You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

812 lines
24 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Calculate Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
from os import path
import os
import re
from calculate.install import distr
from calculate.lib.utils.device import getUdevDeviceInfo, humanreadableSize
from calculate.lib.utils.files import isMount, process, typeFile, listDirectory, \
from calculate.lib.utils.kernel import InitrdFile
from import max_default
from ..build_storage import BuildStorage, Build
from ..drive_spool import DriveSpool
from calculate.lib.datavars import Variable, VariableError, ReadonlyVariable
from functools import wraps
from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate
def debug(func):
def _wrapped_func(*args, **kw):
ret = func(*args, **kw)
print "MYDEBUG",ret
return ret
return _wrapped_func
def is_action(*available_action, **action_kwargs):
def decorator(func):
def _wrapped_func(self, *args, **kw):
if self.Get('cl_action') in available_action:
return func(self, *args, **kw)
return action_kwargs.get('default_value', '')
return _wrapped_func
return decorator
def as_list(func):
def _wrapped_func(self, *args, **kw):
return list(func(self, *args, **kw))
return _wrapped_func
class VariableClBuilderStorage(ReadonlyVariable):
type = "object"
def get(self):
return BuildStorage()
class VariableClBuilderAvailableDev(Variable):
Список дисков, которые можно использовать для сборки
type = "list"
class VariableClBuilderDeviceSpool(ReadonlyVariable):
Стэк дисков, которые можно использовать для сборки
type = "object"
def get(self):
ds = DriveSpool(self.Get('cl_builder_available_dev'))
return ds
class BaseBuildId(Variable):
Базовый класс для переменной id
opt = ["--id"]
metavalue = "ID"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Build ID") = _("build ID")
class VariableClBuilderSourceFilename(Variable):
Названия файла исходного дистрибутива
type = "file"
element = 'file'
opt = ["--source"]
value = ""
metavalue = "SOURCE"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Source distribution") = _("source distribution")
def check(self, isoimage):
"""Set image file"""
if self.Get('cl_action') == 'create' and not isoimage:
raise VariableError(_("You need to select a source image"))
shortname = self.Get('os_builder_linux_shortname')
build = self.Get('os_builder_linux_build')
arch = self.Get('os_builder_arch_machine')
if not build or not shortname or not arch:
raise VariableError(_("Wrong image file"))
def humanReadable(self):
fullname = self.Get('os_builder_linux_name')
subname = self.Get('os_builder_linux_subname')
ver = self.Get('os_builder_linux_ver')
if subname:
subname = " %s" % subname
if ver:
ver = " %s"%ver
arch = self.Get('os_builder_arch_machine')
build = self.Get('os_builder_linux_build')
return "{fullname}{ver} {arch} {build}".format(
fullname="%s%s" % (fullname, subname),
build=build, ver=ver, arch=arch)
class VariableClBuilderSource(ReadonlyVariable):
Объект исходного дистрибутива для разворачивания сборки
type = "object"
def get(self):
"""Get image file from distributive repository"""
filename = self.Get('cl_builder_source_filename')
if filename:
return distr.Distributive.fromFile(filename)
except distr.DistributiveError:
return ""
def humanReadable(self):
filename = self.Get('cl_builder_source')
if filename:
return filename.getType()
return filename
class VariableClBuilderDiskDev(Variable):
Диск или директория, куда будет развёрнут образ
untrusted = True
opt = ["-d", "--disk"]
metavalue = "DEST"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Assemble location") = _("partition or directory intended for assemble")
def get(self):
ds = self.Get('cl_builder_device_spool')
return ds.get() or ""
def check(self, value):
if value.startswith("/dev"):
cnDisk = getUdevDeviceInfo(name=value).get('DEVNAME', value)
if cnDisk not in self.Get('install.os_disk_dev'):
raise VariableError(_("Wrong device '%s'") % value)
if not value.startswith('/'):
raise VariableError(
_("Wrong directory '%s'") % value)
if isMount(value):
raise VariableError(
_("Destination '%s' is already in use") % value)
class VariableClBuilderDiskSize(ReadonlyVariable):
