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# spyne - Copyright (C) Spyne contributors.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from collections import deque, defaultdict
import spyne.interface
from spyne import EventManager, MethodDescriptor
from spyne.util import six
from spyne.model import ModelBase, Array, Iterable, ComplexModelBase
from spyne.model.complex import XmlModifier
from spyne.const import xml as namespace
class Interface(object):
"""The ``Interface`` class holds all information needed to build an
interface document.
:param app: A :class:`spyne.application.Application` instance.
def __init__(self, app=None, import_base_namespaces=False):
self.__ns_counter = 0
self.__app = None
self.url = None
self.classes = {}
self.imports = {}
self.service_method_map = {}
self.method_id_map = {}
self.nsmap = {}
self.prefmap = {}
self.member_methods = deque()
self.method_descriptor_id_to_key = {}
self.service_attrs = defaultdict(dict)
self.import_base_namespaces = import_base_namespaces = app
def set_app(self, value):
assert self.__app is None, "One interface instance can belong to only " \
"one application instance."
self.__app = value
def get_app(self):
return self.__app
app = property(get_app, set_app)
def services(self):
if self.__app:
return []
def reset_interface(self):
self.classes = {}
self.imports = {self.get_tns(): set()}
self.service_method_map = {}
self.method_id_map = {}
self.nsmap = dict(namespace.NSMAP)
self.prefmap = dict(namespace.PREFMAP)
self.member_methods = deque()
self.nsmap['tns'] = self.get_tns()
self.prefmap[self.get_tns()] = 'tns'
self.deps = defaultdict(set)
def has_class(self, cls):
"""Returns true if the given class is already included in the interface
object somewhere."""
ns = cls.get_namespace()
tn = cls.get_type_name()
key = '{%s}%s' % (ns, tn)
c = self.classes.get(key)
if c is None:
return False
if issubclass(c, ComplexModelBase) and \
issubclass(cls, ComplexModelBase):
o1 = getattr(cls, '__orig__', None) or cls
o2 = getattr(c, '__orig__', None) or c
if o1 is o2:
return True
# So that "Array"s and "Iterable"s don't conflict.
if set((o1, o2)) == set((Array, Iterable)):
return True
raise ValueError("classes %r and %r have conflicting names: '%s'" %
(cls, c, key))
return True
def get_class(self, key):
"""Returns the class definition that corresponds to the given key.
Keys are in '{namespace}class_name' form.
Not meant to be overridden.
return self.classes[key]
def get_class_instance(self, key):
"""Returns the default class instance that corresponds to the given key.
Keys are in '{namespace}class_name' form, a.k.a. XML QName format.
Classes should not enforce arguments to the constructor.
Not meant to be overridden.
return self.classes[key]()
def get_name(self):
"""Returns service name that is seen in the name attribute of the
definitions tag.
Not meant to be overridden.
def get_tns(self):
"""Returns default namespace that is seen in the targetNamespace
attribute of the definitions tag.
Not meant to be overridden.
def add_method(self, method):
"""Generator method that adds the given method descriptor to the
interface. Also extracts and yields all the types found in there.
:param method: A :class:`MethodDescriptor` instance
:returns: Sequence of :class:`spyne.model.ModelBase` subclasses.
