# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014-2016 Mir Calculate. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from functools import wraps import random import sys from os import path import os import time from calculate.core.server.gen_pid import search_worked_process from calculate.core.setup_cache import Cache as SetupCache from calculate.core.server.func import MethodsInterface from calculate.lib.cl_template import SystemIni, LayeredIni from calculate.lib.datavars import DataVarsError, VariableError, Variable from calculate.lib.utils.tools import AddonError from calculate.lib.utils.colortext.palette import TextState from calculate.lib.utils.colortext import get_color_print from calculate.update.emerge_parser import RevdepPercentBlock from calculate.update.datavars import DataVarsUpdate from calculate.update.update_info import UpdateInfo from calculate.lib.utils.binhosts import (Binhosts, BinhostSignError, BinhostError, PackagesIndex, DAYS) from calculate.lib.utils.gpg import GPG, GPGError from calculate.lib.cl_log import log import hashlib import re import shutil from collections import MutableSet from contextlib import contextmanager import tempfile from calculate.lib.utils.git import Git, GitError, MTimeKeeper, NotGitError from calculate.lib.utils.portage import (Layman, EmergeLog, EmergeLogNamedTask, PackageInformation, get_packages_files_directory, get_manifest_files_directory, get_remove_list) from calculate.lib.utils.text import _u8 Colors = TextState.Colors from calculate.lib.utils.files import (getProgPath, STDOUT, removeDir, PercentProgress, process, getRunCommands, readFile, listDirectory, pathJoin, find, FindFileType,quite_unlink, writeFile, makeDirectory) import emerge_parser import logging from emerge_parser import (EmergeParser, EmergeCommand, EmergeError, EmergeCache, Chroot) from calculate.lib.cl_lang import (setLocalTranslate, getLazyLocalTranslate, RegexpLocalization, _) setLocalTranslate('cl_update3', sys.modules[__name__]) __ = getLazyLocalTranslate(_) class UpdateError(AddonError): """Update Error""" class OverlayOwnCache(MutableSet): """ Сет оверлеев с интегрированным кэшем """ def __init__(self, dv=None): self.dv = dv def __get_overlays(self): own_cache_value = SystemIni(self.dv).getVar('system', 'own_cache') or "" return [x.strip() for x in own_cache_value.split(',') if x.strip()] def __write_overlays(self, overlays): if not overlays: SystemIni(self.dv).delVar('system', 'own_cache') else: SystemIni(self.dv).setVar('system', {'own_cache': ",".join(overlays)}) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.__get_overlays() def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__get_overlays()) def __len__(self): return len(self.__get_overlays()) def __append_value(self, overlays, value): if value not in overlays: overlays.append(value) self.__write_overlays(overlays) def add(self, value): overlays = self.__get_overlays() self.__append_value(overlays, value) def discard(self, value): overlays = self.__get_overlays() if value in overlays: overlays.remove(value) self.__write_overlays(overlays) def variable_module(var_env): def variable_module_decor(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kw): old_env = self.clVars.defaultModule try: self.clVars.defaultModule = var_env return f(self, *args, **kw) finally: self.clVars.defaultModule = old_env return wrapper return variable_module_decor class Update(MethodsInterface): """Основной объект для выполнения действий связанных с обновлением системы """ def init(self): commandLog = path.join(self.clVars.Get('core.cl_log_path'), 'lastcommand.log') emerge_parser.CommandExecutor.logfile = commandLog self.color_print = get_color_print() self.emerge_cache = EmergeCache() if self.clVars.Get('cl_env_debug_set') == 'off': EmergeCache.logger.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) self.emerge_cache.check_list = ( self.emerge_cache.check_list + map(lambda x:emerge_parser.GitCheckvalue(x, self.getGit()), self.clVars.Get('update.cl_update_rep_path'))) self.update_map = {} self.refresh_binhost = False self.pkgnum = None self.pkgnummax = None self.gpgdata_md5 = [] self.gpg_changed = False def get_prog_path(self, program_name): return getProgPath(program_name) def getGit(self): return self.clVars.Get('cl_update_git') @contextmanager def private_repo(self, rpath, url): if Git.is_private_url(url): try: if not path.exists(rpath): makeDirectory(rpath) os.chmod(rpath, 0700) yield finally: try: for dn in (Git._gitDir(rpath), path.join(rpath, "profiles/templates")): if path.exists(dn): os.chmod(dn, 0700) for fn in find(path.join(rpath, "profiles"), True, FindFileType.RegularFile, True, None, downfilter=lambda x: not x.endswith("/templates")): if fn.endswith("calculate.env") or fn.endswith("ini.env"): os.chmod(fn, 0600) if path.exists(rpath): os.chmod(rpath, 0755) except OSError: pass else: yield def _syncRepository(self, name, url, rpath, revision, cb_progress=None, clean=False, notask=False): """ Синхронизировать репозитори """ dv = self.clVars git = self.getGit() info_outdated = False old_dir = "%s.old" % git._gitDir(rpath) if path.exists(old_dir): clean = True try: self.stash_cache(rpath, name) if not git.checkExistsRep(rpath): if not notask: self.startTask(_("Syncing the {rep} repository").format( rep=name.capitalize())) self.addProgress() with self.private_repo(rpath, url): git.cloneTagRepository(url, rpath, revision, cb_progress=cb_progress) info_outdated = True else: cr = "" try: need_update = False tag_cr = git.getCommit(rpath, revision) cr = git.getCurrentCommit(rpath) ref_type = git.reference_type(rpath, revision) if