# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2013-2016 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys import re from os import path from calculate.lib.cl_template import SystemIni from calculate.lib.cl_log import log from calculate.lib.datavars import (Variable, VariableError, ReadonlyVariable, ReadonlyTableVariable, TableVariable, FieldValue, HumanReadable, SimpleDataVars, DataVarsError) from calculate.lib.utils.binhosts import Binhosts from calculate.lib.utils.files import readFile, listDirectory, process, pathJoin from calculate.lib.configparser import ConfigParser from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate from calculate.lib.utils.text import simplify_profiles from calculate.lib.utils.git import Git, GitError from calculate.lib.utils.portage import Layman from ..profile import (RepositoryStorageSet, DEFAULT_BRANCH, LocalStorage, ProfileRepository, CacheStorage) from calculate.lib.variables import linux as lib_linux from calculate.lib.variables import env from calculate.update.update_info import UpdateInfo from itertools import chain import time _ = lambda x: x setLocalTranslate('cl_update3', sys.modules[__name__]) class VariableAcUpdateSync(ReadonlyVariable): """ Action variable which has value "up" for package install and install this package """ def get(self): action = self.Get("cl_action") if action in ("sync",): if self.Get('cl_update_world'): return self.Get('cl_update_world') return "" class VariableClUpdateWorldDefault(Variable): """ Ad-hoc """ value = "update" class VariableClUpdateWorld(Variable): type = "choice" opt = ["--world"] syntax = "--{choice}-world" metavalue = "MODE" def init(self): self.help = ("'rebuild' - " + _("rebuild the system packages list") + ",\n'merge' - " + _("append the profile packages list") + ",\n'update' - " + _("update the system packages list")) self.label = _("System packages list") def get(self): return self.Get('cl_update_world_default') def choice(self): return [("rebuild", _("Rebuild")), ("merge", _("Merge")), ("update", _("Update"))] class VariableClRebuildWorldSet(Variable): """ List of action update world, rebuild world, """ type = "bool" opt = ["--rebuild-world"] untrusted = True value = "off" def init(self): self.help = _("Rebuild world") self.label = _("Rebuild world") class VariableClUpdateRevSet(Variable): """ List of action update world, rebuild world, """ type = "bool" opt = ["--update-rev"] untrusted = True value = "on" check_after = ["cl_update_sync_rep", "cl_update_metadata_force", "cl_update_other_set", "cl_update_eixupdate_force"] def init(self): self.help = _("make a revision update") self.label = _("Make a revision update") class VariableClUpdateRep(Variable): """ Обновлять репозитории до конкретной ревизии или до последней """ type = "choice" value = "rev" def choice(self): return ["last", "rev"] class VariableClUpdateRepData(ReadonlyTableVariable): """ Информация о репозиториях """ source = ['cl_update_rep_name', 'cl_update_rep_url', 'cl_update_rep_path', 'cl_update_rep_rev'] class VariableClUpdateRepName(Variable): """ Список имен используемых репозиториев """ type = "list" value = [] def humanReadable(self): return [x.capitalize() for x in self.Get()] class VariableClUpdateRepUrl(Variable): """ Список путей до репозиториев """ type = "list" value = [] class VariableClUpdateLaymanConfig(ReadonlyVariable): """ Объект конфига layman """ type = "object" def get(self): chroot = self.Get('cl_chroot_path') cp = ConfigParser() cp.read(path.join(chroot, 'etc/layman/layman.cfg')) return cp class VariableClUpdateLaymanStorage(Variable): """ Путь к репозиториям layman """ param_name = "storage" fallback_value = "var/lib/layman" def get(self): cp = self.Get('cl_update_layman_config') res = cp.get('MAIN', self.param_name, fallback=self.fallback_value) return pathJoin(self.Get('cl_chroot_path'), res) class VariableClUpdateRepPath(ReadonlyVariable): """ Пути до репозиториев """ type = "list" mapPath = {'portage': 'usr/portage', 'gentoo': 'usr/portage'} def get(self): repPath = self.Get('cl_update_layman_storage') chroot_path = self.Get('cl_chroot_path') def generatePaths(names): for name in names: if name in self.mapPath: yield path.join(chroot_path, self.mapPath[name]) else: yield path.join(repPath, name) return list(generatePaths(self.Get('cl_update_rep_name'))) class VariableClUpdateRepRev(Variable): """ Ревизии до которых необходимо обновить репозитории """ type = "list" def get(self): cp = ConfigParser() revisions = self.Get('update.cl_update_binhost_revisions') if revisions: cp.read_string(unicode(revisions[0])) branch = self.Get('cl_update_branch') def generateBranch(): for repname, branchname in zip( self.Get('cl_update_rep_name'), self.Get('cl_update_branch_name')): if branchname == Git.Reference.Tag: yield cp.get("vcs", repname, fallback=branch) else: yield branchname return list(generateBranch()) class VariableClUpdateBranch(Variable): """ Ветка на которую будет обновляться репозиторий если -getbinpkg """ value = Git.Reference.Master class VariableClUpdateBranchData(TableVariable): """ Выбор веток репозиториев до которых необходимо обновиться """ opt = ["--branch"] metavalue = 'REFS' untrusted = True source = ["cl_update_branch_rep", "cl_update_branch_name"] def init(self): self.help = _("set references for repository (REPOSITORY:REF)") self.label = _("Repositories references") def raiseReadonlyIndexError(self, fieldname="", variablename="", value=""): """ Неизвестный оврелей """ raise VariableError(_("Repository %s not found") % value) class VariableClUpdateBranchRep(ReadonlyVariable): """ Список доступных репозиторием """ type = "list" def init(self): self.label = _("Repository") def get(self): return self.Get('cl_update_rep_name') class VariableClUpdateBinhostData(ReadonlyTableVariable): """ Таблица содержащая binhost/содержимое файла ревизий/время доступа """ source = ["cl_update_binhost_host", "cl_update_binhost_revisions", "cl_update_binhost_timestamp", "cl_update_binhost_time"] def get_logger(self, stub=False): class StubLogger(object): def info(self, message): pass if not stub and (not self.Get('cl_ebuild_phase')): # проверка на chroot_path return log("binhost-scan.log", filename=pathJoin( self.Get('cl_chroot_path'), "/var/log/calculate/binhost-scan.log"), formatter="%(message)s") else: return StubLogger() def get(self, hr=HumanReadable.No): last_ts = self.Get('cl_update_last_timestamp') if self.GetBool('cl_update_binhost_stable_opt_set'): binhost_list = self.Get('cl_update_binhost_list') else: binhost_list = self.Get('cl_update_binhost_unstable_list') if (self.GetBool('cl_update_binhost_stable_opt_set') and not self.GetBool('cl_update_binhost_stable_set')): stabilization = True else: stabilization = False binhosts_data = Binhosts( self.GetInteger('cl_update_binhost_timeout'), self.Get('cl_update_binhost_revision_path'), self.Get('cl_update_binhost_timestamp_path'), last_ts, binhost_list ) binhost = self.Get('cl_update_binhost') recheck = self.GetBool('cl_update_binhost_recheck_set') if not recheck and binhost and binhost in binhost_list: ts, t, good, downgrade = binhosts_data.get_timestamp(binhost) # условие актуальности текущего сервера if ts and good and not downgrade: status, data = binhosts_data.check_binhost(binhost) if status == binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.Success: return [[binhost, data, ts, str(t)]] logger = self.get_logger(stub=binhosts_data.is_cache()) ret_val = None logger.info("Started scan on: {date}, current timestamp: {ts}".format( date=time.ctime(), ts=last_ts)) for host, ts, t, good, downgrade in binhosts_data.get_sorted(): if ret_val is None: status, data = binhosts_data.check_binhost(host) else: status, data = binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.UnknownError, "" if not good: if ts == "0": reason = "FAILED (Wrong binhost)" data = "" t = 0 else: reason = "OUTDATED" elif downgrade: reason = "SKIP" elif not data and ret_val is None: errors = { binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.Updating: "UPDATING", binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.BadEnv: "FAILED (Bad env)", binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.EnvNotFound: "FAILED (Env not found)", } reason = errors.get(status, "FAILED (Unknown)") else: reason = "" if ret_val is None and data and ( not downgrade or stabilization): ret_val = [[host, data, ts, str(t)]] host = "-> %s" % host logger.info("{host:<60} {speed:<7} {timestamp:<10} {reason}".format( host=host, speed=float(t) / 1000.0, timestamp=ts, reason=reason)) return ret_val or [[]] class VariableClUpdateBinhostRecheckSet(Variable): """ Принудительно обновить binhost """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["--scan"] def init(self): self.help = _("search for the most appropriate update server") self.label = _("Search for the most appropriate update server") class VariableClUpdateBinhostHost(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Список имен прочих репозиториев """ type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_binhost_data" column = 0 class VariableClUpdateBinhostRevisions(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Список имен прочих репозиториев """ type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_binhost_data" column = 1 class VariableClUpdateBinhostTimestamp(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Список имен прочих репозиториев """ type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_binhost_data" column = 2 class VariableClUpdateLastTimestamp(ReadonlyVariable): """ Текущий timestamp """ def get(self): ini = SystemIni(self.parent) return ini.getVar('update', 'last_update') or "0" class VariableClUpdateBinhostTime(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Список имен прочих репозиториев """ type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_binhost_data" column = 3 class VariableClUpdateBranchName(Variable): """ Список доступных репозиторием """ type = "choiceedit-list" def init(self): self.label = _("Reference") def choice(self): return [ Git.Reference.Tag, Git.Reference.Master, Git.Reference.Develop, Git.Reference.Update] def get(self): if "getbinpkg" in self.Get('cl_features'): return [Git.Reference.Tag for x in self.Get('cl_update_rep_name')] else: branch = self.Get('cl_update_branch') return [branch for x in self.Get('cl_update_rep_name')] class VariableClUpdateSyncRep(Variable): """ Обновляемый репозиторий """ type = "choice-list" element = "selecttable" opt = ["-r", "--repositories"] metavalue = "REPOSITORIES" untrusted = True @property def rep_name(self): return self.Get('update.cl_update_rep_name') def init(self): self.help = _("synchronized repositories (all by default)") self.label = _("Synchronized repositories") def set(self, value): orderList = self.rep_name return sorted(value, key=lambda x: (orderList.index(x) if x in orderList else -1), reverse=True) def get(self): return list(reversed(self.rep_name)) def choice(self): return [ (x, x.capitalize()) for x in self.rep_name] class VariableClUpdateSyncOverlayRep(ReadonlyVariable): """ Обновляемые репозитории (исключая portage) """ type = "list" def get(self): return filter(lambda x: x not in ("portage", "gentoo"), self.Get('cl_update_sync_rep')) class VariableClUpdateOutdateSet(ReadonlyVariable): """ Флаг устанавливаемый в ходе обновления репозиториев, сообщающий что хотя бы один из запланированных репозиториев обновлен и следует обновляет различные метаданные Если обновляются прочие оверлеи - данные считаются что устарели """ type = "bool" def get(self): if (self.Get('cl_update_other_set') == 'on' and self.Get('cl_update_other_rep_name')): return "on" return "off" class VariableClUpdateMetadataForce(Variable): """ Принудительное действие с метаданными """ type = "choice" value = "auto" opt = ["--update-metadata"] syntax = "--{choice}-update-metadata" metavalue = "MODE" # untrusted = True def init(self): self.help = ("'force' - " + _("force the update ebuilds metadata") + ",\n'skip' - " + _("skip the ebuild metadata update") + ",\n'auto' - " + _("update metadata if it is outdated")) self.label = _("Update metadata") def choice(self): return [("force", _("Force")), ("skip", _("Skip")), ("auto", _("If needed"))] class VariableClUpdateEgencacheForce(Variable): """ Принудительное выполнение egencache """ type = "choice" value = "auto" opt = ["--egencache"] syntax = "--{choice}-egencache" metavalue = "MODE" # untrusted = True def init(self): self.help = ( "'force' - " + _("force the update of the overlays cache") + ",\n'skip' - " + _("skip the update of the overlays cache") + ",\n'auto' - " + _("update the overlays cache if outdated")) self.label = _("Update the overlays cache") def choice(self): return [("force", _("Force")), ("skip", _("Skip")), ("auto", _("If needed"))] class VariableClUpdateEixupdateForce(Variable): """ Принудительное действие с eix-update """ type = "choice" value = "auto" opt = ["--eix-update"] syntax = "--{choice}-eix-update" metavalue = "MODE" # untrusted = True def init(self): self.help = ("'force' - " + _("force the eix cache update") + ",\n'skip' - " + _("skip the eix cache update") + ",\n'auto' - " + _("update the eix cache if it " "is outdated")) self.label = _("Update the eix cache") def choice(self): return [("force", _("Force")), ("skip", _("Skip")), ("auto", _("If needed"))] class VariableClUpdateOtherSet(Variable): """ Обновить остальные оверлеи """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["-o", "--update-other"] def init(self): self.help = _("update other overlays") self.label = _("Update other overlays") class VariableClUpdateOtherRepData(ReadonlyTableVariable): """ Информация о прочих репозиториях """ source = ['cl_update_other_rep_name', 'cl_update_other_rep_path'] portdir_overlay = "main.cl_portdir_overlay" def generator(self): repNames = self.Get('update.cl_update_rep_name') chroot_path = self.Get('cl_chroot_path') layman = Layman(self.Get('update.cl_update_layman_installed'), self.Get('update.cl_update_layman_make'), self.Get('update.cl_update_layman_conf'), prefix=chroot_path) layman_overlays = layman.get_installed() for rpath in self.Get(self.portdir_overlay): repo_file = path.join(rpath, "profiles/repo_name") rname = readFile(repo_file).strip() or path.basename(rpath) if rname in layman_overlays and rname not in