclude_dn)): rel_root = root[len(base_dn) + 1:] # если файл указан в фильтре, пропускаем его for fn in (path.join(rel_root, x) for x in files): if fn not in f_include: yield fn filtered_dn = [] for dn in dirs: rel_dn = path.join(rel_root, dn) # если директория не используется как часть фильтра - возвращем её if all(not x.startswith("%s/" % rel_dn) and x != rel_dn for x in f_include): filtered_dn.append(dn) yield rel_dn elif rel_dn in f_include: filtered_dn.append(dn) # удаляем из обрабатываемых дирекоторий не использующиеся в фильтре # или указанную конечную директорию for dn in filtered_dn: dirs.remove(dn) def get_free_dirname(dn): """ Возвращает имя указанной директорий если оно отсутствует либо добавляются цифры :param dn: :return: """ if not path.exists(dn): return dn base_dn, name = path.split(dn) for n in range(0, 9999): dn = path.join(base_dn, "%s.%02d" % (name, n)) if not path.exists(dn): return dn raise FilesError(_("No directory name available for %s") % dn) def dir_sync(src, dst): """ Скопировать файлы из src в dst, заменяя одинаковые файлы :return: """ if not path.isdir(src): raise FilesError(_("%s is not directory") % src) if path.lexists(dst): dst_stat = os.lstat(dst) if stat.S_ISDIR(dst_stat.st_mode): for fn in listDirectory(src): src_fn = path.join(src, fn) dst_fn = path.join(dst, fn) fn_stat = os.lstat(src_fn) if stat.S_ISDIR(fn_stat.st_mode): dir_sync(src_fn, dst_fn) continue if path.lexists(dst_fn): dst_stat = os.lstat(dst_fn) if stat.S_ISDIR(dst_stat.st_mode): shutil.rmtree(dst_fn) else: os.unlink(dst_fn) shutil.copy2(src_fn, dst_fn) return else: os.unlink(dst) shutil.copytree(src, dst) def tar_directory(dn, archfile): """ Заархивировать указанную директорию :param dn: :param archfile: :return: """ try: with tarfile.open(archfile, "w:bz2") as tar: for x in listDirectory(dn, fullPath=True): tar.add(x, path.basename(x)) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise FilesError(_("Failed to create tarball: %s") % str(e)) def tar_xz_directory(dn, archfile): """ Заархивировать указанную директорю в xz формате :param dn: :param archfile: :return: """ try: tar = "/bin/tar" p = process(tar, "-cJf", archfile, "-C", dn, *listDirectory(dn)) if p.failed(): raise FilesError(_("Failed to create tarball: %s") % str(p.readerr())) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise FilesError(_("Failed to create tarball: %s") % str(e)) def tar_list(file_list, archfile, prefix='/'): """ Заархивировать указанный список :param file_list: :param archfile: :param prefix: :return: """ try: with tarfile.open(archfile, "w:bz2") as tar: for fn in (pathJoin(prefix, x) for x in file_list): tar.add(fn, path.relpath(fn, prefix)) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise FilesError(_("Failed to create tarball: %s") % str(e)) def tar_unpack(archfile, target_dn): """ Распаковать архив в указанную директорию :param archfile: :param target_dn: :return: """ try: with tarfile.open(archfile, "r:bz2") as tar: for item in tar: tar.extract(item, target_dn) os.utime(path.join(target_dn, item.path), (item.mtime, item.mtime)) except (tarfile.TarError, IOError, OSError) as e: raise FilesError(_("Failed to create tarball: %s") % str(e)) class RsyncOptions(object): Xattrs = "--xattrs" KeepDirLinks = "--keep-dirlinks" OneFileSystem = "--one-file-system" Archive = "--archive" FilesFromStdin = "--files-from=-" @classmethod def Chown(cls, uid, gid): return "--chown={0}:{1}".format(uid, gid) # опции используемые при "скрывании пакета" # --keep-dirlinks решает проблему восстановления "скрытых" файлов HidePackageOpts = (Xattrs, KeepDirLinks, OneFileSystem, Archive) def