tag_cr != cr or ref_type == Git.Reference.Branch: need_update = True elif clean: status = git.getStatusInfo(rpath) if not status or status['files']: need_update = True except GitError as e: need_update = True if need_update: if not notask: self.startTask(_("Syncing the {rep} repository").format( rep=name.capitalize())) self.addProgress() with self.private_repo(rpath, url): git.updateTagRepository(url, rpath, revision, cb_progress=cb_progress, clean=clean) new_cr = git.getCurrentCommit(rpath) if new_cr != cr: info_outdated = True if info_outdated: self.raiseOutdate() dv.Set('cl_update_outdate_set', 'on', force=True) finally: self.unstash_cache(rpath, name) # TODO: debug1 #dv.Set('cl_update_outdate_set', 'on', force=True) return True def raiseOutdate(self): self.clVars.Set('cl_update_outdate_set', 'on', force=True) def setAutocheckParams(self, status, interval, update_other, cleanpkg): """ Настроить параметры автопроверки обновлений """ onoff = lambda x: "on" if x else "off" self.clVars.Write('cl_update_autocheck_set', onoff(status), True) self.clVars.Write('cl_update_autocheck_interval', interval, True) self.clVars.Write('cl_update_other_set', onoff(update_other), True) self.clVars.Write('cl_update_cleanpkg_set', onoff(cleanpkg), True) if not status: UpdateInfo.set_update_ready(False) return True def checkSchedule(self, interval, status): """ Проверить по расписанию необходимость запуска команды """ if not status: self.printWARNING(_("Updates autocheck is not enabled")) return False last_check = SystemIni(self.clVars).getVar('system', 'last_check') or "" re_interval = re.compile("^(\d+)\s*(hours?|days?|weeks?)?", re.I) interval_match = re_interval.search(interval) MINUTE = 60 HOUR = MINUTE * 60 DAY = HOUR * 24 WEEK = DAY * 7 if interval_match: if interval_match.group(2): suffix_map = {'h': HOUR, 'd': DAY, 'w': WEEK} k = suffix_map.get(interval_match.group(2).lower()[0], HOUR) else: k = HOUR est = int(interval_match.group(1)) * k else: est = 3 * HOUR if last_check: if last_check.isdigit(): if (time.time() - int(last_check)) < (est - 10 * MINUTE): self.printWARNING(_("Please wait for the update time")) return False self.mark_schedule() return True def checkRun(self, wait_update): """ Проверить повторный запуск """ update_running = lambda: any(os.getpid() != x for x in search_worked_process('update', dv)) dv = self.clVars if update_running(): if not wait_update: raise UpdateError(_("Update is already running. " "Try to run later.")) else: self.startTask(_("Waiting for another update to be complete")) while update_running(): self.pauseProcess() while update_running(): time.sleep(0.3) self.resumeProcess() time.sleep(random.random() * 3) self.endTask() if self.clVars.Get('cl_chroot_status') == 'off': emerge_running = lambda: any("/usr/bin/emerge" in x for x in getRunCommands(True)) if emerge_running(): if not wait_update: raise UpdateError(_("Emerge is running. " "Try to run later.")) else: self.startTask(_("Waiting for emerge to be complete")) while emerge_running(): time.sleep(1) self.endTask() return True @variable_module("update") def trimRepositories(self, repname): """ Синхронизировать репозитории """ dv = self.clVars rpath = \ dv.select('cl_update_rep_path', cl_update_rep_name=repname, limit=1) git = self.getGit() self.addProgress() git.trimRepository(rpath, cb_progress=self.setProgress) return True @variable_module("update") def syncRepositories(self, repname, fallback_sync=False, clean_on_error=True): """ Синхронизировать репозитории """ dv = self.clVars check_status = dv.GetBool('update.cl_update_check_rep_set') url, rpath, revision = ( dv.Select(["cl_update_rep_url", "cl_update_rep_path", "cl_update_rep_rev"], where="cl_update_rep_name", eq=repname, limit=1)) if not url or not rpath: raise UpdateError(_("Configuration variables for repositories " "are not setup")) git = self.getGit() if not git.checkUrl(url): raise UpdateError(_("Git %s is unavailable") % url) chroot_path = path.normpath(self.clVars.Get('cl_chroot_path')) if chroot_path == '/': rpath_orig = rpath else: rpath_orig = rpath[len(chroot_path):] mtime = MTimeKeeper(path.join(rpath, "profiles/updates")) mtime.save() try: if clean_on_error: try: layman = Layman(dv.Get('cl_update_layman_installed'), dv.Get('cl_update_layman_make'), dv.Get('cl_update_layman_conf'), prefix=chroot_path) if repname not in ("portage", "gentoo"): layman.add(repname, url, rpath_orig) if not self._syncRepository(repname, url, rpath, revision, cb_progress=self.setProgress, clean=check_status, notask=fallback_sync): return "skip" return True except GitError as e: if not isinstance(e, NotGitError): if e.addon: self.printWARNING(str(e.addon)) self.printWARNING(str(e)) self.endTask(False) self.startTask( _("Re-fetching the {name} repository").format( name=repname)) self.addProgress() rpath_new = "%s_new" % rpath try: self._syncRepository(repname, url, rpath_new, revision, cb_progress=self.setProgress, clean=check_status, notask=fallback_sync) removeDir(rpath) shutil.move(rpath_new, rpath) except OSError as e: raise UpdateError(_("Failed to modify the " "{repname} repository").format( repname=repname) + _(": ") + str(e)) finally: if path.exists(rpath_new): removeDir(rpath_new) else: if not self._syncRepository(repname, url, rpath, revision, clean=check_status): return "skip" layman = Layman(dv.Get('cl_update_layman_installed'), dv.Get('cl_update_layman_make'), dv.Get('cl_update_layman_conf'), prefix=chroot_path) if repname not in ("portage", "gentoo"): layman.add(repname, url, rpath_orig) finally: mtime.restore() return True metadata_cache_names = ("metadata/md5-cache", "metadata/cache") def stash_cache(self, rpath, name): """ Спрятать кэш """ if name in ("portage", "gentoo"): return if not name in OverlayOwnCache(self.clVars): for cachename in self.metadata_cache_names: cachedir = path.join(rpath, cachename) if path.exists(cachedir): try: cachedir_s = path.join(path.dirname(rpath), path.basename( cachename) + ".stash") if path.exists(cachedir_s): removeDir(cachedir_s) shutil.move(cachedir, cachedir_s) except BaseException as e: pass def unstash_cache(self, rpath, name): """ Извлеч кэш """ if name in ("portage", "gentoo"): return cachenames = self.metadata_cache_names if not name in OverlayOwnCache(self.clVars): if any(path.exists(path.join(rpath, x)) for x in cachenames): for cachename in cachenames: cachedir_s = path.join(path.dirname(rpath), path.basename(cachename) + ".stash") if path.exists(cachedir_s): try: removeDir(cachedir_s) except BaseException as e: pass OverlayOwnCache(self.clVars).add(name) else: for cachename in cachenames: cachedir = path.join(rpath, cachename) cachedir_s = path.join(path.dirname(rpath), path.basename(cachename) + ".stash") if path.exists(cachedir_s): try: shutil.move(cachedir_s, cachedir) except BaseException as e: pass else: if all(not path.exists(path.join(rpath, x)) for x in cachenames): OverlayOwnCache(self.clVars).discard(name) def syncLaymanRepository(self, repname): """ Обновить репозиторий через layman """ layman = self.get_prog_path('/usr/bin/layman') if not layman: raise UpdateError(_("The Layman tool is not found")) rpath = self.clVars.Select('cl_update_other_rep_path', where='cl_update_other_rep_name', eq=repname, limit=1) laymanname = path.basename(rpath) self.stash_cache(rpath, laymanname) try: if Git.is_git(rpath): self.addProgress() p = PercentProgress(layman, "-s", laymanname, part=1, atty=True) for perc in p.progress(): self.setProgress(perc) else: p = process(layman, "-s", repname, stderr=STDOUT) if p.failed(): raise UpdateError( _("Failed to update the {rname} repository").format( rname=repname), addon=p.read()) finally: self.unstash_cache(rpath, laymanname) return True def _regenCache_process(self, progname, repname, cpu_num): return process(progname, "--repo=%s" % repname, "--update", "--jobs=%s" % cpu_num, stderr=STDOUT) def regenCache(self, repname): """ Обновить кэш метаданных репозитория """ egenCache = self.get_prog_path('/usr/bin/egencache') if not egenCache: raise UpdateError(_("The Portage tool is not found")) if repname in self.clVars.Get('cl_update_rep_name'): path_rep = self.clVars.Select('cl_update_rep_path', where='cl_update_rep_name', eq=repname, limit=1) repo_name = readFile( path.join(path_rep, "profiles/repo_name")).strip() if repo_name != repname: self.printWARNING( _("Repository '{repo_name}' called '{repname}'" " in cl_update_rep_name").format( repo_name=repo_name, repname=repname)) raise UpdateError(_("Failed to update the cache of the {rname} " "repository").format(rname=repname)) cpu_num = self.clVars.Get('hr_cpu_num') if repname in OverlayOwnCache(self.clVars): self.printWARNING( _("Repository %s has its own cache") % repname.capitalize()) else: self.startTask(_("Updating the %s repository cache") % repname.capitalize()) p = self._regenCache_process(egenCache, repname, cpu_num) if p.failed(): raise UpdateError(_("Failed to update the cache of the {rname} " "repository").format(rname=repname), addon=p.read()) return True def emergeMetadata(self): """ Выполнить egencache и emerge --metadata """ emerge = self.get_prog_path("/usr/bin/emerge") if not emerge: raise UpdateError(_("The Emerge tool is not found")) self.addProgress() p = PercentProgress(emerge, "--ask=n", "--metadata", part=1, atty=True) for perc in p.progress(): self.setProgress(perc) if p.failed(): data = p.read() with open('/var/log/calculate/failed-metadata-%d.log' % time.time(), 'w') as f: f.write(data + p.alldata) raise UpdateError(_("Failed to update metadata"), addon=data) return True def _eixUpdateCommand(self, eix_cmd, countRep): return PercentProgress(eix_cmd, "-F", part=countRep or 1, atty=True) def eixUpdate(self, repositroies): """ Выполенине eix-update для репозиторием eix-update выполнятется только для тех репозиториев, которые обновлялись, если cl_update_eixsync_force==auto, либо все, если cl_update_eixupdate_force==force """ eixupdate = self.get_prog_path("/usr/bin/eix-update") if not eixupdate: raise UpdateError(_("The Eix tool is not found")) self.addProgress() countRep = len(repositroies) p = self._eixUpdateCommand(eixupdate, countRep) for perc in p.progress(): self.setProgress(perc) if p.failed(): raise UpdateError(_("Failed to update eix cache"), addon=p.read()) return True def is_binary_pkg(self, pkg, binary=None): """ Является ли пакет бинарным """ if binary: return True if 'PN' in pkg and pkg['PN'].endswith('-bin'): return True if binary is not None: return binary if "binary" in pkg and pkg['binary']: return True return False def _printEmergePackage(self, pkg, binary=False, num=1, max_num=1): """ Вывод сообщения сборки пакета """ self.endTask() _print = self.color_print if self.pkgnum is not None: num = self.pkgnum if self.pkgnummax is not None: max_num = self.pkgnummax one = _print("{0}", num) two = _print("{0}", max_num) part = _("({current} of {maximum})").format(current=one, maximum=two) _print = _print.foreground(Colors.DEFAULT) if self.is_binary_pkg(pkg, binary): _colorprint = _print.foreground(Colors.PURPLE) else: _colorprint = _print.foreground(Colors.GREEN) PackageInformation.add_info(pkg) name = "" if pkg.info['DESCRIPTION']: name = _(pkg.info['DESCRIPTION']) name = name[:1].upper() + name[1:] if