# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from collections import namedtuple import sys from calculate.lib.utils.files import readLinesFile, listDirectory from calculate.ldap.ldap import Ldap from calculate.lib.utils.common import getPagesInterval import os from os import path import shutil _ = lambda x: x from calculate.lib.cl_lang import (setLocalTranslate, getLazyLocalTranslate) from calculate.lib.cl_ldap import ldap, LDAPConnectError, LDAPBadSearchFilter setLocalTranslate('cl_unix3', sys.modules[__name__]) __ = getLazyLocalTranslate(_) class UnixError(Exception): pass UnixGroup = namedtuple("UnixGroup", ['group_name', 'gid', 'user_list', 'comment']) class GroupFile(object): def __init__(self, group_fn='/etc/group'): self.group_fn = group_fn def __iter__(self): for line in (x for x in readLinesFile(self.group_fn) if not x.startswith("#")): data = line.strip().split(':')[:4] if len(data) >= 4 and data[2].isdigit(): yield UnixGroup(data[0], int(data[2]), filter(None, data[3].split(",")), "/etc/group") class UnixGroups(object): """ Набор методов для нахождения параметров группы и сопаставления GID, названия """ groups = GroupFile() exception = UnixError ldap_connect = None groups_dn = "" def __init__(self, ldap_connect, groups_dn): self.ldap_connect = ldap_connect self.groups_dn = groups_dn def search_system_group_name(self, name): for group in (x for x in self.groups if x.group_name == name): return group else: return None def search_system_group_id(self, gid): for group in (x for x in self.groups if x.gid == gid): return group else: return None def iterate_ldap_group(self, search_filter, offset=None, count=None): ldap_connect = self.ldap_connect if ldap_connect: base_dn = self.groups_dn if offset is not None: below = lambda x: x < offset else: below = lambda x: False if count is not None: above = lambda x: x >= offset + count else: above = lambda x: False for i, group in enumerate(x[0][1] for x in ldap_connect.ldap_search( base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, search_filter)): if below(i): continue if above(i): break yield UnixGroup( group['cn'][0], int(group['gidNumber'][0]), sorted(group.get('memberUid', [])), group['description'][0]) def search_ldap_group(self, search_filter): for group in self.iterate_ldap_group(search_filter): return group return None def search_ldap_group_name(self, value): return self.search_ldap_group("cn=%s" % value) def gid_to_name(self, value): if value.isdigit(): value = int(value) group = (self.search_ldap_group("gidNumber=%d" % value) or self.search_system_group_id(value)) if group: return group.group_name return value def _groupname(self, name, comment): if comment != name: return "{0} ({1})".format(name, comment) else: return name def ldap_group_list(self): groups = list(x for x in self.iterate_ldap_group("cn=*")) return [(x.group_name, self._groupname(x.group_name, x.comment)) for x in sorted(groups, key=lambda k: k.gid)] def ldap_group_names(self): return list(x.group_name for x in self.iterate_ldap_group("cn=*")) def check_group(self, value): ldap_group = self.search_ldap_group_name(value) unix_group = ldap_group or self.search_system_group_name(value) if not unix_group: raise self.exception(_("Group %s not found") % value) if not ldap_group and unix_group: raise self.exception( _("You should create group %s (%d) in Unix service") % (unix_group.group_name, unix_group.gid)) def group_dn(self, group): return "cn=%s,%s" % (group, self.groups_dn) def add_users_to_group(self, users, group): try: self.ldap_connect.ldap_modify_attrs( self.group_dn(group), ((ldap.MOD_ADD, 'memberUid', user) for user in users)) except LDAPConnectError as e: raise UnixError(_("Failed to modify group in LDAP: %s") % str(e)) def update_group_id(self, group, gid): try: self.ldap_connect.ldap_modify_attrs( self.group_dn(group), [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'gidNumber', gid)]) except LDAPConnectError as e: raise UnixError(_("Failed to update group id in LDAP: %s") % str(e)) def update_group_comment(self, group, comment): try: