# This is a calculate template file, created for test. # All comments in this file are ignored during the template merging. # # Let's delete directive from Anonymous block. !DenyAll # To add some new directives in Anonymous block. !MaxClients DenyAll IgnoreHidden on AllowAll IgnoreHidden on # Let's try to change the value of AllowOverwrite directive in Directory context. AllowOverwrite off # We can add deleted directive again. DenyAll LangDefault it_IT # Now, we are going to add new Anonymous block. User guest Group empty AnonRequirePassword on AllowAll # We want to deny write access from all except trusted host. Order allow,deny Allow from 10.0.0. Deny from all # We can delete parameters using action marks for groups of directives. DisplayLogin welcome.msg # We can write only directive key without any parameters to delete them. # For this operation action mark is always needed. !DisplayFirstChdir IgnoreHidden on UseEncoding utf8 cp1251