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# spyne - Copyright (C) Spyne contributors.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
import math
import decimal
import platform
from _warnings import warn
from spyne.model import SimpleModel
from spyne.model.primitive import NATIVE_MAP
from spyne.util import six
class NumberLimitsWarning(Warning):
class Decimal(SimpleModel):
"""The primitive that corresponds to the native python Decimal.
This is also the base class for denoting numbers.
Note that it is your responsibility to make sure that the scale and
precision constraints set in this type is consistent with the values in the
context of the decimal package. See the :func:`decimal.getcontext`
documentation for more information.
__type_name__ = 'decimal'
Value = decimal.Decimal
# contrary to popular belief, Decimal hates float.
class Attributes(SimpleModel.Attributes):
"""Customizable attributes of the :class:`spyne.model.primitive.Decimal`
gt = decimal.Decimal('-inf') # minExclusive
"""The value should be greater than this number."""
ge = decimal.Decimal('-inf') # minInclusive
"""The value should be greater than or equal to this number."""
lt = decimal.Decimal('inf') # maxExclusive
"""The value should be lower than this number."""
le = decimal.Decimal('inf') # maxInclusive
"""The value should be lower than or equal to this number."""
max_str_len = 1024
"""The maximum length of string to be attempted to convert to number."""
format = None
"""A regular python string formatting string. See here:"""
str_format = None
"""A regular python string formatting string used by invoking its
``format()`` function. See here:"""
pattern = None
"""A regular expression that matches the whole field. See here for more
total_digits = decimal.Decimal('inf')
"""Maximum number of digits."""
fraction_digits = decimal.Decimal('inf')
"""Maximum number of digits after the decimal separator."""
min_bound = None
"""Hardware limit that determines the lowest value this type can
max_bound = None
"""Hardware limit that determines the highest value this type can
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
assert len(args) <= 2
if len(args) >= 1 and args[0] is not None:
kwargs['total_digits'] = args[0]
kwargs['fraction_digits'] = 0
if len(args) == 2 and args[1] is not None:
kwargs['fraction_digits'] = args[1]
retval = SimpleModel.__new__(cls, **kwargs)
return retval
def _s_customize(cls, **kwargs):
td = kwargs.get('total_digits', None)
fd = kwargs.get('fraction_digits', None)
if td is not None and fd is not None:
assert td > 0, "'total_digits' must be positive."
assert fd <= td, \
"'total_digits' must be greater than" \
" or equal to 'fraction_digits'." \
" %r ! <= %r" % (fd, td)
msl = kwargs.get('max_str_len', None)
if msl is None:
kwargs['max_str_len'] = cls.Attributes.total_digits + 2
# + 1 for decimal separator
# + 1 for negative sign
kwargs['max_str_len'] = msl
minb = cls.Attributes.min_bound
maxb = cls.Attributes.max_bound
ge = kwargs.get("ge", None)
gt = kwargs.get("gt", None)
le = kwargs.get("le", None)
lt = kwargs.get("lt", None)
if minb is not None:
if ge is not None and ge < minb:
warn("'Greater than or equal value' %d smaller than min_bound %d"
% (ge, minb), NumberLimitsWarning)
if gt is not None and gt < minb:
warn("'Greater than' value %d smaller than min_bound %d"
% (gt, minb), NumberLimitsWarning)
if le is not None and le < minb:
raise ValueError(
"'Little than or equal' value %d smaller than min_bound %d"
% (le, minb))
if lt is not None and lt <= minb:
raise ValueError(
"'Little than' value %d smaller than min_bound %d"
% (lt, minb))
if maxb is not None:
if le is not None and le > maxb:
warn("'Little than or equal' value %d greater than max_bound %d"
% (le, maxb), NumberLimitsWarning)
if lt is not None and lt > maxb:
warn("'Little than' value %d greater than max_bound %d"
% (lt, maxb), NumberLimitsWarning)
if ge is not None and ge > maxb:
raise ValueError(
"'Greater than or equal' value %d greater than max_bound %d"
% (ge, maxb))
if gt is not None and gt >= maxb:
raise ValueError(
"'Greater than' value %d greater than max_bound %d"
% (gt, maxb))
return super(Decimal, cls)._s_customize(**kwargs)
def is_default(cls):
return ( SimpleModel.is_default(cls)
and ==
and ==
and ==
and cls.Attributes.le == Decimal.Attributes.le
and cls.Attributes.total_digits ==
and cls.Attributes.fraction_digits ==
def validate_string(cls, value):
return SimpleModel.validate_string(cls, value) and (
value is None or (len(value) <= cls.Attributes.max_str_len)
def validate_native(cls, value):
return SimpleModel.validate_native(cls, value) and (
value is None or (
value > and
value >= and
value < and
value <= cls.Attributes.le
class Double(Decimal):
"""This is serialized as the python ``float``. So this type comes with its
gotchas. Unless you really know what you're doing, you should use a
:class:`Decimal` with a pre-defined number of integer and decimal digits.
.. NOTE::
This class is not compatible with :class:`spyne.model.Decimal`. You can
get strange results if you're using a `decimal.Decimal` instance for a
field denoted as `Double` or `Float` and vice versa. Make sure you only
return instances of types compatible with designated types.
