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Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.
idziubenko 41f35d0502
updated deprecated features
2 anos atrás
calculate updated deprecated features 2 anos atrás
tests Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 anos atrás
.gitignore Added authentification using access tokens. 3 anos atrás
Makefile Added formats 4 anos atrás
README.txt Added formats 4 anos atrás
client.py Added authentification using access tokens. 3 anos atrás
conftest.py Added authentification using access tokens. 3 anos atrás
pytest.ini Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 anos atrás
requirements.txt Added authentification using access tokens. 3 anos atrás
run_server.py Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 anos atrás
run_templates.py Fixed force parameter. Added new worker ipc, some pydantic response and requests schemas and server api description. 3 anos atrás
setup.py Added formats 4 anos atrás