self.ldap_connect.ldap_modify_attrs( self.group_dn(group), [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'description', comment)]) except LDAPConnectError as e: raise UnixError( _("Failed to update group comment in LDAP: %s") % str(e)) def remove_users_from_group(self, users, group): try: self.ldap_connect.ldap_modify_attrs( self.group_dn(group), ((ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'memberUid', user) for user in users)) except LDAPConnectError as e: raise UnixError( _("Failed to remove users from group in LDAP: %s") % str(e)) def rename_group(self, oldname, newname): try: old_dn = self.group_dn(oldname) new_dn = "cn=%s" % newname self.ldap_connect.ldap_modify_dn(old_dn, new_dn) except LDAPConnectError as e: raise UnixError( _("Failed to rename the group in LDAP: %s") % str(e)) def remove_group(self, group): try: self.ldap_connect.ldap_remove_dn(self.group_dn(group)) except LDAPConnectError as e: raise UnixError( _("Failed to remove the group in LDAP: %s") % str(e)) UnixUser = namedtuple( "UnixUser", ['username', 'uid', 'gid', 'comment', 'homedir', 'shell', 'visible', 'lock', 'pass_set']) class PasswdFile(object): def __init__(self, passwd_fn='/etc/passwd'): self.passwd_fn = passwd_fn def __iter__(self): for line in (x for x in readLinesFile(self.passwd_fn) if not x.startswith("#")): data = line.strip().split(':')[:7] if len(data) >= 7 and data[2].isdigit() and data[3].isdigit(): yield UnixUser(data[0], int(data[2]), int(data[3]), data[4], data[5], data[6], True, False, False) class UnixUsers(object): """ Набор методов для нахождения параметров пользователя и сопаставления UID, названия """ passwd = PasswdFile() exception = UnixError ldap_connect = None users_dn = "" DeletedPassword = "crypt{xxx}" def __init__(self, ldap_connect, users_dn): self.ldap_connect = ldap_connect self.users_dn = users_dn def search_system_user_name(self, name): for user in (x for x in self.passwd if x.username == name): return user else: return None def search_system_user_id(self, uid): uid = int(uid) for user in (x for x in self.passwd if x.uid == uid): return user else: return None def iterate_ldap_user(self, search_filter, offset=None, count=None): ldap_connect = self.ldap_connect if ldap_connect: base_dn = self.users_dn if offset is not None: below = lambda x: x < offset else: below = lambda x: False if count is not None: above = lambda x: x >= offset + count else: above = lambda x: False for i, user in enumerate(x[0][1] for x in ldap_connect.ldap_search( base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, search_filter)): if below(i): continue if above(i): break yield UnixUser( user['uid'][0], int(user['uidNumber'][0]), int(user['gidNumber'][0]), user['cn'][0], user['homeDirectory'][0], user['loginShell'][0], self.flag_to_visible(user['shadowFlag'][0]), self.flag_to_lock(user['shadowExpire'][0]), self.has_password(user['userPassword'][0]) if 'userPassword' in user else None, ) def search_ldap_user(self, search_filter): for user in self.iterate_ldap_user(search_filter): return user return None def has_password(self, password): if password and password != self.DeletedPassword: return True return False def search_ldap_user_name(self, value): return self.search_ldap_user("uid=%s" % value) def search_ldap_user_id(self, value): return self.search_ldap_user("uidNumber=%s" % value) def get_primary_gids(self): ldap_connect = self.ldap_connect if ldap_connect: base_dn = self.users_dn return list(ldap_connect.ldap_simple_search( base_dn, "uid=*", "gidNumber")) return [] def get_password_hash(self, username): ldap_connect = self.ldap_connect if ldap_connect: base_dn = self.users_dn for pw in ldap_connect.ldap_simple_search( self.users_dn, "uid=%s" % username, "userPassword"): return pw return "" def uid_to_name(self, value): if value.isdigit(): value = int(value) user = (self.search_ldap_user("uidNumber=%d" % value) or self.search_system_user_id(value)) if user: return user.username return value def _username(self, name, comment): if comment != name: return "{0} ({1})".format(name, comment) else: return name def