if not (method.in_header is None):
if not isinstance(method.in_header, (list, tuple)):
method.in_header = (method.in_header,)
for in_header in method.in_header:
in_header.resolve_namespace(in_header, self.get_tns())
if method.aux is None:
yield in_header
in_header_ns = in_header.get_namespace()
if in_header_ns != self.get_tns() and \
if not (method.out_header is None):
if not isinstance(method.out_header, (list, tuple)):
method.out_header = (method.out_header,)
for out_header in method.out_header:
out_header.resolve_namespace(out_header, self.get_tns())
if method.aux is None:
yield out_header
out_header_ns = out_header.get_namespace()
if out_header_ns != self.get_tns() and \
if method.faults is None:
method.faults = []
elif not (isinstance(method.faults, (list, tuple))):
method.faults = (method.faults,)
for fault in method.faults:
fault.__namespace__ = self.get_tns()
fault.resolve_namespace(fault, self.get_tns())
if method.aux is None:
yield fault
method.in_message.resolve_namespace(method.in_message, self.get_tns())
in_message_ns = method.in_message.get_namespace()
if in_message_ns != self.get_tns() and \
if method.aux is None:
yield method.in_message
method.out_message.resolve_namespace(method.out_message, self.get_tns())
assert not method.out_message.get_type_name() is method.out_message.Empty
out_message_ns = method.out_message.get_namespace()
if out_message_ns != self.get_tns() and \
if method.aux is None:
yield method.out_message
for p in method.patterns:
p.endpoint = method
def process_method(self, s, method):
assert isinstance(method, MethodDescriptor)
method_key = u'{%s}%s' % (,
if issubclass(s, ComplexModelBase):
method_object_name ='.', 1)[0]
if s.get_type_name() != method_object_name:
method_key = u'{%s}%s.%s' % (, s.get_type_name(),
key = method.gen_interface_key(s)
if key in self.method_id_map:
c = self.method_id_map[key].parent_class
if c is None:
elif c is s:
elif c.__orig__ is None:
assert c is s.__orig__, "%r.%s conflicts with %r.%s" % \
(c, key, s.__orig__, key)
elif s.__orig__ is None:
assert c.__orig__ is s, "%r.%s conflicts with %r.%s" % \
(c.__orig__, key, s, key)
assert c.__orig__ is s.__orig__, "%r.%s conflicts with %r.%s" % \
(c.__orig__, key, s.__orig__, key)
logger.debug(' adding method %s.%s to match %r tag.',
method.get_owner_name(s), six.get_function_name(method.function),
self.method_id_map[key] = method
val = self.service_method_map.get(method_key, None)
if val is None:
val = self.service_method_map[method_key] = []
if len(val) == 0:
elif method.aux is not None:
elif val[0].aux is not None:
val.insert(method, 0)
om = val[0]
os = om.service_class
if os is None:
os = om.parent_class
raise ValueError("\nThe message %r defined in both '%s.%s'"
" and '%s.%s'"
% (, s.__module__, s.__name__,
os.__module__, os.__name__))
def check_method(self, method):
"""Override this if you need to cherry-pick methods added to the
interface document."""
return True
def populate_interface(self, types=None):
"""Harvests the information stored in individual classes' _type_info
dictionaries. It starts from function definitions and includes only
the used objects.
# populate types
for s in
logger.debug("populating %s types...", s.get_internal_key())
for method in s.public_methods.values():
if method.in_header is None:
method.in_header = s.__in_header__
if method.out_header is None:
method.out_header = s.__out_header__
if method.aux is None:
method.aux = s.__aux__
if method.aux is not None:
if not self.check_method(method):
logger.debug("method %s' discarded by check_method",
logger.debug(" enumerating classes for method '%s'",
for cls in self.add_method(method):
# populate additional types
for c in
# populate call routes for service methods
for s in
self.service_attrs[s]['tns'] = self.get_tns()
logger.debug("populating '%s.%s' routes...", s.__module__,
for method in s.public_methods.values():
self.process_method(s, method)
# populate call routes for member methods
for cls, method in self.member_methods:
should_we = True
if method.static_when is not None:
should_we = method.static_when(
logger.debug("static_when returned %r for %s "
"while populating methods", should_we, method.internal_key)
if should_we:
s = method.service_class
if s is not None:
if method.in_header is None:
method.in_header = s.__in_header__
if method.out_header is None:
method.out_header = s.__out_header__
# FIXME: There's no need to process aux info here as it's
# not currently known how to write aux member methods in the
# first place.
self.process_method(cls.__orig__ or cls, method)
# populate method descriptor id to method key map
self.method_descriptor_id_to_key = dict(((id(v[0]), k)
for k,v in self.service_method_map.items()))
logger.debug("From this point on, you're not supposed to make any "
"changes to the class and method structure of the exposed "
tns = property(get_tns)
def get_namespace_prefix(self, ns):
"""Returns the namespace prefix for the given namespace. Creates a new
one automatically if it doesn't exist.
