#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2010-2013 Calculate Ltd. http://www.calculate-linux.org # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys from calculate.core.server.func import Action, Tasks from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate, getLazyLocalTranslate from calculate.lib.utils.files import FilesError from calculate.update.update import UpdateError from calculate.lib.utils.portage import GitError setLocalTranslate('cl_update3', sys.modules[__name__]) __ = getLazyLocalTranslate(_) class ClUpdateProfileAction(Action): """ Действие обновление конфигурационных файлов """ # ошибки, которые отображаются без подробностей native_error = (FilesError, UpdateError, GitError) successMessage = __("The profile was successfully updated") failedMessage = __("Failed to update the profile") interruptMessage = __("Profile update manually interrupted") # список задач для дейсвия tasks = [ {'name': 'migrate_repository', 'method': 'Update.migrateCacheRepository(' 'cl_update_profile_rep,cl_update_profile_branch)', 'message': __("Repository transfer"), 'condition': lambda Get: not ( Get('cl_update_profile_storage').is_local( Get('cl_update_profile_rep'), Get('cl_update_profile_branch'))) }, {'name': 'reconfigure_vars', 'method': 'Update.reconfigureProfileVars()' }, {'name': 'reps_synchronization', 'group': __("Repositories synchronization"), 'tasks': [ {'name': 'sync_reps', 'foreach': 'cl_update_profile_sync_rep', 'message': __("Syncing the {eachvar:capitalize} repository"), 'method': 'Update.syncRepositories(eachvar)', #'condition': lambda Get: Get('cl_update_profile_sync_rep') }, {'name': 'sync_reps:regen_cache', 'foreach': 'cl_update_sync_overlay_rep', 'message': __("Updating the {eachvar:capitalize} repository cache"), 'essential': False, 'method': 'Update.regenCache(eachvar)', 'condition': ( lambda Get: (Get('cl_update_outdate_set') == 'on' and Get('cl_update_metadata_force') != 'skip' or Get('cl_update_metadata_force') == 'force')) }, {'name': 'emerge_metadata', 'message': __("Metadata transfer"), 'method': 'Update.emergeMetadata()', 'condition': ( lambda Get: (Get('cl_update_outdate_set') == 'on' and Get('cl_update_metadata_force') != 'skip' or Get('cl_update_metadata_force') == 'force')) }, {'name': 'eix_update', 'message': __("Updating the eix cache"), 'method': 'Update.eixUpdate()', 'condition': ( lambda Get: (Get('cl_update_outdate_set') == 'on' and Get('cl_update_eixupdate_force') != 'skip' or Get('cl_update_eixupdate_force') == 'force')) }, # сообщение удачного завершения при обновлении репозиториев {'name': 'success_syncrep', 'message': __("Synchronization finished"), 'depend': (Tasks.success() & Tasks.has_any("sync_reps", "sync_other_reps", "emerge_metadata", "eix_update")), } ] }, {'name': 'reps_synchronization', 'group': __("Setting up the profile"), 'tasks': [ {'name': 'set_profile', 'message': __("Switching to profile {cl_update_profile_system}"), 'method': 'Update.setProfile()' }, {'name': 'revision', 'message': __("Fixing the settings"), 'method': 'Update.applyTemplates(install.cl_source,' 'cl_template_clt_set,True,None,False)', 'condition': lambda Get: Get('cl_templates_locate') }, {'name': 'reconfigure', 'message': __("The system is being configured"), 'method': 'Update.applyProfileTemplates(cl_template_clt_set,True,False)', 'condition': lambda Get: (Get('cl_update_templates_locate') and Get('cl_update_skip_setup_set') == 'off') }, {'name': 'dispatch_conf', 'message': __("Updating configuration files"), 'method':'Update.dispatchConf()', 'condition': lambda Get: Get('cl_dispatch_conf') != 'skip' }, ] } ]