You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

466 lines
16 KiB

diff --git core/server/ core/server/
index 3863d53..eb205c1 100644
--- core/server/
+++ core/server/
@@ -164,6 +164,97 @@ class Table(DataVarsSerializer):
self.onClick = onClick
self.addAction = addAction
+class ChoiceValueAdapter(object):
+ def __init__(self, choicevalue):
+ self.choicevalue = choicevalue
+ @property
+ def values(self):
+ return self.choicevalue.values.string
+ @property
+ def comments(self):
+ return self.choicevalue.comments.string
+ @property
+ def onChanged(self):
+ return self.choicevalue.onChanged.string
+ def __getattr__(self, item):
+ return getattr(self.choicevalue, item)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_detect(cls, choicevalue):
+ if isinstance(choicevalue, ChoiceValue):
+ return choicevalue
+ else:
+ return cls(choicevalue)
+class TableAdapter(object):
+ def __init__(self, table):
+ self.table = table
+ @property
+ def fields(self):
+ return self.table.fields.string
+ @property
+ def head(self):
+ return self.table.head.string
+ @property
+ def body(self):
+ if hasattr(self.table.body,'stringArray'):
+ return [row.string
+ for row in self.table.body.stringArray
+ if hasattr(row, "string")]
+ return []
+ @property
+ def values(self):
+ return [ChoiceValueAdapter(x) for x in self.table.values.ChoiceValue]
+ def __getattr__(self, item):
+ return getattr(self.table, item)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_detect(cls, table):
+ if isinstance(table, Table):
+ return table
+ else:
+ return cls(table)
+class FieldAdapter(object):
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ self.field = field
+ @property
+ def choice(self):
+ return self.field.choice.string
+ @property
+ def listvalue(self):
+ return self.field.listvalue.string
+ @property
+ def comments(self):
+ return self.field.comments.string
+ @property
+ def tablevalue(self):
+ return TableAdapter(self.field.tablevalue)
+ def __getattr__(self, item):
+ return getattr(self.field, item)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_detect(cls, field):
+ if isinstance(field, Field):
+ return field
+ else:
+ return cls(field)
class Option(DataVarsSerializer):
shortopt = String
longopt = String
diff --git core/server/ core/server/
index 23c5282..1318deb 100644
--- core/server/
+++ core/server/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ from calculate.lib.utils.colortext.output import BaseOutput
from calculate.lib.cl_print import color_print
from calculate.lib.datavars import VariableError
from calculate.lib.cl_lang import setLocalTranslate
+from calculate.core.server.api_types import FieldAdapter
from methods_func import get_method_argparser, collect_object, \
check_result_msg, get_param_pwd, _print
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ from func import shortTraceback, CommonMethods
setLocalTranslate('cl_core3', sys.modules[__name__])
-from itertools import cycle
+from itertools import cycle, izip, ifilter
import time
@@ -531,7 +532,7 @@ class replaceClass():
def startGroup(self, message):
_print = get_terminal_print()
- _print.foreground(TextState.Colors.WHITE).bold(message))
+ _print.foreground(TextState.Colors.WHITE)(message))
#self.addMessage(type='startGroup', message=message)
def endGroup(self):
@@ -766,159 +767,179 @@ def print_brief(view, brief_label):
-def print_brief_group(Fields, group_name):
- print_group_flag = False
- # if group_name:
- # _print ('\b'+group_name)
- uncompatible_count = 0
- colorPrint = color_print()
- _colorprint = get_terminal_print(_print)
- for field in Fields:
- if field.uncompatible:
- uncompatible_count += 1
- continue
- if field.element in ['input', 'openfile']:
- value = field.value if field.value else ''
- if not print_group_flag:
- if group_name:
- print_group_flag = True
- _colorprint.bold.foreground(
- TextState.Colors.WHITE)(group_name)
- colorPrint.printSUCCESS('%s: %s' % (field.label, value))
- elif field.element in ['combo', 'comboEdit', 'radio', 'file']:
- if field.choice:
- if not field.choice[0]:
- field.choice.pop(0)
- if field.comments:
- if not field.comments[0]:
- field.comments.pop(0)
- if field.comments and field.choice:
- if not field.value in field.choice:
- field.choice.append(field.value)
- value = map(lambda x: field.comments[x] \
- if len(field.comments) > x else field.choice[x],
- map(lambda x: field.choice.index(x),
- filter(lambda x: x in field.choice,
- [field.value])))
- value = ', '.join(value)
- else:
- value = field.value if field.value else ''
- if not print_group_flag:
- if group_name:
- print_group_flag = True
- #_print('\b' + group_name)
- _colorprint.bold.foreground(
- TextState.Colors.WHITE)(group_name)
- colorPrint.printSUCCESS('%s: %s' % (field.label, value))
- elif field.element in ['multichoice', 'multichoice_add', \
- 'selecttable', 'selecttable_add']:
- if field.choice:
- if not field.choice[0]:
- field.choice.pop(0)
- if field.comments:
- if not field.comments[0]:
- field.comments.pop(0)
- if field.listvalue:
- if not field.listvalue[0]:
- field.listvalue.pop(0)
- if field.choice:
- value = map(lambda x: field.comments[x] \
- if len(field.comments) > x \
- else field.choice[x],
- map(lambda x: field.choice.index(x), \
- field.listvalue))
+class Display(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._print = get_terminal_print(color_print().defaultPrint)
+ def print_info(self, label, value):
+ GREEN = TextState.Colors.GREEN
+ self.display_asterisk(GREEN)
+ self._print("%s: " % label)
+ WHITE = TextState.Colors.WHITE
+ self._print.foreground(WHITE)(value)
+ self._print("\n")
+ def print_label(self, label):
+ GREEN = TextState.Colors.GREEN
+ self.display_asterisk(GREEN)
+ self._print("%s: " % label)
+ self._print("\n")
+ def display_asterisk(self, color):
+ self._print(" ")
+ self._print.foreground(color).bold("*")
+ self._print(" ")
+ def print_error(self, message):
+ RED = TextState.Colors.RED
+ self.display_asterisk(RED)
+ self._print(message)
+ self._print("\n")
+ def print_table(self, data, head):
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % printTable(data, head))
+ def print_group(self, label):
+ #WHITE = TextState.Colors.WHITE
+ #self._print.foreground(WHITE).bold(label)
+ #self._print.underline(label)
+ self._print(label)
+ self._print("\n")
+class InformationElement(object):
+ def __init__(self, field, display):
+ self.value = ""
+ self.label = ""
+ self.display = display
+ @classmethod
+ def from_field(cls, field, display):
+ if field.type == 'steps':
+ return None
+ map_elements = {'input': ValueInfo,
+ 'openfile': ValueInfo,
+ 'combo': ChoiceInfo,
+ 'comboEdit': ChoiceInfo,
+ 'radio': ChoiceInfo,
+ 'file': ChoiceInfo,
+ 'multichoice': MultiChoiceInfo,
+ 'multichoice_add': MultiChoiceInfo,
+ 'selecttable': MultiChoiceInfo,
+ 'selecttable_add': MultiChoiceInfo,
+ 'error': ErrorInfo,
+ 'check': CheckInfo,
+ 'check_tristate': CheckInfo,
+ 'table': TableInfo
+ }
+ if field.element in map_elements:
+ return map_elements[field.element](field, display)
+ return None
+ def show(self):
+ self.display.print_info(self.label, self.value)
+class ValueInfo(InformationElement):
+ def __init__(self, field, display):
+ super(ValueInfo, self).__init__(field, display)
+ self.value = field.value or ''
+ self.label = field.label
+class CheckInfo(InformationElement):
+ def __init__(self, field, display):
+ super(CheckInfo, self).__init__(field, display)
+ self.label = field.label
+ map_answer = {'on':_('yes'), 'off': _("no"), 'auto': _('auto')}
+ self.value = map_answer.get(field.value, field.value)
+class ChoiceInfo(InformationElement):
+ def __init__(self, field, display):
+ super(ChoiceInfo, self).__init__(field, display)
+ self.label = field.label or ''
+ if field.choice and field.comments:
+ map_comment = dict(zip(field.choice, field.comments))
+ self.value = map_comment.get(field.value, field.value) or ''
+ else:
+ self.value = field.value if field.value else ''
+class MultiChoiceInfo(InformationElement):
+ def __init__(self, field, display):
+ super(MultiChoiceInfo, self).__init__(field, display)
+ self.label = field.label or ''
+ if field.listvalue:
+ value = field.listvalue
+ # удалить пустой первый элемент (особенности wsdl)
+ if value and not value[0]:
+ value.pop(0)
+ if field.choice and field.comments:
+ map_comment = dict(zip(field.choice, field.comments))
- value = []
- value = ', '.join(value)
