# Calculate comment=# pkg(media-gfx/cld-themes)>=10.9-r8 # Full path to background image JPG/PNG # Image must has 240 colors, 16 need for fbcon. pic=/etc/splash/tty6/images/verbose-CDS-tty6-800x600.jpg # transparent background color from fbcon. Usually is 0. bgcolor=0 # Coordinates text window #tx,ty - top left corner #tw,th - width and height of text window, cann't be more screen resolution tx=20 ty=22 tw=764 th=507 # Full path to background image JPG/PNG silend mode. # Image must has 256 colors. silentpic=/etc/splash/tty1/images/silent-CDS-tty1-800x600.jpg # Coords of system messages text_x=281 text_y=327 # system messages font size text_size=10 # System messages color in format [0x|#]rrggbb, или [0x|#]rrggbbaa text_color=0xeef4ff # Path to TTF font, for system messages. Path may be: #- absolute (starts with '/') #- relative THEME_DIR (example /etc/splash) #- relative THEME_DIR/ (example: /etc/splash/default) #text_font= #progress bar for silent mode box silent noover 281 318 518 323 #8B8B8B box silent inter 281 319 281 323 #ffffff #ffffff #D48D17 #D48D17 box silent 281 319 518 323 #ffffff #ffffff #D48D17 #D48D17 #progress bar rectange for silent mode box silent 281 318 518 318 #313234 box silent 281 323 518 323 #eef4ff box silent 281 318 281 323 #313234 box silent 518 318 518 323 #eef4ff #?pkg(media-gfx/cds-themes)<10.9# #background color for text window in verbose mode box noover 15 15 784 529 #1B2D3A #rectangle around text window in verbose mode box 14 14 14 530 #313234 box 14 14 785 14 #313234 box 785 14 785 530 #eef4ff box 14 530 785 530 #eef4ff #pkg#