repNames: yield (rname, rpath) def get(self, hr=HumanReadable.No): return list(self.generator()) class VariableClUpdateOtherRepName(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Список имен прочих репозиториев """ type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_other_rep_data" column = 0 class VariableClUpdateOtherRepPath(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Список путей до прочих репозиториев """ type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_other_rep_data" column = 1 class VariableClUpdateLaymanInstalled(VariableClUpdateLaymanStorage): """ Путь до файла layman installed.xml """ param_name = "installed" fallback_value = "var/lib/layman/installed.xml" class VariableClUpdateLaymanMake(VariableClUpdateLaymanStorage): """ Путь до файла make.conf изменяемого layman`ом """ param_name = "make_conf" fallback_value = "var/lib/layman/make.conf" class VariableClUpdateLaymanConf(VariableClUpdateLaymanStorage): """ Путь до конфигурационного файла репозиториев для layman """ param_name = "repos_conf" fallback_value = "etc/portage/repos.conf/layman.conf" class VariableClUpdatePretendSet(Variable): """ Запустить предварительную проверку на обновления """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["-p", "--pretend"] def init(self): self.label = _("Pretend a package update") self.help = _("instead of actually performing the update, " "simply display the list of packages that " "will be installed") class VariableClUpdateSyncOnlySet(Variable): """ Не выполнять установку/обновление пакетов при обновлении """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["-s", "--sync-only"] def init(self): self.label = _("Only synchronize repositories") self.help = _("do not update packages") def check(self, value): if (value == "on" and self.Get('cl_rebuild_world_set') != 'on' and not self.Get('cl_update_sync_rep') and self.Get('cl_update_other_set') == 'off' and self.Get('cl_update_rev_set') == 'off' and self.Get('cl_update_metadata_force') != "force" and self.Get('cl_update_eixupdate_force') != "force"): raise VariableError(_("Select at least one sync repository")) class VariableClUpdateWaitAnotherSet(Variable): """ Ждать завершения другого процесса обновления """ type = "bool" value = "on" opt = ["--wait-another-update"] def init(self): self.label = _("Wait for another update to be complete") self.help = _("wait until the running update is finished") class VariableClUpdateProfileStorage(ReadonlyVariable): type = "object" def get(self): return RepositoryStorageSet( LocalStorage('/var/lib/layman'), CacheStorage('/var/calculate/tmp/update')) class VariableClUpdateRepHost(Variable): type = "list" value = ['calculate'] class VariableClUpdateRepHostUrl(Variable): type = "list" value = ['git://git.calculate.ru/calculate/%s.git'] class VariableClUpdateProfileDatavars(ReadonlyVariable): type = "object" profile = "cl_update_profile_system" profiles_path = "cl_update_profile_path" profiles_shortname = "cl_update_profile_shortname" def get(self): profile = self.Get(self.profile) path_profile = self.Select(self.profiles_path, where=self.profiles_shortname, eq=profile, limit=1) if path_profile: return DataVarsUpdateProfile(path_profile) return "" class VariableClUpdateProfileLinuxFullname(ReadonlyVariable): """ Имя системы в профиле """ def init(self): self.label = _("Distribution name") datavars = "cl_update_profile_datavars" def get(self): dv = self.Get(self.datavars) if dv: try: subname = dv.Get('os_linux_subname') linuxname = dv.Get('os_linux_name') linuxver = dv.Get('os_linux_ver') if subname: return "%s %s %s" % (linuxname, linuxver, subname) return "%s %s" % (linuxname, linuxver) except DataVarsError as s: raise VariableError("Wrong Calculate Linux profile") return "" class VariableClUpdateProfileDependData(ReadonlyTableVariable): """ Зависимые репозитории """ source = ['cl_update_profile_depend_name', 'cl_update_profile_depend_url'] datavars = "cl_update_profile_datavars" def init(self): self.label = _("Used repositories") @staticmethod def url_like(url1, url2): match1 = VariableClUpdateProfileUrl.re_url.search(url1) match2 = VariableClUpdateProfileUrl.re_url.search(url2) if match1 and match2: return match1.group(2).lower() == match2.group(2).lower() return False def get(self, hr=HumanReadable.No): dv = self.Get(self.datavars) # TODO: неиспользуемая переменная возможно # испольуется для инициализации # url = self.Get('cl_update_profile_url').lower() if dv: if hr == HumanReadable.Yes: return reversed(zip([x.capitalize() for x in dv.Get('cl_update_rep_name')], dv.Get('cl_update_rep_url'))) else: return reversed(zip(dv.Get('cl_update_rep_name'), dv.Get('cl_update_rep_url'))) return "" setValue = Variable.setValue class VariableClUpdateTemplatesLocate(Variable): """ Выбранные типы хранилищ шаблонов """ type = "choice-list" element = "selecttable" opt = ["-T", "--templates"] metavalue = "TEMPLATES" untrusted = True check_after = ['cl_update_profile_system'] profile_datevars = "update.cl_update_profile_datavars" descriptionMap = {'overlay': _('Overlay templates'), 'local': _('Local templates'), 'calculate': _("Calculate overlay templates"), 'distros': _('Distribution templates'), 'distro': _('Distribution templates'), 'remote': _('Remote templates'), 'clt': _('clt templates')} def init(self): self.label = _("Templates location") self.help = _("select the location for templates %s") \ % ",".join(self.get()) def get(self): dv = self.Get(self.profile_datevars) if dv: return dv.Get('cl_template_location') + ['clt'] else: return self.Get('cl_templates_locate') def choice(self): descr = lambda x: self.descriptionMap.get(x, _("%s overlay templates" % x)) return map(lambda x: (x, descr(x)), self.get()) class VariableClUpdateProfileDependName(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_profile_depend_data" column = 0 def init(self): self.label = _("Name") class VariableClUpdateProfileDependUrl(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_profile_depend_data" column = 1 def init(self): self.label = _("URL") class VariableClUpdateProfileRepName(ReadonlyVariable): type = "list" def get(self): dv = self.Get('cl_update_profile_datavars') if dv: return dv.Get('cl_update_rep_name') return [] class VariableClUpdateProfileSyncRep(ReadonlyVariable): type = "list" def get(self): return list(reversed(self.Get('cl_update_profile_rep_name'))) class VariableClUpdateProfileRepUrl(ReadonlyVariable): type = "list" def get(self): dv = self.Get('cl_update_profile_datavars') if dv: return dv.Get('cl_update_rep_url') return [] class VariableClUpdateProfileLinuxVer(ReadonlyVariable): """ Имя системы в профиле """ def init(self): self.label = _("System profile version") def get(self): dv = self.Get('cl_update_profile_datavars') if dv: return dv.Get('os_linux_ver') return "" class VariableClUpdateProfileLinuxName(ReadonlyVariable): """ Имя системы в профиле """ def get(self): dv = self.Get('cl_update_profile_datavars') if dv: dv.Get('os_linux_name') return "" class VariableClUpdateProfileUrl(Variable): """ URL текущего репозитория """ untrusted = True check_after = ["cl_update_profile_branch"] opt = ["--url"] metavalue = "URL" profile = "cl_profile_system" branch = "cl_update_profile_branch" storage = "cl_update_profile_storage" default_url = "git://git.calculate.ru/calculate/distros.git" profiles_shortname = 'cl_update_profile_shortname' @property def current_root(self): return '/' def init(self): self.label = _("Profile repository") self.help = _("set the profile repository") re_url = re.compile( r"^(?:(%s)://)?(\w[\w\./:-]+?\w)(\.git)?$" % "|".join( ["http", "https", "git"])) re_shortname = re.compile('^(?:([\w\.-]+):)?([\w\.-]+)$') @classmethod def normalize_url(cls, url): match = cls.re_url.match(url) if not match: raise VariableError(_("Wrong repository URL")) url = match.group(2) url = "%s://%s" % (match.group(1) or "git", url) url = "%s.git" % url return url def url_by_shortname(self, value): match = self.re_shortname.match(value) if not match.group(1): template = self.Get('update.cl_update_rep_host_url') if template: template = template[0] else: template = self.Select('update.cl_update_rep_host_url', where='update.cl_update_rep_host', eq=match.group(1), limit=1) if not template: raise VariableError(_("Failed to determine the repository host")) try: return template % match.group(2) except TypeError: raise VariableError(_("Failed to determine the repository host")) def set(self, value): if self.re_shortname.match(value): value = self.url_by_shortname(value) return self.normalize_url(value) def check(self, value): if not value: raise VariableError("Need to specify profile repository") try: branch = self.Get(self.branch) self.Get(self.storage).get_profiles(value, branch) except GitError as e: raise VariableError(str(e)) if not self.Get(self.profiles_shortname): raise VariableError(_("Repository %s has no profiles") % value) def get(self): try: profile = self.Get(self.profile) if profile: while (profile != self.current_root and ".git" not in listDirectory(profile)): profile = path.dirname(profile) if profile == self.current_root: return "" git = Git() return git.get_url(profile, "origin") or "" except Exception: pass return self.default_url class VariableClUpdateProfileRepoName(ReadonlyVariable): def init(self): self.label = _("Repository name") storage = "cl_update_profile_storage" url = "cl_update_profile_url" def get(self): rep_set = self.Get(self.storage) url = self.Get(self.url) rep = rep_set.get_repository(url, branch=None) if rep: return rep.repo_name return "" class VariableClUpdateProfileBranch(Variable): """ Текущий репозиторий """ untrusted = True type = "edit" opt = ["--branch"] metavalue = "BRANCH" storage = "cl_update_profile_storage" url = "cl_update_profile_url" value = DEFAULT_BRANCH def init(self): self.label = _("Repository branch") self.help = _("set the repository branch") def check(self, value): pass ## TODO: проверка ветки # try: # url = self.Get('cl_update_profile_url') # self.Get('cl_update_profile_storage').get_profiles(url, value) # except GitError as e: # raise VariableError(str(e)) class VariableClProfileRepository(ReadonlyVariable): """ Репозиторий из которого будут получены профили """ type = "object" def get(self): try: profile_dn = self.Get('cl_profile_system') while profile_dn != '/' and ".git" not in listDirectory(profile_dn): profile_dn = path.dirname(profile_dn) if profile_dn == '/': return "" ls = LocalStorage(path.dirname(profile_dn)) return ProfileRepository(path.basename(profile_dn), ls) except Exception: return "" class VariableClProfileData(ReadonlyTableVariable): """ Таблица данных о текущих профилях системы """ source = [] repository = "cl_profile_repository" def profile_filter(self, profiles): arch = self.Get('os_arch_machine_gentoo') return [x for x in profiles if x.arch == arch] def get(self, hr=HumanReadable.No): rep = self.Get(self.repository) if not rep: return [[]] profiles = rep.get_profiles() if not profiles: return [[]] repo_name = profiles[0].repository.repo_name filtered_profiles = self.profile_filter(profiles) full_name = [x.profile for x in filtered_profiles] profile_path = [x.path for x in filtered_profiles] profile_arch = [x.arch for x in filtered_profiles] short_name = simplify_profiles(full_name) full_name = ["%s:%s" % (repo_name, x) for x in full_name] return zip(full_name, short_name, profile_path, profile_arch) setValue = Variable.setValue class VariableClUpdateProfileRepository(ReadonlyVariable): """ Репозиторий из которого будет извлечён список профилей """ type = "object" url = "cl_update_profile_url" storage = "cl_update_profile_storage" branch = "cl_update_profile_branch" sync_set = "update.cl_update_profile_sync_set" def get(self): url = self.Get(self.url) if not url: return "" try: rep_set = self.Get(self.storage) branch = self.Get(self.branch) rep = rep_set.get_repository(url, branch) if rep and self.Get(self.sync_set) == 'on': rep.sync() return rep_set.get_repository(url, branch) or "" except GitError: return "" class VariableClUpdateProfileRepositoryName(ReadonlyVariable): """ Название репозитория, из которого будут извлечены профили """ def get(self): rep = self.Get('cl_update_profile_repository') if rep: return rep.repo_name return "" class VariableClUpdateProfileData(VariableClProfileData): source = ["cl_update_profile_fullname", "cl_update_profile_shortname", "cl_update_profile_path", "cl_update_profile_arch"] repository = "cl_update_profile_repository" class VariableClUpdateProfileFullname(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Полное название профиля """ type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_profile_data" column = 0 class VariableClUpdateProfileShortname(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Упрощенное название профиля """ type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_profile_data" column = 1 class VariableClUpdateProfilePath(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Путь от корня до профиля """ type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_profile_data" column = 2 class VariableClUpdateProfileArch(FieldValue, ReadonlyVariable): """ Архитектура профиля """ type = "list" source_variable = "cl_update_profile_data" column = 3 class VariableClUpdateProfileSystem(Variable): """ Профиль системы (симлинк /etc/make.profile') """ type = "choice" opt = ["cl_update_profile_system"] untrusted = True metavalue = "PROFILE" profiles_path = "cl_update_profile_path" profiles_shortname = "cl_update_profile_shortname" profiles_fullname = "cl_update_profile_fullname" profiles_arch = "cl_update_profile_arch" profile = "cl_profile_system" url = "cl_update_profile_url" gentoo_arch = 'os_arch_machine_gentoo' def init(self): self.label = _("System profile") self.help = _("set the system profile") def check(self, profile): if not profile: raise VariableError(_("You must specify the profile")) path_profile = self.Select(self.profiles_path, where=self.profiles_shortname, eq=profile, limit=1) profile_fullname = self.Select(self.profiles_fullname, where=self.profiles_shortname, eq=profile, limit=1) if path_profile: dv = DataVarsUpdateProfile(path_profile) if ":" in profile_fullname: repo_name = profile_fullname.partition(":")[0] else: repo_name = "" try: if (not dv.Get('cl_update_rep_name') or not