ldap_user_list(self): users = list(x for x in self.iterate_ldap_user("uid=*")) return [(x.username, self._username(x.username, x.comment)) for x in sorted(users, key=lambda y: y.uid)] def ldap_user_names(self): return list(x.username for x in self.iterate_ldap_user("uid=*")) # def check_user(self, value): # ldap_user = self.search_ldap_user_name(value) # unix_user = ldap_user or self.search_system_user_name(value) # if not unix_user: # raise VariableError(_("User %s not found") % value) # if not ldap_user and unix_user: # raise VariableError( # _("You should create group %s (%d) in Unix service") % # (unix_group.group_name, unix_group.gid)) def user_dn(self, user): return "uid=%s,%s" % (user, self.users_dn) def update_user_group_id(self, user, gid): try: self.ldap_connect.ldap_modify_attrs( self.user_dn(user), [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'gidNumber', gid)]) except LDAPConnectError as e: raise UnixError( _("Failed to modify user primary group in LDAP: %s") % str(e)) def visible_to_flag(self, visible): return "1" if visible else "0" def flag_to_visible(self, flag): return flag == "1" def lock_to_flag(self, lock): return "1" if lock else "-1" def flag_to_lock(self, flag): return flag == "1" def modify_user(self, username, pw=None, gid=None, shell=None, visible=None, lock=None, comment=None, homedir=None): attributes = [] if pw is not None: attributes.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'userPassword', str(pw))) if gid is not None: attributes.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'gidNumber', str(gid))) if shell is not None: attributes.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'loginShell', shell)) if comment is not None: attributes.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'cn', comment)) if homedir is not None: attributes.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'homeDirectory', homedir)) if visible is not None: attributes.append( (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'shadowFlag', self.visible_to_flag(visible))) if lock is not None: attributes.append( (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'shadowExpire', self.lock_to_flag(lock))) try: self.ldap_connect.ldap_modify_attrs( self.user_dn(username), attributes) except LDAPConnectError as e: raise UnixError( _("Failed to modify user parameters in LDAP: %s") % str(e)) def remove_user(self, username): try: self.ldap_connect.ldap_remove_dn(self.user_dn(username)) except LDAPConnectError as e: raise UnixError(_("Failed to remove user from LDAP: %s") % str(e)) class Unix(Ldap): """Основной объект для выполнения действий связанных с настройкой Unix сервиса """ class Method(object): Setup = "unix_setup" UserAdd = "unix_useradd" UserMod = "unix_usermod" UserDel = "unix_userdel" UserShow = "unix_usershow" GroupAdd = "unix_groupadd" GroupMod = "unix_groupmod" GroupDel = "unix_groupdel" GroupShow = "unix_groupshow" Passwd = "unix_passwd" All = ( Setup, UserAdd, UserMod, UserDel, GroupAdd, GroupMod, GroupDel, Passwd, UserShow, GroupShow) service_name = "unix" def init(self): pass def rename_group(self, oldname, newname): """ Переименовать группу """ if oldname != newname and newname: ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') groups_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_groups_dn') ug = UnixGroups(ldap_connect, groups_dn) ug.rename_group(oldname, newname) return True def update_group_comment(self, group, comment): """ Переименовать группу """ ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') groups_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_groups_dn') ug = UnixGroups(ldap_connect, groups_dn) ug.update_group_comment(group, comment) return True def update_group_id(self, group, gid, old_gid): """ Обновить gid группы """ ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') groups_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_groups_dn') ug = UnixGroups(ldap_connect, groups_dn) ug.update_group_id(group, str(gid)) users_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_users_dn') uu = UnixUsers(ldap_connect, users_dn) for user in uu.iterate_ldap_user("gidNumber=%d" % old_gid): self.printSUCCESS(_("Change primary group for user {user}").format( user=user.username)) uu.update_user_group_id(user.username, str(gid)) return True def remove_group(self, groupname): """ Удалить группу """ ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') groups_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_groups_dn') ug = UnixGroups(ldap_connect, groups_dn) ug.remove_group(groupname) return True def remove_user(self, username): """ Удалить пользователя """ ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') users_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_users_dn') uu = UnixUsers(ldap_connect, users_dn) uu.remove_user(username) return True def _add_users_in_group(self, users, groupname): """ Добавить пользователей в группу """ ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') groups_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_groups_dn') ug = UnixGroups(ldap_connect, groups_dn) group = ug.search_ldap_group_name(groupname) if group: exists_users = group.user_list new_users = set(users) - set(exists_users) ug.add_users_to_group(new_users, groupname) return True return False def remove_users_from_group(self, users, groupname): self._remove_users_from_group(users, groupname) self.printSUCCESS(_("Users {logins} was removed " "from group {group}").format( logins=", ".join(users), group=groupname)) return True def add_users_in_group(self, users, groupname): self._add_users_in_group(users, groupname) self.printSUCCESS(_("Users {logins} was added " "to group {group}").format( logins=", ".join(users), group=groupname)) return True def _remove_users_from_group(self, users, groupname): """ Удалить пользователей из групп """ ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') groups_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_groups_dn') ug = UnixGroups(ldap_connect, groups_dn) group = ug.search_ldap_group_name(groupname) if group: exists_users = group.user_list remove_users = set(exists_users) & set(users) ug.remove_users_from_group(list(remove_users), groupname) return True return False def add_user_in_groups(self, user, groups): """ Добавить пользователя в группы """ for group in groups: self._add_users_in_group([user], group) self.printSUCCESS(_("User {login} added " "to groups {groups}").format( login=user, groups=", ".join(groups))) return True def remove_user_from_groups(self, user, groups): """ Удалить пользователя из группы """ for group in groups: self._remove_users_from_group([user], group) self.printSUCCESS(_("User {login} removed " "from groups {groups}").format( login=user, groups=", ".join(groups))) return True def modify_user(self, login, pw, pw_delete, gid, shell, visible, lock, comment,homedir): """" Изменить параметры пользователя в LDAP """ ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') users_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_users_dn') uu = UnixUsers(ldap_connect, users_dn) user = uu.search_ldap_user_name(login) if user: params = {} if gid is not None and user.gid != gid: params['gid'] = str(gid) self.printSUCCESS( _("Changed primary group for user %s") % user.username) if comment is not None and user.comment != comment: params['comment'] = comment self.printSUCCESS( _("Changed comment for user %s") % user.username) if homedir is not None and user.homedir != homedir: params['homedir'] = homedir self.printSUCCESS( _("Changed home directory for user %s") % user.username) if pw != UnixUsers.DeletedPassword or pw_delete: params['pw'] = pw if pw_delete: self.printSUCCESS( _("Removed password for user %s") % user.username) else: self.printSUCCESS( _("Changed password for user %s") % user.username) if shell and user.shell != shell: params['shell'] = shell self.printSUCCESS( _("Changed shell for user %s") % user.username) if visible is not None and user.visible != visible: params['visible'] = visible if visible: self.printSUCCESS(_("User %s is visible") % user.username) else: self.printSUCCESS(_("User %s is unvisible") % user.username) if