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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# spyne - Copyright (C) Spyne contributors.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from inspect import isgenerator
from spyne.util.six.moves.collections_abc import Iterable
from lxml import etree, html
from lxml.builder import E
from spyne.const.xml import NS_XSI, NS_SOAP11_ENV, SOAP11_ENV
from spyne.model import PushBase, ComplexModelBase, AnyXml, Fault, AnyDict, \
AnyHtml, ModelBase, ByteArray, XmlData, Any, AnyUri, ImageUri, XmlAttribute
from spyne.model.enum import EnumBase
from spyne.protocol import OutProtocolBase
from spyne.protocol.xml import SchemaValidationError
from spyne.util import coroutine, Break, six
from spyne.util.cdict import cdict
from spyne.util.etreeconv import dict_to_etree
from spyne.util.color import R, B
from spyne.util.six import string_types
class ToParentMixin(OutProtocolBase):
def __init__(self, app=None, mime_type=None, ignore_uncap=False,
ignore_wrappers=False, polymorphic=True):
super(ToParentMixin, self).__init__(app=app, mime_type=mime_type,
ignore_uncap=ignore_uncap, ignore_wrappers=ignore_wrappers)
self.polymorphic = polymorphic
self.use_global_null_handler = True
self.serialization_handlers = cdict({
ModelBase: self.model_base_to_parent,
AnyXml: self.any_xml_to_parent,
AnyUri: self.any_uri_to_parent,
ImageUri: self.imageuri_to_parent,
AnyDict: self.any_dict_to_parent,
AnyHtml: self.any_html_to_parent,
Any: self.any_to_parent,
Fault: self.fault_to_parent,
EnumBase: self.enum_to_parent,
ByteArray: self.byte_array_to_parent,
ComplexModelBase: self.complex_to_parent,
SchemaValidationError: self.schema_validation_error_to_parent,
def start_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
"""This is what subserialize calls"""
# if no doctype was written, write it
if not ctx.outprot_ctx.doctype_written:
self.write_doctype(ctx, parent)
return self.to_parent(ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs)
def get_subprot(ctx, cls_attrs, nosubprot=False):
subprot = cls_attrs.prot
if subprot is not None and not nosubprot and not \
(subprot in ctx.protocol.prot_stack):
return subprot
return None
def to_subprot(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, subprot, **kwargs):
return subprot.subserialize(ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs)
def to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, nosubprot=False, **kwargs):
pushed = False
has_cloth = False
prot_name = self.__class__.__name__
cls, switched = self.get_polymorphic_target(cls, inst)
cls_attrs = self.get_cls_attrs(cls)
if cls_attrs.out_type:
logger.debug("out_type from %r to %r", cls, cls_attrs.out_type)
cls = cls_attrs.out_type
cls_attrs = self.get_cls_attrs(cls)
inst = self._sanitize(cls_attrs, inst)
# if there is a subprotocol, switch to it
subprot = self.get_subprot(ctx, cls_attrs, nosubprot)
if subprot is not None:
logger.debug("Subprot from %r to %r", self, subprot)
ret = self.to_subprot(ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, subprot,
# if there is a class cloth, switch to it
has_cloth, cor_handle = self.check_class_cloths(ctx, cls, inst,
parent, name, **kwargs)
if has_cloth:
ret = cor_handle
# if instance is None, use the default factory to generate one
_df = cls_attrs.default_factory
if inst is None and callable(_df):
inst = _df()
# if instance is still None, use the default value
if inst is None:
inst = cls_attrs.default
# if instance is still None, use the global null handler to
# serialize it
if inst is None and self.use_global_null_handler:
identifier = prot_name + '.null_to_parent'
logger.debug("Writing %s using %s for %s.", name,
identifier, cls.get_type_name())
self.null_to_parent(ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs)
# if requested, ignore wrappers
if self.ignore_wrappers and issubclass(cls, ComplexModelBase):
cls, inst = self.strip_wrappers(cls, inst)
# if cls is an iterable of values and it's not being iterated
# on, do it
from_arr = kwargs.get('from_arr', False)
# we need cls.Attributes here because we need the ACTUAL attrs
# that were set by the Array.__new__
if not from_arr and cls.Attributes.max_occurs > 1:
ret = self.array_to_parent(ctx, cls, inst, parent, name,
# fetch the serializer for the class at hand
handler = self.serialization_handlers[cls]
except KeyError:
# if this protocol uncapable of serializing this class
if self.ignore_uncap:
logger.debug("Ignore uncap %r", name)
return # ignore it if requested
# raise the error otherwise
logger.error("%r is missing handler for "
"%r for field %r", self, cls, name)