not name.strip(): name = str(pkg) self.printSUCCESS( _("{part} {package}").format(part=part, package=name)) self.startTask( _("Emerging {package}").format(package=_colorprint(str(pkg)))) def _printInstallPackage(self, pkg, binary=False): """ Вывод сообщения установки пакета """ self.endTask() _print = self.color_print if self.is_binary_pkg(pkg, binary): _print = _print.foreground(Colors.PURPLE) else: _print = _print.foreground(Colors.GREEN) pkg_key = "{CATEGORY}/{PF}".format(**pkg) if pkg_key in self.update_map: self.startTask(_("Installing {pkg} [{oldver}]").format( pkg=_print(str(pkg)), oldver=self.update_map[pkg_key])) self.update_map.pop(pkg_key) else: self.startTask(_("Installing %s") % (_print(str(pkg)))) def _printFetching(self, fn): """ Вывод сообщения о скачивании """ self.endTask() self.startTask(_("Fetching binary packages")) def _printUninstallPackage(self, pkg, num=1, max_num=1): """ Вывод сообщения удаления пакета """ self.endTask() _print = self.color_print if num and max_num: one = _print("{0}", num) two = _print("{0}", max_num) part = _(" ({current} of {maximum})").format(current=one, maximum=two) else: part = "" _print = _print.foreground(Colors.LIGHT_RED) self.startTask( _("Unmerging{part} {package}").format(part=part, package=_print(str(pkg)))) def emergelike(self, cmd, *params): """ Запуск команды, которая подразумевает выполнение emerge """ cmd_path = self.get_prog_path(cmd) if not cmd_path: raise UpdateError(_("Failed to find the %s command") % cmd) with EmergeParser( emerge_parser.CommandExecutor(cmd_path, params)) as emerge: self._startEmerging(emerge) return True def revdep_rebuild(self, cmd, *params): """ Запуск revdep-rebulid """ cmd_path = self.get_prog_path(cmd) if not cmd_path: raise UpdateError(_("Failed to find the %s command") % cmd) with EmergeParser( emerge_parser.CommandExecutor(cmd_path, params)) as emerge: revdep = RevdepPercentBlock(emerge) self.addProgress() revdep.add_observer(self.setProgress) revdep.action = lambda x: ( self.endTask(), self.startTask(_("Assigning files to packages")) if "Assign" in revdep else None) self._startEmerging(emerge) return True def _display_pretty_package_list(self, pkglist, remove_list=False): """ Отобразить список пакетов в "удобочитаемом" виде """ _print = self.color_print ebuild_color = TextState.Colors.GREEN binary_color = TextState.Colors.PURPLE remove_color = TextState.Colors.LIGHT_RED flag_map = {"updating": _print.foreground(TextState.Colors.LIGHT_CYAN)("U"), "reinstall": _print.foreground(TextState.Colors.YELLOW)("rR"), "new": _print.foreground(TextState.Colors.LIGHT_GREEN)("N"), "newslot": _print.foreground(TextState.Colors.LIGHT_GREEN)("NS"), "downgrading": ( _print.foreground(TextState.Colors.LIGHT_CYAN)("U") + _print.foreground(TextState.Colors.LIGHT_BLUE)("D"))} for pkg in sorted([PackageInformation.add_info(x) for x in pkglist], key=lambda y: y['CATEGORY/PN']): install_flag = "" if remove_list: pkgcolor = _print.foreground(remove_color) else: for flag in flag_map: if pkg[flag]: install_flag = "(%s) " % flag_map[flag] break if self.is_binary_pkg(pkg): pkgcolor = _print.foreground(binary_color) else: pkgcolor = _print.foreground(ebuild_color) if pkg.info['DESCRIPTION']: fullname = "%s " % _(pkg.info['DESCRIPTION']) fullname = fullname[:1].upper() + fullname[1:] else: fullname = "" shortname = pkgcolor("%s-%s" % (pkg["CATEGORY/PN"], pkg["PVR"])) if "SIZE" in pkg and pkg['SIZE'] and pkg["SIZE"] != "0 kB": size = " (%s)" % pkg["SIZE"] else: size = "" mult = _print.bold("*") self.printDefault( _u8(" {mult} {fullname}{flag}{shortname}{size}").format( mult=_u8(mult), fullname=_u8(fullname), shortname=_u8(shortname), size=_u8(size), flag=_u8(install_flag))) def _display_install_package(self, emerge, emergelike=False): """ Отобразить список устанавливаемых пакетов """ # подробный список пакетов _print = self.color_print if emergelike: self.printPre(str(emerge.install_packages)) else: pkglist = emerge.install_packages.list self.printSUCCESS(_print( _("Listing packages for installation"))) self._display_pretty_package_list(pkglist) if emerge.install_packages.remove_list: self.printSUCCESS(_print( _("Listing packages for removal"))) self._display_pretty_package_list( emerge.install_packages.remove_list, remove_list=True) if len(emerge.install_packages.list) > 0: install_mess = (_("{count} packages will be installed").format( count=len(emerge.install_packages.list)) + ", ") else: install_mess = "" if str(emerge.download_size) != "0 kB": self.printSUCCESS(_("{install}{size} will be downloaded").format( install=install_mess, size=str(emerge.download_size))) def _display_remove_list(self, emerge): """ Отобразить список удаляемых пакетов """ # подробный список пакетов if self.clVars.Get('update.cl_update_emergelist_set') == 'on': self.printPre(self._emerge_translate( emerge.uninstall_packages.verbose_result)) else: _print = self.color_print pkglist = emerge.uninstall_packages.list self.printSUCCESS(_print.bold( _("Listing packages for removal"))) self._display_pretty_package_list(pkglist, remove_list=True) def mark_schedule(self): """ Установить отметку о запуске запланированной проверки """ SystemIni(self.clVars).setVar('system', {'last_check': str(int(time.time()))}) def get_default_emerge_opts(self): if self.clVars.GetBool('cl_update_with_bdeps_set'): bdeps = " --with-bdeps=y" else: bdeps = " --with-bdeps=n" return self.clVars.Get('cl_emerge_default_opts') + bdeps def premerge(self, param, *packages): """ Вывести информацию об обновлении """ deo = self.get_default_emerge_opts() param = [param, "-pv"] with