rsync_files(source_dn, target_dn, *file_list, **kw): """ Перенести файлы file_list из prefix в target_dn с сохранением путей и аттрибутов :param file_list: :param target_dn: :param prefix: :return: """ opts = kw.get('opts', ()) rsync = getProgPath('/usr/bin/rsync') source_dn = "%s/" % path.normpath(source_dn) target_dn = "%s/" % path.normpath(target_dn) if file_list: params = list(opts) + [RsyncOptions.FilesFromStdin, source_dn, target_dn] else: params = list(opts) + [source_dn, target_dn] p = process(rsync, *params, stderr=PIPE) if file_list: for fn in file_list: p.write("%s\n" % fn) if p.failed(): raise FilesError(_("Failed to rsync {src} to {dst}: {error}").format( src=source_dn, dst=target_dn, error=p.readerr())) def xz(data, decompress=False): xz_prog = getProgPath('/usr/bin/xz') p = Popen([xz_prog, "-dc" if decompress else "-zc"], stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True) data, errors = p.communicate(input=data) p.poll() if p.returncode == 0: return data else: raise FilesError(errors) class XZStreamRead(object): """ XZ объект для чтения данных для tarfile """ def __init__(self, data): self._data = xz(data, decompress=True) self.pos = 0 def tell(self): return self.pos def seek(self, n=0): self.pos = n def read(self, size=None): if size is None: try: return self._data[self.pos:] finally: self.pos = len(self._data) try: return self._data[self.pos:self.pos+size] finally: self.pos += min(size,len(self._data)) @contextmanager def xztaropen(fn): f = None try: f = tarfile.TarFile(mode="r", fileobj=XZStreamRead(readFile(fn))) yield f finally: if f: f.close() def sha256sum(*fns): """ Вычислить контрольную сумму у перечисленных файлов :param fns: :return: """ kb = 1024 hasher = sha256() for fn in fns: with open(fn) as f: b = True while b: b = f.read(512 * kb) hasher.update(b) return hasher.hexdigest() def forceFileRename(source_fn, target_fn): """ Принудительно перенести файл, даже если назначение занято :param source_fn: :param target_fn: :return: """ if path.exists(target_fn) and not path.isfile(target_fn): if path.isdir(target_fn): removeDir(target_fn) else: os.unlink(target_fn) os.rename(source_fn, target_fn) def move_files(source, target): """ Переменстить все файлы из source в target вместе со структурой :param source: :param target: :return: """ for fn in find(source, filetype=FindFileType.RegularFile, fullpath=False): source_fn = path.join(source, fn) target_fn = path.join(target, fn) target_dn = path.dirname(target_fn) # принудительно создать каталог, удалив файлы являющиейся частью пути makeDirectory(target_dn, force=True) forceFileRename(source_fn, target_fn) clearDirectory(source) class RCSError(Exception): pass class DirectoryRCS(object): """ Объект оперирует тремя каталогами, в котором хранит: фиксированную версию данных изменения для фиксирования данных (без учёта удаления файлов) рабочая версия данных """ def __init__(self, workdir, indexdir, fixeddir): self.workdir = workdir self.indexdir = indexdir self.fixeddir = fixeddir def is_clear(self): """ Изменения есть только в workdir или в fixed :return: """ return (isEmpty(self.indexdir) and isEmpty(self.workdir) and not isEmpty(self.fixeddir)) def is_worked(self): """ Есть непроиндексированные изменения :return: """ return not isEmpty(self.workdir) def not_prepared(self): return (isEmpty(self.indexdir) and not isEmpty(self.workdir) and isEmpty(self.fixeddir)) def fixing(self): """ Зафиксировать все изменения :return: """ for dn in (self.indexdir, self.workdir): if not isEmpty(dn): self.movedata(dn, self.fixeddir) if path.exists(dn): removeDir(dn) def indexing(self): """ Зафиксировать рабочие изменения в индекс :return: """ self.movedata(self.workdir, self.indexdir) def movedata(self, source, target): """ Поместить все work изменения в index :return: """ if not path.exists(target) and path.exists(source): try: os.rename(source, target) except OSError as e: raise RCSError(_("Failed to rename data: %s") % str(e)) makeDirectory(source) else: try: move_files(source, target) except FilesError as e: raise RCSError(_("Failed to move data: %s") % str(e)) class RealFs(tools.GenericFs): """ Файловая система, предоставляющая доступ к реальным данным """ def __init__(self, prefix="/"): self.prefix = prefix if prefix == "/": self.remove_prefix = lambda x: x else: self.remove_prefix = self._remove_prefix def _remove_prefix(self, dn): return dn[:len(self.prefix)] def _path(self, dn): return pathJoin(self.prefix, dn) def exists(self, fn): return path.lexists(self._path(fn)) def read(self, fn): return readFile(self._path(fn)) def glob(self, dn): for fn in glob(self._path(dn)): yield self.remove_prefix(fn) def realpath(self, fn): return self.remove_prefix(path.realpath(fn)) def write(self, fn, data): with writeFile(fn) as f: f.write(data) def listdir(self, dn, fullpath=False): if fullpath: return [self.remove_prefix(x) for x in listDirectory(dn, fullPath=True)] else: return listDirectory(dn, fullPath=False) def checkDigestFile(digestfile): """Check digest by digestfile""" reEntry = re.compile(r"# (\S+) HASH\n(\S+) (\S+)", re.S) result = [] for alg, hashdata, filename in reEntry.findall(readFile(digestfile)): if hasattr(hashlib, alg.lower()): hashobj = getattr(hashlib, alg.lower()) filename = path.join(path.dirname(digestfile), filename) if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: digest = hashobj(f.read()) result.append((alg, digest.hexdigest().upper() == hashdata.upper())) return result def getParentPids(pid): """ Получить ID всех родительских процессов """ pid = str(pid) while pid != "0": statFile = "/proc/%s/stat" % pid try: data = readFile(statFile).split() if len(data) > 4: pid = data[3] yield pid continue except (OSError,IOError) as e: pass break def getRunCommands(not_chroot=False, chroot=None, uid=None, withpid=False, with_lxc=False): """List run program""" def get_mnt(pid): try: return os.readlink("/proc/%s/ns/mnt" %pid).strip() except Exception: return "" main_mnt = get_mnt("1") def getCmd(procNum): cmdLineFile = '/proc/%s/cmdline' % procNum try: if uid is not None: fstat = os.stat("/proc/%s"%procNum) if fstat.st_uid != uid: return "" if path.exists(cmdLineFile): if not with_lxc: if get_mnt(procNum) != main_mnt: return "" if not_chroot: root_link = '/proc/%s/root' % procNum if os.readlink(root_link) != "/": return "" if chroot is not None: root_link = '/proc/%s/root' % procNum if os.readlink(root_link) != chroot: return "" return readFile(cmdLineFile).strip() except Exception: pass return "" if not os.access('/proc', os.R_OK): return [] if withpid: return filter(lambda x: x[1], map(lambda x:(x,getCmd(x)), filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), listDirectory('/proc')))) else: return filter(None, map(getCmd, filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), listDirectory('/proc')))) class XAttrError(Exception): pass class xattr(object): getfattr = '/bin/getfattr' setfattr = '/bin/setfattr' @classmethod def get(cls, dn, attrname): p = process(cls.getfattr, "-n", attrname, "--only-values", dn) if p.success(): return p.read() err = p.readerr() raise XAttrError(err.partition(":")[2].strip()) @classmethod def set(cls, dn, attrname, value): p = process(cls.setfattr, "-n", attrname, "-v", value, dn) if not p.success(): err = p.readerr() raise XAttrError(err.rpartition(":")[2].strip())