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import pytest
import time
import os
from calculate.templates.template_processor import DirectoryProcessor
from calculate.templates.template_engine import Variables
# Вместо модуля переменных.
group = Variables({'bool': True,
'list': [1, 2, 3]})
variables = Variables({'variable_1': 'value_1',
'variable_2': 'value_2',
'group': group})
install = Variables({'os_disk_dev': 'os_disk_dev_value',
'version': 1.5,
'number': 128,
'boolean': False,
'type': 'static',
'path': '/usr/sbin'})
merge = Variables({'var_1': 674,
'var_2': 48,
'version': 1.0,
'calculate_domains': '',
'ip_value': ''})
main = Variables({'cl_template_path':
'cl_chroot_path': '/'})
test = Variables({'test_root': os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
datavars = Variables({'install': install,
'merge': merge,
'variables': variables,
'main': main,
'test': test,
'custom': Variables()})
class TestDirectoryProcessor:
def test_just_for_debug(self):
# start_time = time.time()
# try:
dir_processor = DirectoryProcessor(
# except Exception as error:
#'Unexpected exception: {}'.format(str(error)))
# print('time: {}'.format(time.time() - start_time))
assert False