Not meant to be overridden.
if not (isinstance(ns, str) or isinstance(ns, six.text_type)):
raise TypeError(ns)
if not (ns in self.prefmap):
pref = "s%d" % self.__ns_counter
while pref in self.nsmap:
self.__ns_counter += 1
pref = "s%d" % self.__ns_counter
self.prefmap[ns] = pref
self.nsmap[pref] = ns
self.__ns_counter += 1
pref = self.prefmap[ns]
return pref
def add_class(self, cls, add_parent=True):
if self.has_class(cls):
ns = cls.get_namespace()
tn = cls.get_type_name()
assert ns is not None, ('either assign a namespace to the class or call'
' cls.resolve_namespace(cls, "some_default_ns") on it.')
if not (ns in self.imports) and self.is_valid_import(ns):
self.imports[ns] = set()
class_key = '{%s}%s' % (ns, tn)
logger.debug(' adding class %r for %r', repr(cls), class_key)
assert class_key not in self.classes, ("Somehow, you're trying to "
"overwrite %r by %r for class key %r." %
(self.classes[class_key], cls, class_key))
assert not (cls.get_type_name() is cls.Empty), cls
self.deps[cls] # despite the appearances, this is not totally useless.
self.classes[class_key] = cls
if ns == self.get_tns():
self.classes[tn] = cls
# add parent class
extends = getattr(cls, '__extends__', None)
while extends is not None and \
(extends.get_type_name() is ModelBase.Empty):
extends = getattr(extends, '__extends__', None)
if add_parent and extends is not None:
assert issubclass(extends, ModelBase)
parent_ns = extends.get_namespace()
if parent_ns != ns and not parent_ns in self.imports[ns] and \
logger.debug(" importing %r to %r because %r extends %r",
parent_ns, ns, cls.get_type_name(),
# add fields
if issubclass(cls, ComplexModelBase):
for k, v in cls._type_info.items():
if v is None:
logger.debug(" adding %s.%s = %r", cls.get_type_name(), k, v)
if v.get_namespace() is None:
v.resolve_namespace(v, ns)
if v.get_namespace() is None and cls.get_namespace() is not None:
v.resolve_namespace(v, cls.get_namespace())
child_ns = v.get_namespace()
if child_ns != ns and not child_ns in self.imports[ns] and \
logger.debug(" importing %r to %r for %s.%s(%r)",
child_ns, ns, cls.get_type_name(), k, v)
if issubclass(v, XmlModifier):
child_ns = v.type.get_namespace()
if child_ns != ns and not child_ns in self.imports[ns] and \
logger.debug(" importing %r to %r for %s.%s(%r)",
child_ns, ns, v.get_type_name(), k, v.type)
if cls.Attributes.methods is not None:
logger.debug(" populating member methods for '%s.%s'...",
cls.get_namespace(), cls.get_type_name())
for method_key, descriptor in cls.Attributes.methods.items():
assert hasattr(cls, method_key)
should_we = True
if descriptor.static_when is not None:
should_we = descriptor.static_when(
logger.debug("static_when returned %r for %s "
"while populating classes",
should_we, descriptor.internal_key)
if should_we:
self.member_methods.append((cls, descriptor))
for c in self.add_method(descriptor):
if cls.Attributes._subclasses is not None:
logger.debug(" adding subclasses of '%s.%s'...",
cls.get_namespace(), cls.get_type_name())
for c in cls.Attributes._subclasses:
c.resolve_namespace(c, ns)
child_ns = c.get_namespace()
if child_ns == ns:
if not self.has_class(c):
self.add_class(c, add_parent=False)
logger.debug(" not adding %r to %r because it would "
"cause circular imports because %r extends %r and "
"they don't have the same namespace", child_ns,
ns, c.get_type_name(), cls.get_type_name())
def is_valid_import(self, ns):
"""This will return False for base namespaces unless told otherwise."""
if ns is None:
raise ValueError(ns)
return self.import_base_namespaces or not (ns in namespace.PREFMAP)
class AllYourInterfaceDocuments(object): # AreBelongToUs
def __init__(self, interface, wsdl11=None):
self.wsdl11 = wsdl11
if self.wsdl11 is None and spyne.interface.HAS_WSDL:
from spyne.interface.wsdl import Wsdl11
self.wsdl11 = Wsdl11(interface)
class InterfaceDocumentBase(object):
"""Base class for all interface document implementations.
:param interface: A :class:`spyne.interface.InterfaceBase` instance.
def __init__(self, interface):
self.interface = interface
self.event_manager = EventManager(self)
def build_interface_document(self):
"""This function is supposed to be called just once, as late as possible
into the process start. It builds the interface document and caches it
somewhere. The overriding function should never call the overridden
function as this may result in the same event firing more than once.
raise NotImplementedError('Extend and override.')
def get_interface_document(self):
"""This function is called by server transports that try to satisfy the
request for the interface document. This should just return a previously
cached interface document.
raise NotImplementedError('Extend and override.')