lock is not None and user.lock != lock: params['lock'] = lock if lock: self.printSUCCESS(_("User %s is locked") % user.username) else: self.printSUCCESS(_("User %s is unlocked") % user.username) uu.modify_user(user.username, **params) else: raise UnixError(_("User %s not found") % user) return True def move_home_directory(self, homedir, new_homedir): """ Преместить домашнюю директорию пользователя """ try: dirname = path.dirname(new_homedir) if not path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) os.rename(homedir, new_homedir) except (OSError, IOError): raise UnixError(_("Failed to move home directory")) return True def create_home_directory(self, homedir, uid, gid, skel): """ Создать домашнюю директорию пользователя """ try: os.makedirs(homedir, 0700) if path.exists(skel): for fn in listDirectory(skel): src_fn = path.join(skel, fn) dst_fn = path.join(homedir, fn) if path.isdir(src_fn): shutil.copytree(src_fn, dst_fn, True) elif path.islink(src_fn): link_src = os.readlink(src_fn) os.symlink(link_src, dst_fn) else: shutil.copy2(src_fn, dst_fn) for root, dns, fns in os.walk(homedir): for fn in (path.join(root, x) for x in dns + fns): os.lchown(fn, uid, gid) os.lchown(homedir, uid, gid) except (OSError, IOError) as e: self.printWARNING(str(e)) raise UnixError(_("Failed to create user home directory")) return True def show_groups(self, groupname, fields, count, offset): dv = self.clVars fields = ["ur_unix_group_name"] + list(fields) head = [dv.getInfo(x).label for x in fields] body = [] ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') groups_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_groups_dn') ug = UnixGroups(ldap_connect, groups_dn) users_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_users_dn') uu = UnixUsers(ldap_connect, users_dn) filters = (self.clVars.getInfo(x) for x in ('cl_unix_group_filter_name', 'cl_unix_group_filter_id', 'cl_unix_group_filter_comment', 'cl_unix_group_filter_users')) filters = [x.test for x in filters if x.enabled()] def all_users(group): for user in sorted(uu.iterate_ldap_user("gidNumber=%d" % group.gid), key=lambda x: x.username): yield "<%s>" % user.username for user in group.user_list: yield user variables_mapping = { 'ur_unix_group_name': lambda group: group.group_name, 'ur_unix_group_id': lambda group: str(group.gid), 'ur_unix_group_comment': lambda group: group.comment, 'ur_unix_group_users': lambda group: ", ".join(all_users(group)) } mapping = {'ur_unix_group_name': 'ur_unix_group_name_exists'} maxi = 0 try: for i, group in enumerate(sorted( (group for group in ug.iterate_ldap_group("cn=*") if all(x(group) for x in filters)), key=lambda x: x.group_name)): maxi = i if offset <= i < offset + count: body.append( [variables_mapping.get(x)(group) for x in fields]) except LDAPBadSearchFilter: raise UnixError(_("Wrong group pattern")) table_fields = [mapping.get(x, '') for x in fields] if not body: body = [[]] dv.Invalidate('ur_unix_group_count') if any(body): head_message = _("Groups") elif dv.GetInteger("ur_unix_group_count"): head_message = _("Groups not found") else: head_message = _("No groups") self.printTable( head_message, head, body, fields=table_fields, onClick='unix_groupmod' if any(table_fields) else None, addAction='unix_groupadd', records=str(maxi)) if any(body): num_page, count_page = getPagesInterval( count, offset, maxi) self.printSUCCESS(_('page %d from ') % num_page + str(count_page)) return True def show_group(self, groupname): dv = self.clVars list_group_name = sorted(dv.Choice('cl_core_group')) if not list_group_name: self.printSUCCESS(_("No groups")) head = [_('Field'), _('Value')] body = [] fields = [ 'ur_unix_group_name', 'ur_unix_group_id', 'ur_unix_group_comment', 'ur_unix_group_users' ] self.clVars.Set('ur_unix_group_name', groupname, True) for varname in fields: varval = self.clVars.Get(varname) varobj = self.clVars.getInfo(varname) if "list" in varobj.type: varval = "\n".join(varval) body.append([varobj.label or "", varval]) if body: self.printTable(_("Group