EmergeParser(EmergeCommand(list(packages), emerge_default_opts=deo, extra_params=param)) as emerge: try: emerge.run() if not emerge.install_packages.list: self.printSUCCESS(_("The system is up to date")) self.set_need_update(False) return True emergelike = self.clVars.Get('cl_update_emergelist_set') == 'on' self._display_install_package(emerge, emergelike) if str(emerge.skipped_packages): self._display_error(emerge.skipped_packages) except EmergeError: self.set_need_update(False) self._display_install_package(emerge, emergelike=True) self._display_error(emerge.prepare_error) raise if self.clVars.Get('cl_update_pretend_set') == 'on': # установить кэш: есть обновления self.set_need_update() return True self.set_need_update(False) answer = self.askConfirm( _("Would you like to merge these packages?"), "yes") if answer == "no": raise KeyboardInterrupt return "yes" return True def set_need_update(self, val=True): """ Установить флаг: есть обновления """ if self.clVars.Get('update.cl_update_autocheck_set') == 'off': val = False UpdateInfo.set_update_ready(val) return True def _emerge_translate(self, s): """ Перевести текст из emerge """ return RegexpLocalization('cl_emerge').translate(str(s)) def setUpToDateCache(self): """ Установить кэш - "нет пакетов для обновления" """ #self.updateCache(PackageList([])) self.set_need_update(False) return True def _startEmerging(self, emerge): """ Настроить и выполнить emerge """ if emerge.install_packages and emerge.install_packages.list: for pkg in emerge.install_packages.list: rv = pkg.get('REPLACING_VERSIONS', '') if rv: self.update_map["{CATEGORY}/{PF}".format(**pkg)] = \ rv.partition(":")[0] emerge.command.send("yes\n") emerge.emerging.add_observer(self._printEmergePackage) emerge.installing.add_observer(self._printInstallPackage) emerge.uninstalling.add_observer(self._printUninstallPackage) emerge.fetching.add_observer(self._printFetching) def cancel_observing_fetch(fn): emerge.fetching.clear_observers() emerge.fetching.add_observer(cancel_observing_fetch) try: emerge.run() except EmergeError: if emerge.emerging_error: self._display_error(emerge.emerging_error.log) else: self._display_error(emerge.prepare_error) raise def _display_error(self, error): lines_num = int(self.clVars.Get('update.cl_update_lines_limit')) error = "
')[-lines_num:]) self.printPre(self._emerge_translate(error)) def emerge(self, use, param, *packages): """ Выполнить сборку пакета """ deo = self.get_default_emerge_opts() if not packages: packages = [param] extra_params = None else: extra_params = [param] command = EmergeCommand(list(packages), emerge_default_opts=deo, extra_params=extra_params, use=use) if self.clVars.Get('cl_chroot_path') != '/': command = Chroot(self.clVars.Get('cl_chroot_path'), command) with EmergeParser(command) as emerge: try: emerge.question.action = lambda x: False emerge.run() if not emerge.install_packages.list: return True except EmergeError: self._display_error(emerge.prepare_error) raise self._startEmerging(emerge) return True def emerge_ask(self, pretend, *params): """ Вывести информацию об обновлении """ deo = self.get_default_emerge_opts() param = [x for x in params if x.startswith("-")] packages = [x for x in params if not x.startswith("-")] command = EmergeCommand(list(packages), emerge_default_opts=deo, extra_params=param) with EmergeParser(command) as emerge: try: emerge.question.action = lambda x: False emerge.run() if emerge.install_packages.list: emergelike = self.clVars.Get( 'update.cl_update_emergelist_set') == 'on' self._display_install_package(emerge, emergelike) if emerge.skipped_packages: self._display_error(emerge.skipped_packages) if not pretend: answer = self.askConfirm( _("Would you like to merge these packages?"), "yes") if answer == "no": emerge.command.send("no\n") raise KeyboardInterrupt else: return True else: self.set_need_update(False) self.printSUCCESS(_("The system is up to date")) except EmergeError: self.set_need_update(False) self._display_install_package(emerge, emergelike=True) self._display_error(emerge.prepare_error) raise self._startEmerging(emerge) return True def depclean(self): """ Выполнить очистку системы от лишних пакетов """ deo = self.get_default_emerge_opts() emerge = None try: emerge = EmergeParser(EmergeCommand(["--depclean"], emerge_default_opts=deo)) outdated_kernel = False try: emerge.question.action = lambda x: False emerge.run() if not emerge.uninstall_packages.list: UpdateInfo(self.clVars).outdated_kernel = False return True kernel_pkg = self.clVars.Get('cl_update_kernel_pkg') if any(("%s-%s" % (x['CATEGORY/PN'], x['PVR'])) == kernel_pkg for x in emerge.uninstall_packages.list): pkglist = [ "=%s-%s" % (x['CATEGORY/PN'], x['PVR']) for x in emerge.uninstall_packages.list if ("%s-%s" % (x['CATEGORY/PN'], x['PVR'])) != kernel_pkg] emerge.command.send('n\n') emerge.close() emerge = None if not pkglist: UpdateInfo(self.clVars).outdated_kernel = True return True emerge = EmergeParser( EmergeCommand(pkglist, extra_params=["--unmerge", '--ask=y'], emerge_default_opts=deo)) emerge.question.action = lambda x: False emerge.run() outdated_kernel = True else: outdated_kernel = False self._display_remove_list(emerge) except EmergeError: self._display_error(emerge.prepare_error) raise if (self.askConfirm( _("Would you like to unmerge these unused packages " "(recommended)?")) != 'yes'): return True UpdateInfo(self.clVars).outdated_kernel = outdated_kernel self._startEmerging(emerge) finally: if emerge: emerge.close() return True def update_task(self, task_name): """ Декоратор для добавления меток запуска и останова задачи """ def