You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

203 lines
4.7 KiB

from typing import Any, List, Dict, Optional, Literal, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, HttpUrl
# from utils import ResponseStructure
# from pprint import pprint
# import json
# from fastapi import HTTPException, status
class NotTemplatedLinkData(BaseModel):
href: HttpUrl = "URI"
class Config:
extra = "forbid"
class TemplatedLinkData(NotTemplatedLinkData):
templated: bool = False
LinkData = Union[NotTemplatedLinkData, TemplatedLinkData]
# GET /
class ServerInfo(BaseModel):
name: str = "Server name"
version: str = "Server version"
class GetRootResponse(BaseModel):
data: ServerInfo
links: Dict[str, LinkData] = Field(..., alias="_links",
description="Links to resources")
# GET /commands/{CID}/parameters
class ParameterInfo(BaseModel):
id: str
default: Any
class ParametersGroup(BaseModel):
group_id: str
parameters: List[ParameterInfo]
class GetCommandParametersResponse(BaseModel):
data: List[ParametersGroup]
links: Dict[str, LinkData] = Field(..., alias="_links")
# GET /commands/{CID}
class CommandData(BaseModel):
id: str
title: str
category: str
command: str
class CommandInfo(BaseModel):
data: CommandData
links: Dict[str, LinkData] = Field(..., alias="_links")
class FoundCommandInfo(CommandInfo):
embedded: Dict[str,
GetCommandParametersResponse] = Field(...,
# GET /commands/
class GetCommandsResponse(BaseModel):
__root__: Dict[str, CommandInfo]
# class Config:
# @staticmethod
# def schema_extra(schema, model):
# example = {}
# for num in range(2):
# resp = ResponseStructure()
# resp.add_data(id=f"command_{num}",
# command=f"cl-command-{num}",
# title=f"Command {num}",
# category="cool-category"
# )
# resp.add_link("parameters",
# f"/commands/command_{num}/parameters")
# resp.add_link("configure", f"/configs/command_{num}")
# example[f"command_{num}"] = resp.get_dict()
# schema["example"] = example
# POST /configs/{command}
class CreateConfigResponse(BaseModel):
links: Dict[str, LinkData] = Field(..., alias="_links")
# PATCH /configs/{WID}/parameters
class ParameterValue(BaseModel):
id: str
value: Any
class ModifyConfigRequest(BaseModel):
__root__: List[ParameterValue]
class ModifyConfigCorrectResponse(BaseModel):
links: Dict[str, LinkData] = Field(..., alias="_links")
class Config:
extra = "forbid"
class ModifyConfigUncorrectResponse(ModifyConfigCorrectResponse):
data: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
links: Dict[str, LinkData] = Field(..., alias="_links")
ModifyConfigResponse = Union[ModifyConfigCorrectResponse,
# PUT /configs/{WID}/parameters
class ResetConfigRequest(BaseModel):
__root__: List[ParameterValue]
class ResetConfigResponse(BaseModel):
data: Optional[Dict[str, str]]
links: Dict[str, LinkData] = Field(..., alias="_links")
# POST /executions/{WID}
class CreateExecutionResponse(BaseModel):
links: Dict[str, LinkData] = Field(..., alias="_links")
# DELETE /executions/{WID}
class OutputData(BaseModel):
type: Literal["output"]
logging: Union[int, None]
text: str
source: str
class OutputMessage(BaseModel):
data: OutputData
class StopExecutionsResponse(BaseModel):
__root__: List[OutputMessage]
# DELETE /configs/{WID}
class StopConfigResponse(BaseModel):
__root__: List[OutputMessage]
# GET /executions/{WID}/output
class InputRequestData(BaseModel):
type: Literal["input"]
text: str
source: str
class InputMessage(BaseModel):
data: InputRequestData
links: Dict[str, LinkData] = Field(..., alias="_links")
class GetExecutionOutputResponse(BaseModel):
__root__: List[Union[OutputMessage, InputMessage]]
# PATCH /executions/{WID}/input
class WriteToExecutionRequest(BaseModel):
data: Any
# GET /workers/
class WorkerData(BaseModel):
socket: str
command: str
pid: int
class WorkerInfo(BaseModel):
data: WorkerData
links: Dict[str, LinkData] = Field(..., alias="_links")
class GetWorkersResponse(BaseModel):
__root__: Dict[int, WorkerInfo]
# DELETE /workers/{WID}
# Сообщения протокола взаимодействия сервера и воркеров.
class WorkerMessageBase(BaseModel):
state: str
status: int