{% calculate pkg('sys-fs/udisks:0') %} The udisks Project http://udisks.freedesktop.org/ drive-removable-media Mount a device Authentication is required to mount the device no no auth_admin_keep Mount a system-internal device Authentication is required to mount the device no no auth_admin_keep Check file system on a device Authentication is required to check the file system on the device no no yes Check file system of a system-internal device Authentication is required to check the file system on the device no no auth_admin_keep Unmount a device mounted by another user Authentication is required to unmount devices mounted by another user no no auth_admin List open files Authentication is required to list open files on a mounted file system no no auth_admin_keep List open files on a system-internal device Authentication is required to list open files on a mounted file system no no auth_admin_keep Eject media from a device Authentication is required to eject media from the device no no auth_admin_keep Detach a drive Authentication is required to detach the drive no no auth_admin_keep Modify a device Authentication is required to modify the device no no auth_admin_keep Modify a system-internal device Authentication is required to modify the device no no auth_admin_keep Refresh ATA SMART data Authentication is required to refresh ATA SMART data no no auth_admin_keep Run ATA SMART Self Tests Authentication is required to run ATA SMART self tests no no auth_admin Retrieve historical ATA SMART data Authentication is required to retrieve historical ATA SMART data no no auth_admin_keep Unlock an encrypted device Authentication is required to unlock an encrypted device no no auth_admin_keep Lock an encrypted device unlocked by another user Authentication is required to lock an encrypted device unlocked by another user no no auth_admin Configure Linux Software RAID Authentication is required to configure Linux Software RAID devices no no auth_admin_keep Configure Linux LVM2 Authentication is required to configure Linux LVM2 no no auth_admin_keep Cancel a job initiated by another user Authentication is required to cancel a job initiated by another user no no auth_admin Inhibit media detection Authentication is required to inhibit media detection no no auth_admin_keep Set drive spindown timeout Authentication is required to configure drive spindown timeout no no yes