# push the instance at hand to instance stack. this makes it
# easier for protocols to make decisions based on parents
# of instances at hand.
ctx.outprot_ctx.inst_stack.append( (cls, inst, from_arr) )
pushed = True
logger.debug("%s %r pushed %r using %r",
R("$"), self, cls, handler)
# disabled for performance reasons
# from spyne.util.web import log_repr
# identifier = "%s.%s" % (prot_name, handler.__name__)
# log_str = log_repr(inst, cls,
# from_array=kwargs.get('from_arr', None))
# logger.debug("Writing %s using %s for %s. Inst: %r", name,
# identifier, cls.get_type_name(), log_str)
# finally, serialize the value. ret is the coroutine handle
ret = handler(ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs)
if isgenerator(ret):
while True:
sv2 = (yield)
except Break as e:
except (Break, StopIteration, GeneratorExit):
if has_cloth:
self._close_cloth(ctx, parent)
if pushed:
logger.debug("%s %r popped %r %r", B("$"), self, cls,
if has_cloth:
self._close_cloth(ctx, parent)
if pushed:
logger.debug("%s %r popped %r %r", B("$"), self, cls, inst)
def array_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
if inst is None:
inst = ()
ser_subprot = self.get_subprot(ctx, self.get_cls_attrs(cls))
# FIXME: it's sad that this function has the same code twice.
if isinstance(inst, PushBase):
# this will be popped by pusher_try_close
i = 0
while True:
sv = (yield)
# disabled because to_parent is supposed to take care of this
#ctx.protocol.inst_stack.append((cls, sv, True))
kwargs['from_arr'] = True
kwargs['array_index'] = i
if ser_subprot is not None:
ser_subprot.column_table_before_row(ctx, cls, inst,
parent, name, **kwargs)
ret = self.to_parent(ctx, cls, sv, parent, name, **kwargs)
i += 1
if isgenerator(ret):
while True:
sv2 = (yield)
except Break as e:
except StopIteration:
# disabled because to_parent is supposed to take care of this
#popped_val = ctx.protocol.inst_stack.pop()
#assert popped_val is sv
if ser_subprot is not None:
ser_subprot.column_table_before_row(ctx, cls,
inst, parent, name, **kwargs)
# disabled because to_parent is supposed to take care of this
#popped_val = ctx.protocol.inst_stack.pop()
#assert popped_val is sv
if ser_subprot is not None:
ser_subprot.column_table_after_row(ctx, cls, inst,
parent, name, **kwargs)
except Break:
# pusher is done with pushing
assert isinstance(inst, Iterable), ("%r is not iterable" % (inst,))
for i, sv in enumerate(inst):
# disabled because to_parent is supposed to take care of this
#ctx.protocol.inst_stack.append((cls, sv, True)
kwargs['from_arr'] = True
kwargs['array_index'] = i
if ser_subprot is not None:
ser_subprot.column_table_before_row(ctx, cls, inst, parent,
name, **kwargs)
ret = self.to_parent(ctx, cls, sv, parent, name, **kwargs)
if isgenerator(ret):
while True:
sv2 = (yield)
except Break as e:
except StopIteration:
# disabled because to_parent is supposed to take care of this
#popped_val = ctx.protocol.inst_stack.pop()
#assert popped_val is sv
if ser_subprot is not None:
ser_subprot.column_table_after_row(ctx, cls, inst,
parent, name, **kwargs)
# disabled because to_parent is supposed to take care of this
#popped_val = ctx.protocol.inst_stack.pop()
#assert popped_val is sv
if ser_subprot is not None:
ser_subprot.column_table_after_row(ctx, cls, inst,
parent, name, **kwargs)
def not_supported(self, ctx, cls, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.ignore_uncap:
raise NotImplementedError("Serializing %r not supported!" % cls)
def any_uri_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
self.model_base_to_parent(ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs)
def imageuri_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
self.model_base_to_parent(ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs)
def byte_array_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
parent.write(E(name, self.to_unicode(cls, inst, self.binary_encoding)))
def model_base_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
parent.write(E(name, self.to_unicode(cls, inst)))
def null_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
parent.write(E(name, **{'{%s}nil' % NS_XSI: 'true'}))
def enum_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
self.model_base_to_parent(ctx, cls, str(inst), parent, name)