info"), head, body, onClick="unix_groupmod", records="0", fields=["ur_unix_group_name_exists:%s" % groupname]) return True def show_users(self, login, fields, count, offset): dv = self.clVars fields = ["ur_unix_login"] + list(fields) head = [dv.getInfo(x).label for x in fields] body = [] ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') users_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_users_dn') uu = UnixUsers(ldap_connect, users_dn) groups_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_groups_dn') ug = UnixGroups(ldap_connect, groups_dn) yesno_map = {True: _("Yes"), False: _("No"), None: _("Unavailable")} yesno = lambda x: yesno_map.get(x, _("Failed value")) filters = (self.clVars.getInfo(x) for x in ('cl_unix_user_filter_login', 'cl_unix_user_filter_pw_set', 'cl_unix_user_filter_comment', 'cl_unix_user_filter_uid', 'cl_unix_user_filter_gid', 'cl_unix_user_filter_home_path', 'cl_unix_user_filter_shell', 'cl_unix_user_filter_groups', 'cl_unix_user_filter_visible_set', 'cl_unix_user_filter_lock_set', )) filters = [x.test for x in filters if x.enabled()] variables_mapping = { 'ur_unix_uid': lambda user: user.uid, 'ur_unix_login': lambda user: user.username, 'ur_unix_comment': lambda user: user.comment, 'ur_unix_lock_set': lambda user: yesno(user.lock), 'ur_unix_visible_set': lambda user: yesno(user.visible), 'ur_unix_primary_group': lambda user: ug.gid_to_name(str(user.gid)), 'ur_unix_groups': lambda user: ", ".join( x.group_name for x in ug.iterate_ldap_group( "memberUid=%s" % user.username) ), 'ur_unix_home_path': lambda user: user.homedir, 'ur_unix_shell': lambda user: user.shell, 'ur_unix_pw_set': lambda user: yesno(user.pass_set), } mapping = {'ur_unix_login': 'ur_unix_login_exists'} maxi = 0 try: for i, user in enumerate(sorted( (user for user in uu.iterate_ldap_user("uid=*") if all(x(user) for x in filters)), key=lambda x: x.username)): maxi = i if offset <= i < offset + count: body.append( [variables_mapping.get(x)(user) for x in fields]) except LDAPBadSearchFilter: raise UnixError(_("Wrong user pattern")) table_fields = [mapping.get(x, '') for x in fields] if not body: body = [[]] dv.Invalidate('ur_unix_user_count') if any(body): head_message = _("Users") elif dv.GetInteger("ur_unix_user_count"): head_message = _("Users not found") else: head_message = _("No users") self.printTable(head_message, head, body, fields=table_fields, onClick='unix_usermod' if any(table_fields) else None, addAction='unix_useradd', records=str(maxi)) if any(body): num_page, count_page = getPagesInterval( count, offset, maxi) self.printSUCCESS(_('page %d from ') % num_page + str(count_page)) return True def show_user(self, user): dv = self.clVars head = [_('Field'), _('Value')] body = [] fields = [ 'ur_unix_uid', 'ur_unix_login', 'ur_unix_comment', 'ur_unix_lock_set', 'ur_unix_visible_set', 'ur_unix_primary_group', 'ur_unix_groups', 'ur_unix_home_path', 'ur_unix_shell', 'ur_unix_pw_set', ] self.clVars.Set('ur_unix_login', user, True) for varname in fields: varval = self.clVars.Get(varname) varobj = self.clVars.getInfo(varname) if "list" in varobj.type: varval = "\n".join(varval) body.append([varobj.label or "", varval]) if body: self.printTable(_("User info"), head, body, onClick="unix_usermod", records="0", fields=["ur_unix_login_exists:%s" % user]) return True def try_remove_primary_group(self, user, primary_group): """ Primary group :param primary_group: :return: """ ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') groups_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_groups_dn') ug = UnixGroups(ldap_connect, groups_dn) filter_str = "gidNumber={0}".format(primary_group) filter_str2 = "(&(gidNumber={0})(!(uid={1})))".format( primary_group, user) group = ug.search_ldap_group(filter_str) ldap_connect = self.clVars.Get('ldap.cl_ldap_connect') users_dn = self.clVars.Get('ld_unix_users_dn') uu = UnixUsers(ldap_connect, users_dn) if group: if not group.user_list and not uu.search_ldap_user(filter_str2): self.remove_group(group.group_name) self.printSUCCESS(_("Removed user primary group {0}").format( group.group_name)) return True