type = "int"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Free disk space")
def get_free_for(self, dn):
for dfdn in (dn, path.dirname(dn)):
dfProcess = process("/bin/df", "--output=avail", dfdn)
data = dfProcess.readlines()
if len(data) > 1:
return int(data[1].strip()) * 1024
except ValueError:
return 0
return 0
def get_create(self):
device = self.Get('cl_builder_disk_dev')
if device:
if device.startswith('/dev/'):
return self.Select('install.os_disk_size',
eq=device, limit=1) or "0"
return str(self.get_free_for(device))
return "0"
def get(self):
action = self.Get('cl_action')
if action == 'create':
return self.get_create()
elif action in ('break', 'restore'):
def humanReadable(self):
return humanreadableSize(int(self.Get()))
class VariableClBuilderLayeredSet(Variable):
Сборка будет выполняться в слое
type = "bool"
opt = ["--layered"]
def init(self): = _("use layer for build")
self.label = _("Use layer for build")
def get(self):
return "off"
def check(self, value):
if self.Get('cl_builder_disk_dev').startswith('/dev'):
raise VariableError(
_("Layers are used for building in a directory only"))
if isinstance(self.Get('cl_builder_source'), distr.ArchiveDistributive):
raise VariableError(
_("Layers are used for building from iso image"))
class VariableClBuilderPath(ReadonlyVariable):
Путь, где будет собираться дистрбутив
def get(self):
image = self.Get('cl_builder_target')
if image:
return image.getDirectory()
return ""
class VariableClBuilderTarget(Variable):
Объект собираемого дистрибутива
type = "object"
def get_create(self):
builder_disk_dev = self.Get('cl_builder_disk_dev')
if not builder_disk_dev:
return ""
build_id = self.Get('cl_builder_id')
mount_dir = path.join(distr.DefaultMountPath.BaseMountPath, build_id)
source = self.Get('cl_builder_source_filename')
if self.GetBool('cl_builder_layered_set'):
dist_obj = distr.LayeredDistributive(mount_dir, builder_disk_dev,
return dist_obj
if builder_disk_dev.startswith('/dev'):
dist_obj = distr.PartitionDistributive(builder_disk_dev,
return dist_obj
dist_obj = distr.DirectoryDistributive(builder_disk_dev,
return dist_obj
def get_worked(self):
build = self.Get('cl_builder_build')
if build:
dist_obj = build.distributive
return dist_obj
return ""
def get(self):
action = self.Get('cl_action')
if action == 'create':
return self.get_create()
elif action in ('break', 'restore', 'image'):
return self.get_worked()
return ""
class VariableClBuilderClearSet(Variable):
Очистить дистрибутив при отключении сборки
type = "bool"
value = "off"
opt = ["--clear"]
def init(self):
self.label = _("Clear after unmount") = _("clear data after unmount")
class VariableClBuilderBuild(Variable):
Объект сборки
type = "object"
def get_create(self):
distr = self.Get('cl_builder_target')
if not distr:
return ""
storage = self.Get('cl_builder_storage')
buildid = self.Get('cl_builder_id')
build = Build(buildid, distr, storage)
return build
def get_worked(self):
storage = self.Get('cl_builder_storage')
buildid = self.Get('cl_builder_id')
build = storage.get_build(buildid)
if build and build.distributive:
for child in build.distributive.childs:
return build or ""
def get(self):
action = self.Get('cl_action')
if action == 'create':
return self.get_create()
if action in ('break', 'restore', 'image'):
return self.get_worked()
return ""
class VariableClBuilderNewId(BaseBuildId):
Id сборки при развертывании
value = ""
untrusted = True
def check(self, value):
if not value:
raise VariableError(_("Please specify the id"))
if value in self.Get('cl_builder_storage'):
raise VariableError(_("Assemble %s already exists")%value)
class VariableClBuilderPreparedId(BaseBuildId):
Id развёрнутой сборки
type = "choice"
untrusted = True
def available(self):
bs = self.Get('cl_builder_storage')
action = self.Get('cl_action')
for x in bs:
build = bs.get_build(x)
if (build and (action == 'break' or
build.status == Build.Status.WORKED)):
yield x
def get(self):
l = self.available()
if l and len(l) == 1:
return l[0]
return ""
def choice(self):
bs = self.Get('cl_builder_storage')
for x in bs:
build = bs.get_build(x)
if build:
if build.status == Build.Status.BROKEN:
yield (x, "%s (%s)" % (x, _("broken")))
yield (x, x)