decor(f): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): logger = EmergeLog(EmergeLogNamedTask(task_name)) logger.mark_begin_task() ret = f(*args, **kwargs) if ret: logger.mark_end_task() return ret return wrapper return decor def migrateCacheRepository(self, url, branch, storage): """ Перенести репозиторий из кэша в локальный """ rep = storage.get_repository(url, branch) if rep: rep.storage = storage.storages[0] self.clVars.Invalidate('cl_update_profile_storage') return True def reconfigureProfileVars(self, profile_dv, chroot): """ Синхронизировать репозитории Настройка переменных для выполнения синхронизации репозиториев """ dv = self.clVars try: if not profile_dv: raise UpdateError( _("Failed to use the new profile. Try again.")) for var_name in ('cl_update_rep_path', 'cl_update_rep_url', 'cl_update_rep_name', 'cl_update_branch', 'cl_update_binhost_list', 'cl_update_binhost_unstable_list', 'cl_update_binhost_stable_set', 'cl_update_binhost_stable_opt_set', 'cl_update_branch_name', 'cl_profile_system', 'cl_update_rep'): dv.Set(var_name, profile_dv.Get(var_name), force=True) dv.Set('cl_chroot_path', chroot, force=True) except DataVarsError as e: error = UpdateError(_("Wrong profile")) error.addon = e raise error return True def setProfile(self, profile_shortname): profile = self.clVars.Select('cl_update_profile_path', where='cl_update_profile_shortname', eq=profile_shortname, limit=1) if not profile: raise UpdateError(_("Failed to determine profile %s") % self.clVars.Get('cl_update_profile_system')) profile_path = path.relpath(profile, '/etc/portage') try: profile_file = '/etc/portage/make.profile' if not path.exists( path.join(path.dirname(profile_file), profile_path)): raise UpdateError( _("Failed to set the profile: %s") % _("Profile not found")) for rm_fn in filter(path.lexists, ('/etc/make.profile', '/etc/portage/make.profile')): os.unlink(rm_fn) os.symlink(profile_path, profile_file) except (OSError, IOError) as e: raise UpdateError(_("Failed to set the profile: %s") % str(e)) return True def applyProfileTemplates(self, useClt=None, cltFilter=False, useDispatch=True, action="merge"): """ Наложить шаблоны из профиля """ from calculate.lib.cl_template import TemplatesError, ProgressTemplate dv = DataVarsUpdate() try: dv.importUpdate() dv.flIniFile() dv.Set('cl_action', action, force=True) try: dv.Set('cl_templates_locate', self.clVars.Get('cl_update_templates_locate')) except VariableError: self.printERROR(_("Failed to apply profiles templates")) return True dv.Set("cl_chroot_path", '/', True) dv.Set("cl_root_path", '/', True) for copyvar in ("cl_dispatch_conf", "cl_verbose_set", "update.cl_update_world"): dv.Set(copyvar, self.clVars.Get(copyvar), True) # определение каталогов содержащих шаблоны useClt = useClt in ("on", True) self.addProgress() nullProgress = lambda *args, **kw: None dispatch = self.dispatchConf if useDispatch else None clTempl = ProgressTemplate(nullProgress, dv, cltObj=useClt, cltFilter=cltFilter, printSUCCESS=self.printSUCCESS, printWARNING=self.printWARNING, askConfirm=self.askConfirm, dispatchConf=dispatch, printERROR=self.printERROR) try: clTempl.applyTemplates() if clTempl.hasError(): if clTempl.getError(): raise TemplatesError(clTempl.getError()) finally: if clTempl: if clTempl.cltObj: clTempl.cltObj.closeFiles() clTempl.closeFiles() finally: dv.close() return True def cleanpkg(self): """ Очистить PKGDIR и DISTFILES в текущей системе """ portdirs = ([self.clVars.Get('cl_portdir')] + self.clVars.Get('cl_portdir_overlay')) pkgfiles = get_packages_files_directory(*portdirs) distdirfiles = get_manifest_files_directory(*portdirs) distdir = self.clVars.Get('install.cl_distfiles_path') pkgdir = self.clVars.Get('cl_pkgdir') logger = log("update_cleanpkg.log", filename="/var/log/calculate/update_cleanpkg.log", formatter="%(asctime)s - %(clean)s - %(message)s") return self._cleanpkg( distdir, pkgdir, distdirfiles, pkgfiles, logger) def _update_binhost_packages(self): os.system('/usr/sbin/emaint binhost -f &>/dev/null') def _cleanpkg(self, distdir, pkgdir, distdirfiles, pkgfiles, logger): """ Общий алгоритм очистки distfiles и pkgdir от устаревших пакетов """ skip_files = ["/metadata.dtd", "/Packages"] try: if self.clVars.Get('client.os_remote_auth'): skip_files += ['portage_lockfile'] except DataVarsError: pass for cleantype, filelist in ( ("packages", get_remove_list(pkgdir, list(pkgfiles), depth=4)), ("distfiles", get_remove_list(distdir, list(distdirfiles), depth=1))): removelist = [] for fn in filelist: try: if not any(fn.endswith(x) for x in skip_files): os.unlink(fn) removelist.append(path.basename(fn)) except OSError: pass removelist_str = ",".join(removelist) if removelist_str: logger.info(removelist_str, extra={'clean': cleantype}) if cleantype == "packages": try: self._update_binhost_packages() for dn in listDirectory(pkgdir, fullPath=True): if path.isdir(dn) and not listDirectory(dn): os.rmdir(dn) except OSError: pass return True def updateSetupCache(self): cache = SetupCache(self.clVars) cache.update(force=True) return True def get_bin_cache_filename(self): return pathJoin(self.clVars.Get('cl_chroot_path'), LayeredIni.IniPath.Grp) def update_local_info_binhost(self, write_binhost=True): """ Проверить, что доступен хотя бы один из binhost'ов :return: """ hosts = self.clVars.Get("update.cl_update_binhost_host") datas = self.clVars.Get("update.cl_update_binhost_revisions") if not hosts: self.delete_binhost() raise UpdateError(_("Failed to find the server with " "appropriate updates")) else: with writeFile(self.get_bin_cache_filename()) as f: f.write(datas[0].strip()+"\n") if write_binhost: if