- if field.listvalue and not value:
- value = ', '.join(field.listvalue)
- elif not value:
- value = field.value if field.value else ''
- if not print_group_flag:
- if group_name:
- print_group_flag = True
- #_print('\b' + group_name)
- _colorprint.bold.foreground(
- TextState.Colors.WHITE)(group_name)
- colorPrint.printSUCCESS('%s: %s' % (field.label, value))
- # elif field.element == 'label':
- # print field.label
- elif field.element == 'error':
- if not print_group_flag:
- if group_name:
- print_group_flag = True
- _colorprint.bold.foreground(
- TextState.Colors.WHITE)(group_name)
- colorPrint.printERROR(field.label)
- elif field.element in ['check', 'check_tristate']:
- if field.value == 'on':
- value = _('yes')
- elif field.value == 'off':
- value = _('no')
- elif field.value == 'auto':
- value = _('auto')
+ map_comment = {}
+ self.value = ", ".join([map_comment.get(x, x) or '' for x in value])
+ else:
+ self.value = field.value or ""
+class ErrorInfo(InformationElement):
+ def __init__(self, field, display):
+ super(ErrorInfo, self).__init__(field, display)
+ self.label = field.label
+ def show(self):
+ self.display.print_error(self.label)
+class TableInfo(InformationElement):
+ """
+ Табличная информация
+ """
+ def map_row(self, row, typedata):
+ map_answer = {'on':_('yes'), 'off': _("no"), 'auto': _('auto')}
+ for cell, typefield in izip(row, typedata):
+ if typefield in ['check', 'check_tristate']:
+ yield map_answer.get(cell, cell) or ""
+ elif "password" in typefield:
+ yield "***"
- value = field.value
- if not print_group_flag:
- if group_name:
- print_group_flag = True
- _colorprint.bold.foreground(
- TextState.Colors.WHITE)(group_name)
- colorPrint.printSUCCESS('%s: %s' % (field.label, value))
- elif field.element == 'table' and field.type != 'steps':
- head = field.tablevalue.head
- body = []
- for row in field.tablevalue.body:
- if not row[0]:
- row.pop(0)
- body.append(row)
- # if empty table
- if not filter(None, map(lambda x: x, body)):
- body = [[''] * len(head)]
- res = printTable(body, head)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stdout.write(res + "\n")
- continue
- ChoiceValue = field.tablevalue.values
- for row in xrange(len(ChoiceValue)):
- if ChoiceValue[row].typefield in ['check', 'check_tristate']:
- for i in xrange(len(body)):
- if body[i][row] == 'on':
- body[i][row] = _('yes')
- if body[i][row] == 'off':
- body[i][row] = _('no')
- if body[i][row] == 'auto':
- body[i][row] = _('auto')
- if "password" in ChoiceValue[row].typefield:
- for i in xrange(len(body)):
- if body[i][row]:
- body[i][row] = '***'
- data = []
- for body_row in body:
- data.append(map(lambda x: x if x else '', body_row))
- if not print_group_flag:
- if group_name:
- print_group_flag = True
- _colorprint.bold.foreground(
- TextState.Colors.WHITE)(group_name)
- colorPrint.printSUCCESS(field.label + ': ')
- res = printTable(data, head)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stdout.write(res + "\n")
+ yield cell or ""
+ def __init__(self, field, display):
+ super(TableInfo, self).__init__(field, display)
+ self.label = field.label
+ self.head = field.tablevalue.head
+ # удаление первого элемента строки (для wsdl)
+ body = [x[1:] if x and not x[0] else x for x in field.tablevalue.body]
+ if not filter(None, map(lambda x: x, body)):
+ self.body = None
- uncompatible_count += 1
+ type_values = [x.typefield for x in field.tablevalue.values]
+ self.body = [list(self.map_row(x, type_values)) for x in body]
+ def show(self):
+ if self.body:
+ self.display.print_label(self.label)
+ self.display.print_table(self.body, self.head)
-# if uncompatible_count == len (Fields) and group_name:
-# colorPrint.printSUCCESS(_('Not used'))
+def print_brief_group(Fields, group_name):
+ display = Display()
+ show_group = True
+ for element in ifilter(None,
+ (InformationElement.from_field(
+ FieldAdapter.from_detect(x),
+ display)
+ for x in Fields if not x.uncompatible)):
+ if show_group:
+ display.print_group(group_name)
+ show_group = False
class Table(tableReport):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -953,4 +974,3 @@ def printTable(data, header=None):
except Exception as e:
print str(e)