def check(self, value):
if not value:
raise VariableError(_("Please select the assemble id"))
l = self.available()
if not l:
raise VariableError(_("Assemble %s is not found") % value)
if (self.Get('cl_builder_build').status == Build.Status.BROKEN and
self.Get('cl_action') != 'break'):
raise VariableError(
_("Assemble %s is broken, try to restore build") % value)
class VariableClBuilderBrokenId(BaseBuildId):
Id развёрнутой сборки
type = "choice"
untrusted = True
def available(self):
bs = self.Get('cl_builder_storage')
for x in bs:
build = bs.get_build(x)
if build and build.status == Build.Status.BROKEN:
yield x
def get(self):
l = self.available()
if l and len(l) == 1:
return l[0]
return ""
@is_action('restore', default_value=[])
def choice(self):
bs = self.Get('cl_builder_storage')
for x in bs:
build = bs.get_build(x)
if build.status == Build.Status.BROKEN:
yield (x, "%s (%s)" % (x, _("broken")))
def check(self, value):
if not value:
raise VariableError(_("Please select the assemble id"))
l = self.available()
if not l:
raise VariableError(_("Assemble %s is not found") % value)
class VariableClBuilderId(ReadonlyVariable):
Общий id сборки
def get(self):
action = self.Get('cl_action')
if action == 'create':
return self.Get('cl_builder_new_id')
elif action in ('break', 'image'):
return self.Get('cl_builder_prepared_id')
elif action == 'restore':
return self.Get('cl_builder_broken_id')
class VariableOsBuilderMakeopts(Variable):
Параметры MAKEOPTS
def get(self):
return self.Get('install.os_install_makeopts')
class VariableClBuilderBuildpkgSet(Variable):
Собирать бинарные пакеты в сборке
type = "bool"
value = "off"
class VariableClBuilderBasePath(Variable):
Базовый путь до сборок (директория, куда будут помещены готовые
iso образы, бинарные пакеты и т.д.)
value = "/var/calculate/remote/assemble"
class VariableClBuilderParentPath(ReadonlyVariable):
Путь в ".." до родительской системы
def get(self):
builder_path = self.Get('cl_builder_path')
return ("../"*len(filter(None,
class VariableClBuilderPkgdir(Variable):
Путь собираемых бинарных архивов
def fallback(self):
return path.join(self.Get('cl_builder_base_path'),
self.Get('cl_builder_id'), "packages")
def get(self):
action = self.Get('cl_action')
if action == 'create':
return self.fallback()
elif action in ('restore', 'image'):
build = self.Get('cl_builder_build')
return build.pkgdir or self.fallback()
return ""
class VariableClBuilderAction(ReadonlyVariable):
Дополнительное действие по созданию образа: iso, squash.
value = ""
class VariableClBuilderImageFilename(ReadonlyVariable):
Название iso образа
opt = ["--iso"]
value = ""
metavalue = "IMAGE"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Image name") = _("set image name")
def get(self):
base_dn = self.Get('cl_builder_base_path')
build_id = self.Get('cl_builder_id')
if build_id:
shortname = self.Get('os_builder_linux_shortname')
buildnumber = self.Get('os_builder_linux_build')
arch = self.Get('os_builder_arch_machine')
imagename = "%s-%s-%s.iso" % (shortname, buildnumber,
return path.join(base_dn, build_id, "linux", imagename)
return ""
class VariableClBuilderIsoBasePath(Variable):
Базовый путь, где будут подготавливаться данные, которые будут запакованы в iso
value = "/var/calculate/tmp"
class VariableClBuilderIsoPath(ReadonlyVariable):
Путь, где будут подготавливаться данные, которые будут запакованы в iso
def get(self):
base_dn = self.Get('cl_builder_iso_base_path')
build_id = self.Get('cl_builder_id')
if build_id:
dn = "iso-%s" % self.Get('cl_builder_id')
directory = path.join(base_dn, dn)
new_dn = directory
for i in range(0, 9999):
if not path.exists(new_dn):
return new_dn
new_dn = "%s.%04d" % (directory, i)
return new_dn
return ""
class VariableClBuilderSquashPath(ReadonlyVariable):
Путь от iso до содержимого squash
def get(self):
return path.relpath(self.Get('cl_builder_path'),
class VariableClBuilderImage(ReadonlyVariable):
Создаваемый образ
def get(self):
image_name = self.Get('cl_builder_image_filename')
bdn = self.Get('cl_builder_iso_path')
iso = distr.IsoDistributive(image_name, bdirectory=bdn,
return iso
class VariableClBuilderLiveSet(Variable):
Вызывать только live шаблоны при первой загрузке
