#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2008-2013 Calculate Ltd. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re from os import path from calculate.lib.datavars import Variable,VariableError,ReadonlyVariable from calculate.lib.utils.files import process, readLinesFile,FilesError from calculate.lib.utils.common import (getAvailableVideo, getValueFromCmdLine, getVideoFromXorgLog, getVideoFromXorgConf, getVideoFromCmdLine, getCompositeFromXorgconf,getTupleVersion, getVideoFromModules, getVideoFromVendor,getInstalledVideo) from calculate.lib.utils.portage import isPkgInstalled from math import sqrt class VariableOsX11Resolution(Variable): """ X11 resolution (1024x768 and etc) """ def getResByXDpyInfo(self): """Get resolution by xdpyinfo utility""" try: processXDpy = process('xdpyinfo') if processXDpy.failed(): return "" except (FilesError,OSError) as e: return "" lines = processXDpy.readlines() reRes = re.compile("dimensions:\s+(\d+)x(\d+)\s+pixels") searchRes=False for line in lines: searchRes = reRes.search(line) if searchRes: break if searchRes: return "%sx%s"%(searchRes.group(1), searchRes.group(2)) return "" def get(self): """ Return current screen resolution (width, height). Try detect by xdpyinfo, then Xorg.log, xorg.conf """ resolution = self.getResByXDpyInfo() if resolution: return resolution if self.Get('os_root_type') != 'usb-hdd': xlog = "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" if os.access(xlog,os.R_OK): reXorgLogParser = re.compile(""" Virtual\ screen\ size\ determined\ to\ be \ ([0-9]+)\s*x\s*([0-9]+)| Setting\ mode\ "(\d+)x(\d+)[0-9\@]"| Output\ [\S]+\ using\ initial\ mode\ (\d+)x(\d+)| Virtual\ size\ is\ (\d+)x(\d+)""", re.X | re.S) resXorgLogParser = reXorgLogParser.search(open(xlog,'r').read()) if resXorgLogParser: return "%sx%s"%filter(lambda x:x, resXorgLogParser.groups())[:2] # get resolution from xorg.conf xorgconf = "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" reScreenSections = re.compile('Section "Screen"(.*?)EndSection', re.S) reModes = re.compile('Modes\s+"(\d+x\d+)') if os.access(xorgconf,os.R_OK): sectionsScreen = filter(lambda x:"Modes" in x, reScreenSections.findall(open('/etc/X11/xorg.conf', 'r').read())) modes = map(lambda x:x.groups()[0], filter(lambda x:x, map(reModes.search, sectionsScreen))) if modes: return max(modes,key=lambda x:int(x.partition('x')[0])) # get resolution from command line reRightResolution = re.compile("^(\d+x\d+|auto)$",re.S) kernelResolution = getValueFromCmdLine("calculate",3) if kernelResolution and reRightResolution.match(kernelResolution): return {'auto':''}.get(kernelResolution,kernelResolution) else: return "" class VariableOsX11Height(ReadonlyVariable): """ Vertical resolution for X server """ def get(self): return self.Get('os_x11_resolution').partition('x')[2] or "768" class VariableOsX11Width(ReadonlyVariable): """ Horizontal resolution for X server """ def get(self): return self.Get('os_x11_resolution').partition('x')[0] or "1024" class VariableOsX11Standart(ReadonlyVariable): """ Nearest standard size of image relative current """ def get(self): widthVal = self.Get('os_x11_width') heightVal = self.Get('os_x11_height') if not widthVal or not heightVal: return "" width = int(widthVal) height = int(heightVal) gep = sqrt(height**2+width**2) k = float(width)/float(height) for themePkg in ['media-gfx/cldx-themes', 'media-gfx/cld-themes', 'media-gfx/cldg-themes']: installed = isPkgInstalled(themePkg, prefix=self.Get('cl_chroot_path')) if installed and \ getTupleVersion(installed[0]['PV']) < getTupleVersion("12"): res = [(1024,600), (1024,768), (1280,1024), (1280,800), (1366,768), (1440,900), (1600,1200), (1680,1050), (1920,1200)] break else: res = [(1024,576), (1024,600), (1024,768), (1200,800), (1280,1024), (1280,720), (1280,768), (1280,800), (1360,768), (1366,768), (1368,768), (1400,1050), (1440,900), (1600,1200), (1600,768), (1600,900), (1680,1050), (1680,945), (1920,1080), (1920,1200), (2048,1152), (2560,1440), (2560,1600), (640,480), (800,480) ] bestRes = min(res, key=lambda x:(abs(x[0]/float(x[1])-k), abs(gep-sqrt(x[0]**2+x[1]**2)))) return "%sx%s"%bestRes class VariableOsX11Composite(ReadonlyVariable): """ On or off composite mode """ def get(self): state = getCompositeFromXorgconf('/') return state or "off" class VariableOsX11VideoDrv(ReadonlyVariable): """ Video driver used by xorg """ def get(self): """Get video driver used by xorg""" list_video = getInstalledVideo('/') methods = ((getVideoFromXorgLog,('/',list_video)), (getVideoFromXorgConf,('/',)), (getVideoFromModules,()), (getVideoFromCmdLine,()), (getVideoFromVendor,(self.Get('hr_video'),list_video))) for func,args in methods: drv = func(*args) if drv in list_video: return drv return "other"