def any_xml_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
if isinstance(inst, string_types):
inst = etree.fromstring(inst)
parent.write(E(name, inst))
def any_html_to_unicode(self, cls, inst, **_):
if isinstance(inst, (str, six.text_type)):
inst = html.fromstring(inst)
return inst
def any_html_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
cls_attrs = self.get_cls_attrs(cls)
if cls_attrs.as_string:
if not (isinstance(inst, str) or isinstance(inst, six.text_type)):
inst = html.tostring(inst)
if isinstance(inst, str) or isinstance(inst, six.text_type):
inst = html.fromstring(inst)
parent.write(E(name, inst))
def any_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
parent.write(E(name, inst))
def any_dict_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name, **kwargs):
elt = E(name)
dict_to_etree(inst, elt)
parent.write(E(name, elt))
def _gen_sub_name(self, cls, cls_attrs, k, use_ns=None):
if self.use_ns is not None and use_ns is None:
use_ns = self.use_ns
sub_ns = cls_attrs.sub_ns
if sub_ns is None:
sub_ns = cls.get_namespace()
sub_name = cls_attrs.sub_name
if sub_name is None:
sub_name = k
if use_ns:
name = "{%s}%s" % (sub_ns, sub_name)
name = sub_name
return name
def _write_members(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, use_ns=None, **kwargs):
if self.use_ns is not None and use_ns is None:
use_ns = self.use_ns
for k, v in self.sort_fields(cls):
attr = self.get_cls_attrs(v)
if attr.exc:
prot_name = self.__class__.__name__
logger.debug("%s: excluded for %s.", k, prot_name)
if issubclass(v, XmlAttribute):
try: # e.g. SqlAlchemy could throw NoSuchColumnError
subvalue = getattr(inst, k, None)
subvalue = None
# This is a tight loop, so enable this only when necessary.
# logger.debug("get %r(%r) from %r: %r" % (k, v, inst, subvalue))
sub_name = self._gen_sub_name(cls, attr, k, use_ns)
if issubclass(v, XmlData):
subvalstr = self.to_unicode(v.type, subvalue)
if subvalstr is not None:
if subvalue is not None or attr.min_occurs > 0:
ret = self.to_parent(ctx, v, subvalue, parent, sub_name,
use_ns=use_ns, **kwargs)
if ret is not None:
while True:
sv2 = (yield)
except Break as b:
except StopIteration:
def _complex_to_parent_do(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, **kwargs):
# parent.write(u"\u200c") # zero-width non-joiner
parent.write(" ") # FIXME: to force empty tags to be sent as
# <a></a> instead of <a/>
ret = self._write_members(ctx, cls, inst, parent, **kwargs)
if ret is not None:
while True:
sv2 = (yield) # may throw Break
except Break:
except StopIteration:
def complex_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name,
from_arr=False, use_ns=None, **kwargs):
if not from_arr:
inst = cls.get_serialization_instance(inst)
attrib = self._gen_attrib_dict(inst, cls.get_flat_type_info(cls))
if self.skip_root_tag:
self._complex_to_parent_do(ctx, cls, inst, parent,
from_arr=from_arr, **kwargs)
if name is None or name == '':
name = self._gen_sub_name(cls, self.get_cls_attrs(cls),
cls.get_type_name(), use_ns)
logger.debug("name is empty, long live name: %s, cls: %r",
name, cls)
with parent.element(name, attrib=attrib):
self._complex_to_parent_do(ctx, cls, inst, parent,
from_arr=from_arr, **kwargs)
def fault_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, name):
tag_name = SOAP11_ENV("Fault")
with parent.element(tag_name):
E("faultcode", '%s:%s' % (PREF_SOAP_ENV, inst.faultcode)),
E("faultstring", inst.faultstring),
E("faultactor", inst.faultactor),
if isinstance(inst.detail, etree._Element):
# add other nonstandard fault subelements with get_members_etree
self._write_members(ctx, cls, inst, parent)
# no need to track the returned generator because we expect no
# PushBase instance here.
def schema_validation_error_to_parent(self, ctx, cls, inst, parent, **_):
tag_name = SOAP11_ENV("Fault")
with parent.element(tag_name):
E("faultcode", '%s:%s' % (PREF_SOAP_ENV, inst.faultcode)),
# HACK: Does anyone know a better way of injecting raw xml entities?
E("faultstring", html.fromstring(inst.faultstring).text),
E("faultactor", inst.faultactor),
if isinstance(inst.detail, etree._Element):
# add other nonstandard fault subelements with get_members_etree
self._write_members(ctx, cls, inst, parent)
# no need to track the returned generator because we expect no
# PushBase instance here.