dv.Get('cl_update_rep_url')): raise VariableError( _("Repository variables " "were not configured for the profile")) if not dv.Get('os_linux_name'): raise VariableError("") if repo_name not in list(dv.Get('cl_update_rep_name')): raise VariableError( _("Overlay %s is not specified " "in cl_update_rep_name") % repo_name) except (DataVarsError, VariableError) as e: if str(e): message = ". " + str(e) else: message = "" raise VariableError(_("The selected profile is not Calculate") + message) else: raise VariableError(_("Wrong Calculate profile")) def get(self): try: profile_system = self.Get(self.profile) profile = self.Select(self.profiles_shortname, where=self.profiles_path, eq=profile_system, limit=1) if profile: return profile except VariableError: pass shortname = self.Get(self.profiles_shortname) if len(shortname) == 1: return shortname[0] return "" def choice(self): url = self.Get(self.url) if not url: return [] arch = self.Get(self.gentoo_arch) profiles = zip(*self.Select([self.profiles_shortname, self.profiles_fullname], where=self.profiles_arch, eq=arch)) if profiles: short_name, full_name = profiles return zip(short_name, full_name) return [] class DataVarsUpdateProfile(SimpleDataVars): """ Упрощенная модель переменных для получения данных с удаленного профиля """ source = ['cl_update_rep_name', 'cl_update_rep_url', 'cl_update_rep_path', 'cl_update_rep_rev', 'cl_update_branch_name'] def __init__(self, profile, chroot_path='/', recheck=None, stable=None): SimpleDataVars.__init__( self, lib_linux.VariableOsLinuxName(), lib_linux.VariableOsLinuxShortname(), lib_linux.VariableOsLinuxSubname(), lib_linux.VariableOsLinuxVer(), lib_linux.VariableClProfileSystem(), env.VariableClRepositoryData(), env.VariableClRepositoryName(), env.VariableClRepositoryLocation(), env.VariableClChrootPath(), env.VariableClTemplateLocation(), env.VariableClTemplatePath(), env.VariableClEmergeConfig(systemRoot=chroot_path), env.VariableClFeatures(), env.VariableClEbuildPhase(), VariableClUpdateRepData(section="update"), VariableClUpdateRepPath(section="update"), VariableClUpdateRepRev(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBranch(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBranchName(section="update"), VariableClUpdateLaymanConfig(section="update"), VariableClUpdateLaymanStorage(section="update"), VariableClUpdateRepName(section="update"), VariableClUpdateRep(section="update"), VariableClUpdateRepUrl(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhost(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostData(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostHost(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostRecheckSet(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostRevisions(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostTime(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostTimestamp(section="update"), VariableClUpdateLastTimestamp(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostTimeout(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostTimestampPath(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostList(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostUnstableList(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostStableSet(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostStableOptSet(section="update"), VariableClUpdateBinhostRevisionPath(section="update"), ) self['cl_profile_system'] = profile self['cl_chroot_path'] = chroot_path if recheck is not None: self['cl_update_binhost_recheck_set'] = recheck if stable is not None: self['cl_update_binhost_stable_opt_set'] = stable self.flIniFileFrom(profile) def __repr__(self): return "Profile variables" class VariableClUpdateProfileSyncSet(Variable): """ Синхронизировать репозиторий перед сменой профиля """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["-u", "--update-cache"] def init(self): self.label = _("Update the cache") self.help = _("Update the cache") class VariableClUpdateAutocheckSet(Variable): """ Выполнять/невыполнять автопроверку обновлений """ type = "bool" value = "on" opt = ["-a", "--autocheck"] def init(self): self.label = _("Automatically check updates") self.help = _("automatically check updates") class VariableClUpdateAutocheckInterval(Variable): """ Интервал выполнения проверки """ type = "choiceedit" opt = ["-I", "--autocheck-interval"] metavalue = "INTERVAL" def init(self): self.label = _("Interval for the updates checking") self.help = _("set interval for the updates checking") def choice(self): return [["6h", _("every six hours")], ["12h", _("every twelve hours")], ["1d", _("daily")]] class VariableClUpdateAutocheckScheduleSet(Variable): """ Запустить проверку только если со времени последнего запуска прошло необходимое время """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["--schedule"] def init(self): self.label = _("Consider the autocheck schedule") self.help = _("consider the autocheck schedule") class VariableClUpdateEmergelistSet(Variable): """ Вывести список пакетов в формате emerge """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["-e", "--emergelist"] def init(self): self.label = _("Emerge-like packages list") self.help = _("display the packages list in emerge format") class VariableClUpdateKernelVersion(ReadonlyVariable): """ Текущая версия ядра """ def get(self): return process('/bin/uname', '-r').read().strip() class VariableClUpdateKernelSrcPath(ReadonlyVariable): """ Каталог содержащий исходный код текущего ядра """ def get(self): kernel_ver = self.Get('cl_update_kernel_version') for template_path in ("/lib/modules/%s/build", "/usr/src/linux-%s"): src_path = template_path % kernel_ver if path.exists(src_path): if path.islink(src_path): return os.readlink(src_path) else: return src_path else: return "" class VariableClUpdateKernelPkg(ReadonlyVariable): """ Пакет текущего ядра """ def get(self): src_path = self.Get('cl_update_kernel_src_path') if src_path: qfile = process('/usr/bin/qfile', '-vC', src_path) if qfile.success(): return qfile.read().partition(" ")[0] return "" class VariableClUpdateLinesLimit(Variable): """ Количество выводимых строк при ошибке """ type = "int" value = "30" class VariableClUpdateSkipSetupSet(Variable): """ Пропустить выполнение cl-setup-system в cl-update-profile """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["--skip-setup-system"] def init(self): self.label = _("Skip the system setup") self.help = _("skip the system setup") class VariableClUpdateCleanpkgSet(Variable): """ Пропустить выполнение cl-setup-system в cl-update-profile """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["--clean-pkg"] def init(self): self.label = _("Clean obsolete programs archives") self.help = _("clean obsolete programs archives") class VariableClUpdateOutdatedKernelPath(Variable): """ Файл-флаг наличия устаревшего, неудаленного ядра """ value = "/var/lib/calculate/calculate-update/outdated_kernel" class VariableClUpdateSkipRbSet(Variable): """ Пропусить revdep-rebuild """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["-R", "--skip-revdep-rebuild"] def init(self): self.label = _("Skip reverse dependencies check") self.help = _("skip reverse dependencies check") class VariableClUpdateOutdatedKernelSet(ReadonlyVariable): """ Есть наличие устаревшего ядра """ type = "bool" def get(self): ui = UpdateInfo(self.parent) return "on" if ui.outdated_kernel else "off" class VariableClUpdateBinhostList(Variable): """ Список хостов с бинарными обновлениями """ type = "list" value = ["ftp://ftp.calculate-linux.ru/calculate"] class VariableClUpdateBinhostUnstableList(Variable): """ Список хостов с бинарными обновлениями """ type = "list" value = ["ftp://ftp.calculate-linux.ru/testing"] class VariableClUpdateBinhostStableSet(Variable): """ Удлять лишние файлы из репозиториев (например созданные пользователем) """ type = "bool" value = "on" class VariableClUpdateBinhostStableOptSet(Variable): """ Удлять лишние файлы из репозиториев (например созданные пользователем) """ type = "bool" value = "on" opt = ["--stable"] def init(self): self.label = _("Use only stable updates") self.help = _("use only stable updates") def get(self): return self.Get('cl_update_binhost_stable_set') class VariableClUpdateBinhost(Variable): """ Хост с бинарными обновлениями """ value = "" class VariableClUpdateBinhostRevisionPath(Variable): """ Путь до revisions файлов """ type = "list" value = [ "grp/ini.env" ] class VariableClUpdateBinhostTimestampPath(Variable): """ Путь до файла timestamp """ value = "timestamp" class VariableClUpdateBinhostTimeout(Variable): """ Таймаут на проверку одного binhost """ type = "int" value = "5" class VariableClUpdateCheckRepSet(Variable): """ Удлять лишние файлы из репозиториев (например созданные пользователем) """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["--check-repos", "-C"] def init(self): self.label = _("Check the repositories integrity") self.help = _("check and fix the repositories integrity") class VariableClUpdateOnedepthSet(Variable): """ Удлять лишние файлы из репозиториев (например созданные пользователем) """ type = "bool" value = "off" opt = ["--one-depth", "-1"] def init(self): self.label = _("Clear the history of repositories") self.help = _("clear the history of repositories") class VariableClUpdateEixRepositories(ReadonlyVariable): """ Отображаемый список обновляемых репозиториев eix """ def get(self): return ", ".join( x.capitalize() for x in chain( reversed(self.Get('update.cl_update_rep_name')), self.Get('update.cl_update_other_rep_name')))