__type_name__ = 'double'
Value = float
if platform.python_version_tuple()[:2] == ('2','6'):
class Attributes(Decimal.Attributes):
"""Customizable attributes of the :class:`spyne.model.primitive.Double`
type. This class is only here for Python 2.6: See this bug report
for more info:
gt = float('-inf') # minExclusive
"""The value should be greater than this number."""
ge = float('-inf') # minInclusive
"""The value should be greater than or equal to this number."""
lt = float('inf') # maxExclusive
"""The value should be lower than this number."""
le = float('inf') # maxInclusive
"""The value should be lower than or equal to this number."""
def is_default(cls):
return ( SimpleModel.is_default(cls)
and ==
and ==
and ==
and cls.Attributes.le == Double.Attributes.le
class Float(Double):
"""Synonym for Double (as far as python side of things are concerned).
It's here for compatibility reasons."""
__type_name__ = 'float'
class Integer(Decimal):
"""The arbitrary-size signed integer."""
__type_name__ = 'integer'
Value = int
def validate_native(cls, value):
return ( Decimal.validate_native(cls, value)
and (value is None or int(value) == value)
class UnsignedInteger(Integer):
"""The arbitrary-size unsigned integer, also known as nonNegativeInteger."""
__type_name__ = 'nonNegativeInteger'
def validate_native(cls, value):
return ( Integer.validate_native(cls, value)
and (value is None or value >= 0)
NonNegativeInteger = UnsignedInteger
"""The arbitrary-size unsigned integer, alias for UnsignedInteger."""
class PositiveInteger(NonNegativeInteger):
"""The arbitrary-size positive integer (natural number)."""
__type_name__ = 'positiveInteger'
def validate_native(cls, value):
return (Integer.validate_native(cls, value)
and (value is None or value > 0))
def TBoundedInteger(num_bits, type_name):
_min_b = -(0x8<<(num_bits-4)) # 0x8 is 4 bits.
_max_b = (0x8<<(num_bits-4)) - 1 # -1? c'est la vie
class _BoundedInteger(Integer):
__type_name__ = type_name
class Attributes(Integer.Attributes):
max_str_len = math.ceil(math.log(2**num_bits, 10))
min_bound = _min_b
max_bound = _max_b
def validate_native(cls, value):
return (
Integer.validate_native(cls, value)
and (value is None or (_min_b <= value <= _max_b))
return _BoundedInteger
def TBoundedUnsignedInteger(num_bits, type_name):
_min_b = 0
_max_b = 2 ** num_bits - 1 # -1? c'est la vie ;)
class _BoundedUnsignedInteger(UnsignedInteger):
__type_name__ = type_name
class Attributes(UnsignedInteger.Attributes):
max_str_len = math.ceil(math.log(2**num_bits, 10))
min_bound = _min_b
max_bound = _max_b
def validate_native(cls, value):
return (
UnsignedInteger.validate_native(cls, value)
and (value is None or (_min_b <= value < _max_b))
return _BoundedUnsignedInteger
Integer64 = TBoundedInteger(64, 'long')
"""The 64-bit signed integer, also known as ``long``."""
Long = Integer64
"""The 64-bit signed integer, alias for :class:`Integer64`."""
Integer32 = TBoundedInteger(32, 'int')
"""The 64-bit signed integer, also known as ``int``."""
Int = Integer32
"""The 32-bit signed integer, alias for :class:`Integer32`."""
Integer16 = TBoundedInteger(16, 'short')
"""The 16-bit signed integer, also known as ``short``."""
Short = Integer16
"""The 16-bit signed integer, alias for :class:`Integer16`."""
Integer8 = TBoundedInteger(8, 'byte')
"""The 8-bit signed integer, also known as ``byte``."""
Byte = Integer8
"""The 8-bit signed integer, alias for :class:`Integer8`."""
UnsignedInteger64 = TBoundedUnsignedInteger(64, 'unsignedLong')
"""The 64-bit unsigned integer, also known as ``unsignedLong``."""
UnsignedLong = UnsignedInteger64
"""The 64-bit unsigned integer, alias for :class:`UnsignedInteger64`."""
UnsignedInteger32 = TBoundedUnsignedInteger(32, 'unsignedInt')
"""The 64-bit unsigned integer, also known as ``unsignedInt``."""
UnsignedInt = UnsignedInteger32
"""The 32-bit unsigned integer, alias for :class:`UnsignedInteger32`."""
UnsignedInteger16 = TBoundedUnsignedInteger(16, 'unsignedShort')
"""The 16-bit unsigned integer, also known as ``unsignedShort``."""
UnsignedShort = UnsignedInteger16
"""The 16-bit unsigned integer, alias for :class:`UnsignedInteger16`."""
UnsignedInteger8 = TBoundedUnsignedInteger(8, 'unsignedByte')
"""The 8-bit unsigned integer, also known as ``unsignedByte``."""
UnsignedByte = UnsignedInteger8
"""The 8-bit unsigned integer, alias for :class:`UnsignedInteger8`."""
float: Double,
decimal.Decimal: Decimal,
if not six.PY2:
int: Integer,
long: Integer,
if isinstance(0x80000000, long): # 32-bit architecture
NATIVE_MAP[int] = Integer32
else: # not 32-bit (so most probably 64-bit) architecture
NATIVE_MAP[int] = Integer64