type = "bool"
value = "on"
class VariableClBuilderCdname(ReadonlyVariable):
Type of iso (CD/DVD)
def get(self):
squashfile = pathJoin(self.Get('cl_builder_iso_path'),
kernelfile = pathJoin(self.Get('cl_builder_iso_path'),
initrdfile = pathJoin(self.Get('cl_builder_iso_path'),
if os.access(squashfile, os.R_OK) and os.access(kernelfile, os.R_OK) and \
os.access(initrdfile, os.R_OK):
isosize = path.getsize(squashfile) + path.getsize(kernelfile) + \
path.getsize(initrdfile) + 2 * 1024 * 1024
if isosize > 700 * 1024 * 1024:
return "DVD"
return "CD"
return ""
class VariableClBuilderIsoLabel(Variable):
LABEL для iso
def get(self):
return "%s-%s" % (self.Get('os_builder_linux_shortname').upper(),
class VariableClBuilderRootParam(Variable):
параметр root= для livecd
def get(self):
return "live:LABEL=%s" % self.Get('cl_builder_iso_label')
class VariableClBuilderCurrentSquash(ReadonlyVariable):
Создаваемый livecd.squash
value = "livecd.squashfs"
class VariableClBuilderKernelCmd(ReadonlyVariable):
Параметры по умолчанию для calcboot
value = ""
class VariableClBuilderKernelVer(ReadonlyVariable):
Текущая версия ядра
def init(self):
self.label = _("Kernel version")
def get(self):
prefix = self.Get('cl_builder_path')
if prefix:
current_src = self.get_current_kernel_src(prefix)
src = path.join(prefix,current_src)
return self.get_src_kernel_version(src)
def get_config_version(self, configfile):
re_config = re.compile("Automatically generated file;.*\n"
".*?Linux/\S+\s+(\S+)\s", re.M)
if path.exists(configfile):
with open(configfile) as f:
match =
if match:
def get_src_kernel_version(self, kernel_src):
Get version of kernel from .config
config_path = path.join(kernel_src, ".config")
makefile_path = path.join(kernel_src, "Makefile")
# get version from config
version = self.get_config_version(config_path)
if version:
return version
# get version from Makefile
re_makefile = re.compile("^VERSION = (\S+)\n"
"PATCHLEVEL = (\S+)\n"
"SUBLEVEL = (\S+)\n"
"EXTRAVERSION = (\S*)\n", re.M)
if path.exists(makefile_path):
with open(makefile_path) as f:
match =
if match:
return "{0}.{1}.{2}{3}".format(*match.groups())
return ""
def get_current_kernel_src(self, prefix):
src_path = "usr/src"
current_linux_src = path.join(src_path, "linux")
symlink_kernel = path.join(prefix, current_linux_src)
if not path.exists(symlink_kernel) or not path.islink(symlink_kernel):
raise ValueError("Failed to determine current kernel version")
return path.join(src_path, os.readlink(symlink_kernel))
class KernelData(ReadonlyVariable):
Данные о текущем ядре
kernel_object = "kernel"
file_description = ""
def filter(self, x, version=None):
return x
def list(self, prefix='/', bootdir='boot'):
boot_dir = path.join(prefix, bootdir)
return self.get_files_by_type(boot_dir, self.file_description)
def get(self):
prefix = self.Get('cl_builder_path')
version = self.Get('cl_builder_kernel_ver')
obj_file = max_default(
self.filter(self.list(prefix), version=version),
if obj_file:
obj_file = path.basename(obj_file)
return obj_file
def get_files_by_type(self, pathname, descr):
ftype = typeFile(magic=0x4).getMType
for x in listDirectory(pathname, fullPath=True):
if descr in ftype(x):
yield x
class VariableClBuilderInitrdInstall(KernelData):
Текущий initrd
file_description = "ASCII cpio archive"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Init RAM fs")
def filter(self, iterable, version=None):
for fn in iterable:
if InitrdFile(fn).get_kernel_version() == version:
yield fn
class VariableClBuilderKernel(KernelData):
Текущее ядро
file_description = "boot executable bzImage"
def init(self):
self.label = _("Kernel file")
def filter(self, iterable, version=None):
ftype = typeFile(magic=0x4).getMType
re_kver = re.compile("bzImage, version (\S+)\s")
for fn in iterable:
m =
if == version:
yield fn
class VariableClBuilderTemplateLocation(Variable):
Устанавливаются только дистрибутивные шаблоны
def get(self):
return [x for x in self.Get('main.cl_template_location')
if x not in ('remote', 'local')]
class VariableClBuilderBranchName(Variable):
Ветки оверлеев используемые для сборки системы
type = "list"
def get(self):
# TODO: заглушка
return self.Get('update.cl_update_branch_name')