hosts[0] != self.clVars.Get('update.cl_update_binhost'): self.refresh_binhost = True self.clVars.Set('cl_update_package_cache_set', 'on') self.clVars.Write('cl_update_binhost', hosts[0], location="system") new_ts = self.clVars.Get("update.cl_update_binhost_timestamp") if new_ts: new_ts = new_ts[0] if new_ts.isdigit(): ini = SystemIni(self.clVars) ini.setVar('system', {'last_update': new_ts}) if self.is_update_action(self.clVars.Get("cl_action")): value = self.clVars.GetBool('update.cl_update_binhost_stable_set') new_value = self.clVars.GetBool('update.cl_update_binhost_stable_opt_set') if value != new_value: self.clVars.Write( 'cl_update_binhost_stable_set', self.clVars.Get('update.cl_update_binhost_stable_opt_set'), location="system") return True def is_update_action(self, action): return action == 'sync' def save_with_bdeps(self): oldval = self.clVars.Get('cl_update_with_bdeps_set') newval = self.clVars.Get('cl_update_with_bdeps_opt_set') if oldval != newval: self.clVars.Write('cl_update_with_bdeps_set', newval, location="system") self.clVars.Set('cl_update_force_depclean_set', 'on') return True def message_binhost_changed(self): if self.refresh_binhost: self.printWARNING(_("Update server was changed to %s") % self.clVars.Get('cl_update_binhost')) else: self.printSUCCESS(_("Update server %s") % self.clVars.Get('cl_update_binhost')) return True def delete_binhost(self): self.clVars.Delete('cl_update_binhost', location="system") try: bin_cache_fn = self.get_bin_cache_filename() if path.exists(bin_cache_fn): os.unlink(bin_cache_fn) except OSError: raise UpdateError( _("Failed to remove cached ini.env of binary repository")) try: for varname in ('update.cl_update_package_cache', 'update.cl_update_package_cache_sign'): fn = self.clVars.Get(varname) if path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) except OSError: raise UpdateError( _("Failed to remove cached Package index")) # удалить binhost binhost_fn = self.inchroot( self.clVars.Get("update.cl_update_portage_binhost_path")) if path.exists(binhost_fn): os.unlink(binhost_fn) return True def update_binhost_list(self, dv=None): """ Обновить список binhost'ов после обновления до master веток :return: """ changes = False try: if dv is None: dv = DataVarsUpdate() dv.importUpdate() dv.flIniFile() for varname in ('update.cl_update_binhost_list', 'update.cl_update_binhost_unstable_list', 'update.cl_update_binhost_timestamp_path', 'update.cl_update_binhost_revision_path'): new_value = dv.Get(varname) old_value = self.clVars.Get(varname) if new_value != old_value: changes = True self.clVars.Set(varname, new_value, force=True) except DataVarsError as e: raise UpdateError(_("Failed to get values for binhost search")) if not changes: return False self.create_binhost_data() return True def drop_binhosts(self, dv): """ Обновление до master веток """ branch = dv.Get('update.cl_update_branch') revs = [ branch for x in dv.Get('update.cl_update_rep_name') ] dv.Set('update.cl_update_branch_name', revs) dv.Invalidate('update.cl_update_rep_rev') return True def inchroot(self, fn): return pathJoin(self.clVars.Get("cl_chroot_path"), fn) def prepare_gpg(self): """ Получить объект для проверки подписи, либо получить заглушку """ gpg_force = self.clVars.Get('cl_update_gpg_force') gpg_keys = [self.inchroot(x) for x in self.clVars.Get('cl_update_gpg_keys')] if gpg_force == "skip": return True gpgtmpdir = "/var/calculate/tmp/update" if not path.exists(gpgtmpdir): makeDirectory(gpgtmpdir) gpg = GPG(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=gpgtmpdir, prefix="gpg-")) for keyfn in gpg_keys: if path.exists(keyfn): try: key = readFile(keyfn) gpg.import_key(key) except GPGError as e: self.printWARNING(_("Failed to load public keys from '%s' " "for signature checking") % keyfn) if not gpg.count_public(): if gpg_force == "force": raise UpdateError(_("Public keys for Packages signature checking not found")) else: return True self.clVars.Set('update.cl_update_gpg', gpg, force=True) return True def download_packages(self, url_binhost, packages_fn, packages_sign_fn, gpg): quite_unlink(packages_fn) orig_packages = Binhosts.fetch_packages(url_binhost) try: with writeFile(packages_fn) as f: pi = PackagesIndex(orig_packages) pi["TTL"] = str(30 * DAYS) pi["DOWNLOAD_TIMESTAMP"] = str(int(time.time())) pi.write(f) with writeFile("/tmp/Packages.org") as f: f.write(orig_packages) except (OSError, IOError): raise UpdateError(_("Failed to save Packages")) self.endTask(True) self.startTask(_("Check packages index signature")) if not gpg: self.endTask("skip") self.clVars.Set('cl_update_package_cache_set', Variable.Off, force=True) return True try: Binhosts.check_packages_signature( url_binhost, orig_packages, gpg) with writeFile(packages_sign_fn) as f: f.write(Binhosts.fetch_packages_sign(url_binhost)) except BinhostSignError: for fn in (packages_fn, packages_sign_fn): if path.exists(fn): try: os.unlink(fn) except OSError: pass self.clVars.Set("update.cl_update_bad_sign_set", Variable.On) self.clVars.Set('update.cl_update_binhost_recheck_set', Variable.On) self.clVars.Set('cl_update_package_cache_set', Variable.Off, force=True) raise return True class Reason(object): Success = 0 BadSign = 1 Outdated = 2 Skip = 3 Updating = 4 WrongBinhost = 5 BadEnv = 6 EnvNotFound = 7 SkipSlower = 8 UnknownError = 9 @staticmethod def humanReadable(reason): return { Update.Reason.WrongBinhost: "FAILED (Wrong binhost)", Update.Reason.Outdated: "OUTDATED", Update.Reason.Updating: "UPDATING", Update.Reason.BadEnv: "FAILED (Bad env)", Update.Reason.EnvNotFound: "FAILED (Env not found)", Update.Reason.UnknownError: "FAILED (Unknown error)", Update.Reason.BadSign: "FAILED (Bad sign)", Update.Reason.Skip: "SKIP", Update.Reason.SkipSlower: "", Update.Reason.Success: "" }.get(reason,reason) def _get_binhost_logger(self): return log("binhost-scan.log", filename=pathJoin( self.clVars.Get('cl_chroot_path'), "/var/log/calculate/binhost-scan.log"), formatter="%(message)s") def get_arch_machine(self): return self.clVars.Get('os_arch_machine') @variable_module("update") def create_binhost_data(self): dv = self.clVars last_ts = dv.Get('cl_update_last_timestamp') if dv.GetBool('cl_update_binhost_stable_opt_set'): binhost_list = dv.Get('cl_update_binhost_list') else: binhost_list = dv.Get('cl_update_binhost_unstable_list') self.binhosts_data = Binhosts( # значение малозначимо, поэтому берётся из собирающей системы dv.GetInteger('cl_update_binhost_timeout'), dv.Get('cl_update_binhost_revision_path'), dv.Get('cl_update_binhost_timestamp_path'), last_ts, binhost_list, self.get_arch_machine(), gpg=dv.Get('update.cl_update_gpg')) return True @variable_module("update") def _search_best_binhost(self, binhosts_data, stabilization): if not self.clVars.Get('cl_ebuild_phase'): logger = self._get_binhost_logger() if logger: logger.info( "Started scan on: {date}, current timestamp: {ts}".format( date=time.ctime(), ts=binhosts_data.last_ts)) retval = [] skip_check_status = False actual_reason = self.Reason.UnknownError for binhost in sorted(binhosts_data.get_binhosts(), reverse=True): host = binhost.host if not binhost.valid: reason = self.Reason.WrongBinhost elif binhost.outdated: reason = self.Reason.Outdated elif not skip_check_status: status = binhost.status if status is not binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.Success: errors = { binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.Updating: self.Reason.Updating, binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.BadEnv: self.Reason.BadEnv, binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.EnvNotFound: self.Reason.EnvNotFound } reason = errors.get(status, self.Reason.UnknownError) elif binhost.bad_sign: reason = self.Reason.BadSign else: # SUCCESS if not binhost.downgraded or stabilization: host = "-> %s" % host reason = self.Reason.Success else: reason = self.Reason.Skip elif binhost.downgraded: reason = self.Reason.Skip else: reason = self.Reason.SkipSlower if reason == self.Reason.Success: retval.append([binhost.host, binhost.data, str(binhost.timestamp), str(binhost.duration)]) skip_check_status = True if reason < actual_reason: actual_reason = reason logger.info("{host:<60} {speed:<7} {timestamp:<10} {reason}".format( host=host, speed=float(binhost.duration) / 1000.0, timestamp=binhost.timestamp, reason=Update.Reason.humanReadable(reason))) if not retval: if actual_reason is self.Reason.BadSign: raise UpdateError(_("Failed to find the reliable server with appropriate updates")) elif actual_reason in (self.Reason.Outdated, self.Reason.Skip, self.Reason.Updating): raise UpdateError(_("Failed to find the server with appropriate updates")) else: raise UpdateError(_("Failed to find the working server with updates")) return retval def check_current_binhost(self, binhost_url): """ Проверка текущего сервера обновлений на валидность """ if not binhost_url in self.binhosts_data.binhost_list: raise UpdateError(_("Current binhost is absent in list of update servers")) binhost = self.binhosts_data.get_binhost(binhost_url) if binhost.valid and not binhost.outdated and not binhost.downgraded: if binhost.status == self.binhosts_data.BinhostStatus.Success: self.clVars.Set('update.cl_update_binhost_data', [[binhost.host, binhost.data, str(binhost.timestamp), str(binhost.duration)]], force=True) self.endTask() else: if not binhost.valid: raise UpdateError( _("Current binhost {} is not valid").format(binhost_url)) elif binhost.outdated: raise UpdateError( _("Current binhost {} is outdated").format(binhost_url)) elif binhost.downgraded: raise UpdateError( _("Current binhost {} was downgraded").format(binhost_url)) if self.binhosts_data.gpg: packages_fn = self.clVars.Get('update.cl_update_package_cache') packages_sign_fn = self.clVars.Get('update.cl_update_package_cache_sign') if path.exists(packages_fn) and path.exists(packages_sign_fn): packages_sign = readFile(packages_sign_fn) pi = PackagesIndex(readFile(packages_fn)) pi.clean() try: Binhosts.check_packages_signature( None, pi.get_value(), self.binhosts_data.gpg, sign=packages_sign) return True except BinhostSignError: for fn in (packages_fn, packages_sign_fn): if path.exists(fn): try: os.unlink(fn) except OSError: pass if binhost.bad_sign: raise UpdateError( _("Current binhost {} has wrong signature").format( binhost_url)) return True @variable_module("update") def detect_best_binhost(self): # выполняется переход с серверов unstable обновлней на stable # в этом случае не важно, что бинари могут старее текущих if (self.clVars.GetBool('cl_update_binhost_stable_opt_set') and not self.clVars.GetBool('cl_update_binhost_stable_set')): stabilization = True else: stabilization = False self.startTask("Searching new binhost") retval = self._search_best_binhost(self.binhosts_data, stabilization) self.clVars.Set('update.cl_update_binhost_data', retval or Variable.EmptyTable, force=True) self.endTask() return True def update_layman(self, chroot_path): """ Обновить базу layman :param builder_path: :return: """ cmd = "/usr/bin/layman" cmd_path = self.get_prog_path(cmd) if not cmd_path: raise UpdateError(_("Failed to find the %s command") % cmd) layman = CommandExecutor(cmd_path, ["-f"], logfile=logfile) layman.execute() return layman.success()