您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
idziubenko 41f35d0502
updated deprecated features
2 年前
templates Improved rendering of the some formats. Shebang processing is fixed #39 3 年前
__init__.py Added formats 4 年前
backgrounds_format.py Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 年前
base_format.py Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 年前
bind_format.py updated deprecated features 2 年前
compiz_format.py Added format 'world'. 3 年前
contents_format.py Added format 'world'. 3 年前
dconf_format.py Added 'dconf' format. 3 年前
dovecot_format.py Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 年前
json_format.py Added format 'world'. 3 年前
kde_format.py Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 年前
kernel_format.py Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 年前
ldap_format.py updated deprecated features 2 年前
openrc_format.py Added format 'world'. 3 年前
patch_format.py Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 年前
postfix_format.py Added format 'world'. 3 年前
procmail_format.py Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 年前
proftpd_format.py Added format 'world'. 3 年前
raw_format.py Added format 'world'. 3 年前
regex_format.py Added format 'world'. 3 年前
samba_format.py Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 年前
sqlite_format.py Added authentification using access tokens. 3 年前
world_format.py Added format 'world'. 3 年前
xml_gconf_format.py Added format 'world'. 3 年前
xml_xfce_format.py Added format 'world'. 3 年前